getModulPermission(Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"), $gui_id, $e_id); // // if the module is an iframe, also check if the filename matches the // filename of the GUI element with the given e_id // // (if SCRIPT_NAME is "map.php", we trust the script.) // if (!preg_match("/^.*\/javascripts\/map\.php$/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])) { $isCorrectScript = true; $sql = "SELECT e_element FROM gui_element WHERE e_id = $1 AND fkey_gui_id = $2"; $v = array($e_id, $gui_id); $t = array("s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { if (!$admin->checkModulePermission_new(Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"), $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], $row["e_element"])) { $isCorrectScript = false; break; } } // $e = new mb_notice($e_id . ": isAllowed: " . $isAllowed . ", isCorrectScript: " . $isCorrectScript); $isAllowed = $isAllowed && $isCorrectScript; } // // If the user is not allowed to access the module, return to the login screen. // if (!$isAllowed) { $msg = "mb_validatePermission.php: User " . Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id") . " is not allowed to access ". "module " . $e_id; $e = new mb_exception($msg); header("Location: ".LOGIN); die(); } $e = new mb_notice("mb_validatePermission.php: checking file " . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "...permission valid."); // // delete global variables // unset($admin, $isAllowed, $e, $isCorrectScript, $msg, $myGuisArray); ?>