---------------------------- -- Create view on table planet_osm_point and refer only to the post boxes ---------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_planet_osm_point AS SELECT osm_id, gid, "addr:housenumber" AS housenumber, amenity, barrier, bicycle, brand, building, capital, disused, highway, historic, man_made, name, power, public_transport, railway, ref AS location, religion, shop, tourism, "tower:type" AS towertype, z_order, way AS geom FROM planet_osm_point WHERE amenity = 'post_box'::text #--------------------------------------------------------- class: Mapbender\CoreBundle\Component\SQLSearchEngine class_options: connection: osm_local relation: view_planet_osm_point attributes: - osm_id - amenity - brand - highway - name - location - gid geometry_attribute: geom form: location: type: text options: required: false label: location attr: data-autocomplete: on compare: ilike results: view: table count: true headers: location: Location brand: Brand callback: event: click options: buffer: 50 minScale: 500 maxScale: 2500 styleMap: default: strokeColor: '#00ff00' strokeOpacity: 1 fillOpacity: 0 select: strokeColor: '#ff0000' fillColor: '#ff0000' fillOpacity: 0.8