get("mb_lang"); if (isset($sessionLang) && ($sessionLang!='')) { $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata.php: language found in session: ".$sessionLang); $language = $sessionLang; $langCode = explode("_", $language); $langCode = $langCode[0]; # Hopefully de or else $languageCode = $langCode; #overwrite the GET Parameter with the SESSION information } $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata.php: language in SESSION: ".$sessionLang); $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata.php: new language: ".$languageCode); $outputFormat = "json"; if (isset($_REQUEST["languageCode"]) & $_REQUEST["languageCode"] != "") { //validate to csv integer list $testMatch = $_REQUEST["languageCode"]; if (!($testMatch == 'de' or $testMatch == 'fr' or $testMatch == 'en')){ //echo 'languageCode: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter languageCode is not valid (de,fr,en).
'; die(); } $languageCode = $testMatch; $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata.php: languageCode from GET parameter: ".$languageCode); $testMatch = NULL; } $localeObj->setCurrentLocale($languageCode); if (isset($_REQUEST["outputFormat"]) & $_REQUEST["outputFormat"] != "") { $testMatch = $_REQUEST["outputFormat"]; if (!($testMatch == 'json' or $testMatch == 'html')){ //echo 'outputFormat: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter outputFormat is not valid (json,html).
'; die(); } $outputFormat = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } function checkUrlInDatalink($url, $datalinkIds) { $sql = "SELECT datalink_id FROM datalink WHERE datalink_id in (".explode(",",$datalinkIds).") AND datalink_url = ".urldecode($url); $res = db_query($sql); //$row = db_fetch_assoc($res) $e = new mb_exception("num rows: ".db_numrows($res)); if (db_numrows($res) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } //make all parameters available as upper case foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { $_REQUEST[strtoupper($key)] = $val; } //validate request params if (isset($_REQUEST['ID']) & $_REQUEST['ID'] != "") { //validate cs list of uuids or other identifiers - which? $testMatch = $_REQUEST["ID"]; //$uuid = new Uuid($testMatch); //$isUuid = $uuid->isValid(); $idList = explode(',',$_REQUEST['ID']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($idList); $i++) { $testMatch = $idList[$i]; $uuid = new Uuid($testMatch); $isUuid = $uuid->isValid(); if (!$isUuid) { //echo 'Id: '.$testMatch.' is not a valid uuid (12-4-4-4-8)!
'; echo 'Parameter Id is not a valid uuid (12-4-4-4-8) or a list of uuids!
'; die(); } } $testMatch = NULL; } function getDownloadOptions($idList) { //define query to pull all download options - actually only the inspire download services based on atom feeds $sql = "select service_id, service_uuid, resource_id, resource_type, datalink, NULL as datalink_text, title, format, inspire_download from ( select service_id, resource_id, service_uuid, resource_type, fkey_datalink_id as datalink, title, format, inspire_download from (select fkey_wms_id as service_id, layer_id as resource_id, 'layer' as resource_type, layer.uuid as service_uuid, metadata_relation.title, format, layer.inspire_download from layer inner join (select metadata_id, title, format, uuid, fkey_layer_id from mb_metadata inner join ows_relation_metadata on ows_relation_metadata.fkey_metadata_id = mb_metadata.metadata_id) "; $sql .= "as metadata_relation on metadata_relation.fkey_layer_id = layer.layer_id where layer_searchable = 1 AND metadata_relation.uuid = $1) as layer_metadata LEFT OUTER JOIN ows_relation_data ON layer_metadata.resource_id = ows_relation_data.fkey_layer_id ) as inspire_layer inner join wms on inspire_layer.service_id = wms.wms_id "; $sql .= "union select fkey_wfs_id as service_id, service_uuid, featuretype_id as resource_id, 'wfs' as resource_type, NULL "; $sql .= "as datalink, NULL as datalink_text, title, 'GML' as format, inspire_download from (select wfs_featuretype.featuretype_id ,wfs_featuretype.fkey_wfs_id, wfs.uuid as service_uuid, wfs_featuretype.inspire_download from wfs_featuretype inner join wfs on wfs_featuretype.fkey_wfs_id = wfs.wfs_id WHERE inspire_download = 1 ORDER BY featuretype_id) as featuretype_inspire inner join (select metadata_id, title, format, uuid, fkey_featuretype_id from mb_metadata inner join ows_relation_metadata on "; $sql .= "ows_relation_metadata.fkey_metadata_id = mb_metadata.metadata_id) as metadata_relation on metadata_relation.fkey_featuretype_id = featuretype_inspire.featuretype_id and metadata_relation.uuid = $1 "; $sql .= "union select NULL as service_id, NULL as service_uuid, NULL as resource_id, 'metadata' as resource_type, NULL "; $sql .= "as datalink, datalinks as datalink_text, title, format, inspire_download FROM mb_metadata WHERE mb_metadata.uuid = $1 and inspire_download = 1;"; /* $sql = "select service_id, resource_id, resource_type, fkey_datalink_id as datalink from (select fkey_wms_id as service_id, layer_id as resource_id, 'layer' as resource_type from layer inner join (select metadata_id, uuid, fkey_layer_id from mb_metadata inner join ows_relation_metadata on ows_relation_metadata.fkey_metadata_id = mb_metadata.metadata_id) "; $sql .= "as metadata_relation on metadata_relation.fkey_layer_id = layer.layer_id where layer.inspire_download = 1 and metadata_relation.uuid = $1) as layer_metadata LEFT OUTER JOIN ows_relation_data ON layer_metadata.resource_id = ows_relation_data.fkey_layer_id union select fkey_wfs_id as service_id, featuretype_id as resource_id, 'wfs' as resource_type, NULL "; $sql .= "as datalink from (select wfs_featuretype.featuretype_id ,wfs_featuretype.fkey_wfs_id, wfs_featuretype.inspire_download from wfs_featuretype WHERE inspire_download = 1 ORDER BY featuretype_id) as featuretype_inspire inner join (select metadata_id, uuid, fkey_featuretype_id from mb_metadata inner join ows_relation_metadata on "; $sql .= "ows_relation_metadata.fkey_metadata_id = mb_metadata.metadata_id) as metadata_relation on metadata_relation.fkey_featuretype_id = featuretype_inspire.featuretype_id and metadata_relation.uuid = $1;";*/ //initialize array for result //$e = new mb_exception($idList); for ($i = 0; $i < count($idList); $i++) { $v = array($idList[$i]); $t = array('s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); //problem, $res don't give back false if it was not successful! //push rows into associative array $j = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { //echo "j: ".$j."
"; switch ($row['resource_type']) { case "wfs": if ($row['inspire_download'] == 1) { $serviceIdIndex = false; for ($k = 0; $k < count($downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option); $k++) { //echo "k: ".$k."
"; //echo "service_id: ".$row['service_id']." - searched Id: ".$downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$k]->serviceId."
"; if ($row['service_id'] == $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$k]->serviceId) { //service_id found at index $k $serviceIdIndex = $k; //echo "Service already found on index: ".$serviceIdIndex."
"; } } if ($serviceIdIndex !== false) { //echo "Add featuretype to given service: ".$serviceIdIndex."
"; //old wfs has been found //get count of current fts $m = count($downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$serviceIdIndex]->featureType); //echo "m: ".$m."
"; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$serviceIdIndex]->featureType[$m] = $row['resource_id']; } else { $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->type = "wfsrequest"; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->serviceId = $row['service_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->serviceUuid = $row['service_uuid']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->featureType[0] = $row['resource_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->format = $row['format']; } $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->title = $row['title']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->uuid = $idList[$i]; //add wfs option $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j+1]->type = "wfs"; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j+1]->wfsId = $row['service_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j+1]->featuretypeId = $row['resource_id']; $j++; } else { //add wfs option $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->type = "wfs"; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->wfsId = $row['service_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->featuretypeId = $row['resource_id']; } break; case "layer": if ($row['inspire_download'] == 1) { if (!isset($row['datalink'] ) || $row['datalink'] == '') { $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->type = "wmslayergetmap"; $row['format'] = 'GeoTIFF'; } else { $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->type = "wmslayerdataurl"; //add to array with datalink (ids) //$arrayDataLinks[] = $row['datalink']; } $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->serviceId = $row['service_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->serviceUuid = $row['service_uuid'];//This is a layer uuid - not a service uuid!!!! $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->resourceId = $row['resource_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->format = $row['format']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->dataLink = $row['datalink']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->title = $row['title']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->uuid = $idList[$i]; //add wms option $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j+1]->type = "wms"; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j+1]->wmsId = $row['service_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j+1]->layerId = $row['resource_id']; $j++; } else { //add wms option $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->type = "wms"; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->wmsId = $row['service_id']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->layerId = $row['resource_id']; } break; case "metadata": if (isset($row['datalink_text'] ) || $row['datalink_text'] != '') { $downloadLinks = json_decode($row['datalink_text']); $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->type = "downloadlink"; //parse json and add some more info? //$downloadLinks = json_decode($row['datalink_text']); foreach ($downloadLinks->downloadLinks as $downloadLink) { $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->link = $downloadLink->{"0"}; //check if $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option[$j]->format = $row['format']; } } $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->title = $row['title']; $downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->uuid = $idList[$i]; break; } $j++; } //delete double entries - maybe url is given from dataurl - use this //get all dataurlids //foreach($downloadOptions->{$idList[$i]}->option as $option) { //$option->dataLink; //} } //$e = new mb_exception(json_encode($downloadOptions)); //add further option from metadata itself - if $result = json_encode($downloadOptions); return $result; } $downloadOptions = getDownloadOptions($idList); if ($downloadOptions != "null" && $outputFormat == "json") { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset='.CHARSET); echo $downloadOptions; } if ($downloadOptions != "null" && $outputFormat == "html") { $options = json_decode($downloadOptions); $header = ''; $header .= ''; $header .= '' . ''._mb('Download options for dataset(s)').'' . ''. ''. '' . ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. '' . ''; $header .= ''; $header .= ''; $header .= ''; $header .= ''; $header .= ''; //some js for dialog echo $header; if (defined("MAPBENDER_PATH") && MAPBENDER_PATH != '') { $mapbenderUrl = MAPBENDER_PATH; } else { $mapbenderUrl = ""; } $script .= ''; echo $script; $metadataList = _mb("Used dataset(s)").":
"; //generate one tab for each dataset //independently define the headers of the parts $metadataList .= '
'; $metadataList .= '
'; $metadataList .= ''; foreach ($idList as $currentUuid){ //$metadataList .= "".$options->{$currentUuid}->title." ".'validate'.""; $metadataList .= '
'; $metadataList .= ""._mb('Metadata').""; //echo $options->{$currentUuid}->title; $metadataList .= "
"; if ($downloadOptions != null) { $iOptions = 1; foreach ($options->{$currentUuid}->option as $option) { switch ($option->type) { case "wmslayergetmap": $metadataList .= $iOptions.". "._mb('Download raster data from INSPIRE Download Service').": "; break; case "wmslayerdataurl": $metadataList .= $iOptions.". "._mb('Download linked data from INSPIRE Download Service').": "; break; case "wfsrequest": $metadataList .= $iOptions.". "._mb('Download GML data from INSPIRE Download Service').": "; break; case "downloadlink": $metadataList .= $iOptions.". "._mb('Download linked data from INSPIRE Download Service').": "; break; } $metadataList .= "
"; $iOptions++; } } $iTabs++; $metadataList .= '
'; } $metadataList.= '
'; $metadataList .= '
'; echo $metadataList; echo ""; } ?>