format($objDateTime::ATOM); // // function abort($message) { $result->result->error = false; $result->result->message = $message; header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($result); die(); } $iso8601Pattern = '/^\d{4}(-\d\d(-\d\d(T\d\d:\d\d(:\d\d)?(\.\d+)?(([+-]\d\d:\d\d)|Z)?)?)?)?$/i'; $singleYearPattern = '/^\d{4}$/'; //$iso8601Pattern = '/^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d(?:Z|[+-][01]\d:[0-5]\d)$/i'; if (isset($_REQUEST["default"]) & $_REQUEST["default"] != "") { $testMatch = urldecode($_REQUEST["default"]); if (!preg_match($iso8601Pattern,$testMatch) && $testMatch !== 'current'){ abort("The value for the default parameter is not a valid iso8601 dateTime string or has the value 'current'."); } $default = $testMatch; } if (isset($_REQUEST["operation"]) & $_REQUEST["operation"] != "") { $testMatch = urldecode($_REQUEST["operation"]); if (!$testMatch == 'snapToGrid' && !$testMatch == 'configureTimeline'){ echo 'Parameter operation is not valid (snapToGrid,configureTimeline).
'; die(); } $operation = $testMatch; } if (isset($_REQUEST["userValue"]) & $_REQUEST["userValue"] != "") { $testMatch = urldecode($_REQUEST["userValue"]); if (!preg_match($iso8601Pattern,$testMatch)){ abort("The value for the userValue parameter is not a valid iso8601 dateTime string."); } $userValue = $testMatch; } if (isset($_REQUEST["extent"]) & $_REQUEST["extent"] != "") { $testMatch = urldecode($_REQUEST["extent"]); //search for comma if (strpos($testMatch,',') !== false) { //found single discrete values $singleValues = explode(',',$testMatch); //test format of each value foreach ($singleValues as $dateTime) { if (!preg_match($iso8601Pattern,$dateTime)){ abort("The value for the extent parameter is not csv list of a valid iso8601 dateTime strings."); } } $kindOfExtent = "discreteValues"; } elseif (strpos($testMatch,'/') !== false) { //found interval with duration //extract values if (count(explode('/',$testMatch)) !== 3 ) { abort("The value for the extent parameter is not a valid iso8601 time duration string."); } else { $singleValues = explode('/',$testMatch); //check the first 2 entries for iso8601 strings for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) { if (!preg_match($iso8601Pattern,$singleValues[$i])){ abort("The first two parts of the value for the extent parameter are not valid iso8601 dateTime strings."); } } //check duration string $iso8601DurationPattern = '/^P(?=\w*\d)(?:\d+Y|Y)?(?:\d+M|M)?(?:\d+W|W)?(?:\d+D|D)?(?:T(?:\d+H|H)?(?:\d+M|M)?(?:\d+(?:\­.\d{1,2})?S|S)?)?$/'; if (!preg_match($iso8601DurationPattern,$singleValues[2])) { abort("The third part of the value for the extent parameter is not a valid iso8601 duration string."); } } $kindOfExtent = "intervalWithDuration"; } elseif (!preg_match($iso8601Pattern,$testMatch)) { abort("The value for the extent parameter is not a valid iso8601 dateTime string."); } //everything is allright $extent = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } //function to find the nearest interval of array elements to a given array value //returns a value, if one special element is found or returns the smallest interval //from the ordered array elements in which element lies in function quicksearch($element, $searchArray) { $numberOfValues = count($searchArray); if ($numberOfValues == 2) { return $searchArray; } while ($numberOfValues > 2) { if ($element == $searchArray[ceil($numberOfValues / 2) - 1]) { return $element; //return value is no array! } else { if ($element >= $searchArray[ceil($numberOfValues / 2) - 1]) { $numberOfValues = count($searchArray); if ($numberOfValues == 2) { return $searchArrayNew; } $searchArrayNew = quicksearch($element, array_slice($searchArray, ceil($numberOfValues / 2) - 1)); } else { $numberOfValues = count($searchArray); if ($numberOfValues == 2) { return $searchArray; } $searchArrayNew = quicksearch($element, array_slice($searchArray, 0, ceil($numberOfValues / 2))); } $numberOfValues = count($searchArrayNew); if ($numberOfValues == 2) { return $searchArrayNew; } } } return $searchArrayNew; } function getNearestValue($userValue, $discreteValues) { $discreteDateTimes = array(); $numberOfValues = count($discreteValues); $userValueDateTime = new DateTime($userValue); //transform discrete strings to time foreach ($discreteValues as $discreteValue) { $discreteDateTimes[] = new DateTime($discreteValue); } //do quicksearch //check if current value is less than first entry if ($userValueDateTime <= $discreteDateTimes[0]) { return ($discreteDateTimes[0]); } else { if ($userValueDateTime >= $discreteDateTimes[$numberOfValues-1]) { return ($discreteDateTimes[$numberOfValues-1]); } else { //do a quicksearch in array $result = quicksearch($userValueDateTime, $discreteDateTimes); if (is_array($result) && count($result) == 2) { //test the length of the interval $diffTime1 = abs(interval2Seconds($result[0]->diff($userValueDateTime))); $diffTime2 = abs(interval2Seconds($result[1]->diff($userValueDateTime))); if ($diffTime1 > $diffTime2) { return $result[1]; } else { return $result[0]; } } else { //return value itself return $result; } } } } //function to convert a php datetime intervall to seconds function interval2Seconds($duration) { if ($duration->days == false) { $seconds = $duration->s + $duration->i * 60 + $duration->h * 3600 + $duration->d * (3600*24) + $duration->m * (30.436875*3600*24) + $duration->y * (365*3600*24) ; } else { $seconds = $duration->s + $duration->i * 60 + $duration->h * 3600 + $duration->days * (3600*24); } return $seconds; } //Variable for result object $result->data = array(); //define default timezone: date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); //what do we need further for timeline: $fullYearExtent = false; //min, max, if point is slideable, if some point is already selected -> userValue if ($operation == 'snapToGrid') { //check for discrete values - if they exists - call a function to find next value - like quicksearch if (strpos($extent,'/') === false) { //no intervall found in extent $discreteValues = explode(',',$extent); if (preg_match($singleYearPattern,$interval[0])) { $fullYearExtent = true; //$e = new mb_exception("single year pattern for snapping"); //set to middle of the year //$interval[0] = $interval[0]."-07-02"; //$interval[1] = $interval[1]."-07-02"; } //ordered??? - define discrete values to be ordered !! $newValue = getNearestValue($userValue, $discreteValues); //$e = new mb_exception("newtime: ".$newTime->format('c')); if ($fullYearExtent == true) { $result->data[0]->value = $newValue->format('Y'); } else { $result->data[0]->value = $newValue->format('c'); } $result->result->error = false; $result->result->message = "All done"; } else { $interval = explode('/',$extent); $startTime = new DateTime($interval[0]); //check full year extent for snapping if (preg_match($singleYearPattern,$interval[0])) { $fullYearExtent = true; //$e = new mb_exception("single year pattern for snapping"); //set to middle of the year $interval[0] = $interval[0]."-07-02"; //$interval[1] = $interval[1]."-07-02"; } //$e = new mb_exception("default timezone: ".date_default_timezone_get()); $timezone = $startTime->getTimezone(); //timezone from starttime: //test if timezone was found in starttime: //$e = new mb_exception("timezone found in starttime: ".$timezone->getName()); //$e = new mb_exception("start timezone: ".$startTime->getTimezone()); $defaultTimeZone = timezone_open('UTC'); //$e = new mb_exception("timezone from starttime: ".date_default_timezone_get($timezone)); //problem - if no timezone is set use default GMT!! //$endTime = new DateTime($interval[1]); $duration = new DateInterval($interval[2]); $userValueDateTime = new DateTime($userValue); $diffTime = $startTime->diff($userValueDateTime); //creates php datetime interval object $diffTimeSeconds = $diffTime->s + $diffTime->i * 60 + $diffTime->h * 3600 + $diffTime->days * (3600*24); //$e = new mb_exception("days: ".$diffTime->days); $seconds = $duration->s + $duration->i * 60 + $duration->h * 3600 + $duration->d * (3600*24) + $duration->m * (30.436875*3600*24) + $duration->y * (365*3600*24); //$e = new mb_exception("durationdays: ".$duration->d); $fullDiffInSteps = round($diffTimeSeconds / $seconds); /*$e = new mb_exception("start: ".$interval[0]); $e = new mb_exception("wish to select: ".$userValue); $e = new mb_exception("steps: ".$fullDiffInSteps); $e = new mb_exception("seconds: ".$seconds);*/ $dateIntervalNew = new DateInterval('PT'.$fullDiffInSteps * $seconds.'S'); $newTime = $startTime->add($dateIntervalNew); //$newTime = $newTime->setTimezone($timezone); $newTime = $newTime->setTimezone($defaultTimeZone); //$e = new mb_exception("newtime: ".$newTime->format('c')); if ($fullYearExtent == true) { $result->data[0]->value = $newTime->format('Y'); } else { $result->data[0]->value = $newTime->format('c'); } $result->result->error = false; $result->result->message = "All done"; } } else { switch ($kindOfExtent) { case "intervalWithDuration": //calculate discrete points $interval = explode('/',$extent); //check extent for single year entries if (preg_match($singleYearPattern,$interval[0]) && preg_match($singleYearPattern,$interval[1])) { $fullYearExtent = true; //$e = new mb_exception("single year pattern"); //set to middle of the year $interval[0] = $interval[0]."-07-02"; $interval[1] = $interval[1]."-07-02"; } //parse one single year as date of the //$e = new mb_exception("extent representation of starttime: ".$interval[0]); $startTime = new DateTime($interval[0]); //$e = new mb_exception("date representation of starttime: ".$startTime->format('c')); $endTime = new DateTime($interval[1]); $duration = new DateInterval($interval[2]); $timezone = $startTime->getTimezone(); //$e = new mb_exception("timezone of starttime: ".$timezone->getName()); $diffTime = $startTime->diff($endTime); //creates php datetime interval object $diffTimeSeconds = $diffTime->s + $diffTime->i * 60 + $diffTime->h * 3600 + $diffTime->days * (3600*24); //Problem: DateInterval cannot be directly converted into seconds - only days are possible //days are only given, if interval has more than some days - if not given, use d attribute if ($duration->days == false) { $seconds = $duration->s + $duration->i * 60 + $duration->h * 3600 + $duration->d * (3600*24) + $duration->m * (30.436875*3600*24) + $duration->y * (365*3600*24) ; } else { $seconds = $duration->s + $duration->i * 60 + $duration->h * 3600 + $duration->days * (3600*24); } $numberOfDiscreteValues = $diffTimeSeconds / $seconds; if ($numberOfDiscreteValues > $maxEntries) { //abort("Number of possible discrete values: ".$numberOfDiscreteValues." exeeds max allowed number for visualization of timeline: ".$maxEntries."!"); //use the default value or the userValue if given if ($userValue !== false || $default !== false) { if ($userValue !== false) { $result->data[0]->id = 0; $result->data[0]->content = $userValue; $result->data[0]->start = $userValue; } else { $result->data[0]->id = 0; $result->data[0]->content = $default; if ($default == 'current') { $result->data[0]->start = $endTime->format('c'); if ($fullYearExtent == true) { $result->data[0]->content = $endTime->format('Y'); } else { $result->data[0]->content = $endTime->format('c'); } } else { $result->data[0]->start = $default; } } //set options to make a moving of value possible $result->options->editable->updateTime = true; //$result->options->configure = true; //$result->options->timeAxis->scale = 'minute'; //$result->options->timeAxis->step = 5; //better do snapping in callback function! } else { //set options to make a moving of value possible $result->options->editable->updateTime = true; } } else { //below max entries //check for $maxConcurrentEntries; $result->options->zoomMax = $seconds*$maxConcurrentEntries*1000; $result->data[0]->id = 0; if ($fullYearExtent == true) { $result->data[0]->content = $startTime->format('Y'); } else { $result->data[0]->content = $startTime->format('c'); } $result->data[0]->start = $startTime->format('c'); for ($i=1; $i < $numberOfDiscreteValues+1; $i++) { $time = $startTime->add($duration); //$time->setTimezone($timezone); $result->data[$i]->id = $i; if ($fullYearExtent == true) { $result->data[$i]->content = $time->format('Y'); $result->data[$i]->start = $time->format('c'); } else { $result->data[$i]->content = $time->format('c'); $result->data[$i]->start = $time->format('c'); } } //$result->options->editable->updateTime = false; //$result->options->editable->updateTime = false; $result->options->editable = false; } //re-initialize starttime because in case of a interval the time is incremented in the else loop before $oldStartTime = new DateTime($interval[0]); $result->options->min = $oldStartTime->format('c'); $result->options->max = $endTime->format('c'); $result->result->error = false; $result->result->message = "All done"; break; case "discreteValues": //$e = new mb_exception("discrete values"); if (count(explode(',',$extent)) > $maxEntries) { $extentArray = explode(',',$extent); //abort("Number of discrete values: ".count(explode(',',$extent))." exeeds max allowed number for visualization of timeline: ".$maxEntries."!"); //todo //use the default value or the userValue if given if ($userValue !== false || $default !== false) { if ($userValue !== false) { $result->data[0]->id = 0; $result->data[0]->content = $userValue; $result->data[0]->start = $userValue; } else { $result->data[0]->id = 0; $result->data[0]->content = $default; if ($default == 'current') { $result->data[0]->start = $endTime->format('c'); if ($fullYearExtent == true) { $result->data[0]->content = $endTime->format('Y'); } else { $result->data[0]->content = $endTime->format('c'); } } else { $result->data[0]->start = $default; } } //set options to make a moving of value possible $result->options->editable->updateTime = true; //$result->options->configure = true; //$result->options->timeAxis->scale = 'minute'; //$result->options->timeAxis->step = 5; //better do snapping in callback function! } else { //set options to make a moving of value possible $result->options->editable->updateTime = true; } } else { $extentArray = explode(',',$extent); for ($i=0; $i < count($extentArray); $i++) { $result->data[$i]->id = $i; $result->data[$i]->content = $extentArray[$i]; $result->data[$i]->start = $extentArray[$i]; } $result->options->editable = false; } //use first and last entry as borders $result->options->min = $extentArray[0]; $result->options->max = $extentArray[count($extentArray) - 1]; //$result->options->editable = false; $result->result->error = false; $result->result->message = "All done"; break; case "singleValue": //push json values echo $extent; break; } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($result); ?>