'.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter pathExtension is not valid ("../../mapbender/tmp/","../mapbender/tmp/").
'; die(); } $pathExtension = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["return"]) & $_REQUEST["return"] != "") { //validate to de, en, fr $testMatch = $_REQUEST["return"]; if (!($testMatch == 'applicationlink' or $testMatch == 'imagelink')){ //echo 'languageCode: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter return is not valid ("applicationlink","imagelink").
'; die(); } $return = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } $filename = "qr_mobileclient.png"; //generate qr on the fly in tmp folder //link to invoke wmc per get api if wrapper path isset if (defined("MAPBENDER_PATH") && MAPBENDER_PATH != "") { $invokeLink = MAPBENDER_PATH."/extensions/mobilemap2/index.html"; QRcode::png($invokeLink,TMPDIR."/".$filename); $htmlElement = ""; } else { echo "MAPBENDER_PATH not defined in mapbender.conf - please define it to activate linkage and qr code!"; die(); } switch ($return) { case "imagelink": echo $pathExtension.TMPDIR."/".$filename; break; case "applicationlink": echo $invokeLink; break; case "default": echo $htmlElement; break; } //echo html image tag with link to mobile client //echo $htmlElement; ?>