*/ /** * Gets an image for layer or wmc preview. * Convert the image to the right format and save it in the @preview_dir */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../php/mb_validateSession.php"); $user_id = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"); $source_id = $_POST['source_id']; //set variables $width; $height; $new_name; //get the http referer and the service (wms,wmc) $referer = explode('=',$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $service = end($referer); // get the file informations $info = pathinfo($_FILES['image']['name']); // get the extension of the file $ext = $info['extension']; // set the new fileName $type = $_POST['type']; if ($type == 'wmc') { $new_name = $source_id."_wmc_preview.jpg";//.$ext; } else { $new_name = $source_id."_layer_map_preview.jpg";//.$ext; } $new_image = dirname(__FILE__)."/../geoportal/preview/".$new_name; if ($_POST["upload_action"] === "upload") { // get the ímage $image = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; //resize the image to 200px * 200px // get image size $size = Getimagesize($image); $images_orig; //create an gd-image-object from the source file switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($image); break; case 'jpeg': $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($image); break; case 'png': $images_orig = ImageCreateFrompng($image); break; case 'gif': $images_orig = ImageCreateFromgif($image); break; default: return; break; } //if width and height are to big if ($size[0] >= 200 || $size[1] >= 200) { // width of the origin image $photoW = ImagesX($images_orig); // height of the origin image $photoH = ImagesY($images_orig); // create new image with the calculated size $images_target = ImageCreateTrueColor(200, 200); //fill the new image with transparency background $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($images_target, 255, 255, 255, 0); //fill white background imagefill($images_target, 0, 0, $color); imagealphablending( $images_target, false ); imagesavealpha($images_target, true); //set the new image width and height if ($size[0] > $size[1] || $size[0] == $size[1]) { $width = 200; $height = round($width*$size[1]/$size[0]); // calculate the height of the src_image in the target_image $startHeight = round((200-$height)/2); // resize the image: ImageCopyResampled($images_target, $images_orig, 0, $startHeight, 0, 0, $width, $height, $photoW, $photoH); }else{ $height = 200; $width = round($height*$size[0]/$size[1]); $startWidth = round((200-$width)/2); ImageCopyResampled($images_target, $images_orig, $startWidth, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $photoW, $photoH); } // move File to the new target directory --> always save as png imagejpeg($images_target,$new_image); // free space ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_target); echo ""; } // if image-width and height are to small else if($size[0] < 200 && $size[1] < 200){ //set the new image width $width = $size[0]; // scale the height $height = $size[1]; // width of the origin image $photoW = ImagesX($images_orig); // height of the origin image $photoH = ImagesY($images_orig); // create new image with the calculated size $images_target = ImageCreateTrueColor(200, 200); //fill the new image with transparency background $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($images_target, 255, 255, 255, 0); //fill white background imagefill($images_target, 0, 0, $color); imagealphablending( $images_target, false ); imagesavealpha($images_target, true); // calculate the height of the src_image in the target_image $startHeight = round((200-$height)/2); $startWidth = round((200-$width)/2); // resize the image ImageCopyResampled($images_target, $images_orig, $startWidth, $startHeight, 0, 0, $width, $height, $photoW, $photoH); // move File to the new target directory --> always save as png imagejpeg($images_target,$new_image); // free space ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_target); echo ""; } } else if ($_POST["upload_action"] === "delete") { unlink($new_image); echo ""; } else if ($_POST["upload_action"] === "getImage") { if(!file_exists($new_image)) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } }