options.loadMessage = ""; var myIsNumeric = Number.isInteger || function(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value; }; //load options from element vars - if not already be done before //element_vars we need // 1. script name of the searchInterface to use // 2. slidesPerSide - number of tiles to show together // 3. maxResults - number of objects to get from the searchInterface with one call (should be a factor of 2. ) // 4. resource type - wmc/layer // 5. list of resource ids to filter {[1,2,3]} // 6. size of images, ... // 7. allowResize - like in loadwmc cause a function is borrowed from there options.resourceFilter = "[3,11,12]"; options.resourceFilter = "[]"; if (options.allowResize == "true") { options.allowResize = true; } else { options.allowResize = false; } if(myIsNumeric(options.maxResults)) { } else { options.maxResults = 6; } //debugging - TODO alter later on options.maxResults = 6; if(myIsNumeric(options.slidesPerSide)) { } else { options.slidesPerSide = 3; } if (typeof options.searchUrl == 'undefined') { options.searchUrl = "../php/mod_callMetadata.php?"; } else { //alert(options.searchUrl); } //for debugging purposes //options.searchUrl = "../php/mod_callMetadataRemote.php?"; var metadataCarouselTinySlider = function() { var that = this; this.id = options.id; //id of the upper div tag from mapbender element this.resourceFilter = JSON.parse(options.resourceFilter); if (this.resourceFilter.length > 0){ this.resourceFilterString = "&resourceIds="+this.resourceFilter.join(','); } else { this.resourceFilterString = ""; } this.initForm = function() { this.tinySliderContainer = $('#metadataCarouselTinySlider'); this.tinySliderContainer.addClass('slider-container'); //example from tiny-slider /**/ this.controlsContainer = $(document.createElement('ul')).appendTo(this.tinySliderContainer); this.controlsContainer.addClass('controls'); this.controlsContainer.attr('id', 'customize-controls'); this.controlsContainer.attr('aria-label', 'Carousel Navigation'); this.controlsContainer.attr('tabindex', '0'); this.prevContainer = $(document.createElement('li')).appendTo(this.controlsContainer); this.prevContainer.addClass('prev'); this.prevContainer.attr('data-controls', 'prev'); this.prevContainer.attr('aria-controls', 'customize'); this.prevContainer.attr('tabindex', '-1'); this.prevTitleContainer = $(document.createElement('i')).appendTo(this.prevContainer); this.prevTitleContainer.addClass('fas'); this.prevTitleContainer.addClass('fa-angle-right'); this.prevTitleContainer.addClass('fa-5x'); this.nextContainer = $(document.createElement('li')).appendTo(this.controlsContainer); this.nextContainer.addClass('next'); this.nextContainer.attr('data-controls', 'next'); this.nextContainer.attr('aria-controls', 'customize'); this.nextContainer.attr('tabindex', '-1'); this.nextTitleContainer = $(document.createElement('i')).appendTo(this.nextContainer); this.nextTitleContainer.addClass('fas'); this.nextTitleContainer.addClass('fa-angle-right'); this.nextTitleContainer.addClass('fa-5x'); this.sliderContainer = $(document.createElement('div')).appendTo(this.tinySliderContainer); this.sliderContainer.addClass('my-slider'); //hide during initialization //$('#' + options.id).hide(); //add event for loaded wmc like done in javascripts/mod_loadwmc.js /*this.events = { loaded: new Mapbender.Event() };*/ //add 3 dummy slides to container identified by class dummy this.sliderContainer.append('

Titel 1

Loresm ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos, voluptas!

Titel 2

Loresm ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos, voluptas!

Titel 3

Loresm ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos, voluptas!

'); } //end of function initForm var targetName = options.target; var maxResults = options.maxResults; var currentPage = 0; var maxPages = 1; //set default to 1 page var numberOfResults = 0; var searchUrl = options.searchUrl; var slidesPerSide = options.slidesPerSide; //first init form that.initForm(); this.loadMore = function(){ that.removeEvent(); //alert("actual_loaded_page: "+ currentPage +" - max pages: "+maxPages); //1-10 (100) //hide further loading button while loading more data //$('.show_more_button').hide(); //load next page $.ajax({url: searchUrl+"searchText=*&searchResources=wmc&searchPages="+(parseInt(currentPage) + parseInt(1))+"&maxResults="+maxResults+that.resourceFilterString, async: false, success: function(result){ result.wmc.srv.forEach(that.addElementToSlider); //increase global var currentPage currentPage = parseInt(currentPage) + parseInt(1); //unbind all old click events $('img.load_image').unbind('click'); //reinitialize click event $('img.load_image').click(function(){ var $this = $(this); resourceId = $this.attr("resourceid"); resourceTitle = $this.attr("resourceTitle"); alert(options.loadMessage + ": " + resourceTitle); that.executeJavaScript({method:"loadWmc", parameters:{id:resourceId}}); }); }}); //alert("current page - to goto afterwards!: "+currentPage); that.mainSlider.goTo(parseInt(currentPage * slidesPerSide) + 1); that.addEvent(); } //invoke from plugins folder //import {tns} from '../../extensions/tiny-slider-master/src/tiny-slider.js'; //this is done in mapbender database - reference to the js file in the extension folder //initialize tiny-slider this.mainSlider = $('.slider-container'); that.mainSlider = tns({ container: '.my-slider', items: slidesPerSide, slideBy: 'page', autoplay: false, mouseDrag: true, loop: false, controlsText: ['',''], }); this.fillInitialMetadata = function() { //initialize slider from first request to search interface var initialResult = $.ajax({url: searchUrl+"searchText=*&searchResources=wmc&maxResults="+maxResults+that.resourceFilterString, async: false, success: function(result){ //var initialResult = $.ajax({url: searchUrl+"searchText=*&searchResources=wmc&maxResults="+maxResults+that.resourceFilterString, async: true, success: function(result){ if (result.valid) return true; else return false; }}); var initialSearchJson = JSON.parse(initialResult.responseText); //extract number of currrent page, rpp and max results currentPage = initialSearchJson.wmc.md.p; numberOfResults = initialSearchJson.wmc.md.nresults; maxPages = Math.ceil(numberOfResults / maxResults); //remove temporary main slider content $("div.my-slider").html(""); JSON.parse(initialResult.responseText).wmc.srv.forEach(that.addElementToSlider); //initialize load on click event for initial items $('img.load_image').click(function(){ var $this = $(this); resourceId = $this.attr("resourceId"); resourceTitle = $this.attr("resourceTitle"); alert(options.loadMessage + ": " + resourceTitle); that.loadWmcById(resourceId); }); } this.addElementToSlider = function(item) { that.mainSlider.destroy(); $("div.my-slider").append('
'); $(".dummy").remove(); that.mainSlider = that.mainSlider.rebuild(); //add events again! //that.addEvent(); } this.loadWmcById = function(wmcId){ //alert(options.loadMessage + ": " + wmcId); //Mapbender.modules.loadwmc.executeJavaScript({method:"loadWmc", parameters:{id:wmcId}}); that.executeJavaScript({method:"loadWmc", parameters:{id:wmcId}}); } this.addEvent = function(){ //add event this.customizedFunction = function (info, eventName) { // direct access to info object //console.log(info.event.type, info.container.id); //if on last page ... - try to reload further data via ajax call if ((Math.ceil((that.mainSlider.getInfo().displayIndex / slidesPerSide)) == that.mainSlider.getInfo().pages)) { // TODO - check if on last side of all database results && Math.ceil(parseInt(numberOfResults) / slidesPerSide)) //alert("On last page and some more elements are available!"); that.loadMore(); } } // bind function to event that.mainSlider.events.on('indexChanged', that.customizedFunction); } this.removeEvent = function(){ that.mainSlider.events.off('indexChanged', that.customizedFunction); } //wait some time? //setTimeout(that.fillInitialMetadata(), 3000); //workaround var kml = $('#mapframe1').data('kml'); that.fillInitialMetadata(); that.addEvent(); //copied from javascripts/mod_loadwmc.js because it will not available, if loadwmc window has been closed somewhen!!!! this.executeJavaScript = function (args) { var req = new Mapbender.Ajax.Request({ url: "../php/mod_loadwmc_server.php", method: args.method, parameters: args.parameters, callback: function (obj, result, message) { if (!result) { new Mapbender.Warning(message); return; } try { if (args.method === "deleteWmc" || args.method === "setWMCPublic"){ return; } //things that have been done to load wmc if (obj.javascript && typeof(obj.javascript) == "object") { for (var j = 0; j < obj.javascript.length; j++) { //TODO: prohibit multiple maprequests when load wmc, cause on maprequests the wmc maybe stored to session :-( //alert("Statement: " + obj.javascript[j]); //eventAfterLoadWMS.trigger(); -- load the each wms again and saves the wmc to session for each wms - prohibit this behaviour!!!! - Done by global lock_maprequest in class_wmc.php line 1220+!! //console.log("Statement: " + obj.javascript[j]); eval(obj.javascript[j]); } if (options.allowResize == true) { if (Mapbender.modules.resizeMapsize) { //alert("Module resizeMapsize is available!"); try {$('#resizeMapsize').trigger("click");} catch (e) {alert(e)}; } } else { //alert("allowResize not defined"); } if (args.method === "loadWmc" || args.method === 'loadWmcFromFile') { var kml = $('#mapframe1').data('kml'); if(kml) { try { $.each(kml.kmlOrder, function(_, v) { $('li[title="' + v + '"]').unbind().find('*').unbind(); $('li[title="' + v + '"]').remove(); }); kml._kmls = JSON.parse(restoredWmcExtensionData.KMLS); kml.cache = {}; kml.kmlOrder = JSON.parse(restoredWmcExtensionData.KMLORDER); kml.render(); for(var k in kml._kmls) { kml.element.trigger('kml:loaded', kml._kmls[k]); } } catch(e) { // just ignore the exception for now } } //following will not work, because event is not defined here //that.events.loaded.trigger({ // extensionData: restoredWmcExtensionData //}); //following copied from wfsConTree.js - because there it is only called via loadwmc module, which is not available in new GUI types (>2019 fullcreen with new layout. wfsConfTree.js / wfsConfTree_single.js triggers the loadwmc module!) /*load wfs confs via ajax*/ if (restoredWmcExtensionData && restoredWmcExtensionData.WFSCONFIDSTRING) { var req = Mapbender.Ajax.Request({ url: "../php/mod_wfs_conf_server.php", method: "getWfsConfsFromId", parameters: { wfsConfIdString: restoredWmcExtensionData.WFSCONFIDSTRING }, callback: function(result,success,message){ //alert("try to reset wfsConfTree"); //alert(JSON.stringify(Mapbender.modules.wfsConfTree)); if (Mapbender.modules.wfsConfTree) { Mapbender.modules.wfsConfTree.reset(result); } } }); req.send(); } /*end load wfs confs via ajax*/ } } that.hide(); new Mapbender.Notice(args.message); } catch (e) { new Mapbender.Exception(e.message); } } }); req.send(); }; } //register object in mapbender! Mapbender.events.init.register(function() { Mapbender.modules[options.id] = $.extend(new metadataCarouselTinySlider(),Mapbender.modules[options.id]); });