fileIdentifier = ""; $title->title = "empty iso19139 object title"; $title->abstract = "empty iso19139 object abstract"; $this->createDate = "1900-01-01"; $this->changeDate = "1900-01-01"; $this->metadata = ""; $this->datasetId = ""; $this->datasetIdCodeSpace = ""; $this->keywords = array(); $this->keywordsThesaurusName = array(); $this->isoCategoryKeys = array(); //following information is specific to mapbender information model - they are identified by id! $this->isoCategories = array(); $this->inspireCategories = array(); $this->customCategories = array(); // $this->hierachyLevel = "dataset"; $this->tmpExtentBegin = "1900-01-01"; $this->tmpExtentEnd = "1900-01-01"; $this->randomId = ""; $this->owner = 0; //dummy entry for metadata owner - in case of metadataURL entries the owner of the corresponding service $this->href = ""; $this->format = ""; $this->type = ""; $this->origin = ""; $this->refSystem = ""; $this->harvestResult = 0; $this->harvestException = ""; $this->lineage = ""; $this->inspireTopConsistence = "f"; $this->spatialResType = ""; $this->spatialResValue = ""; $this->export2Csw = "t"; $this->updateFrequency = ""; $this->dataFormat = ""; $this->inspireCharset = ""; $this->linkAlreadyInDB = false; $this->fileIdentifierAlreadyInDB = false; } public function removeGetRecordTag ($xml) { $regex = "##"; $xml = preg_replace($regex,"",$xml); $regex = "##"; $xml = preg_replace($regex,"",$xml); return $xml; } public function createMapbenderMetadataFromXML($xml){ $this->metadata = $xml; $this->metadata = $this->removeGetRecordTag($this->metadata); //$e = new mb_exception($this->metadata); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $iso19139Xml = simplexml_load_string($this->metadata); if ($iso19139Xml === false) { foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$error->message); } throw new Exception("class_Iso19139:".'Cannot parse Metadata XML!'); return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$e->getMessage()); return false; } //if parsing was successful if ($iso19139Xml !== false) { //built hashes for category mapping $topicCatHash = array(); $sql = "SELECT md_topic_category_id, md_topic_category_code_en FROM md_topic_category"; $res = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $topicCatHash[$row['md_topic_category_code_en']] = (integer)$row['md_topic_category_id']; //$e = new mb_exception("topicCatHash: ".$row['md_topic_category_code_en'] ." : ". $topicCatHash[$row['md_topic_category_code_en']] ); } //inspire $inspireCatHash = array(); $sql = "SELECT inspire_category_id, inspire_category_code_en FROM inspire_category"; $res = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $inspireCatHash[$row['inspire_category_code_en']] = (integer)$row['inspire_category_id']; //$e = new mb_exception("inspireCatHash: ".$row['inspire_category_code_en'] ." : ". $row['inspire_category_id'] ); } //custom //keywords - as text i custom category - special keywords of geoportal instance defined as keys! $customCatHash = array(); $sql = "SELECT custom_category_id, custom_category_key FROM custom_category"; $res = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $customCatHash[$row['custom_category_key']] = (integer)$row['custom_category_id']; //$e = new mb_exception("customCatHash: ".$row['custom_category_key'] ." : ". $row['custom_category_id'] ); } //add namespaces to xml if not given - how? - it is to late now - maybe they were given in the csw tag! $e = new mb_exception("Parsing of xml metadata file was successfull"); $this->fileIdentifier = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString'); $this->fileIdentifier = $this->fileIdentifier[0]; $this->createDate = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:dateStamp/gco:Date'); $this->createDate = $this->createDate[0]; $this->changeDate = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:dateStamp/gco:Date'); $this->changeDate = $this->changeDate[0]; //TODO: check if this is set, maybe DateTime must be searched instead? $this->title = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString'); $this->title = $this->title[0]; //dataset identifier - howto model into md_metadata? //check where datasetid is defined - maybe as RS_Identifier or as MD_Identifier see page 18 //First check if MD_Identifier is set, then check if RS_Identifier is used! //Initialize datasetid $this->datasetId = 'undefined'; $code = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString'); if (isset($code[0]) && $code[0] != '') { $this->datasetId = $code[0]; $this->datasetIdCodeSpace = ""; } else { //try to read code from RS_Identifier $code = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:identifier/gmd:RS_Identifier/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString'); $codeSpace = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:identifier/gmd:RS_Identifier/gmd:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString'); if (isset($codeSpace[0]) && isset($code[0]) && $codeSpace[0] != '' && $code[0] != '') { $this->datasetId = $code[0]; $this->datasetIdCodeSpace = $codeSpace[0]; } else { //neither MD_Identifier nor RS_Identifier are defined in a right way $e = new mb_notice("class_iso19139.php: No datasetId found in metadata record!"); } } //abstract $this->abstract = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:abstract/gco:CharacterString'); $this->abstract = $this->abstract[0]; $this->keywords = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:keyword/gco:CharacterString'); //get thesaurus name only for found keywords! $iKeyword = 0; foreach ($this->keywords as $keyword) { $thesaurusName = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:descriptiveKeywords[gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:keyword/gco:CharacterString="'.$keyword.'"]/gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:thesaurusName/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title/gco:CharacterString'); $this->keywordsThesaurusName[$iKeyword] = $thesaurusName[0]; //check if keyword is inspire thematic key and add it into mapbenders inspire category if (is_int($inspireCatHash[trim($keyword)])) { $this->inspireCategories[] = $inspireCatHash[trim($keyword)]; } //check if keyword is a key in mapbenders custom keywords and add it to mapbenders custom categories if (is_int($customCatHash[trim($keyword)])) { $this->customCategories[] = $customCatHash[trim($keyword)]; } unset($thesaurusName); $iKeyword++; } $iKeyword = 0; $this->isoCategoryKeys = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:topicCategory/gmd:MD_TopicCategoryCode'); //create mapbenders internal category objects //first for topic categories foreach ($this->isoCategoryKeys as $isoKey) { $e = new mb_exception("class_iso19139.php: look for iso key: ".$isoKey); //test if key is found in hash $e = new mb_exception("class_iso19139.php: found: ".$topicCatHash[trim($isoKey)]); if (is_int($topicCatHash[trim($isoKey)])) { $e = new mb_exception("class_iso19139.php: isoCategories entry added: ".$topicCatHash[trim($isoKey)]); $this->isoCategories[] = $topicCatHash[trim($isoKey)]; } } //debug output: foreach ($this->isoCategories as $category) { $e = new mb_exception("class_iso19139.php: isocat: ".$category); } foreach ($this->inspireCategories as $category) { $e = new mb_exception("class_iso19139.php: inspirecat: ".$category); } foreach ($this->customCategories as $category) { $e = new mb_exception("class_iso19139.php: customcat: ".$category); } $this->hierachyLevel = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:hierarchyLevel/gmd:MD_ScopeCode'); $this->hierachyLevel = $this->hierachyLevel[0]; $this->tmpExtentBegin = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:temporalElement/gmd:EX_TemporalExtent/gmd:extent/gml:TimePeriod/gml:beginPosition'); $this->tmpExtentBegin = $this->tmpExtentBegin[0]; $this->tmpExtentEnd = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:temporalElement/gmd:EX_TemporalExtent/gmd:extent/gml:TimePeriod/gml:endPosition'); $this->tmpExtentEnd = $this->tmpExtentEnd[0]; //spatial_res_type //spatial_res_value //ref_system $this->refSystem = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:referenceSystemInfo/gmd:MD_ReferenceSystem/gmd:referenceSystemIdentifier/gmd:RS_Identifier/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString'); $this->refSystem = $this->refSystem[0]; //parse codes to get EPSG:XXXXX TODO use other function to support other codes //get last part of string separated by the colon symbol $this->refSystem = explode(':',$this->refSystem); $this->refSystem = "EPSG:".$this->refSystem[count($this->refSystem)-1]; //debug output of keywords: /*$iKeyword = 0; foreach($this->keywords as $keyword) { $e = new mb_exception("Keyword: ".$keyword." - Thesaurus: ".$this->keywordsThesaurusName[$iKeyword]); $iKeyword++; } $iKeyword = 0;*/ //format //lineage $this->lineage = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:dataQualityInfo/gmd:DQ_DataQuality/gmd:lineage/gmd:LI_Lineage/gmd:statement/gco:CharacterString'); $this->lineage = $this->lineage[0]; //inspire_charset //inspire_top_consistence //responsible_party //fees //"constraints" //fill database with elements: return $this; } else { return false; } } public function createFromUrl($url){ $this->href = $url; if ($this->isLinkAlreadyInDB() == false) { $this->linkAlreadyInDB = false; } else { $this->linkAlreadyInDB = true; } $metadataConnector = new connector($url); $metadataConnector->set("timeOut", "5"); $xml = $metadataConnector->file; $mbMetadata = $this->createMapbenderMetadataFromXML($xml); return $mbMetadata; } public function readFromUrl($url){ $this->href = $url; $metadataConnector = new connector($url); $metadataConnector->set("timeOut", "10"); $xml = $metadataConnector->file; $this->metadata = $xml; } public function transformToHtml($layout,$languageCode){ //TODO! $this->metadata = $this->removeGetRecordTag($this->metadata); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //TODO don't parse it again, but change the internal parser function! try { $iso19139Xml = simplexml_load_string($this->metadata); if ($iso19139Xml === false) { foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$error->message); } throw new Exception("class_Iso19139:".'Cannot parse Metadata XML!'); return "error"; } } catch (Exception $e) { $err = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:".$e->getMessage()); return "error"; } //if parsing was successful if ($iso19139Xml !== false) { $e = new mb_exception("Parsing of xml metadata file was successfull"); //register namespaces for parsing content $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("csw", ""); $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gml", ""); $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gco", ""); $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gmd", ""); $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("gts", ""); $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("srv", ""); $iso19139Xml->registerXPathNamespace("xlink", ""); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/../../conf/isoMetadata.conf"); for($a = 0; $a < count($iso19139Hash); $a++) { //TODO delete csw:... from following - only parse the metadata record itself //$resultOfXpath = $iso19139Xml->xpath('/csw:GetRecordByIdResponse'.$iso19139Hash[$a]['iso19139']); $resultOfXpath = $iso19139Xml->xpath($iso19139Hash[$a]['iso19139']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultOfXpath); $i++) { $iso19139Hash[$a]['value'] = $iso19139Hash[$a]['value'].",".$resultOfXpath[$i]; } $iso19139Hash[$a]['value'] = ltrim($iso19139Hash[$a]['value'],','); } //generate html $html = ''; $html .= ''; $metadataStr .= '' . ''._mb("Metadata").'' . ''. '' . ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. '' . ''; $html .= $metadataStr; //define the javascripts to include $html .= ''; if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; //initialize tabs $html .= ''; //independently define the headers of the parts $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; } if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; //define the javascript functions $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } //some placeholders $tableBegin = "\n"; $t_a = "\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n"; $tableEnd = "
\n\t\t\t"; $t_b = "\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"; $t_c = "\n\t\t
\n"; //**************************overview part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '

'._mb("Metadata").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[0]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[0]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[31]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[31]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[32]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[32]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'._mb("Identification").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[1]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[1]['value'].$t_c;//title $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[2]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[2]['value'].$t_c;//abstract $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[3]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[3]['value'].$t_c;//type if ($iso19139Hash[36]['value'] != "") { $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[36]['html'].": ".$t_b."".$t_c;//preview } //resource identifier if ($iso19139Hash[37]['value'] != "") { //split with # $mdIdentifier = explode('#',$iso19139Hash[37]['value']); $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[37]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[37]['value'].$t_c;//MD Identifier } else { $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[5]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[5]['value'].$t_c;//namespace $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[6]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[6]['value'].$t_c;//id } $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[26]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[26]['value'].$t_c;//orga name $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[27]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[27]['value'].$t_c;//email $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $bbox = explode(',',$iso19139Hash[12]['value']); if (count($bbox) == 4) { $wgs84Bbox = $bbox[0].",".$bbox[2].",".$bbox[1].",".$bbox[3]; $getMapUrl = $this->getExtentGraphic(explode(",", $wgs84Bbox)); $html .= '
'._mb("Extent").''; if (defined('EXTENTSERVICEURL')) { $html .= ""; } else { $html .= _mb('Graphic unavailable'); } $html .= '
'; } $html .= '
'._mb("Contact").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[26]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[26]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[27]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[27]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
';//element //*************************************************************************** //**************************properties part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '

'._mb("Common").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[8]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[8]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[9]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[9]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[11]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[11]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'._mb("Geographic extent").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[33]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[33]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[12]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[12]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'._mb("Temporal extent").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[13]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[13]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[14]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[14]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[15]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[15]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[16]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[16]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; if ($iso19139Hash[3]['value'] == 'dataset' || $iso19139Hash[3]['value'] == 'series') { $html .= '
'._mb("Format").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[34]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[34]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[35]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[35]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; } if ($iso19139Hash[3]['value'] == 'service') { $html .= '
'._mb("Service information").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[10]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[10]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[7]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[7]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '
';//element //*************************************************************************** //**************************contact part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '

'._mb("Data/Service provider").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[26]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[26]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[28]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[28]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[27]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[27]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'._mb("Metadata provider").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[29]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[29]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[30]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[30]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
';//element //*************************************************************************** //**************************terms of use part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '

'._mb("Terms of use").'

'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '

'._mb("Terms of use").'

'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '

'._mb("Conditions").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[23]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[23]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'._mb("Access constraints").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[24]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[24]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[25]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[25]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
';//element //*************************************************************************** //**************************quality part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; if ($iso19139Hash[3]['value'] == 'dataset' || $iso19139Hash[3]['value'] == 'series') { $html .= '

'._mb("Lineage").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[17]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[17]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'._mb("Resolution").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[18]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[18]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[19]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[19]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '
'._mb("Validity").''; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[20]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[20]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[21]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[21]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $t_a."".$iso19139Hash[22]['html'].": ".$t_b.$iso19139Hash[22]['value'].$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
';//element //*************************************************************************** //**************************Interfaces part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; if ($iso19139Hash[3]['value'] == 'service' && $iso19139Hash[10]['value'] == 'download') { //show link to own atom feed download client //push ATOM Service feed url to client if (defined("MAPBENDER_PATH") && MAPBENDER_PATH != '' && parse_url($iso19139Hash[7]['value'])) { $html .= $t_a.""._mb("ATOM Feed client").": "._mb("Download")."".$t_c; } } $html .= '

'; $html .= '
'._mb("Metadata").''; $html .= $tableBegin; //exchange mdtype html with iso19139 //$queryNew = str_replace("mdtype=html","mdtype=iso19139",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $html .= $t_a.""._mb("ISO19139").": "._mb("Metadata")."".$t_c; // //push xml instead of html? But there is no real url $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '
'; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
';//element //*************************************************************************** $html .= '
'; //accordion $html .= '
'; //demo $html .= ''; $html .= ''; return $html; } } public function createFromDBInternalId($metadataId){ $sql = "SELECT * from mb_metadata WHERE metadata_id = $1"; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if ($res) { $row = db_fetch_assoc($res); //fill object with information from mb_metadata table //initialize empty iso19139 object $this->fileIdentifier = $row['uuid']; $this->title = $row['title']; $this->abstract = $row['abstract']; $this->createDate = $row['createdate'];//"1900-01-01"; $this->changeDate = $row['changedate'];//"1900-01-01"; $this->metadata = $row['data']; //some possibilities: $this->datasetId = $row['datasetid']; $this->datasetIdCodeSpace = $row['datasetid_codespace']; //fill keywords and categories later cause they are stored in relations! /*$this->keywords = array(); $this->keywordsThesaurusName = array(); $this->isoCategoryKeys = array(); //following information is specific to mapbender information model - they are identified by id! $this->isoCategories = array(); $this->inspireCategories = array(); $this->customCategories = array(); //*/ $this->hierachyLevel = $row['type']; $this->tmpExtentBegin = $row['tmp_reference_1'];//"1900-01-01"; $this->tmpExtentEnd = $row['tmp_reference_2'];//"1900-01-01"; $this->randomId = $row['randomid']; $this->owner = $row['fkey_mb_user_id']; //dummy entry for metadata owner - in case of metadataURL entries the owner of the corresponding service $this->href = $row['link'];// ""; $this->format = $row['md_format'];//""; $this->type = $row['linktype'];//""; $this->origin = $row['origin'];//""; $this->refSystem = $row['ref_system'];//""; $this->harvestResult = $row['harvestresult'];//;0; $this->harvestException = $row['harvestexception'];//""; $this->lineage = $row['lineage'];//""; $this->inspireTopConsistence = $row['inspire_top_consistance'];//"f"; $this->spatialResType = $row['spatial_res_type'];//""; $this->spatialResValue = $row['spatial_res_value'];//""; $this->export2Csw = $row['export2csw'];//"t"; $this->updateFrequency = $row['update_frequency'];//""; $this->dataFormat = $row['format'];//""; $this->inspireCharset = $row['inspire_charset'];//""; // //$this->linkAlreadyInDB = false; //$this->fileIdentifierAlreadyInDB = false; //get relations from other tables: //get categories and keywords //get isoCategories $sql = <<isoCategories[] = (string)$row['md_topic_category_id']; $this->isoCategoriesKeys[] = $row['md_topic_category_code_en']; } //get custom categories $sql = <<customCategories[] = (string)$row['custom_category_id']; //generate one keyword entry with special thesaurus $this->keywords[] = $row['fkey_custom_category_id']; if (defined("METADATA_DEFAULT_CODESPACE") && METADATA_DEFAULT_CODESPACE != '') { $this->keywordsThesaurusName[] = METADATA_DEFAULT_CODESPACE; } else { $this->keywordsThesaurusName[] = ""; } } //get inspire categories $sql = <<inspireCategories[] = (string)$row['inspire_category_id']; $this->keywords[] = $row['inspire_category_key']; $this->keywordsThesaurusName[] = "GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0"; } //get other keywords from keyword table - only fill in, if not already in keywords! $sql = <<keywords)) { $this->keywords[] = $row['keyword']; $this->keywordsThesaurusName[] = ""; } } } else { $e = new mb_exception("Could not get metadata with id ".$metadataId." from DB!"); return false; } return true; } //the following functions are only for the simple metadata editor public function createMetadataAddonFromDB() { } public function updateMetadataAddonInDB() { } //TODO: following 2 functions are not used til now - check plugins mb_metadata_server scripts to exchange handling public function deleteMetadataRelation($resourceType, $resourceId, $relationType){ //delete all relations which are defined from capabilities - this don't delete the metadata entries themself! //all other relations stay alive $sql = "DELETE FROM ows_relation_metadata WHERE fkey_".$resourceType."_id = $1 AND relation_type = '".$relationType."'"; $v = array($resourceId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Cannot delete metadata relations for resource ".$resourceType." with id: ".$resourceId); return false; } else { return true; } } public function insertMetadataRelation($resourceType, $resourceId, $relationType){ //delete all relations which are defined from capabilities - this don't delete the metadata entries themself! //all other relations stay alive $sql = "DELETE FROM ows_relation_metadata WHERE fkey_".$resourceType."_id = $1 AND relation_type = '".$relationType."'"; $v = array($resourceId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Cannot delete metadata relations for resource ".$resourceType." with id: ".$resourceId); return false; } else { return true; } } public function checkMetadataRelation($resourceType, $resourceId, $metadataId){ //check if one relation already exists - if so no new one should be generated!!! $sql = "SELECT count(fkey_metadata_id) FROM ows_relation_metadata WHERE fkey_".$resourceType."_id = $1 AND fkey_metadata_id = $2 AND relation_type = $3"; $v = array($resourceId, $metadataId, $this->origin); $t = array('i','i','s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $numberOfRelations = $row['count']; } if ($numberOfRelations > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function deleteInternalMetadataLinkage($resourceType, $resourceId, $metadataId){ $returnObject = array(); $sql = "DELETE FROM ows_relation_metadata WHERE fkey_metadata_id = $1 and fkey_".$resourceType."_id = $2 and relation_type = 'internal'"; $v = array($metadataId, $resourceId); $t = array('i','i'); try { $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } catch (Exception $E){ $returnObject['success'] = false; $returnObject['message'] = _mb("Could not delete internal metadata linkage from database!"); return $returnObject; } $returnObject['success'] = true; $returnObject['message'] = _mb("Internal metadata linkage deleted!"); return $returnObject; } public function deleteMetadataAddon($resourceType, $resourceId, $metadataId){ $returnObject = array(); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM ows_relation_metadata WHERE fkey_metadata_id = $1"; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); try { $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } catch (Exception $e){ $returnObject['success'] = false; $returnObject['message'] = _mb("Could not determine a count of metadata relations!"); return $returnObject; } while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { $countMetadataLinkage = (integer)$row['count']; //integer } if ($countMetadataLinkage == 1) { $e = new mb_exception("Metadata has only one reference and will be deleted from database if it was created by upload or link!"); //delete the metadata itself cause it has no other reference - really - not right for metador files !!! $sql = << '' ORDER BY lastchanged DESC SQL; $v = array( $this->href ); $t = array('s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $metadataId[] = $row['metadata_id']; } if (count($metadataId) > 0) { return $metadataId; } else { return false; } } public function isFileIdentifierAlreadyInDB(){ $sql = << '' ORDER BY lastchanged DESC SQL; if (!isset($this->fileIdentifier) || $this->fileIdentifier == '') { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Empty or no fileIdentifier found in the metadata! No metadataset will be updated"); return false; } $v = array( $this->fileIdentifier ); $t = array('s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $metadataId = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $metadataId[] = $row['metadata_id']; } if (count($metadataId) > 0) { return $metadataId; } else { return false; } } public function insertKeywordsAndCategoriesIntoDB($metadataId){ //first delete old classifications - after that create new ones $this->deleteKeywordsAndCategoriesFromDB($metadataId); //insert keywords and categories into tables! //parse keywords and isoCategories //INSERT INTO films (code, title, did, date_prod, kind) VALUES //('B6717', 'Tampopo', 110, '1985-02-10', 'Comedy'), //('HG120', 'The Dinner Game', 140, DEFAULT, 'Comedy'); //use category name instead of id's! //map category name to id before insert them into db! //read maptable from db //iso - code in xml //map keys into relevant ids $sqlInsert = ""; if (count($this->isoCategories) > 0) { if (count($this->isoCategories) == 1) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$this->isoCategories.")"; } else { foreach ($this->isoCategories as $isoCategory) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$isoCategory."),"; } } $sqlInsert = rtrim($sqlInsert,","); $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_metadata_md_topic_category (fkey_metadata_id, fkey_md_topic_category_id) VALUES ".$sqlInsert; $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert iso categories for this metadata!")); } } $sqlInsert = ""; if (count($this->inspireCategories) > 0) { if (count($this->inspireCategories) == 1) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$this->inspireCategories.")"; } else { foreach ($this->inspireCategories as $inspireCategory) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$inspireCategory."),"; } } $sqlInsert = rtrim($sqlInsert,","); $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_metadata_inspire_category (fkey_metadata_id, fkey_inspire_category_id) VALUES ".$sqlInsert; $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert inspire categories for this metadata!")); } } $sqlInsert = ""; if (count($this->customCategories) > 0) { if (count($this->customCategories) == 1) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$this->customCategories.")"; } else { foreach ($this->customCategories as $customCategory) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$customCategory."),"; } } $sqlInsert = rtrim($sqlInsert,","); $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_metadata_custom_category (fkey_metadata_id, fkey_custom_category_id) VALUES ".$sqlInsert; $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert custom categories for this metadata!")); } } $sqlInsert = ""; //insert keywords into keyword table //foreach keyword look for an id or create it newly - made for postgres > 8.2 with returning option for insert statement $keyword = "'"; $keyword .= implode('\',\'',$this->keywords); $keyword .= "'"; $existingKeywords = array(); $sql = "SELECT keyword, keyword_id from keyword WHERE keyword in ($keyword);"; $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139.php: cannot get keywords from database!"); } else { $countExistingKeywords = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { $existingKeywords[$countExistingKeywords]['keyword'] = $row['keyword']; $e = new mb_exception("existing keyword: ".$row['keyword']); $existingKeywords[$countExistingKeywords]['id'] = $row['keyword_id']; $existingKeywordsArray[$countExistingKeywords] = $row['keyword']; $countExistingKeywords++; } } /*foreach ($existingKeywords as $test) { $e = new mb_exception("exists: ".$test['keyword']); }*/ //for each existing keyword add a new relation into relation table if ($countExistingKeywords > 0) { if ($countexistingKeywords == 1) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$existingKeywords[0]['id'].")"; } else { foreach ($existingKeywords as $existingKeyword) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$existingKeyword['id']."),"; } } $sqlInsert = rtrim($sqlInsert,","); $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_metadata_keyword (fkey_metadata_id, fkey_keyword_id) VALUES ".$sqlInsert; $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139.php: sql for keywords: ".$sql); $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert keyword relations for this metadata!")); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Inserted keyword relations for existing keywords!")); } } //insert those keywords, that are not already in the keyword table //$this->keywords /*$array1 = array("a" => "grün", "rot", "blau", "rot"); $array2 = array("b" => "grün", "gelb", "rot"); $result = array_diff($array1, $array2); Array ( [1] => blau ) */ $sqlInsert = ""; //test if $existingKeywordsArray is array! if (is_array($existingKeywordsArray)) { $otherKeywords = array_values(array_diff($this->keywords,$existingKeywordsArray)); } else { $otherKeywords = $this->keywords; } //debug foreach ($otherKeywords as $test) { $e = new mb_exception("otherKeywords: ".$test); } $e = new mb_exception("otherKeywords: ".$otherKeywords); if (count($otherKeywords) > 0) { if (count($otherKeywords) == 1) { $e = new mb_exception("Only one new keyword found: ".$otherKeywords[0]); //keyword table $sqlInsert .= "('".$otherKeywords[0]."')"; } else { foreach ($otherKeywords as $otherKeyword) { $sqlInsert .= "('".$otherKeyword."'),"; } } $sqlInsert = rtrim($sqlInsert,","); $sql = "INSERT INTO keyword (keyword) VALUES ".$sqlInsert." RETURNING keyword_id" ; $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139.php: sql for keywords: ".$sql); $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert new keywords into keyword table!")); } else { //insert relations for keywords $sqlInsert = ""; $insertedKeywords = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { $insertedKeywordIds[] = $row['keyword_id']; } if (count($insertedKeywordIds) == 1) { //keyword relation table $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".$insertedKeywordIds[0].")"; } else { foreach ($insertedKeywordIds as $insertedKeywordId) { $sqlInsert .= "(".(integer)$metadataId.",".(integer)$insertedKeywordId."),"; } } $sqlInsert = rtrim($sqlInsert,","); $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_metadata_keyword (fkey_metadata_id, fkey_keyword_id) VALUES ".$sqlInsert; $e = new mb_notice("class_Iso19139.php: sql for keyword relation: ".$sql); $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert metadata keyword relations into db!")); } } } } public function deleteKeywordsAndCategoriesFromDB($metadataId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_metadata_md_topic_category where fkey_metadata_id = $1 "; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot delete topic category relations for metadata with id ".$metadataId)); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139: topic category relations deleted from database!"); } $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_metadata_inspire_category where fkey_metadata_id = $1 "; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot delete inspire category relations for metadata with id ".$metadataId)); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139: inspire category relations deleted from database!"); } $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_metadata_custom_category where fkey_metadata_id = $1 "; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot delete custom category relations for metadata with id ".$metadataId)); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139: custom category relations deleted from database!"); } //delete keyword relations - problem, that keywords are referenced from more than one table. We can only delete the relations but there may be orphaned keywords, which have to be deleted by cronjob - maybe - TODO $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_metadata_keyword where fkey_metadata_id = $1 "; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot delete keyword relations for metadata with id ".$metadataId)); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139: keyword relations deleted from database!"); } } public function insertMetadataIntoDB() { //insert an instance for iso19139 into mapbenders database $sql = <<href, $this->format, $this->metadata, $this->type, $this->fileIdentifier, $this->title, $this->createDate, $this->changeDate, $this->abstract, $this->keywords[0], $this->hierachyLevel, $this->tmpExtentBegin, $this->tmpExtentEnd, $this->export2Csw, $this->datasetId, $this->datasetIdCodeSpace, $this->randomId, $this->origin, $this->owner, $this->harvestResult, $this->harvestException, $this->lineage, $this->inspireTopConsistence, $this->spatialResType, $this->spatialResValue, $this->updateFrequency, $this->dataFormat, $this->inspireCharset, $this->refSystem ); $t = array('s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','i','i','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','s','s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); return $res; } public function updateMetadataById($metadataId) { //check if the timestamp of an existing metadata element is not newer than the timestamp of the current metadata object!!!! //TODO //problem: <<href, $this->format, $this->metadata, $this->type, $this->fileIdentifier, // is the old one! or not? $this->title, $this->createDate, $this->changeDate, $this->abstract, $this->keywords[0], $this->hierachyLevel, $this->tmpExtentBegin, $this->tmpExtentEnd, $this->export2Csw, $this->datasetId, $this->datasetIdCodeSpace, $this->randomId, $this->origin, //$this->owner, //owner is the old one - maybe here we have something TODO! $metadataId, //The first metadataId which was found will be selected! $this->harvestResult, $this->harvestException, $this->lineage, $this->inspireTopConsistence, $this->spatialResType, $this->spatialResValue, $this->updateFrequency, $this->dataFormat, $this->inspireCharset, $this->refSystem ); $t = array('s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','i','i','s','s','b','s','s','s','s','s','s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); return $res; } public function insertMetadataUrlToDB($resourceType, $resourceId){ //check if metadata record already exists, if not create a new one else insert relation only! $metadataId = $this->isLinkAlreadyInDB(); if ($metadataId != false) { //update the metadataURL entry $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."existing metadata link(s) found: ".$metadataId[0]." - update will be performed"); $sql = "UPDATE mb_metadata SET link = $1, origin = $2, md_format = $3, linktype = $4, changedate = now(), export2csw = $5, randomid = $6, harvestresult = $8, harvestexception = $9 WHERE metadata_id = $7"; $v = array( $this->href, $this->origin, $this->format, $this->type, 'f', $this->randomId, $metadataId[0], $this->harvestResult, $this->harvestException ); $t = array('s','s','s','s','b','s','i','i','s'); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_metadata (link, origin, md_format, linktype, createdate, changedate, export2csw, randomid, fkey_mb_user_id, harvestresult, harvestexception) "; $sql .= "VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, now(), now(), $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)"; $v = array( $this->href, $this->origin, $this->format, $this->type, 'f', $this->randomId, $this->owner, $this->harvestresult, $this->harvestexception ); $t = array('s','s','s','s','b','s','i','i','s'); } $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert or update metadataUrl in database!")); return false; } else { //insert relation into db //get inserted metadata_id $sql = <<randomId); $t = array('s'); try { $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } catch (Exception $e){ $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot get metadata record with following random id from database: ".$this->randomId)); } if (!$res) { //do nothing $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot find inserted metadata entry to store relation.")); return false; } else { //insert relation $row = db_fetch_assoc($res); $metadataId = $row['metadata_id']; //insert relation to layer/featuretype $sql = "INSERT INTO ows_relation_metadata (fkey_".$resourceType."_id, fkey_metadata_id, relation_type) values ($1, $2, $3);"; $v = array($resourceId, $metadataId, $this->origin); $t = array('i','i', 's'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert metadata relation!")); return false; } else { $sql = "UPDATE mb_metadata SET harvestresult = 0, harvestexception = 'Linked metadata could not be interpreted, only linkage is stored to mb_metadata!' where metadata_id = $1"; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot update mb_metadata table!")); return false; } } } return true; } return true; } private function getExtentGraphic($layer_4326_box) { $rlp_4326_box = array(6.05,48.9,8.6,50.96); if ($layer_4326_box[0] <= $rlp_4326_box[0] || $layer_4326_box[2] >= $rlp_4326_box[2] || $layer_4326_box[1] <= $rlp_4326_box[1] || $layer_4326_box[3] >= $rlp_4326_box[3]) { if ($layer_4326_box[0] < $rlp_4326_box[0]) { $rlp_4326_box[0] = $layer_4326_box[0]; } if ($layer_4326_box[2] > $rlp_4326_box[2]) { $rlp_4326_box[2] = $layer_4326_box[2]; } if ($layer_4326_box[1] < $rlp_4326_box[1]) { $rlp_4326_box[1] = $layer_4326_box[1]; } if ($layer_4326_box[3] > $rlp_4326_box[3]) { $rlp_4326_box[3] = $layer_4326_box[3]; } $d_x = $rlp_4326_box[2] - $rlp_4326_box[0]; $d_y = $rlp_4326_box[3] - $rlp_4326_box[1]; $new_minx = $rlp_4326_box[0] - 0.05*($d_x); $new_maxx = $rlp_4326_box[2] + 0.05*($d_x); $new_miny = $rlp_4326_box[1] - 0.05*($d_y); $new_maxy = $rlp_4326_box[3] + 0.05*($d_y); if ($new_minx < -180) $rlp_4326_box[0] = -180; else $rlp_4326_box[0] = $new_minx; if ($new_maxx > 180) $rlp_4326_box[2] = 180; else $rlp_4326_box[2] = $new_maxx; if ($new_miny < -90) $rlp_4326_box[1] = -90; else $rlp_4326_box[1] = $new_miny; if ($new_maxy > 90) $rlp_4326_box[3] = 90; else $rlp_4326_box[3] = $new_maxy; } $getMapUrl = EXTENTSERVICEURL."VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&LAYERS=".EXTENTSERVICELAYER."&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=".$rlp_4326_box[0].",".$rlp_4326_box[1].",".$rlp_4326_box[2].",".$rlp_4326_box[3]."&WIDTH=120&HEIGHT=120&FORMAT=image/png&BGCOLOR=0xffffff&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&minx=".$layer_4326_box[0]."&miny=".$layer_4326_box[1]."&maxx=".$layer_4326_box[2]."&maxy=".$layer_4326_box[3]; return $getMapUrl; } public function insertToDB($resourceType, $resourceId){ $result = array(); //value/message switch ($this->origin) { case "capabilities": //check if href is given and resource can be parsed //following information must be given: //randomId, href, format, type, origin, owner //TODO: that empty identifier not identified - see comparing linkage if ((($this->type == 'ISO19115:2003' || $this->type == 'ISO 19115:2003') && $this->format =='text/xml') || ($this->type == 'TC211' && $this->format =='text/xml') || (($this->type == 'ISO19115:2003' || $this->type == 'ISO 19115:2003') && ($this->format =='application/vnd.iso.19139+xml' || $this->format =='application/xml'))) { $e = new mb_notice("class_Iso19139:"."try to parse: ".$this->href); $metadata = $this->createFromUrl($this->href); //will alter object itself $e = new mb_notice("class_Iso19139:"."Metadata found: ".$this->metadata); if ($metadata == false) { //try to insert only MetadataURL elements if (!$this->insertMetadataUrlToDB($resourceType, $resourceId)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!"); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!"; return $result; } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!"); $result['value'] = true; $result['message'] = "Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!"; return $result; } } } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."MetadataURL format or type of following url is not supported: Format: ".$this->format." | type: ".$this->type); } break; case "external": //don't check format and type -cause they are not given. Otherwise the same as in case of capabilities $metadata = $this->createFromUrl($this->href); //will alter object itself if ($metadata == false) { //try to insert only MetadataURL elements if (!$this->insertMetadataUrlToDB($resourceType, $resourceId)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!"); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Problem while storing MetadataURL entry from wms capabilities to mb_metadata table!"; return $result; } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!"); $result['value'] = true; $result['message'] = "Storing only MetadataURL ".$metadata->href." from capabilities to mb database cause the target could not be accessed or parsed!"; return $result; } } break; case "metador": //nothing to do at all? break; case "upload": //nothing to do at all? $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."upload found"); //$e = new mb_exception($this->metadata); $metadata = $this->createMapbenderMetadataFromXML($this->metadata); if ($metadata == false) { //xml could not be parsed $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Metadata object could not be created!"; return $result; } //else save it into database break; /*case "internal": //only set relation to existing record - return true; //is actually handled thru plugins/mn_metadata_server* break;*/ default: $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."Metadata origin is not known - please set it before storing values to DB!"); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Metadata origin is not known - please set it before storing values to DB!"; return $result; } //check if metadata record already exists, if not create a new one, else insert relation only and update the metadata itself! $metadataId = $this->isFileIdentifierAlreadyInDB(); if ($metadataId != false) { //update the metadata - new random id set therefor there is no problem when setting the relation afterwards $e = new mb_exception("existing metadata fileIdentifier found at metadata with id: ".$metadataId[0]." - update will be performed"); //check if the timestamp of an existing metadata element is not newer than the timestamp of the current metadata object!!!! $res = $this->updateMetadataById($metadataId[0]); } else { //check if href already exists $metadataId = $this->isLinkAlreadyInDB(); //if so, the metadataset will be the same - (same url same metadataset) - update this as before if ($metadataId != false) { //the link to an existing metadataset already exists - don't store it again or insert anything $e = new mb_exception("existing metadata linkage found at metadata with id: ".$metadataId[0]." - update will be performed"); //check if the timestamp of an existing metadata element is not newer than the timestamp of the current metadata object!!!! $res = $this->updateMetadataById($metadataId[0]); } else { //insert new record $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"."No existing metadata fileIdentifier found in mapbender metadata table. New record will be inserted with uuid: ".$this->fileIdentifier); $res = $this->insertMetadataIntoDB(); } } if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert or update metadata record into mapbenders mb_metadata table!")); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Cannot insert or update metadata record into mapbenders mb_metadata table!"; return $result; } else { //insert relation into db //get inserted metadata_id by use the $sql = <<randomId); $t = array('s'); try { $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } catch (Exception $e){ $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$this->randomId)); } if (!$res) { //do nothing $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$this->randomId)); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Cannot get metadata record with following uuid from database: ".$uuid; return $result; } else { //insert relation $row = db_fetch_assoc($res); $metadataId = $row['metadata_id']; //check if current relation already exists in case of upload if ($this->checkMetadataRelation($resourceType, $resourceId, $metadataId)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Relation already exists - it will not be generated twice!")); $result['value'] = true; $result['message'] = "Relation already exists - it will not be generated twice!"; return $result; } //insert relation to layer/featuretype $sql = "INSERT INTO ows_relation_metadata (fkey_".$resourceType."_id, fkey_metadata_id, relation_type) values ($1, $2, $3);"; $v = array($resourceId, $metadataId, $this->origin); $t = array('i','i','s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot insert metadata relation!")); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Cannot insert metadata relation!"; return $result; } else { $sql = "UPDATE mb_metadata SET harvestresult = 1 where metadata_id = $1"; $v = array($metadataId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("class_Iso19139:"._mb("Cannot update mb_metadata table to fill in harvest result!")); $result['value'] = false; $result['message'] = "Cannot update mb_metadata table to fill in harvest result!"; return $result; } else { $this->insertKeywordsAndCategoriesIntoDB($metadataId); } } } $result['value'] = true; $result['message'] = "Insert metadata successfully into database!"; return $result; } } } ?>