geometries = array($this->geomtype_point, $this->geomtype_polygon, $this->geomtype_line, $this->geomtype_multipolygon, $this->geomtype_multiline); } /** * Old constructor to keep PHP downward compatibility */ function gml3(){ self::__construct(); } function getGml($req){ $x = new connector($req); return $x->file; } function parseFile($req){ #$data = implode("",file($req)); $x = new connector($req); $data = $x->file; $data = $this->removeWhiteSpace($data); $this->parseXML($data); #$e = new mb_exception("data = ".$data); } function parseGeometry($req){ #$data = implode("",file($req)); $x = new connector($req); $data = $x->file; $e = new mb_exception("data = ".$data); $data = $this->removeWhiteSpace($data); //$envelopeGeom = $this->parseGeom($data); $geom = $this->parseXML($data); return $geom; } function parseGeom($data) { $this->doc = $this->removeWhiteSpace($data); $gmlDoc = new SimpleXMLElement($this->doc); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('xls', ''); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('wfs', ''); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('gml', ''); // build feature collection $featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); // gmlBounding //$gmlBounding = $gmlDoc->xpath("//gml:boundedBy/gml:Envelope/gml:pos"); //$gmlBounding = $gmlDoc->xpath("//gml:boundedBy/gml:Box/gml:coordinates"); $gmlFeatureMembers = $gmlDoc->xpath("//wfs:member"); if (count($gmlFeatureMembers) > 0) { $cnt=0; foreach ($gmlFeatureMembers as $gmlFeatureMember) { $featureMember_dom = dom_import_simplexml($gmlFeatureMember); $feature = new Feature(); if ($this->geomFeaturetypeElement != null) { $feature->parse($featureMember_dom, $this->geomFeaturetypeElement); } else { $feature->parse($featureMember_dom); } if (isset($feature->geometry)) { $featureCollection->addFeature($feature); } $cnt++; } return $featureCollection->toGeoJSON(); } else{ return ""; } } function parseXML($data) { if (func_num_args() == 2) { $this->geomFeaturetypeElement = func_get_arg(1); } $this->doc = $this->removeWhiteSpace($data); return $this->toGeoJSON(); } function removeWhiteSpace ($string) { return preg_replace("/\>(\s)+\<", trim($string)); } function sepNameSpace($s){ $c = mb_strpos($s,":"); if($c>0){ return mb_substr($s,$c+1); } else{ return $s; } } function toGeoJSON () { $gmlDoc = new SimpleXMLElement($this->doc); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('xls', ''); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('wfs', ''); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('gml', ''); // build feature collection $featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); // segments of the featzreCollection $gmlFeatureMembers = $gmlDoc->xpath("//wfs:member"); if(count($gmlFeatureMembers)>0){ $cnt=0; foreach ($gmlFeatureMembers as $gmlFeatureMember) { $featureMember_dom = dom_import_simplexml($gmlFeatureMember); $feature = new Feature(); if ($this->geomFeaturetypeElement != null) { $feature->parse($featureMember_dom, $this->geomFeaturetypeElement); } else { $feature->parse($featureMember_dom); } if (isset($feature->geometry)) { $featureCollection->addFeature($feature); } $cnt++; } return $featureCollection->toGeoJSON(); } else{ return "{}"; } } public static function getDimensionFromNode ($domNode) { if (!$domNode->hasAttribute("srsDimension")) { return 2; } $dim = intval($domNode->getAttribute("srsDimension"), 10); if (2 == $dim || 3 == $dim) { return $dim; } return 2; } /** * @deprecated */ function parsegml($req){ #$data = implode("",file($req)); $x = new connector($req); $this->parse_xml($x->file); } /** * @deprecated */ function parse_xml($data){ $this->doc = $data; $section = false; $geom = false; $boundedBy = false; $coordinates = false; $el = -1; $parser = xml_parser_create(CHARSET); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,1); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING,CHARSET); xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$data,$values,$tags); $code = xml_get_error_code ($parser); if ($code) { $line = xml_get_current_line_number($parser); $mb_exception = new mb_exception(xml_error_string($code) . " in line " . $line); } xml_parser_free($parser); foreach ($values as $element) { #$e = new mb_exception($element['tag']); if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("boundedBy") && $element['type'] == "open"){ $boundedBy = true; } if ($boundedBy) { if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("envelope")){ $epsgAttr = ""; if(isset($element['attributes'])){ $epsgAttr = isset($element['attributes']['srsName']) ? $element['attributes']['srsName'] : ""; } if(strstr($epsgAttr,'#') !== false){ // $parts = explode('#',$epsgAttr); $epsg == isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : ""; }else if (strstr($epsgAttr,':') !== false){ // EPSG:31466 // urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.5:4326 $parts = explode(':',$epsgAttr); $parts = array_reverse($parts); if(isset($parts[0])){ $epsg = $parts[0]; }else{ $epsg = ""; } new mb_exception(print_r(isset($parts[0]),true)); new mb_exception(print_r($epsg,true)); }else { $epsg=""; } $this->epsg = $epsg; } if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("lowercorner")){ $this->bbox = explode(",", str_replace(",,","",str_replace(" ",",",trim($element['value'])))); $boundedBy=false; } if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("uppercorner")){ $this->bbox .= explode(",", str_replace(",,","",str_replace(" ",",",trim($element['value'])))); $boundedBy=false; } } if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("Member") && $element['type'] == "open"){ $this->member++; $this->keys[$this->member] = array(); $this->value[$this->member] = array(); $this->geometry[$this->member] = array(); $section = true; $cnt_geom = 0; } if($section == true){ if( in_array($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag']),$this->geometries) && $element['type'] == "open"){ $geom = true; $this->geomtype[$this->member] = $this->sepNameSpace($element['tag']); } else if(in_array($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag']),$this->geometries) && $element['type'] == "close"){ $cnt_geom++; $geom = false; } if($geom == true){ if (strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("poslist")) { $this->geometry[$this->member][$cnt_geom] = str_replace(",,","",str_replace(" ",",",trim($element['value']))); $coordinates = true; // XXX: Increment counter to get all geometries of a feature member, // comment it out to only show first geometry of featuremember $cnt_geom++; } else if (!$coordinates && trim($element['value'])) { $coords = str_replace(",,","",str_replace(" ",",",trim($element['value']))); $tmp_array = explode(",", $coords); if (count($tmp_array > 1)) { $this->geometry[$this->member][$cnt_geom] = $coords; $coordinates = true; // XXX: Increment counter to get all geometries of a feature member, // comment it out to only show first geometry of featuremember $cnt_geom++; } } } else if(strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($element['tag'])) == strtoupper("Member") && $element['type'] == "close"){ $section = false; $el = -1; } else{ $el++; $this->values[$this->member][$el] = $element['value']; $this->keys[$this->member][$el] = $element['tag']; } } } } /** * @deprecated */ function getMemberCount(){ return ($this->member+1); } /** * @deprecated */ function getValueBySeparatedKey($memberCount,$keyName){ for($i=0; $ikeys[$memberCount]); $i++){ if($this->sepNameSpace($this->keys[$memberCount][$i]) == $keyName){ return $this->values[$memberCount][$i]; } } } /** * @deprecated */ function getValueByKey($memberCount,$keyName){ for($i=0; $ikeys[$memberCount]); $i++){ if($this->keys[$memberCount][$i] == $keyName){ return $this->values[$memberCount][$i]; } } } /** * @deprecated */ function getXfromMemberAsString($memberCount,$geomCount){ $t = explode(",",$this->geometry[$memberCount][$geomCount]); $x = array(); for($i=0; $i<(count($t)-1); $i=$i+2){ array_push($x,$t[$i]); } return implode(",",$x); } /** * @deprecated */ function getYfromMemberAsString($memberCount,$geomCount){ $t = explode(",",$this->geometry[$memberCount][$geomCount]); $y = array(); for($i=1; $i<=(count($t)-1); $i=$i+2){ array_push($y,$t[$i]); } return implode(",",$y); } /** * @deprecated */ function getGeometriesFromMember($memberCount){ return $this->geometry[$memberCount]; } /** * @deprecated */ function getGeometryTypeFromMember($memberCount){ return $this->geomtype[$memberCount]; } /** * @deprecated */ function exportGeometriesToJS ($isInFrame) { $prefix = ""; if ($isInFrame == true) { $prefix = "parent."; } $js = ""; $js .= "var geom = new ".$prefix."GeometryArray();\n"; for ($i=0; $igeometry); $i++) { $js .= $this->exportMemberToJS($i, $isInFrame); $js .= "geom.addCopy(q);\n"; } return $js; } /** * @deprecated */ function exportMemberToJS ($i, $isInFrame) { $prefix = ""; if ($isInFrame == true) { $prefix = "parent."; } $js = ""; if ($this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_point) { $js .= "var current_geomtype = ".$prefix."geomType.point;\n"; } elseif ($this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_line || $this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_multiline) { $js .= "var current_geomtype = ".$prefix."geomType.line;\n"; } elseif ($this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_polygon || $this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i) == $this->geomtype_multipolygon) { $js .= "var current_geomtype = ".$prefix."geomType.polygon;\n"; } else { $e = new mb_notice("unknown geometry type: '".$this->getGeometryTypeFromMember($i)."' or no geometry existing"); return ""; } $js .= "var q = new ".$prefix."MultiGeometry(current_geomtype);\n"; for ($j=0; $jgeometry[$i]); $j++) { $js .= "q.addGeometry(current_geomtype);\n"; $x_array = explode(",", $this->getXfromMemberAsString($i, $j)); $y_array = explode(",", $this->getYfromMemberAsString($i, $j)); for ($k=0; $kfeatureArray, $aFeature); } public function toGeoJSON () { $str = ""; $len = count($this->featureArray); if ($len > 0) { $str .= "{\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", \"features\": ["; for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= $this->featureArray[$i]->toGeoJSON(); } $str .= "]}"; } return $str; } } class Feature { var $type = "Feature"; var $fid; var $geometry = false; var $properties = array(); var $geomFeaturetypeElement = null; public function __construct() { } function sepNameSpace($s){ list($ns,$FeaturePropertyName) = mbw_split(":",$s); $nodeName = array('ns' => $ns, 'value' => $FeaturePropertyName); return $nodeName; } /** * Parses the feature segment of a GML and stores the geometry in the * $geometry variable of the class. * * Example of a feature segment of a GML. * * * * * * 39.700000 29.400000 * 46.400000 35.400000 * * * * * * * * * * 43.200000 35.400000 * 46.400000 31.700000 * 44.100000 31.000000 * 41.700000 29.400000 * 39.700000 31.400000 * 43.300000 32.300000 * 43.200000 35.400000 * * * * * * * * 16752039 * 624 * inter_08 * * * 3 * * * * @return void * @param $domNode DOMNodeObject the feature tag of the GML * ( in the above example) */ public function parse($domNode) { if (func_num_args() == 2) { $this->geomFeaturetypeElement = func_get_arg(1); } $currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild; $this->fid = $currentSibling->getAttribute("fid"); $currentSibling = $currentSibling->firstChild; while ($currentSibling) { $name = $currentSibling->nodeName; $value = $currentSibling->nodeValue; $namespace = $this->sepNameSpace($name); $ns = $namespace['ns']; $columnName = $namespace['value']; $isGeomColumn = ($this->geomFeaturetypeElement == null || $columnName == $this->geomFeaturetypeElement); // check if this node is a geometry node. // however, even if it is a property node, // it has a child node, the text node! // So we might need to do something more // sophisticated here... if ($currentSibling->hasChildNodes() && $isGeomColumn){ $geomNode = $currentSibling->firstChild; $geomType = $geomNode->nodeName; if ($geomNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($geomNode->hasAttribute("srsName")) { $srs = $geomNode->getAttribute("srsName"); } } switch ($geomType) { case "gml:Polygon" : $this->geometry = new GMLPolygon(); $this->geometry->srs = $srs; $this->geometry->parsePolygon($geomNode); break; case "gml:LineString" : $this->geometry = new GMLLine(); $this->geometry->srs = $srs; $this->geometry->parseLine($geomNode); break; case "gml:Point" : $this->geometry = new GMLPoint(); $this->geometry->srs = $srs; $this->geometry->parsePoint($geomNode); break; case "gml:MultiLineString" : $this->geometry = new GMLMultiLine(); $this->geometry->srs = $srs; break; case "gml:MultiSurface" : $this->geometry = new GMLMultiPolygon(); $this->geometry->srs = $srs; $this->geometry->parseMultiPolygon($geomNode); break; case "gml:Envelope" : $this->geometry = new GMLEnvelope(); $this->geometry->srs = $srs; $this->geometry->parseEnvelope($geomNode); break; default: $this->properties[$columnName] = $value; break; } } else { $this->properties[$columnName] = $value; } $currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling; } } public function toGeoJSON () { $str = ""; $str .= "{\"type\":\"Feature\", \"id\":\"".$this->fid."\", \"crs\":"; if (!$this->geometry || !$this->geometry->srs) { $str .= "null, "; } else { $str .= "{\"type\":\"name\", \"properties\":{\"name\":\"" . $this->geometry->srs . "\"}}, "; } $str .= "\"geometry\": "; if ($this->geometry) { $str .= $this->geometry->toGeoJSON(); } else { $str .= "\"\""; } $prop = array(); $str .= ", \"properties\": "; $cnt = 0; foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { $prop[$key] = $value; $cnt ++; } $json = new Mapbender_JSON(); $str .= $json->encode($prop); $str .= "}"; return $str; } } class GMLLine { var $pointArray = array(); public function __construct() { } public function parseLine ($domNode) { $currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild; while ($currentSibling) { $dim = self::getDimensionFromNode($currentSibling); $coordArray = explode(' ', trim($currentSibling->nodeValue)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coordArray); $i += $dim) { $x = $coordArray[$i]; $y = $coordArray[$i+1]; $gmlLine->addPoint($x, $y); } $currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling; } } protected function addPoint ($x, $y) { array_push($this->pointArray, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y)); } public function toGeoJSON () { $numberOfPoints = count($this->pointArray); $str = ""; if ($numberOfPoints > 0) { $str .= "{\"type\": \"LineString\", \"coordinates\":["; for ($i=0; $i < $numberOfPoints; $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "[".$this->pointArray[$i]["x"].",".$this->pointArray[$i]["y"]."]"; } $str .= "]}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("GMLLine: toGeoJSON: this point is null."); } return $str; } } class GMLPoint { var $point; public function __construct() { } public function parsePoint ($domNode) { $currentSibling = $domNode->firstChild; while ($currentSibling) { $coordArray = explode(" ", $currentSibling->nodeValue); $gmlPoint->setPoint($coordArray[0], $coordArray[1]); $currentSibling = $currentSibling->nextSibling; } } protected function setPoint ($x, $y) { # echo "x: " . $x . " y: " . $y . "\n"; if (strstr($this->srs,'EPSG::')==True) { $this->point = array("x" => $y, "y" => $x); } else { $this->point = array("x" => $x, "y" => $y); } } public function toGeoJSON () { $str = ""; if ($this->point) { $str .= "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\":"; $str .= "[".$this->point["x"].",".$this->point["y"]."]"; $str .= "}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("GMLPoint: toGeoJSON: this point is null."); } return $str; } } class GMLPolygon { var $pointArray = array(); var $innerRingArray = array(); public function __construct() { } public static function getDimensionFromNode ($domNode) { if (!$domNode->hasAttribute("srsDimension")) { return 2; } $dim = intval($domNode->getAttribute("srsDimension"), 10); if (2 == $dim || 3 == $dim) { return $dim; } return 2; } public function parsePolygon ($domNode) { $simpleXMLNode = simplexml_import_dom($domNode); $simpleXMLNode->registerXPathNamespace('gml', ''); $allCoords = $simpleXMLNode->xpath("gml:exterior/gml:LinearRing/gml:posList"); $cnt=0; foreach ($allCoords as $Coords) { $coordsDom = dom_import_simplexml($Coords); $dim = self::getDimensionFromNode($coordsDom); $coordArray = explode(' ', trim($coordsDom->nodeValue)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coordArray); $i += $dim) { $x = $coordArray[$i]; $y = $coordArray[$i+1]; $this->addPoint($x, $y); } $cnt++; } $innerRingNodeArray = $simpleXMLNode->xpath("gml:innerBoundaryIs/gml:LinearRing"); if ($innerRingNodeArray) { $ringCount = 0; foreach ($innerRingNodeArray as $ringNode) { $coordinates = $ringNode->xpath("gml:coordinates"); foreach ($coordinates as $coordinate) { $coordsDom = dom_import_simplexml($coordinate); $dim = self::getDimensionFromNode($coordsDom); $coordArray = explode(' ', trim($coordsDom->nodeValue)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coordArray); $i += $dim) { $x = $coordArray[$i]; $y = $coordArray[$i+1]; $this->addPointToRing($ringCount, $x, $y); } } $ringCount++; } } } protected function addPoint ($x, $y) { if (strstr($this->srs,'EPSG::')==True) { array_push($this->pointArray, array("x" => $y, "y" => $x)); } else { array_push($this->pointArray, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y)); } } protected function addPointToRing ($i, $x, $y) { if (count($this->innerRingArray) <= $i) { array_push($this->innerRingArray, array()); } $index = count($this->innerRingArray); $currentIndex = ($i < $index ? $i : $index); if (strstr($this->srs,'EPSG::')==True) { array_push($this->innerRingArray[$currentIndex], array("x" => $y, "y" => $x)); } else { array_push($this->innerRingArray[$currentIndex], array("x" => $x, "y" => $y)); } } public function toGeoJSON () { $numberOfPoints = count($this->pointArray); $str = ""; if ($numberOfPoints > 0) { $str .= "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\":[["; for ($i=0; $i < $numberOfPoints; $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "[".$this->pointArray[$i]["x"].",".$this->pointArray[$i]["y"]."]"; } $str .= "]"; for ($i=0; $i < count($this->innerRingArray); $i++) { $str .= ",["; for ($j=0; $j < count($this->innerRingArray[$i]); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "[".$this->innerRingArray[$i][$j]["x"].",".$this->innerRingArray[$i][$j]["y"]."]"; } $str .= "]"; } $str .= "]}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("GMLPolygon: toGeoJSON: this point is null."); } return $str; } } class GMLEnvelope extends GMLPolygon{ /* 42.943 -71.032 43.039 -69.856 */ public function parseEnvelope ($domNode) { $corner1 = $domNode->firstChild; $corner2 = $corner1->nextSibling; list($y1,$x1) = explode(' ',$corner1->nodeValue); list($y2,$x2) = explode(' ',$corner2->nodeValue); $this->addPoint($x1, $y1); $this->addPoint($x1, $y2); $this->addPoint($x2, $y2); $this->addPoint($x2, $y1); $this->addPoint($x1, $y1); } } class GMLMultiLine { var $lineArray = array(); public function __construct() { } public function parseMultiLine ($domNode) { $simpleXMLNode = simplexml_import_dom($domNode); $simpleXMLNode->registerXPathNamespace('gml', ''); $allCoords = $simpleXMLNode->xpath("gml:lineStringMember/gml:LineString/gml:coordinates"); $cnt=0; foreach ($allCoords as $Coords) { $this->lineArray[$cnt] = array(); $coordsDom = dom_import_simplexml($Coords); // $name = $coordsDom->nodeName; // $value = $coordsDom->nodeValue; // echo "===> name: ".$name. ", Value: ".$value."
"; foreach(explode(' ',$coordsDom->nodeValue) as $pointCoords){ list($x,$y,$z) = explode(',',$pointCoords); $this->addPoint($x, $y, $cnt); } $cnt++; } } protected function addPoint ($x, $y) { if (strstr($this->srs,'EPSG::')==True) { array_push($this->lineArray[$i], array("x" => $y, "y" => $x)); } else { array_push($this->lineArray[$i], array("x" => $x, "y" => $y)); } } public function toGeoJSON () { $numberlineArray = count($this->lineArray); $str = ""; if ($numberlineArray > 0) { $str .= "{\"type\": \"MultiLineString\", \"coordinates\":["; for ($cnt =0; $cnt < $numberlineArray; $cnt++){ if ($cnt > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .="["; for ($i=0; $i < count($this->lineArray[$cnt]); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "[".$this->lineArray[$cnt][$i]["x"].",".$this->lineArray[$cnt][$i]["y"]."]"; } $str .="]"; } $str .= "]}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("GMLMultiLine: toGeoJSON: this multiLine is null."); } return $str; } } class GMLMultiPolygon { var $polygonArray = array(); var $innerRingArray = array(); public function __construct() { } public static function getDimensionFromNode ($domNode) { if (!$domNode->hasAttribute("srsDimension")) { return 2; } $dim = intval($domNode->getAttribute("srsDimension"), 10); if (2 == $dim || 3 == $dim) { return $dim; } return 2; } protected function addPointToRing ($i, $j, $x, $y) { if (count($this->innerRingArray[$i]) <= $j) { array_push($this->innerRingArray[$i], array()); } if (strstr($this->srs,'EPSG::')==True) { array_push($this->innerRingArray[$i][$j], array("x" => $y, "y" => $x)); } else { array_push($this->innerRingArray[$i][$j], array("x" => $x, "y" => $y)); } } public function parseMultiPolygon ($domNode) { // echo $domNode->nodeName."
"; $simpleXMLNode = simplexml_import_dom($domNode); $simpleXMLNode->registerXPathNamespace('gml', ''); $allPolygons = $simpleXMLNode->xpath("gml:surfaceMember/gml:Polygon"); if (count($allPolygons) === 0) { $allPolygons = $simpleXMLNode->xpath("gml:surfaceMembers/gml:Polygon"); } $cnt=0; foreach ($allPolygons as $polygon) { $allCoords = $polygon->xpath("gml:exterior/gml:LinearRing/gml:posList"); $this->polygonArray[$cnt] = array(); foreach ($allCoords as $Coords) { $coordsDom = dom_import_simplexml($Coords); $dim = self::getDimensionFromNode($coordsDom); $coordArray = explode(' ', trim($coordsDom->nodeValue)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coordArray); $i += $dim) { $x = $coordArray[$i]; $y = $coordArray[$i+1]; $this->addPoint($x, $y, $cnt); } } $this->innerRingArray[$cnt] = array(); $innerRingNodeArray = $polygon->xpath("gml:interior"); if ($innerRingNodeArray) { $ringCount = 0; foreach ($innerRingNodeArray as $ringNode) { $currentRingNode = $ringNode->xpath("gml:LinearRing"); foreach ($currentRingNode as $node) { $coordinates = $node->xpath("gml:posList"); foreach ($coordinates as $coordinate) { $coordsDom = dom_import_simplexml($coordinate); $dim = self::getDimensionFromNode($coordsDom); $coordArray = explode(' ', trim($coordsDom->nodeValue)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coordArray); $i += $dim) { $x = $coordArray[$i]; $y = $coordArray[$i+1]; $this->addPointToRing($cnt, $ringCount, $x, $y); } } $ringCount++; } } } $cnt++; new mb_notice("create multipolygon " . serialize($this->innerRingArray)); } } protected function addPoint ($x, $y, $i) { if (strstr($this->srs,'EPSG::')==True) { array_push($this->polygonArray[$i], array("x" => $y, "y" => $x)); } else { array_push($this->polygonArray[$i], array("x" => $x, "y" => $y)); } } public function toGeoJSON () { $numberPolygonArray = count($this->polygonArray); $str = ""; if ($numberPolygonArray > 0) { $str .= "{\"type\": \"MultiPolygon\", \"coordinates\":["; for ($cnt =0; $cnt < $numberPolygonArray; $cnt++){ if ($cnt > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "["; $str .= "["; for ($i=0; $i < count($this->polygonArray[$cnt]); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "[".$this->polygonArray[$cnt][$i]["x"].",".$this->polygonArray[$cnt][$i]["y"]."]"; } $str .= "]"; for ($i=0; $i < count($this->innerRingArray[$cnt]); $i++) { $str .= ",["; for ($j=0; $j < count($this->innerRingArray[$cnt][$i]); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "[".$this->innerRingArray[$cnt][$i][$j]["x"].",".$this->innerRingArray[$cnt][$i][$j]["y"]."]"; } $str .= "]"; } $str .= "]"; } $str .= "]}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("GMLMultiPolygon: toGeoJSON: this multiLine is null."); } return $str; } } ?>