file; $data = $this->removeWhiteSpace($data); if($data=="") return false; return $this->parseXML($data); #$e = new mb_exception("data = ".$data); } /** * Set the Rss Elements that should go to the property tags of geoJSON * default is "title","link" and "description" */ public function setImportTags($tags){ $this->importItems = $tags; } function parseXML($data) { $this->doc = $data; return $this->toGeoJSON(); } function removeWhiteSpace ($string) { return preg_replace("/\>(\s)+\<", trim($string)); } function toGeoJSON () { $rssDoc = new SimpleXMLElement($this->doc); $rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('xls', ''); $rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('gml', ''); $rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('georss', ''); //for ingrid - portalu georss $rssDoc->registerXPathNamespace('ingrid', ''); // build feature collection $featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); // elements of rss document $rssItems = $rssDoc->xpath("//item"); if(count($rssItems)>0){ foreach($rssItems as $item){ $rssItem_dom = dom_import_simplexml($item); $feature = new geoRSSItem(); $feature->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $feature->parse($rssItem_dom, $this->importItems); if (isset($feature->geometry) && $feature->geometry!==false) { $featureCollection->addFeature($feature); } } return $featureCollection->toGeoJSON(); } else{ return "{'errorMessage':'Kein Ergebnis'}"; } } } class geoRSSItem extends Feature{ var $targetEPSG; #$this->targetEPSG='4326'; public function parse($domNode, $importItems) { $currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild; while ($currentSibling) { $tag = $currentSibling->nodeName; if(in_array($tag, $importItems)){ $this->properties[$tag] = $currentSibling->nodeValue; } else{ switch ($tag) { case "georss:where": $this->parseGML($currentSibling); break; case "georss:point": $this->geometry = new geoRSSPoint(); $this->geometry->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $this->geometry->parsePoint($currentSibling); break; case "georss:line": $this->geometry = new geoRSSLine(); $this->geometry->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $this->geometry->parseLine($currentSibling); break; case "georss:box": $this->geometry = new geoRSSBox(); $this->geometry->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $this->geometry->parseBox($currentSibling); break; case "georss:polygon": $this->geometry = new geoRSSPolygon(); $this->geometry->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $this->geometry->parsePolygon($currentSibling); break; case "geo:point": $this->geometry = new geoPoint(); $this->geometry->parsePoint($currentSibling); break; case "geo:lat": if(!$this->geometry) $this->geometry = new geoPoint(); $this->geometry->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $this->geometry->parseLat($currentSibling); break; case "geo:long": if(!$this->geometry) $this->geometry = new geoPoint(); $this->geometry->targetEPSG = $this->targetEPSG; $this->geometry->parseLong($currentSibling); break; default: break; } } $currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling; } } function parseGML($domNode){ $currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild; while ($currentSibling) { $geomType = $currentSibling->nodeName; switch ($geomType) { case "gml:Polygon" : $this->geometry = new GMLPolygon(); $this->geometry->parsePolygon($currentSibling); break; case "gml:LineString" : $this->geometry = new GMLLine(); $this->geometry->parseLine($currentSibling); break; case "gml:Point" : $this->geometry = new GMLPoint(); $this->geometry->parsePoint($currentSibling); break; case "gml:MultiLineString" : $this->geometry = new GMLMultiLine(); $this->geometry->parseMultiLine($currentSibling); break; case "gml:MultiPolygon" : $this->geometry = new GMLMultiPolygon(); $this->geometry->parseMultiPolygon($currentSibling); break; case "gml:Envelope" : $this->geometry = new GMLEnvelope(); $this->geometry->parseEnvelope($currentSibling); default: break; } $currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling; } } } class geoRSSPoint extends GMLPoint{ var $targetEPSG; public function parsePoint($domNode){ list($y, $x) = explode(" ", $domNode->nodeValue); if ($this->targetEPSG != '4326') { $tCoords = transform($x, $y,'4326', $this->targetEPSG); $x = $tCoords["x"]; $y = $tCoords["y"]; $this->setPoint($x, $y); } else { $this->setPoint($x, $y); } } } class geoPoint extends GMLPoint{ var $targetEPSG; public function parsePoint($domNode){ $currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild; while ($currentSibling) { switch ($currentSibling->nodeName){ case "geo:lat": $this->parseLat($currentSibling); break; case "geo:lon": $this->parseLon($currentSibling); break; } $currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling; } } public function parseLat($node){ if(!$this->point) $this->point=array(); if ($this->targetEPSG != '4326') { $tCoords = transform(0, $node->nodeValue,'4326', $this->targetEPSG); $this->point["y"] = $tCoords["y"]; } else { $this->point["y"] = $node->nodeValue; } } public function parseLong($node){ if(!$this->point) $this->point=array(); if ($this->targetEPSG != '4326') { $tCoords = transform($node->nodeValue, 0, '4326', $this->targetEPSG); $this->point["x"] = $tCoords["x"]; } else { $this->point["x"] = $node->nodeValue; } } } class geoRSSLine extends GMLLine{ var $targetEPSG; public function parseLine ($domNode) { $cnt = 0; $y = 0; foreach(explode(' ',$domNode->nodeValue) as $cord){ if($cnt % 2) $this->addPoint($cord, $y); $y = $cord; $cnt++; } } } class geoRSSPolygon extends GMLPolygon{ var $targetEPSG; public function parsePolygon ($georssPolygon) { if (gettype($georssPolygon) == 'object') { //polygon is given as dom node //problem when more than one whitespace are in the polygon string $betterPolygon = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$georssPolygon->nodeValue); $coordArray = explode(' ',$betterPolygon); } else { //polygon is given as string $betterPolygon = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$georssPolygon); $coordArray = explode(' ',$betterPolygon); } $countCoordPairs = count($coordArray) / 2; //Parse to double, cause -.2334 is not a valid json number ;-) for ($j=0; $j<=($countCoordPairs-1); $j++) { $this->addPoint((string)(double)$coordArray[$j*2 + 1], (string)(double)$coordArray[$j*2]); } } } class geoRSSBox extends GMLPolygon{ var $targetEPSG; public function parseBox ($domNode) { ////in georss lat/lon is given, in geojson lon lat will be used if (gettype($domNode) == 'object') { //polygon is given as dom node list($y1,$x1,$y2,$x2) = explode(' ',$domNode->nodeValue); } else { //bbox is given as string list($y1,$x1,$y2,$x2) = explode(' ',$domNode); } if ($this->targetEPSG != '4326') { $tCoords = transform($x1, $y1,'4326', $this->targetEPSG); $x1 = $tCoords["x"]; $y1 = $tCoords["y"]; $tCoords = transform($x2, $y2,'4326', $this->targetEPSG); $x2 = $tCoords["x"]; $y2 = $tCoords["y"]; } $this->addPoint($x1, $y1); $this->addPoint($x1, $y2); $this->addPoint($x2, $y2); $this->addPoint($x2, $y1); $this->addPoint($x1, $y1); } } function transform ($x, $y, $oldEPSG, $newEPSG) { if (is_null($x) || !is_numeric($x) || is_null($y) || !is_numeric($y) || is_null($oldEPSG) || !is_numeric($oldEPSG) || is_null($newEPSG) || !is_numeric($newEPSG)) { return null; } /* * @security_patch sqli done */ if(SYS_DBTYPE=='pgsql'){ $con = db_connect(DBSERVER, OWNER, PW); $sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as minx"; $resMinx = db_query($sqlMinx); $minx = floatval(db_result($resMinx,0,"minx")); $sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as miny"; $resMiny = db_query($sqlMiny); $miny = floatval(db_result($resMiny,0,"miny")); }else{ $con_string = "host=".GEOS_DBSERVER." port=".GEOS_PORT." dbname=".GEOS_DB."user=".GEOS_OWNER ."password=".GEOS_PW; $con = pg_connect($con_string) or die ("Error while connecting database"); /* * @security_patch sqli done */ $sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as minx"; $resMinx = pg_query($con,$sqlMinx); $minx = floatval(pg_fetch_result($resMinx,0,"minx")); $sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".pg_escape_string($x)." ".pg_escape_string($y).")',".pg_escape_string($oldEPSG)."),".pg_escape_string($newEPSG).")) as miny"; $resMiny = pg_query($con,$sqlMiny); $miny = floatval(pg_fetch_result($resMiny,0,"miny")); } return array("x" => $minx, "y" => $miny); } ?>