preserveWhiteSpace = false; // attach kml and Document tag $e_kml = $doc->createElementNS("", "kml"); $e_document = $doc->createElement("Document"); $e_kml->appendChild($e_document); $doc->appendChild($e_kml); // attach placemarks $e = new mb_notice("to string: #placemarks: " . count($this->placemarkArray)); $lineStyleNode = $doc->createElement("Style"); $lineStyleNode->setAttribute("id", "linestyleExample"); $lineStyleColorNode = $doc->createElement("color", "7f0000ff"); $lineStyleWidthNode = $doc->createElement("width", 4); $lineStyleNode->appendChild($lineStyleColorNode); $lineStyleNode->appendChild($lineStyleWidthNode); $e_document->appendChild($lineStyleNode); // // line segments first // $coordinates = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->placemarkArray); $i++) { $currentPlacemark = $this->placemarkArray[$i]; $e = new mb_notice("now: " . $i . " of " . (count($this->placemarkArray)-1) . " (is a " . get_class($currentPlacemark) . ")"); switch ($currentPlacemark->getGeometryType()) { case "KMLLine" : $coordinatesArray = $currentPlacemark->getGeometry()->getPointArray(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($coordinatesArray); $j++) { if (!($j == 0 && $i == 0)) { $coordinates .= " "; } $coordinates .= $coordinatesArray[$j]["x"] . "," . $coordinatesArray[$j]["y"] . "," . $coordinatesArray[$j]["z"]; } break; } } // create a placemark tag with a geometry and add it to the document $e_coordinates = $doc->createElement("coordinates", $coordinates); $e_geometry = $doc->createElement("LineString"); $e_geometry->appendChild($e_coordinates); $e_placemark = $doc->createElement("Placemark"); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_geometry); $e_pl_name = $doc->createElement("name", "Route"); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_pl_name); $e_pl_style = $doc->createElement("styleUrl", "#linestyleExample"); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_pl_style); $e_document->appendChild($e_placemark); /* // // now pois // // attach placemarks $e = new mb_notice("to string: #placemarks: " . count($this->placemarkArray)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->placemarkArray); $i++) { $currentPlacemark = $this->placemarkArray[$i]; $e = new mb_notice("now: " . $i . " of " . (count($this->placemarkArray)-1) . " (is a " . get_class($currentPlacemark) . ")"); $pl_instructions = $currentPlacemark->getProperty("instruction"); $pl_name_array = array(); $pl_name = false; $pl_description = false; if ($pl_instructions != null) { $pl_name_array = explode("|", $pl_instructions); } switch ($currentPlacemark->getGeometryType()) { case "KMLPoint" : if (count($pl_name_array) > 2) { $pl_name = $pl_name_array[0]; $pl_description = $pl_name_array[1]; } $e_geometry = $doc->createElement("Point"); $point = $currentPlacemark->getGeometry()->getPoint(); $coordinates = $point["x"] . "," . $point["y"]; $e_coordinates = $doc->createElement("coordinates", $coordinates); $e_geometry->appendChild($e_coordinates); break; } // create a placemark tag with a geometry and add it to the document if ($e_geometry) { $e_placemark = $doc->createElement("Placemark"); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_geometry); if ($pl_name) { $e_pl_name = $doc->createElement("name", $pl_name); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_pl_name); } if ($pl_description) { $e_pl_description = $doc->createElement("description", $pl_description); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_pl_description); } $e_document->appendChild($e_placemark); } } */ return $doc->saveXML(); } /** * @return string the merged KML document. */ public function mergeKMLDocuments($kmlArray) { //parse XML Document elements from KML //Merged KML 2.2 output $mergedKMLDoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", CHARSET); $mergedKMLDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $mergedKML = $mergedKMLDoc->createElementNS("", "kml"); foreach ($kmlArray as $kml) { $kmlDomObject = new DOMDocument(); $kmlDomObject->loadXML($kml); $xpathKml = new DOMXpath($kmlDomObject); $defaultNamespace = $kmlDomObject->lookupNamespaceURI($kmlDomObject->namespaceURI); $xpathKml->registerNamespace('kml', $defaultNamespace); $documentNodeList = $xpathKml->query('/kml:kml/kml:Document'); for ($i = ($documentNodeList->length)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $mergedKML->appendChild($mergedKMLDoc->importNode($documentNodeList->item($i), true)); } } $mergedKMLDoc->appendChild($mergedKML); return $mergedKMLDoc->saveXML(); } /** * @return string the KML document. */ public function __toString() { //read configuration for geojson simple style from conf folder - to handle style information from geojson if available $geoJsonStyleInfo = $this->getGeoJsonSimpleStyleInfo(); if (!$this->kml) { //KML 2.2 output $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", CHARSET); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; //attach kml and Document tag $e_kml = $doc->createElementNS("", "kml"); $e_document = $doc->createElement("Document"); $e_kml->appendChild($e_document); $doc->appendChild($e_kml); $styleHashArray = array(); $styleArray = array(); $placemarkArray = array(); //attach placemarks $e = new mb_notice("to string: #placemarks: " . count($this->placemarkArray)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->placemarkArray); $i++) { $currentPlacemark = $this->placemarkArray[$i]; $e = new mb_notice("now: " . $i . " of " . (count($this->placemarkArray)-1) . " (is a " . get_class($currentPlacemark) . ")"); $pl_instructions = $currentPlacemark->getProperty("instruction"); $pl_name_array = array(); $pl_name = false; $pl_description = false; if ($pl_instructions != null) { $pl_name_array = explode("|", $pl_instructions); } switch ($currentPlacemark->getGeometryType()) { case "KMLPoint" : if (count($pl_name_array) > 2) { $pl_name = $pl_name_array[0]; $pl_description = $pl_name_array[1]; } $e_geometry = $doc->createElement("Point"); $point = $currentPlacemark->getGeometry()->getPoint(); $coordinates = $point["x"] . "," . $point["y"]; $e_coordinates = $doc->createElement("coordinates", $coordinates); $e_geometry->appendChild($e_coordinates); break; case "KMLPolygon" : //100,0 101,0 101,1 100,1 100,0 $e_geometry = $doc->createElement("Polygon"); $e_outer = $doc->createElement("outerBoundaryIs"); $e_outer_lr = $doc->createElement("LinearRing"); $coordinatesArray = $currentPlacemark->getGeometry()->getOuterBoundary()->getPointArray(); $coordinates = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < count($coordinatesArray); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $coordinates .= " "; } $coordinates .= $coordinatesArray[$j]["x"] . "," . $coordinatesArray[$j]["y"] . "," . $coordinatesArray[$j]["z"]; } $e_coordinates = $doc->createElement("coordinates", $coordinates); $e_outer_lr->appendChild($e_coordinates); $e_outer->appendChild($e_outer_lr); $e_geometry->appendChild($e_outer); //TODO - fill out inner rings as holes break; case "KMLLine" : if (count($pl_name_array) > 2) { $pl_description = $pl_name_array[1]; } $e_geometry = $doc->createElement("LineString"); $coordinatesArray = $currentPlacemark->getGeometry()->getPointArray(); $coordinates = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < count($coordinatesArray); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $coordinates .= " "; } $coordinates .= $coordinatesArray[$j]["x"] . "," . $coordinatesArray[$j]["y"] . "," . $coordinatesArray[$j]["z"]; } $e_coordinates = $doc->createElement("coordinates", $coordinates); $e_geometry->appendChild($e_coordinates); break; /* TODO: Multigeometries case "KMLMultiGeometry" : break; */ } //check for properties $currentProperties = $currentPlacemark->getProperties(); if (count($currentProperties) > 0) { $e_ExtendedData = $doc->createElement("ExtendedData"); } //read out attribute information //initial geojson style handling $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle = array(); foreach($currentProperties as $key => $value){ $e_Data = $doc->createElement("Data"); $e_value = $doc->createElement("value"); $e_Data->setAttribute("name", $key); if (isset($value)) { $e_DataValue = $doc->createTextNode($value); } else { $e_DataValue = $doc->createTextNode('null'); } $e_value->appendChild($e_DataValue); $e_Data->appendChild($e_value); $e_ExtendedData->appendChild($e_Data); // } //parse styling information from simplestyle spec to define it in header of kml //switch for geometry type switch ($currentPlacemark->getGeometryType()) { case "KMLPoint" : foreach($geoJsonStyleInfo->point->simple_style_spec_attributes as $attributeKey => $attributeValue) { //if (array_key_exists($attributeValue, $currentProperties)) { if (isset($currentProperties[$attributeValue])) { $value = $currentProperties[$attributeValue]; } else { //set default value! $value = $geoJsonStyleInfo->point->simple_style_spec_defaults[$attributeKey]; } //} $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle[$attributeValue] = $value; } //build style part //points don't have a color, cause the color is part of the icon in simplestyle-spec $hash = md5('point'.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size'].$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol'].$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-color']); if (!in_array($hash, $styleHashArray)) { //generate style part $e_Style = $doc->createElement("Style"); $e_Style->setAttribute("id", $hash); $e_IconStyle = $doc->createElement("IconStyle"); $e_Icon = $doc->createElement("Icon"); $e_href = $doc->createElement("href"); $makiUrl = ""; switch($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size']) { case "medium": $symbol = $makiUrl.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol']."-15.svg"; break; case "small": $symbol = $makiUrl.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol']."-15.svg"; break; case "large": $symbol = $makiUrl.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol']."-15.svg"; break; default : $symbol = $makiUrl.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol']."-15.svg"; break; } //test for marker-size as integer - map it to discrete values $sizeInt = (integer)$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size']; if (is_int($sizeInt) && $sizeInt > 0) { if ($sizeInt >= 15 && $sizeInt < 25) { $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size'] = "small"; } elseif ($sizeInt >= 25 && $sizeInt < 35) { $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size'] = "medium"; } else { $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size'] = "large"; } } //alternative for local maki icons $symbolUrl = MAPBENDER_PATH."/php/mod_getSymbolFromRepository.php?"; $symbolUrl .= "marker-symbol=".$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol']."&"; $symbolUrl .= "marker-size=".$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size']."&"; $symbolUrl .= "marker-color=".$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-color']; //with mod_rewrite $symbolUrl = MAPBENDER_PATH."/../icons/maki/".ltrim($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-color'],'#')."/".$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-size']."/".$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['marker-symbol'].".png"; $e_hrefText = $doc->createTextNode($symbolUrl); $e_href->appendChild($e_hrefText); $e_Icon->appendChild($e_href); $e_IconStyle->appendChild($e_Icon); $e_hotSpot = $doc->createElement("hotSpot"); $e_hotSpot->setAttribute("xunits", "fraction"); $e_hotSpot->setAttribute("yunits", "fraction"); $e_hotSpot->setAttribute("x", "0.5"); $e_hotSpot->setAttribute("y", "0.5"); /*$e_width = $doc->createElement("width"); $e_widthText = $doc->createTextNode($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-width']); $e_width->appendChild($e_widthText); $e_LineStyle->appendChild($e_width);*/ $e_Style->appendChild($e_IconStyle); $e_Style->appendChild($e_hotSpot); //$e_document->appendChild($e_Style); $styleArray[] = $e_Style; $styleHashArray[] = $hash; } $e_styleUrl = $doc->createElement("styleUrl"); $e_styleUrlText = $doc->createTextNode("#".$hash); $e_styleUrl->appendChild($e_styleUrlText); break; case "KMLLine" : foreach($geoJsonStyleInfo->linestring->simple_style_spec_attributes as $attributeKey => $attributeValue) { //if (array_key_exists($attributeValue, $currentProperties)) { if (isset($currentProperties[$attributeValue])) { $value = $currentProperties[$attributeValue]; } else { //set default value! $value = $geoJsonStyleInfo->linestring->simple_style_spec_defaults[$attributeKey]; } //} $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle[$attributeValue] = $value; } //build style part $hash = md5('linestring'.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke'].$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-opacity'].$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-width']); //map html hex color to kml color code $colorKml = $this->htmlColor2kmlColor($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke'], $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-opacity']); if (!in_array($hash, $styleHashArray)) { //generate style part $e_Style = $doc->createElement("Style"); $e_Style->setAttribute("id", $hash); $e_LineStyle = $doc->createElement("LineStyle"); $e_color = $doc->createElement("color"); $e_colorText = $doc->createTextNode($colorKml); $e_color->appendChild($e_colorText); $e_LineStyle->appendChild($e_color); $e_width = $doc->createElement("width"); $e_widthText = $doc->createTextNode($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-width']); $e_width->appendChild($e_widthText); $e_LineStyle->appendChild($e_width); $e_Style->appendChild($e_LineStyle); //$e_document->appendChild($e_Style); $styleArray[] = $e_Style; $styleHashArray[] = $hash; } $e_styleUrl = $doc->createElement("styleUrl"); $e_styleUrlText = $doc->createTextNode("#".$hash); $e_styleUrl->appendChild($e_styleUrlText); break; case "KMLPolygon": foreach($geoJsonStyleInfo->polygon->simple_style_spec_attributes as $attributeKey => $attributeValue) { //if (array_key_exists($attributeValue, $currentProperties)) { if (isset($currentProperties[$attributeValue])) { $value = $currentProperties[$attributeValue]; } else { //set default value! $value = $geoJsonStyleInfo->polygon->simple_style_spec_defaults[$attributeKey]; } //} $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle[$attributeValue] = $value; } //build style part $hash = md5('polygon'.$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke'].$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-opacity'].$currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-width']); $colorKml = $this->htmlColor2kmlColor($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke'], $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-opacity']); $colorKmlFill = $this->htmlColor2kmlColor($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['fill'], $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['fill-opacity']); if (!in_array($hash, $styleHashArray)) { //generate style part $e_Style = $doc->createElement("Style"); $e_Style->setAttribute("id", $hash); $e_LineStyle = $doc->createElement("LineStyle"); $e_color = $doc->createElement("color"); $e_colorText = $doc->createTextNode($colorKml); $e_color->appendChild($e_colorText); $e_LineStyle->appendChild($e_color); $e_width = $doc->createElement("width"); $e_widthText = $doc->createTextNode($currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['stroke-width']); $e_width->appendChild($e_widthText); $e_LineStyle->appendChild($e_width); $e_Style->appendChild($e_LineStyle); //polystyle //7fff44ff $e_PolyStyle = $doc->createElement("PolyStyle"); $e_color = $doc->createElement("color"); $e_colorText = $doc->createTextNode($colorKmlFill); $e_color->appendChild($e_colorText); $e_PolyStyle->appendChild($e_color); $e_Style->appendChild($e_PolyStyle); //$e_document->appendChild($e_Style); $styleArray[] = $e_Style; $styleHashArray[] = $hash; } $e_styleUrl = $doc->createElement("styleUrl"); $e_styleUrlText = $doc->createTextNode("#".$hash); $e_styleUrl->appendChild($e_styleUrlText); break; } //overwrite name and description with info from geojson simplestyle spec //if (!isset($pl_name)) { $pl_name = $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['title']; //} //if (!isset($pl_description)) { $pl_description = $currentPropertiesSimpleStyle['description']; //} // create a placemark tag with a geometry and add it to the document if ($e_geometry) { $e_placemark = $doc->createElement("Placemark"); if ($pl_name) { $e_pl_name = $doc->createElement("name", $pl_name); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_pl_name); } /*if ($pl_description) { $e_pl_description = $doc->createElement("description", $pl_description); $e_placemark->appendChild($e_pl_description); }*/ if ($e_ExtendedData) { $e_placemark->appendChild($e_ExtendedData); } $e_placemark->appendChild($e_geometry); if ($e_styleUrl) { $e_placemark->appendChild($e_styleUrl); } $placemarkArray[] = $e_placemark; } } foreach($styleArray as $style) { $e_document->appendChild($style); } foreach($placemarkArray as $placemark) { $e_document->appendChild($placemark); } $this->kml = $doc->saveXML(); } return $this->kml; } /** * @return KML color code from HTML color code and opacity values. * * * */ private function htmlColor2kmlColor($hex, $alpha) { $hex = str_replace('#', '', $hex); $length = strlen($hex); $rgb['r'] = hexdec($length == 6 ? substr($hex, 0, 2) : ($length == 3 ? str_repeat(substr($hex, 0, 1), 2) : 0)); $rgb['g'] = hexdec($length == 6 ? substr($hex, 2, 2) : ($length == 3 ? str_repeat(substr($hex, 1, 1), 2) : 0)); $rgb['b'] = hexdec($length == 6 ? substr($hex, 4, 2) : ($length == 3 ? str_repeat(substr($hex, 2, 1), 2) : 0)); if ( $alpha ) { $rgb['a'] = ceil($alpha * 255); } /*$e = new mb_exception("alpha: ".$rgb['a']."hex: ".dechex($rgb['a'])); $e = new mb_exception("r: ".$rgb['r']."hex: ".dechex($rgb['r'])); $e = new mb_exception("g: ".$rgb['g']."hex: ".dechex($rgb['g'])); $e = new mb_exception("b: ".$rgb['b']."hex: ".dechex($rgb['b']));*/ //encode to kml: return dechex($rgb['a']).dechex($rgb['b']).dechex($rgb['g']).dechex($rgb['r']); } /** * @return string the ID of this KML. */ public function getId () { return $this->id; } /** * parses an incoming KML, creates the object, * stores the kml in the object and in the database. * * @param string a KML document. * @return boolean true if the parsing succeded, else false. */ public function parseKml ($kml) { $this->kml = $kml; if (!$this->storeInDb()) { return false; } $parser = new KmlOwsParser(); $parser->parseKML($kml, $this->id); $this->placemarkArray = $parser->placemarkArray; $this->featureCollectionMD = $parser->featureCollectionMD; return true; } public function transform($targetEpsg){ $numberOfPlacemarks = count($this->placemarkArray); if ($numberOfPlacemarks > 0) { for ($i=0; $i < $numberOfPlacemarks; $i++) { $this->placemarkArray[$i]->transform($targetEpsg); } } else { $e = new mb_exception("KML: toGeoJSON: this placemarkArray is empty!"); } return true; } /** * parses an incoming GeoJSON, creates the object, * stores the kml in the object and in the database. * * @param string a geoJSON. * @return boolean true if the parsing succeded, else false. */ public function parseGeoJSON ($geoJSON) { $this->kml = ""; if (!$this->storeInDb()) { return false; } $parser = new KmlOwsParser(); $parser->parseGeoJSON($geoJSON, $this->id); $e = new mb_notice("parsing finished...#placemarks: " . count($this->placemarkArray) . " (" . count($parser->placemarkArray) . ")"); $this->placemarkArray = $parser->placemarkArray; return true; } /** * @return string the geoJSON representation of the KML. */ public function toGeoJSON($str) { $numberOfPlacemarks = count($this->placemarkArray); if ($numberOfPlacemarks > 0) { $str .= "\"features\": ["; for ($i=0; $i < $numberOfPlacemarks; $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= $this->placemarkArray[$i]->toGeoJSON(); } $str .= "]}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("KML: toGeoJSON: this placemarkArray is empty!"); } return $str; } public function createGeoJSON(){ $str = "{"; $str.= "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\","; if (sizeof($this->featureCollectionMD) > 0) { foreach ($this->featureCollectionMD as $key => $value) { $str.= "\"".$key."\": \"".$value."\","; } } $completeString = $this->toGeoJSON($str); return $completeString; } private function updateInDb($kmlDoc, $kmlId) { $sql = "UPDATE gui_kml SET kml_doc = $1 WHERE kml_id = $2"; $v = array($kmlDoc, $kmlId); $t = array("s", "i"); $result = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$result) { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml: kml update failed! " . db_error()); return false; } } public function updateKml ($kmlId, $placemarkId, $geoJSON) { $kmlFromDb = $this->getKmlDocumentFromDB($kmlId); if ($kmlFromDb !== NULL) { // load the KML from the database in the DOM object $kmlDoc_DOM = new DOMDocument("1.0"); $kmlDoc_DOM->encoding = CHARSET; $kmlDoc_DOM->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $kmlDoc_DOM->loadXML($kmlFromDb); //load the geoJSON $json = new Mapbender_JSON(); $geoObj = $json->decode($geoJSON); // construct an array that holds all metadata of the placemark $metadataObj = $geoObj->properties; // construct an array that holds all geometries of the placemark $geometryObj = $geoObj->geometry; $geometryType = $geometryObj->type; if ($geometryType == "GeometryCollection") { $geometryArray = $geometryObj->geometries; } else if ($geometryType == "Point" || $geometryType == "LineString" || $geometryType == "Polygon") { $geometryArray = array($geometryObj); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml: Invalid geometry type " . $geometryType); return false; } // // apply the changes // $currentPlacemarkArray = $kmlDoc_DOM->getElementsByTagName("Placemark"); $currentPlacemark = $currentPlacemarkArray->item($placemarkId); if ($currentPlacemark) { $metadataUpdateSuccessful = $this->updateMetadata($currentPlacemark, $metadataObj); $geometryUpdateSuccessful = $this->updateGeometries($currentPlacemark, $geometryArray); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml.php: updateKml: placemark " . $placemarkId . " not found in KML " . $kmlId . "."); return false; } if ($metadataUpdateSuccessful && $geometryUpdateSuccessful) { $updatedKml = $kmlDoc_DOM->saveXML(); $this->updateInDb($updatedKml, $kmlId); } else { if (!$metadataUpdateSuccessful) { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml: Updating the metadata failed, no database update."); } if (!$geometryUpdateSuccessful) { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml: Updating the geometries failed, no database update."); } return false; } } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml: No KML found in database, no database update. " . db_error()); return false; } return true; } // // // ------------------------------- private ----------------------------------------------- // // /** * Store this KML in the database, and sets the ID. * * @return boolean true, if the KML could be stored in the database; else false. */ private function storeInDb () { if (Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id") && Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_gui")) { $con = db_connect(DBSERVER,OWNER,PW); db_select_db(DB,$con); $sql = "INSERT INTO gui_kml "; $sql .= "(fkey_mb_user_id, fkey_gui_id, kml_doc, kml_name, kml_description, kml_timestamp) "; $sql .= "VALUES "; $sql .= "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)"; $v = array (Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"), Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_gui"), $this->kml, "name", "description", time()); $t = array ("i", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml.php: storeInDb: failed to store KML in database: " . db_error()); return false; } $this->id = db_insert_id($con, "gui_kml", "kml_id"); return true; } else { // should be false, but code in caller has to be changed first. return true; } } /** * @param integer the ID of the KML. * @return string the KML document with the given ID. */ public function getKmlDocumentFromDB ($kmlId) { $con = db_connect(DBSERVER,OWNER,PW); db_select_db(DB,$con); //get KML from database (check if user is allowed to access) # for now, do not restrict access # $sql = "SELECT kml_doc FROM gui_kml WHERE kml_id = $1 AND fkey_mb_user_id = $2 AND fkey_gui_id = $3 LIMIT 1"; # $v = array($kmlId, Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"), Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_gui")); # $t = array("i", "i", "s"); $sql = "SELECT kml_doc FROM gui_kml WHERE kml_id = $1 LIMIT 1"; $v = array($kmlId); $t = array("i"); $result = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $row = db_fetch_array($result); if ($row) { return $row["kml_doc"]; } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml.php: getKMLDocumentFromDB: no KML found for ID " . $kmlId); } return ""; } /** * @param string the tag name. * @return string the tag name without its namespace. */ private function sepNameSpace($s){ $c = mb_strpos($s, ":"); if ($c > 0) { $s = mb_substr($s, $c+1); } return $s; } private function updateGeometries($currentPlacemark, $geometryArray) { $cnt = 0; $childNodes = $currentPlacemark->childNodes; foreach ($childNodes as $childNode) { $name = $childNode->nodeName; if ( in_array($name, array("Point","LineString","Polygon"))) { $returnValue = $this->updateGeometry($childNode, $geometryArray[$cnt]); if (!$returnValue) { return false; } $cnt ++; } else if ($name == "MultiGeometry") { return $this->updateGeometries($childNode, $geometryArray); } } return true; } private function updateGeometry ($currentNode, $geometry) { $json = new Mapbender_JSON(); $currentNode_SimpleXML = simplexml_import_dom($currentNode); $currentTypeXml = mb_strtoupper($currentNode->nodeName); $currentTypeGeoJson = mb_strtoupper($geometry->type); if ($currentTypeGeoJson != $currentTypeXml) { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml: geometry type mismatch: geoJSON: " . $currentTypeGeoJson . "; XML: " . $currentTypeXml); return false; } if ($currentTypeXml == "POLYGON") { // GML 3 $gmlNode = $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"exterior"}->{"LinearRing"}->{"posList"}; $kmlNode = $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"outerBoundaryIs"}->{"LinearRing"}->{"coordinates"}; if ($gmlNode && $gmlNode->asXML()) { $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"exterior"}->{"LinearRing"}->{"posList"} = preg_replace("/,/", " ", preg_replace("/\[|\]/", "", $json->encode($geometry->coordinates))); } // KML 2.2 else if ($kmlNode && $kmlNode->asXML()) { $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"outerBoundaryIs"}->{"LinearRing"}->{"coordinates"} = preg_replace("/\],/", " ", preg_replace("/\][^,]|\[/", "", $json->encode($geometry->coordinates))); } } elseif ($currentTypeXml == "POINT") { $gmlNode = $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"pos"}; $kmlNode = $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"coordinates"}; // GML 3 if ($gmlNode && $gmlNode->asXML()) { $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"pos"} = preg_replace("/,/", " ", preg_replace("/\[|\]/", "", $json->encode($geometry->coordinates))); } // KML 2.2 else if ($kmlNode && $kmlNode->asXML()) { $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"coordinates"} = preg_replace("/\[|\]/", "", $json->encode($geometry->coordinates)); } } elseif ($currentTypeXml == "LINESTRING") { $gmlNode = $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"posList"}; $kmlNode = $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"coordinates"}; // GML 3 if ($gmlNode && $gmlNode->asXML()) { $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"posList"} = preg_replace("/,/", " ", preg_replace("/\[|\]/", "", $json->encode($geometry->coordinates))); } // KML 2.2 else if ($kmlNode && $kmlNode->asXML()) { $currentNode_SimpleXML->{"coordinates"} = preg_replace("/\[|\]/", "", $json->encode($geometry->coordinates)); } } return true; } private function updateMetadata($currentPlacemark, $metadataObj) { $metadataExistsAndUpdateSucceeded = true; $currentPlacemark_SimpleXML = simplexml_import_dom($currentPlacemark); $extendedDataNode = $currentPlacemark_SimpleXML->{"ExtendedData"}; if ($extendedDataNode) { $metadataExistsAndUpdateSucceeded = false; // Either, data is within a SCHEMADATA tag... $simpleDataNodes = $extendedDataNode->{"SchemaData"}->{"SimpleData"}; if ($simpleDataNodes) { foreach ($simpleDataNodes as $simpleDataNode) { $tmp = dom_import_simplexml($simpleDataNode); $name = $tmp->getAttribute("name"); // if there is a metadata entry, update it if (isset($metadataObj->$name)) { $tmp->nodeValue = $metadataObj->$name; } } $metadataExistsAndUpdateSucceeded = true; } // ...or within a DATA tag $dataNodes = $extendedDataNode->{"Data"}; if ($dataNodes && !$metadataExistsAndUpdateSucceeded) { foreach ($dataNodes as $dataNode) { $tmp = dom_import_simplexml($dataNode); $name = $tmp->getAttribute("name"); // if there is a metadata entry, update it if (isset($metadataObj->$name)) { $tmp->nodeValue = $metadataObj->$name; } } $metadataExistsAndUpdateSucceeded = true; } } return $metadataExistsAndUpdateSucceeded; } /** * The KML document. */ private $kml; /** * The ID of this KML in the database. */ private $id; /** * An array of {@link KMLPlacemark} */ private $placemarkArray = array(); } ?>