"; if (defined("CKAN_SERVER_PORT") && CKAN_SERVER_PORT != '') { $serverUrl = CKAN_SERVER_IP.":".CKAN_SERVER_PORT; } else { $serverUrl = CKAN_SERVER_IP; } DEFINE('SERVER_URL',$serverUrl); $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY, CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; //echo "API-key: ".$ckan->api_key."
"; //echo "API-baseUrl: ".$ckan->base_url; //get json objects from mapbender json interface /*$mapbenderCkanUrl = "http://localhost/mapbender_trunk/php/mod_exportMapbenderLayer2CkanObjects.php"; $ckanObjectConnector = new connector($mapbenderCkanUrl); $ckanObjects = json_decode($ckanObjectConnector->file); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset='.CHARSET); echo json_encode($ckanObjects); */ //first check if group with given name exists - if not create it in the ckan instance via action api, if it exists - update title and link to logo $group = group_get(CKAN_GROUP_NAME); if (!$group) { print "No group found, create it via action api!"; $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; //create new one $newGroup->name = CKAN_GROUP_NAME; $newGroup->title = CKAN_GROUP_TITLE; $newGroup->image_url = CKAN_GROUP_SYMBOL; //$newGroup->description = CKAN_GROUP_DESCRIPTION; try { $result = $ckan->action_group_create(json_encode($newGroup)); } catch (Exception $e) { print '

Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . '

'; } if ($result->success) { print '

Group created successfully!

'; } unset($ckan); } else { print "Group ".$group->name." found. Datasets will be pushed into this group."; } if (defined("CKAN_EXPORT_URL") && CKAN_EXPORT_URL != "") { $mapbenderCkanUrl = CKAN_EXPORT_URL; } else { $mapbenderCkanUrl = "http://localhost/mb_trunk/php/mod_exportMapbenderLayer2CkanObjects.php"; } //read ckan objects from source into variable $ckanObjectConnector = new connector($mapbenderCkanUrl); $ckanObjects = json_decode($ckanObjectConnector->file); //build dataset array for source datasets foreach ($ckanObjects->result as $dataset) { $mbDatasetArray[] = $dataset->name; } print "Mapbender datasets:
"; if (count($mbDatasetArray) == 0) { $mbDatasetArray = false; } if ($mbDatasetArray) { foreach ($mbDatasetArray as $dataset) { print $dataset."
"; } } //die(); print "ckan datasets:
"; //get old package names for defined group in ckan.conf file //thru action api $ckanDataset = group_get(CKAN_GROUP_NAME); //$result = json_decode($resultDataset); $ckanDatasetArray = array(); foreach ($ckanDataset->packages as $dataset) { $ckanDatasetArray[] = $dataset; } if ($ckanDatasetArray) { //debug output foreach ($ckanDatasetArray as $dataset) { print $dataset."
"; } } // //compare the arrays //first those which can be deleted if ($ckanDatasetArray && $mbDatasetArray) { $datasetToDelete = array_diff($ckanDatasetArray, $mbDatasetArray); } else { if (!$ckanDatasetArray) { $datasetToDelete = false; } if (!$mbDatasetArray) { $datasetToDelete = $ckanDatasetArray; } } //show datasets to be deleted: if ($datasetToDelete) { print "ckan datasets to be deleted:
"; //debug output foreach ($datasetToDelete as $dataset) { print $dataset."
"; } } //check datasets to be updated: if (!$ckanDatasetArray) { $datasetToUpdate = false; } else { //get identical datasets $datasetToUpdate = array_intersect($mbDatasetArray,$ckanDatasetArray); } if ($datasetToUpdate) { print "ckan datasets to update:
"; foreach ($datasetToUpdate as $dataset) { print $dataset."
"; } } else { print "No datasets to update!
"; } //get datasets to be created if ($ckanDatasetArray && $mbDatasetArray) { $datasetToCreate = array_diff($mbDatasetArray, $ckanDatasetArray); } else { if (!$ckanDatasetArray) { $datasetToCreate = $mbDatasetArray; } if (!$mbDatasetArray) { $datasetToCreate = false; } } if ($datasetToCreate) { print "Mapbender datasets to be created for the first time:
"; foreach ($datasetToCreate as $dataset) { print $dataset."
"; } print "
"; } else { print "No datasets to create!
"; } //identify which are identical and which are new and which are lost //first delete the orphaned foreach ($datasetToDelete as $datasetName) { $result = package_delete($datasetName,CKAN_API_UPDATE); if ($result) { print "Package ".$datasetName." deleted successfully!
"; } else { print "Package ".$datasetName." could not be deleted!
"; } } if ($datasetToUpdate) { print "Update of datasets
"; } //second update the identical ones foreach ($datasetToUpdate as $datasetName) { //get dataset from object $index = array_search($datasetName,$mbDatasetArray); if (is_int($index)) { $newPackage = $ckanObjects->result[$index]; //change group field if not the action api is requested! if (CKAN_API_UPDATE == 2 || CKAN_API_UPDATE == 1) { for ($i=0;$i < count($newPackage->groups);$i++) { $newPackage->groups[$i] = $newPackage->groups[$i]->name; } for ($i=0;$i < count($newPackage->tags);$i++) { $newPackage->tags[$i] = $newPackage->tags[$i]->name; } } //update it with action api $result = package_update ($newPackage,CKAN_API_UPDATE); if ($result) { print "Dataset ".$datasetName." successfully updated!
"; //print json_encode($result); } else { print "Could not update dataset ".$datasetName."!
"; } } } //second create the new ones foreach ($datasetToCreate as $datasetName) { //get dataset from object $index = array_search($datasetName,$mbDatasetArray); if (is_int($index)) { $newPackage = $ckanObjects->result[$index]; //create it with action api $result = package_create ($newPackage,CKAN_API_CREATE); if ($result) { print "Dataset ".$datasetName." successfully created!
"; //print json_encode($result); } else { print "Could not create dataset ".$datasetName."!
"; } } } print time()."
"; //functions for interacting with ckan apis function package_get ($packageName) { try { $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; $idArray = array ('id'=>$packageName); $resultDataset = $ckan->action_package_show(json_encode($idArray)); if ($resultDataset->success) { return $resultDataset->result; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()); return false; } } function group_get ($groupName) { try { $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/1/'; $resultDataset = $ckan->get_group_entity($groupName); return $resultDataset; } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()); return false; } } function package_update ($package, $apiVersion) { //check if package already exists $existingPackage = package_get ($package->name); if ($existingPackage) { switch ($apiVersion) { case 3: //update it ;-) $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; try { $result = $ckan->action_package_update(json_encode($package)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: update dataset http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); } if ($result->success) { $result = $result->result; } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: error when trying to update dataset!'); $result = false; } return $result; break; case 1: //update it with api v1 ;-) $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/1/'; try { $result = $ckan->put_package_entity($package->name,json_encode($package)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: update dataset http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); return false; } return $result; break; case 2: //update it with api v2 ;-) $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/2/'; $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: '.$package->groups[0]); try { $result = $ckan->post_package_register($existingPackage->id,json_encode($package)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: update dataset http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); return false; } return $result; break; } } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: No package found to update!'); return false; } } function package_create ($package,$apiVersion) { //check if package already exists $existingPackage = package_get ($package->name); if ($existingPackage) { //check if existing was deleted $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: There is already an existing package with name: '.$package->name); if ($existingPackage->status == 'deleted') { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: with status \'deleted\''); } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: with status \'active\''); } return false; } else { //package insertion $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); switch ($apiVersion) { case 1: $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/1/'; try { $resultDataset = $ckan->post_package_register(json_encode($package)); if ($resultDataset->success) { $result = $resultDataset->result; } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: error when trying to create dataset!'); $result = false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); $result = $e->getMessage(); } break; case 3: $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; try { $resultDataset = $ckan->action_package_create(json_encode($package)); if ($resultDataset->success) { $result = $resultDataset->result; } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: error when trying to create dataset!'); $result = false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); } break; } if ($result) { return $result; } else { return false; } } } function get_packages_by_group($groupname) { //by action api $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; $datasetNames = array(); try { $groupArray = array ('id'=>$groupname); $result = $ckan->action_group_package_show(json_encode($groupArray)); if ($result->success) { foreach ($result->result as $dataset) { $datasetNames[] = $dataset->name; } } else { return false; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: get_packages_by_group: http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); } return $datasetNames; } function get_packages_by_group2($groupname) { //by action api unset($ckanApi); $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->set_base_url(); $e = new mb_exception("testckan: ".SERVER_URL); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/rest'; $e = new mb_exception("testckan: ".$ckan->base_url); $datasetNames = array(); try { $result = $ckan->get_group_by_name($groupname); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: get_packages_by_group: http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); return false; } foreach ($result->packages as $dataset) { $datasetNames[] = $dataset; } return $datasetNames; } function package_delete($packageName,$apiVersion) { //check if package already exists $existingPackage = package_get ($packageName); if ($existingPackage) { //check if existing was deleted $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: Following package will be deleted: '.$package->name); if ($existingPackage->state == 'deleted') { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: package was deleted already nothing to be done!'); return true; } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: Start deleting it!'); switch ($apiVersion) { case 3: //update the name and status of package to delete: $existingPackage->state = "deleted"; $existingPackage->name = $existingPackage->name."_".time(); //some special elements for rhineland palatinate dataset validation: /*Validation error: "{'__type': 'Validation Error', 'point_of_contact': [u'Missing value'], 'content_type': [u'Missing value'], 'point_of_contact_free_address': [u'At least one value must be specified'], 'point_of_contact_email': [u'At least one value must be specified'], 'other_terms_of_use': [u'Missing value'], 'point_of_contact_url': [u'At least one value must be specified']}"*/ //- don't help delete it with api 2 // //$existingPackage->point_of_contact = "dummy"; //$existingPackage->content_type = "dummy"; //$existingPackage->point_of_contact_free_address = "dummy"; //$existingPackage->point_of_contact_email = "dummy"; //$existingPackage->other_terms_of_use = "dummy"; //$existingPackage->point_of_contact_url = "http://www.geoportal.rlp.de"; try { $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/'; $result = $ckan->action_package_update(json_encode($existingPackage)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: get_packages_by_group: http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); } if ($result->success) { return true; } else { return false; } break; case 2: //the existing package was called by action api therefor group will be defined as dict and be flattened before update //TODO: check if api 2 uses dict for group or not! for ($i=0;$i < count($existingPackage->groups);$i++) { //$error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: groups['.$i.']->name old:'.$existingPackage->groups[$i]->name); $existingPackage->groups[$i] = $existingPackage->groups[$i]->name; //$error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: groups['.$i.'] new:'.$existingPackage->groups[$i]); } for ($i=0;$i < count($existingPackage->tags);$i++) { $existingPackage->tags[$i] = $existingPackage->tags[$i]->name; } $package->point_of_contact = "dummy"; $package->content_type = "dummy"; $package->point_of_contact_free_address = "dummy"; $package->point_of_contact_email = "dummy@dummy.de"; $package->point_of_contact_url = "http://test.de"; $package->other_terms_of_use = "dummy"; //$package->extras = null; //update the name and status of package to delete: $package->state = "deleted"; $package->name = $existingPackage->name."_".time(); //update it with api v2 ;-) $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/2/'; try { $result = $ckan->post_package_register($existingPackage->id,json_encode($package)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: update dataset http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); return false; } return $result; break; case 1: //update it with api v1 ;-) for ($i=0;$i < count($existingPackage->groups);$i++) { $existingPackage->groups[$i] = $existingPackage->groups[$i]->name; } for ($i=0;$i < count($existingPackage->tags);$i++) { $existingPackage->tags[$i] = $existingPackage->tags[$i]->name; } //some rp specials for deleting non conformant datasets - which maybe generated by hand! /*2013-02-23 21:37:57,704 ERROR [ckan.controllers.api] Validation error: "{'point_of_contact': [u'Missing value'], 'content_type': [u'Missing value'], 'point_of_contact_free_address': [u'At least one value must be specified'], 'point_of_contact_email': [u'At least one value must be specified'], 'point_of_contact_url': [u'At least one value must be specified']}"*/ //create complete dummy object: $package->point_of_contact = "dummy"; $package->content_type = "dummy"; $package->point_of_contact_free_address = "dummy"; $package->point_of_contact_email = "dummy@dummy.de"; $package->point_of_contact_url = "http://test.de"; $package->other_terms_of_use = "dummy"; //$package->extras = null; //update the name and status of package to delete: $package->state = "deleted"; $package->name = $existingPackage->name."_".time(); $ckan = new ckanApi(API_KEY,CKAN_SERVER_IP); $ckan->base_url='http://'.SERVER_URL.'/api/1/'; try { $result = $ckan->put_package_entity($packageName,json_encode($package)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: update dataset http_code:'.$e->getMessage()); return false; } return $result; break; } } } else { $error = new mb_exception('mod_syncCkan.php: No existing package found, deleting not needed!'); return true; } } function create_dummy_object() { return $dummyObject; } ?>