forceBasicAuth is not valid (true).
'; die(); } else { $authType = 'basic'; } $testMatch = NULL; } if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../conf/excludeproxyurls.conf")) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../conf/excludeproxyurls.conf"); } //database connection $db = db_connect($DBSERVER, $OWNER, $PW); db_select_db(DB, $db); /* * *** conf **** */ $imageformats = array("image/png", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/jpg"); $width = 400; $height = 400; /* * *** conf **** */ //check request params for checking anonymous authorization######################################### //TODO!!!!!! $layerId = false; $wfsId = false; //$typenames = false; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: REQUEST METHOD: POST"); } else { $e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: REQUEST METHOD: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); } //test for existing post data $postData = file_get_contents("php://input"); //debug! //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: postdata: ".$postData); if (isset($postData) && $postData !== '') { $e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: postdata: ".$postData); } else { $e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: postdata (file content) empty!"); $postData = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST["layer_id"]) & $_REQUEST["layer_id"] != "") { //validate integer $testMatch = $_REQUEST["layer_id"]; //give max 99 entries - more will be to slow $pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/'; if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ //echo 'userId: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter layer_id is not valid (integer).
'; die(); } $layerId = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["wfs_id"]) & $_REQUEST["wfs_id"] != "") { //validate integer $testMatch = $_REQUEST["wfs_id"]; //give max 99 entries - more will be to slow $pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/'; if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ //echo 'userId: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter wfs_id is not valid (integer).
'; die(); } $wfsId = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } //parse query $query = new QueryHandler($postData, $_REQUEST, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); // an array with keys and values toLowerCase -> caseinsensitiv $reqParams = $query->getRequestParams(); //$e = new mb_exception($reqParams['version']); if ($wfsId !== false) { //switch for different parameter name - typename for wfs < 2.0 typenames for wfs >= 2.0 $typeNameParameter = "typename"; //lowercase switch ($reqParams['version']) { case "2.0.0": if (strtolower($reqParams['request']) == 'describefeaturetype') { $typeNameParameter = "typename"; } else { $typeNameParameter = "typenames"; } break; case "2.0.2": if (strtolower($reqParams['request']) == 'describefeaturetype') { $typeNameParameter = "typename"; } else { $typeNameParameter = "typenames"; } break; default: $typeNameParameter = "typename"; break; } //initialize typename parameter with false - not given //check for featuretype name if (isset($reqParams[$typeNameParameter]) & $reqParams[$typeNameParameter] != "") { //validate integer $testMatch = $reqParams[$typeNameParameter]; //simple pattern - without blanks! $pattern = '/^[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-_:,]*$/'; if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ //echo 'userId: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; echo 'Parameter '.$typeNameParameter.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $reqParams[$typeNameParameter] = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } } //check authorization $anonymousAccess = false; if ($layerId !== false) { $user = new user(PUBLIC_USER); $anonymousAccess = $user->isLayerAccessible($layerId); } //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: ".$typeNameParameter.": ".(string)$reqParams[$typeNameParameter]); if ($wfsId !== false) { if (isset($reqParams[$typeNameParameter]) && $reqParams[$typeNameParameter] !== false && $reqParams[$typeNameParameter] !== '') { $user = new user(PUBLIC_USER); $anonymousAccess = $user->areFeaturetypesAccessible($reqParams[$typeNameParameter], $wfsId); } else { //typename not requested - so check accessability for each featuretype of the service - only if all are accessable, give anonymous access to getcapabilities and other requests, that don't need a typename(s) parameter $sql = "SELECT featuretype_name FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1"; $v = array($wfsId); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!($row = db_fetch_all($res))) { return false; } else { if (count($row) == 1 && $row[0]['featuretype_name'] == null) { return false; } else { $allTypenames = ""; foreach ($row as $singleRow) { $allTypenames .= $singleRow['featuretype_name'] . ","; } $allTypenames = rtrim($allTypenames, ','); } //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: allTypenames for wfs ".$wfsId." : ".$allTypenames); $user = new user(PUBLIC_USER); $anonymousAccess = $user->areFeaturetypesAccessible($allTypenames, $wfsId); } } } //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: anonymousAcces possible: ".(string)$anonymousAccess); //first check if anonymous user has rights to access ressource - if so - don't use authentication if ($anonymousAccess == true) { $userId = PUBLIC_USER; } else { switch ($authType) { case 'digest': //special for type of authentication ****************************** //control if digest auth is set, if not set, generate the challenge with getNonce() if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="' . REALM . '",qop="auth",nonce="' . getNonce() . '",opaque="' . md5(REALM) . '"'); die('Text to send if user hits Cancel button'); } //read out the header in an array $requestHeaderArray = http_digest_parse($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']); //error if header could not be read if (!($requestHeaderArray)) { echo 'Following Header information cannot be validated - check your clientsoftware!
'; echo $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'] . '
'; die(); } //get mb_username and email out of http_auth username string $userIdentification = explode(';', $requestHeaderArray['username']); $mbUsername = $userIdentification[0]; $mbEmail = $userIdentification[1]; //not given in all circumstances $userInformation = getUserInfo($mbUsername, $mbEmail); /* $result[0] = $row['mb_user_id']; $result[1] = $row['mb_user_digest']; $result[2] = $row['mb_user_password']; $result[3] = $row['password']; */ if ($userInformation[0] == '-1') { die('User with name: ' . $mbUsername . ' and email: ' . $mbEmail . ' not known to security proxy!'); } if ($userInformation[1] == '') { //check if digest exists in db - if no digest exists it should be a null string! die('User with name: ' . $mbUsername . ' and email: ' . $mbEmail . ' has no digest - please set a new password and try again!'); } //first check the stale! if ($requestHeaderArray['nonce'] == getNonce()) { // Up-to-date nonce received $stale = false; } else { // Stale nonce received (probably more than x seconds old) $stale = true; //give another chance to authenticate header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="' . REALM . '",qop="auth",nonce="' . getNonce() . '",opaque="' . md5(REALM) . '" ,stale=true'); } // generate the valid response to check the request of the client $A1 = $userInformation[1]; $A2 = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ':' . $requestHeaderArray['uri']); $valid_response = $A1 . ':' . getNonce() . ':' . $requestHeaderArray['nc']; $valid_response .= ':' . $requestHeaderArray['cnonce'] . ':' . $requestHeaderArray['qop'] . ':' . $A2; $valid_response = md5($valid_response); if ($requestHeaderArray['response'] != $valid_response) {//the user have to authenticate new - cause something in the authentication went wrong die('Authentication failed - sorry, you have to authenticate once more!'); } //if we are here - authentication has been done well! //let's do the proxy things (came from owsproxy.php): //special for type of authentication ****************************** //user information //define $userId from database information $userId = $userInformation[0]; break; case 'basic': if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . REALM .'"'); header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); die('Authentication failed - sorry, you have to authenticate once more!'); } else { //get mb_username and email out of http_auth username string $userIdentification = explode(';', $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); $mbUsername = $userIdentification[0]; $mbEmail = $userIdentification[1]; //not given in all circumstances $userInformation = getUserInfo($mbUsername, $mbEmail); /* $result[0] = $row['mb_user_id']; $result[1] = $row['mb_user_digest']; $result[2] = $row['mb_user_password']; $result[3] = $row['password']; */ if ($userInformation[0] == '-1') { die('User with name: ' . $mbUsername . ' and email: ' . $mbEmail . ' not known to security proxy!'); } /*if ($userInformation[1] == '') { //check if digest exists in db - if no digest exists it should be a null string! die('User with name: ' . $mbUsername . ' and email: ' . $mbEmail . ' has no digest - please set a new password and try again!'); }*/ //check password - new since 06/2019 - secure password !!!!! if ($userInformation[3] == '' || $userInformation[3] == null) { die('User with name: ' . $mbUsername . ' and email: ' . $mbEmail . ' has no password which is stored in a secure way. - Please login at the portal to generate one!'); } if (password_verify($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'], $userInformation[3])) { $userId = $userInformation[0]; } else { $userId = $userInformation[0]; die('HTTP Authentication failed for user: ' . $mbUsername.'!'); } } break; }//end switch //} } //$e = new mb_exception("authentication successful!"); $layerId = $_REQUEST['layer_id']; $wfsId = $_REQUEST['wfs_id']; //new option for nested layers $withChilds = false; if (isset($_REQUEST["withChilds"]) && $_REQUEST["withChilds"] === "1") { $withChilds = true; } //$e = new mb_exception($postData); /*$query = new QueryHandler($postData); // an array with keys and values toLoserCase -> caseinsensitiv $reqParams = $query->getRequestParams();*/ $n = new administration(); if (!(isset($reqParams['service'])) AND (strtolower($reqParams['request'])=='getmap' || strtolower($reqParams['request'])=='getlegendgraphic')) { $reqParams['service'] = 'wms'; } //check for type of ows requested switch (strtolower($reqParams['service'])) { case 'wms': //get id $wmsId = getWmsIdByLayerId($layerId); $owsproxyString = $n->getWMSOWSstring($wmsId); $auth = $n->getAuthInfoOfWMS($wmsId); break; case 'wfs': $owsproxyString = $n->getWFSOWSstring($wfsId); $auth = $n->getAuthInfoOfWFS($wfsId); break; } if (!$owsproxyString) { die('The requested resource does not exists or the routing through mapbenders owsproxy is not activated!'); } //get authentication infos if they are available in wms table! if not $auth = false if ($auth['auth_type'] == '') { unset($auth); } //define $userId from database information //$userId = $userInformation[0]; /* ************ main workflow *********** */ switch (strtolower($reqParams['request'])) { case 'getcapabilities': switch (strtolower($reqParams['service'])) { case 'wfs': $arrayOnlineresources = checkWfsPermission($owsproxyString, false, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_getcapabilities']); $request = $query->getRequest(); $request = str_replace('?&','?',$request); //TODO: following is not the standard way because ows has not to handle vsp!!! $request = delTotalFromQuery("wfs_id",$request); //add force basic to request!!!!! - not for capabilities? if ($authType == 'basic') { $extraParameter = "forceBasicAuth=true"; } else { $extraParameter = false; } //don't allow get parameters in conjunction with post! if ($postData !== false) { $request = $arrayOnlineresources['wfs_getcapabilities']; } if (isset($auth)) { getWfsCapabilities($request, $extraParameter, $auth); } else { getWfsCapabilities($request, $extraParameter); } break; case 'wms': $arrayOnlineresources = checkWmsPermission($owsproxyString, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wms_getcapabilities']); if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) { $urlPrefix = "https://"; } else { $urlPrefix = "http://"; } if (defined("MAPBENDER_PATH") && MAPBENDER_PATH != '') { $request = MAPBENDER_PATH . "/php/wms.php?layer_id=" . $layerId; } else { $request = $urlPrefix . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/mapbender/php/wms.php?layer_id=" . $layerId; } if ($withChilds) { $requestFull .= $request . '&withChilds=1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS'; } else { $requestFull .= $request . '&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS'; } if ($authType == 'basic') { $extraParameter = "&forceBasicAuth=true"; } else { $extraParameter = false; } if (isset($auth)) { getCapabilities($request, $requestFull, $extraParameter, $auth); } else { getCapabilities($request, $requestFull, $extraParameter); } break; } break; case 'getfeatureinfo': $arrayOnlineresources = checkWmsPermission($owsproxyString, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wms_getfeatureinfo']); $request = $query->getRequest(); $layers = checkLayerPermission($wmsId, $reqParams['layers'], $userId); if ($layers == '') { throwE("GetFeatureInfo permission denied on layer with id" . $layerId); die(); } //Ergaenzungen secured UMN Requests $log_id = false; if ($n->getWmsfiLogTag($arrayOnlineresources['wms_id']) == 1) { #do log to db #get price out of db $price = intval($n->getWmsfiPrice($arrayOnlineresources['wms_id'])); //TODO - session is not set!!!!!!!! $log_id = $n->logWmsGFIProxyRequest($arrayOnlineresources['wms_id'], $userId, $request, $price); } if (isset($auth)) { getFeatureInfo($log_id, $request, $auth); } else { getFeatureInfo($log_id, $request); } break; case 'getmap': $arrayOnlineresources = checkWmsPermission($owsproxyString, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wms_getmap']); $layers = checkLayerPermission($wmsId, $reqParams['layers'], $userId); if ($layers == '') { throwE("GetMap permission denied on layer with id " . $layerId); die(); } $query->setParam("layers", urldecode($layers)); $request = $query->getRequest(); // Ergaenzungen secured UMN Requests //log proxy requests $log_id = false; if ($n->getWmsLogTag($wmsId) == 1) { #do log to db #TODO read out size of bbox and calculate price #get price out of db $price = intval($n->getWmsPrice($wmsId)); $log_id = $n->logFullWmsProxyRequest($arrayOnlineresources['wms_id'], $userId, $request, $price, 0); } if (isset($auth)) { getImage($log_id, $request, $auth); } else { getImage($log_id, $request); } break; case 'getlegendgraphic': $url = getLegendUrl($wmsId); if (isset($reqParams['sld']) && $reqParams['sld'] != "") { $url = $url . getConjunctionCharacter($url) . "SLD=" . $reqParams['sld']; } //$e = new mb_exception("invoked legend url: ".$url); if (isset($auth)) { getImage(false, $url, $auth); } else { getImage(false, $url); } break; case 'getfeature': //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php - getfeature - requested features: ".$typeNameParameter.": ".json_encode($reqParams[$typeNameParameter])); if (isset($reqParams['storedquery_id']) && $reqParams['storedquery_id'] !== "") { $storedQueryId = $reqParams['storedquery_id']; $arrayOnlineresources = checkWfsStoredQueryPermission($owsproxyString, $storedQueryId, $userId); } else { $arrayFeatures = array($reqParams[$typeNameParameter]); //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php - getfeature - check permission: ".json_encode($arrayFeatures)); //$e = new mb_exception("".$typeNameParameter.": ".$reqParams[$typeNameParameter]); $arrayOnlineresources = checkWfsPermission($owsproxyString, $arrayFeatures, $userId); } $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_getfeature']); $request = $query->getRequest(); $request = stripslashes($request); //TODO - what if storedquery are used ? log storedquery_id? if ($n->getWfsLogTag($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_id']) == 1) { //get price out of db $price = intval($n->getWfsPrice($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_id'])); if (isset($reqParams['storedquery_id']) && $reqParams['storedquery_id'] !== "") { $log_id = $n->logWfsProxyRequest($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_id'], $userId, $request, $price, 0, $reqParams['storedquery_id']); } else { $log_id = $n->logWfsProxyRequest($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_id'], $userId, $request, $price, 0, $reqParams[$typeNameParameter]); } } else { $log_id = false; } //TODO: following is not the standard way because ows has not to handle vsp!!! $request = delTotalFromQuery("wfs_id",$request); //don't allow get parameters in conjunction with post! if ($postData !== false) { $request = $arrayOnlineresources['wfs_getfeature']; } if (isset($auth)) { getFeature($log_id, $request, $auth); } else { getFeature($log_id, $request); } break; case 'describefeaturetype': $arrayFeatures = array($reqParams[$typeNameParameter]); //$e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php - describefeaturetype - requested features: ".$typeNameParameter.": ".json_encode($reqParams[$typeNameParameter])); //really crazy: $arrayOnlineresources = checkWfsPermission($owsproxyString, $arrayFeatures, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_describefeaturetype']); $request = $query->getRequest(); $request = stripslashes($request); //TODO: following is not the standard way because ows has not to handle vsp!!! $request = delTotalFromQuery("wfs_id",$request); //don't allow get parameters in conjunction with post! if ($postData !== false) { $request = $arrayOnlineresources['wfs_describefeaturetype']; } if (isset($auth)) { describeFeaturetype($request, $auth); } else { describeFeaturetype($request); } break; case 'liststoredqueries': if ($postData !== false) { $operationMethod = "Post"; } else { $operationMethod = "Get"; } $listStoredQueriesUrl = getWfsOperationUrl($owsproxyString, "ListStoredQueries", $operationMethod); $query->setOnlineResource($listStoredQueriesUrl); $request = $query->getRequest(); $request = stripslashes($request); //TODO: following is not the standard way because ows has not to handle vsp!!! $request = delTotalFromQuery("wfs_id",$request); //don't allow get parameters in conjunction with post! if ($postData !== false) { $request = $listStoredQueriesUrl; } if (isset($auth)) { listStoredQueries($request, $auth); } else { listStoredQueries($request); } break; case 'describestoredqueries': if ($postData !== false) { $operationMethod = "Post"; } else { $operationMethod = "Get"; } $describeStoredQueriesUrl = getWfsOperationUrl($owsproxyString, "DescribeStoredQueries", $operationMethod); $query->setOnlineResource($describeStoredQueriesUrl); $request = $query->getRequest(); $request = stripslashes($request); //TODO: following is not the standard way because ows has not to handle vsp!!! $request = delTotalFromQuery("wfs_id",$request); //don't allow get parameters in conjunction with post! if ($postData !== false) { $request = $describeStoredQueriesUrl; } if (isset($auth)) { describeStoredQueries($request, $auth); } else { describeStoredQueries($request); } break; case '': if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<')) { $arrayFeatures = getWfsFeaturesFromTransaction($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); } else { $rawpostdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); $arrayFeatures = getWfsFeaturesFromTransaction($rawpostdata); } $arrayOnlineresources = checkWfsPermission($owsproxyString, $arrayFeatures, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wfs_transaction']); $request = $query->getRequest(); //TODO: following is not the standard way because ows has not to handle vsp!!! $request = delTotalFromQuery("wfs_id",$request); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<')) { doTransaction($request, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); } else { $rawpostdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); doTransaction($request, $rawpostdata); } break; default: echo 'Your are logged in as: ' . $requestHeaderArray['username'] . ' and requested the layer/featuretype with id=' . $layerId . ' but your request is not a valid OWS request'; } //functions for http_auth //********************************************************************************************** // function to parse the http auth header function http_digest_parse($txt) { // protect against missing data $needed_parts = array('nonce' => 1, 'nc' => 1, 'cnonce' => 1, 'qop' => 1, 'username' => 1, 'uri' => 1, 'response' => 1); $data = array(); $keys = implode('|', array_keys($needed_parts)); preg_match_all('@(' . $keys . ')=(?:([\'"])([^\2]+?)\2|([^\s,]+))@', $txt, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $m) { $data[$m[1]] = $m[3] ? $m[3] : $m[4]; unset($needed_parts[$m[1]]); } return $needed_parts ? false : $data; } // function to get relevant user information from mb db function getUserInfo($mbUsername, $mbEmail) { $result = array(); if (preg_match('#[@]#', $mbEmail)) { $sql = "SELECT mb_user_id, mb_user_digest, mb_user_password, password FROM mb_user where mb_user_name = $1 AND mb_user_email = $2"; $v = array($mbUsername, $mbEmail); $t = array("s", "s"); } else { $sql = "SELECT mb_user_id, mb_user_aldigest As mb_user_digest, mb_user_password, password FROM mb_user where mb_user_name = $1"; $v = array($mbUsername); $t = array("s"); } $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) { $result[0] = "-1"; } else { $result[0] = $row['mb_user_id']; $result[1] = $row['mb_user_digest']; $result[2] = $row['mb_user_password']; $result[3] = $row['password']; } return $result; } function getNonce() { global $nonceLife; $time = ceil(time() / $nonceLife) * $nonceLife; return md5(date('Y-m-d H:i', $time) . ':' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ':' . NONCEKEY); } /*********************************************************/ function throwE($e) { global $reqParams, $imageformats; if (in_array($reqParams['format'], $imageformats)) { throwImage($e); } else { throwText($e); } } function throwImage($e) { global $width, $height; $image = imagecreate($width, $height); $transparent = ImageColorAllocate($image, 155, 155, 155); ImageFilledRectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent); imagecolortransparent($image, $transparent); $text_color = ImageColorAllocate($image, 233, 14, 91); if (count($e) > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($e); $i++) { $imageString = $e[$i]; ImageString($image, 3, 5, $i * 20, $imageString, $text_color); } } else { if (is_array($e)) { $imageString = $e[0]; } else { $imageString = $e; } if ($imageString == "") { $imageString = "An unknown error occured!"; } ImageString($image, 3, 5, $i * 20, $imageString, $text_color); } responseImage($image); } function throwText($e) { echo join(" ", $e); } function responseImage($im) { global $reqParams; global $imageformats; if (!in_array($reqParams['format'], $imageformats)) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($im); } else { $format = $reqParams['format']; //$format = "image/gif"; if ($format == 'image/png') { header("Content-Type: image/png"); } if ($format == 'image/jpeg' || $format == 'image/jpg') { header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); } if ($format == 'image/gif') { header("Content-Type: image/gif"); } if ($format == 'image/png') { imagepng($im); } if ($format == 'image/jpeg' || $format == 'image/jpg') { imagejpeg($im); } if ($format == 'image/gif') { imagegif($im); } } } function completeURL($url) { global $reqParams; $mykeys = array_keys($reqParams); for ($i = 0; $i < count($mykeys); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $url .= "&"; } $url .= $mykeys[$i] . "=" . urlencode($reqParams[$mykeys[$i]]); } return $url; } /** * fetch and returns an image to client * * @param string the original url of the image to send */ function getImage($log_id, $or, $auth = false) { global $reqParams; global $imageformats; if (!in_array($reqParams['format'], $imageformats)) { $header = "Content-Type: image/png"; } else { $header = "Content-Type: ".$reqParams['format']; } if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication //$e = new mb_exception("try to get: ". $or); getDocumentContent($log_id, $or, $header, $auth); } else { //$e = new mb_exception("no auth given"); getDocumentContent($log_id, $or, $header); } } /** * fetchs and returns the content of the FeatureInfo Response * * @param string the url of the FeatureInfoRequest * @return string the content of the FeatureInfo document */ function getFeatureInfo($log_id, $url, $auth = false) { global $reqParams; //$e = new mb_notice("owsproxy: Try to fetch FeatureInfoRequest: " . $url); //header("Content-Type: " . $reqParams['info_format']); if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication getDocumentContent($log_id, $url, false, $auth); } else { getDocumentContent($log_id, $url); } } /** * fetchs and returns the content of WFS GetFeature response * * @param string the url of the GetFeature request * @return echo the content of the GetFeature document */ function getFeature($log_id, $url, $auth = false) { global $reqParams; $content = getDocumentContent($log_id, $url, "Content-Type: application/xml", $auth); } /** * fetchs and returns the content of WFS DescribeFeaturetype response * * @param string the url of the DescribeFeaturetype request * @return echo the content of the DescribeFeaturetype document */ function describeFeaturetype($url, $auth = false) { global $reqParams; $content = getDocumentContent(false, $url, "Content-Type: application/xml", $auth); } /** * fetchs and returns the content of WFS 2.0+ ListStoredQueries response * * @param string the url of the ListStoredQueries request * @return echo the content of the ListStoredQueries document */ function listStoredQueries($url, $auth = false) { global $reqParams; $content = getDocumentContent(false, $url, "Content-Type: application/xml", $auth); } /** * fetchs and returns the content of WFS 2.0+ DescribeStoredQueries response * * @param string the url of the DescribeStoredQueries request * @return echo the content of the DescribeStoredQueries document */ function describeStoredQueries($url, $auth = false) { global $reqParams; $content = getDocumentContent(false, $url, "Content-Type: application/xml", $auth); } /** * simulates a post request to host * * @param string host to send the request to * @param string port of host to send the request to * @param string method to send data (should be "POST") * @param string path on host * @param string data to send to host * @return string hosts response */ function sendToHost($host, $port, $method, $path, $data) { $buf = ''; if (empty($method)) $method = 'POST'; $method = mb_strtoupper($method); $fp = fsockopen($host, $port); fputs($fp, "$method $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/xml\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); if ($method == 'POST') fputs($fp, $data); while (!feof($fp)) $buf .= fgets($fp, 4096); fclose($fp); return $buf; } /** * get wfs featurenames that are touched by a tansaction request defined in XML $data * * @param string XML that contains the tansaction request * @return array array of touched feature names */ function getWfsFeaturesFromTransaction($data) { new mb_notice(" " . $data); if (!$data || $data == "") { return false; } $features = array(); $values = NULL; $tags = NULL; $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $values, $tags); $code = xml_get_error_code($parser); if ($code) { $line = xml_get_current_line_number($parser); $col = xml_get_current_column_number($parser); $mb_notice = new mb_notice("OWSPROXY invalid Tansaction XML: " . xml_error_string($code) . " in line " . $line . " at character " . $col); die(); } xml_parser_free($parser); $insert = false; $insertlevel = 0; foreach ($values as $element) { //features touched by insert if (strtoupper($element['tag']) == "WFS:INSERT" && $element['type'] == "open") { $insert = true; $insertlevel = $element[level]; } if ($insert && $element[level] == $insertlevel + 1 && $element['type'] == "open") { array_push($features, $element['tag']); } if (strtoupper($element['tag']) == "WFS:INSERT" && $element['type'] == "close") { $insert = false; } //updated features - TODO - fix for wfs 2.0+ - typenames instead of typename! //updated features if (strtoupper($element['tag']) == "WFS:UPDATE" && $element['type'] == "open") { array_push($features, $element['attributes']["typeName"]); } //deleted features if (strtoupper($element['tag']) == "WFS:DELETE" && $element['type'] == "open") { array_push($features, $element['attributes']["typeName"]); } } return $features; } /** * sends the data of WFS Transaction and echos the response * * @param string url to send the WFS Transaction to * @param string WFS Transaction data */ function doTransaction($url, $data) { $arURL = parse_url($url); $host = $arURL["host"]; $port = $arURL["port"]; if ($port == '') $port = 80; $path = $arURL["path"]; $method = "POST"; $result = sendToHost($host, $port, $method, html_entity_decode($path), $data); //delete header from result $result = mb_eregi_replace("^[^<]*", "", $result); $result = mb_eregi_replace("[^>]*$", "", $result); echo $result; } function matchUrls($content) { //TODO: problem here, we are stateless and have no information about any session :-( . To allow proxying, we need another temporal storage for the given urls global $urlsToExclude; $owsproxyUrls = Mapbender::session()->get('owsproxyUrls'); if ($owsproxyUrls == false) { $e = new mb_notice("owsproxyUrls does not exist - create it!"); $owsproxyUrls = array(); $owsproxyUrls['id'] = array(); $owsproxyUrls['url'] = array(); Mapbender::session()->set('owsproxyUrls',$owsproxyUrls); } $pattern = "/[\"|\'](https*:\/\/[^\"|^\']*)[\"|\']/"; preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { $req = $matches[1][$i]; $e = new mb_notice("Gefundene URL " . $i . ": " . $req); #$notice = new mb_notice("owsproxy id:".$req); //only register and exchange urls, that should not be excluded! if (in_array($req,$urlsToExclude)) { continue; } $id = registerURL($req); $extReq = setExternalRequest($id); //$e = new mb_exception("MD5 URL " . $id . "-Externer Link: " . $extReq); $content = str_replace($req, $extReq, $content); } return $content; } function setExternalRequest($id) { global $reqParams, $query; $extReq = "http://" . $_SESSION['HTTP_HOST'] . "/owsproxy/" . $reqParams['sid'] . "/" . $id . "?request=external"; return $extReq; } function getExternalRequest($id) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"]); $i++) { if ($id == $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["id"][$i]) { $cUrl = $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"][$i]; $query_string = removeOWSGetParams($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); if ($query_string != '') { $cUrl .= getConjunctionCharacter($cUrl) . $query_string; } $metainfo = get_headers($cUrl, 1); // just for the stupid InternetExplorer header('Pragma: private'); header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate'); header("Content-Type: " . $metainfo['Content-Type']); $content = getDocumentContent(false, $cUrl, $metainfo); #$content = matchUrls($content); //In the case of http_auth - this is not possible cause we cannot save them in the header - maybe we could create a special session to do so later on? echo $content; } } } function removeOWSGetParams($query_string) { $r = preg_replace("/.*request=external&/", "", $query_string); #return $r; return ""; } function getConjunctionCharacter($url) { if (strpos($url, "?")) { if (strpos($url, "?") == strlen($url)) { $cchar = ""; } else if (strpos($url, "&") == strlen($url)) { $cchar = ""; } else { $cchar = "&"; } } if (strpos($url, "?") === false) { $cchar = "?"; } return $cchar; } function registerUrl($url) { if (!in_array($url, $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"])) { //$e = new mb_exception("Is noch net drin!"); $id = md5($url); //$e = new mb_exception("ID: " . $id . " URL: " . $url . " will be written to session"); array_push($_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"], $url); array_push($_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["id"], $id); } else { //$e = new mb_exception("It was found! Search content and return ID!"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"]); $i++) { //$e = new mb_exception("Content " . $i . " : proxyurl:" . $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"][$i] . " - new: " . $url); if ($url == $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["url"][$i]) { //$e = new mb_exception("Identical! ID:" . $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["id"][$i] . " will be used"); $id = $_SESSION["owsproxyUrls"]["id"][$i]; } } } return $id; } function getCapabilities($request, $requestFull, $extraParameter, $auth = false) { global $arrayOnlineresources; global $layerId; header("Content-Type: application/xml"); if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $d = new connector($requestFull, $auth); } else { $d = new connector($requestFull); } $content = $d->file; //show temporal content fo capabilities $e = new mb_notice("content from wms.php fascade after going thru curl: " . $content); //loading as xml libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $capFromFascadeXmlObject = simplexml_load_string($content); if ($capFromFascadeXmlObject === false) { foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $err = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: " . $error->message); } throw new Exception("http_auth/index.php: " . 'Cannot parse Metadata XML!'); echo "http_auth/index.php: Cannot parse Capabilities XML!"; die(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $err = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: " . $e->getMessage()); echo "http_auth/index.php: " . $e->getMessage() . ""; die(); } //exchanging urls in some special fields // //GetCapabilities, GetMap, GetFeatureInfo, GetLegendGraphics, ... $capFromFascadeXmlObject->registerXPathNamespace("xlink", ""); //Mapping of urls for wms 1.1.1 which should be exchanged $urlsToChange = array( '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetCapabilities/DCPType/HTTP/Get/OnlineResource/@xlink:href', '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetCapabilities/DCPType/HTTP/Post/OnlineResource/@xlink:href', '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetMap/DCPType/HTTP/Get/OnlineResource/@xlink:href', '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetMap/DCPType/HTTP/Post/OnlineResource/@xlink:href', '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetFeatureInfo/DCPType/HTTP/Get/OnlineResource/@xlink:href', '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Request/GetFeatureInfo/DCPType/HTTP/Post/OnlineResource/@xlink:href', '/WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer/Layer/Style/LegendURL/OnlineResource/@xlink:href' ); foreach ($urlsToChange as $xpath) { $href = $capFromFascadeXmlObject->xpath($xpath); $e = new mb_notice("old href: " . $href[0]); $e = new mb_notice("href replaced: " . replaceOwsUrls($href[0], $layerId)); $href[0][0] = replaceOwsUrls($href[0], $layerId, $extraParameter); } echo $capFromFascadeXmlObject->asXML(); } function replaceOwsUrls($owsUrl, $layerId, $extraParameter) { $new = "http_auth/" . $layerId . "?"; $pattern = "#owsproxy/[a-z0-9]{32}\/[a-z0-9]{32}\?#m"; $httpAuthUrl = preg_replace($pattern, $new, $owsUrl); //replace //also replace the getcapabilities url with authenticated one ;-) if (defined("MAPBENDER_PATH") && MAPBENDER_PATH != '') { $wmsUrl = parse_url(MAPBENDER_PATH); $path = $wmsUrl['path']; $pattern = "#" . $path . "/php/wms.php\?layer_id=" . $layerId . "&#m"; } else { $pattern = "#mapbender/php/wms.php\?layer_id=" . $layerId . "&#m"; } $httpAuthUrl = preg_replace($pattern, "/" . $new, $httpAuthUrl); //use always https for url if (defined("HTTP_AUTH_PROXY") && HTTP_AUTH_PROXY != '') { $parsed_url = parse_url(HTTP_AUTH_PROXY); if ($parsed_url['scheme'] == "https") { $httpAuthUrl = preg_replace("#http:#", "https:", $httpAuthUrl); $httpAuthUrl = preg_replace("#:80/#", ":443/", $httpAuthUrl); } } if ($extraParameter !== false) { $httpAuthUrl .= $extraParameter; } return $httpAuthUrl; } function getWfsCapabilities($request, $extraParameter, $auth = false) { global $arrayOnlineresources, $postData, $query; global $sid, $serviceId, $wfsId; global $reqParams; $urlsToChange = array(); switch ($reqParams['version']) { case "2.0.0": $operations = array("GetCapabilities", "DescribeFeatureType", "GetFeature", "Transaction", "GetPropertyValue", "ListStoredQueries", "DescribeStoredQueries", "CreateStoredQuery", "DropStoredQuery"); foreach($operations as $operation) { $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Get/@xlink:href'; $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Post/@xlink:href'; } $namespaces = array("ows" => "", "wfs" => "", "xlink" => "" ); break; case "2.0.2": $operations = array("GetCapabilities", "DescribeFeatureType", "GetFeature", "Transaction", "GetPropertyValue", "ListStoredQueries", "DescribeStoredQueries", "CreateStoredQuery", "DropStoredQuery"); foreach($operations as $operation) { $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Get/@xlink:href'; $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Post/@xlink:href'; } $namespaces = array("ows" => "", "wfs" => "", "xlink" => "" ); break; case "1.1.0": $operations = array("GetCapabilities", "DescribeFeatureType", "GetFeature", "GetGmlObject", "Transaction"); foreach($operations as $operation) { $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Get/@xlink:href'; $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Post/@xlink:href'; } $namespaces = array("ows" => "", "wfs" => "", "xlink" => "" ); break; case "1.0.0": $operations = array("GetCapabilities", "DescribeFeatureType", "GetFeature", "Transaction"); foreach($operations as $operation) { $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/wfs:Capability/wfs:Request/wfs:'.$operation.'/wfs:DCPType/wfs:HTTP/wfs:Get/@onlineResource'; $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/wfs:Capability/wfs:Request/wfs:'.$operation.'/wfs:DCPType/wfs:HTTP/wfs:Post/@onlineResource'; } $namespaces = array("wfs" => ""); break; default: //default exchange all like 2.0.0 $operations = array("GetCapabilities", "DescribeFeatureType", "GetFeature", "Transaction", "GetPropertyValue", "ListStoredQueries", "DescribeStoredQueries", "CreateStoredQuery", "DropStoredQuery"); foreach($operations as $operation) { $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Get/@xlink:href'; $urlsToChange[] = '/wfs:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name="'.$operation.'"]/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:Post/@xlink:href'; } $namespaces = array("ows" => "", "wfs" => "", "xlink" => "" ); break; } //TODO - set to persistent url $owsproxyUrl = parse_url(OWSPROXY); if ($owsproxyUrl['port'] == '80' || $owsproxyUrl['port'] == '') { $port = ""; } else { $port = ":".$owsproxyUrl['port']; } $new = $owsproxyUrl['scheme'] . "://" .$owsproxyUrl['host']. $port . "/registry/wfs/" . $wfsId;# ."?"; if ($extraParameter !== false) { $new .= '?'.$extraParameter; //force https if authType is basic! $new = str_replace("http://", "https://", $new); } if ($postData == false) { //no post_xml was used //check POST/GET if ($query->reqMethod !== 'POST') { if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $d = new connector($request, $auth); } else { $d = new connector($request); } } else { $d = new connector(); $d->set('httpType','POST'); //$d->set('curlSendCustomHeaders',true); $d->set('httpPostData', $query->getPostQueryString());//as array //$d->set('httpContentType','text/xml'); //TODO maybe delete some params from querystring which are already in post array if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $d->load($request, $auth); } else { $d->load($request); } } $wfsCaps = $d->file; } else { //$e = new mb_exception("owsproxy/index.php: postData will be send: ".$postData); $postInterfaceObject = new connector(); $postInterfaceObject->set('httpType','POST'); $postInterfaceObject->set('curlSendCustomHeaders',true); $postInterfaceObject->set('httpPostData', $postData); $postInterfaceObject->set('httpContentType','text/xml'); if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $postInterfaceObject->load($request, $auth); } else { $postInterfaceObject->load($request); } $wfsCaps = $postInterfaceObject->file; } //load xml and replace urls libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $capFromFascadeXmlObject = simplexml_load_string($wfsCaps); if ($capFromFascadeXmlObject === false) { foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $err = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: " . $error->message); } throw new Exception("http_auth/index.php: " . 'Cannot parse Metadata XML!'); echo "http_auth/index.php: Cannot parse WFS Capabilities XML!"; die(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $err = new mb_exception("http_auth/index.php: " . $e->getMessage()); echo "http_auth/index.php: " . $e->getMessage() . ""; die(); } //exchange via xpath //register namespaces foreach($namespaces as $key => $value){ $capFromFascadeXmlObject->registerXPathNamespace($key, $value); } $test = $capFromFascadeXmlObject->xpath(""); //replace foreach ($urlsToChange as $xpath) { //$e = new mb_exception($xpath); $href = $capFromFascadeXmlObject->xpath($xpath); //$e = new mb_exception($href[0]); $href[0][0] = $new; } header("Content-Type: application/xml"); echo $capFromFascadeXmlObject->asXML(); //TODO: check if the following is further needed //$r = str_replace($t, $new, $wfsCaps); //delete trailing amp; 's //$r = str_replace('amp;', '', $r); //header("Content-Type: application/xml"); //echo $r; } /** * gets the original url of the requested legend graphic * * @param string owsproxy md5 * @return string url to legend graphic */ function getLegendUrl($wmsId) { global $reqParams; //get wms_getlegendurl $sql = "SELECT wms_getlegendurl FROM wms WHERE wms_id = $1"; $v = array($wmsId); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $getLegendUrl = $row["wms_getlegendurl"]; } else { throwE(array("No wms data available.")); die(); } //get the url $sql = "SELECT layer_style.legendurl "; $sql .= "FROM layer_style JOIN layer "; $sql .= "ON layer_style.fkey_layer_id = layer.layer_id "; $sql .= "WHERE layer.layer_name = $2 AND layer.fkey_wms_id = $1 "; $sql .= "AND = $3 AND layer_style.legendurlformat = $4"; if ($reqParams['style'] == '') { $style = 'default'; } else { $style = $reqParams['style']; } $v = array($wmsId, $reqParams['layer'], $style, $reqParams['format']); $t = array("i", "s", "s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { if (strpos($row["legendurl"], 'http') !== 0) { $e = new mb_notice("combine legendurls!"); return $getLegendUrl . $row["legendurl"]; } return $row["legendurl"]; } else { throwE(array("No legendurl available.")); die(); } } /** * validated access permission on requested wms * * @param wmsId integer, userId - integer * @return array array with detailed information about requested wms */ function checkWmsPermission($wmsOws, $userId) { global $con, $n; $myguis = $n->getGuisByPermission($userId, true); $mywms = $n->getWmsByOwnGuis($myguis); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wms WHERE wms_owsproxy = $1"; $v = array($wmsOws); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $service = array(); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $service["wms_id"] = $row["wms_id"]; $service["wms_getcapabilities"] = $row["wms_getcapabilities"]; $service["wms_getmap"] = $row["wms_getmap"]; $service["wms_getfeatureinfo"] = $row["wms_getfeatureinfo"]; $service["wms_getcapabilities_doc"] = $row["wms_getcapabilities_doc"]; // $service["wms_spatialsec"] = $row["wms_spatialsec"]; } if (!$row || count($mywms) == 0) { throwE(array("No wms data available.")); die(); } if (!in_array($service["wms_id"], $mywms)) { throwE(array("Permission denied.", " -> " . $service["wms_id"], implode(",", $mywms))); die(); } return $service; } /** * validates the access permission by getting the appropriate wfs_conf * to each feature requested and check the wfs_conf permission * * @param string owsproxy md5 * @param array array of requested featuretype names * @return array array with detailed information on reqested wfs */ function checkWfsPermission($wfsOws, $features, $userId) { global $con, $n; $myconfs = $n->getWfsConfByPermission($userId); if ($features !== false) { //check if we know the features requested if (count($features) == 0) { throwE(array("No wfs_feature data available.")); die(); } } //get wfs $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_owsproxy = $1"; $v = array($wfsOws); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $service = array(); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $service["wfs_id"] = $row["wfs_id"]; $service["wfs_getcapabilities"] = $row["wfs_getcapabilities"]; $service["wfs_getfeature"] = $row["wfs_getfeature"]; $service["wfs_describefeaturetype"] = $row["wfs_describefeaturetype"]; $service["wfs_transaction"] = $row["wfs_transaction"]; $service["wfs_getcapabilities_doc"] = $row["wfs_getcapabilities_doc"]; } else { throwE(array("No wfs data available.")); die(); } foreach ($features as $feature) { //get appropriate wfs_conf $sql = "SELECT wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id FROM wfs_conf "; $sql.= "JOIN wfs_featuretype "; $sql.= "ON wfs_featuretype.featuretype_id = wfs_conf.fkey_featuretype_id "; $sql.= "WHERE wfs_featuretype.featuretype_name = $2 "; $sql.= "AND wfs_featuretype.fkey_wfs_id = $1"; $v = array($service["wfs_id"], $feature); $t = array("i", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) { $notice = new mb_exception("Permissioncheck failed no wfs conf for wfs " . $service["wfs_id"] . " with featuretype " . $feature); throwE(array("No wfs_conf data for featuretype " . $feature)); die(); } $conf_id = $row["wfs_conf_id"]; //check permission if (!in_array($conf_id, $myconfs)) { $notice = new mb_exception("Permissioncheck failed:" . $conf_id . " not in " . implode(",", $myconfs)); throwE(array("Permission denied.", " -> " . $conf_id, implode(",", $myconfs))); die(); } } return $service; } /** * validates the access permission by getting the appropriate wfs_conf * to each feature requested and check the wfs_conf permission * * @param string owsproxy md5 * @param array array of requested featuretype names * @return array array with detailed information on reqested wfs */ function checkWfsStoredQueryPermission($wfsOws, $storedQueryId, $userId) { global $con, $n; $myconfs = $n->getWfsConfByPermission($userId); if ($storedQueryId !== false) { } else { throwE(array("No storedquery_id data available.")); die(); } //get wfs $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_owsproxy = $1"; $v = array($wfsOws); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $service = array(); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $service["wfs_id"] = $row["wfs_id"]; $service["wfs_getcapabilities"] = $row["wfs_getcapabilities"]; $service["wfs_getfeature"] = $row["wfs_getfeature"]; $service["wfs_describefeaturetype"] = $row["wfs_describefeaturetype"]; $service["wfs_transaction"] = $row["wfs_transaction"]; $service["wfs_getcapabilities_doc"] = $row["wfs_getcapabilities_doc"]; } else { throwE(array("No wfs data available.")); die(); } //get appropriate wfs_conf $sql = "SELECT wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id FROM wfs_conf WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1 AND stored_query_id = $2"; $v = array($service["wfs_id"], $storedQueryId); $t = array("i", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!($row = db_fetch_array($res))) { $notice = new mb_exception("Permissioncheck failed no wfs conf for wfs " . $service["wfs_id"] . " with storedquery_id " . $storedQueryId); throwE(array("No wfs_conf data for storedquery_id " . $storedQueryId)); die(); } $conf_id = $row["wfs_conf_id"]; //check permission if (!in_array($conf_id, $myconfs)) { $notice = new mb_exception("Permissioncheck failed:" . $conf_id . " not in " . implode(",", $myconfs)); throwE(array("Permission denied.", " -> " . $conf_id, implode(",", $myconfs))); die(); } return $service; } function getWfsOperationUrl($wfsOws, $operationName, $operationMethod) { $timeBegin = microtime(); $sql = "SELECT wfs_getcapabilities_doc FROM wfs WHERE wfs_owsproxy = $1"; $v = array($wfsOws); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $capXml = $row["wfs_getcapabilities_doc"]; } else { throwE(array("No wfs data available.")); die(); } //parse capabilities $wfs20Cap = new DOMDocument(); try { if (!$wfs20Cap->loadXML($capXml)) { throw new Exception("Cannot parse WFS 2.0 Capabilities!"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $e = new mb_exception($e->getMessage()); } if ($wfs20Cap !== false) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($wfs20Cap); $rootNamespace = $wfs20Cap->lookupNamespaceUri($wfs20Cap->namespaceURI); $e = new mb_notice("rootns: ".$rootNamespace); $xpath->registerNamespace('defaultns', $rootNamespace); $xpath->registerNamespace("ows", ""); $xpath->registerNamespace("gml", ""); $xpath->registerNamespace("ogc", ""); $xpath->registerNamespace("xlink", ""); $xpath->registerNamespace("xsi", ""); $urlArray = DOMNodeListObjectValuesToArray($xpath->query('/defaultns:WFS_Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Operation[@name=\''.$operationName.'\']/ows:DCP/ows:HTTP/ows:'.$operationMethod.'/@xlink:href')); //check for type if (is_array($urlArray)) { $e = new mb_notice("http_auth/http/index.php: url for operation ".$operationName." : ".$urlArray[0]); $timeEnd = microtime(); $e = new mb_notice("http_auth/http/index.php: time to get url from capabilities: ".($timeEnd-$timeBegin)*1000); return $urlArray[0]; } else { $e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: no url for operation ".$operationName." and method ".$operationMethod." found in Capabilities. Function returned: ".json_encode($urlArray[0])); return false; } } else { $e = new mb_exception("http_auth/http/index.php: Problem while trying to do xpath on capabilities document!"); return false; } } function DOMNodeListObjectValuesToArray($domNodeList) { $iterator = 0; $array = array(); foreach ($domNodeList as $item) { $array[$iterator] = $item->nodeValue; // this is a DOMNode instance // you might want to have the textContent of them like this $iterator++; } return $array; } function checkLayerPermission($wms_id, $l, $userId) { global $n, $owsproxyService; $myl = explode(",", $l); $r = array(); foreach ($myl as $mysl) { if ($n->getLayerPermission($wms_id, $mysl, $userId) === true) { array_push($r, $mysl); } } $ret = implode(",", $r); return $ret; } function getDocumentContent($log_id, $url, $header = false, $auth = false) { global $reqParams, $n, $postData, $query; //debug $startTime = microtime(); if ($postData == false) { //check POST/GET if ($query->reqMethod !== 'POST') { if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $d = new connector($url, $auth); } else { $d = new connector($url); } } else { $d = new connector(); $d->set('httpType','POST'); //$d->set('curlSendCustomHeaders',true); $d->set('httpPostData', $query->getPostQueryString());//as array //$d->set('httpContentType','text/xml'); //TODO maybe delete some params from querystring which are already in post array if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $d->load($url, $auth); } else { $d->load($url); } } $content = $d->file; } else { $e = new mb_notice("owsproxy/index.php: postData will be send "); $postInterfaceObject = new connector(); $postInterfaceObject->set('httpType','POST'); $postInterfaceObject->set('curlSendCustomHeaders',true); $postInterfaceObject->set('httpPostData', $postData); $postInterfaceObject->set('httpContentType','text/xml'); if ($auth) { //new for HTTP Authentication $postInterfaceObject->load($url, $auth); } else { $postInterfaceObject->load($url); } $content = $postInterfaceObject->file; } $endTime = microtime(); //$e = new mb_exception("owsproxy/http/index.php: Time for getting remote resource: ".(string)($endTime - $startTime)); if (strtoupper($reqParams["request"]) == "GETMAP") { // getmap $pattern_exc = '~EXCEPTION~i'; preg_match($pattern_exc, $content, $exception); if (!$content) { if ($log_id != null && is_integer($log_id)) { $n->updateWmsLog(0, "Mb2OWSPROXY - unable to load: " . $url, "text/plain", $log_id); } header("Content-Type: text/plain"); echo "Mb2OWSPROXY - unable to load external request - for further information please see logfile"; } else if (count($exception) > 0) { if ($log_id != null && is_integer($log_id)) { $n->updateWmsLog(0, $content, $reqParams["exceptions"], $log_id); } header("Content-Type: " . $reqParams["exceptions"]); echo $content; } else { $source = new Imagick(); $source->readImageBlob($content); $numColors = $source->getImageColors(); if ($log_id != null && is_integer($log_id)) { $n->updateWmsLog($numColors <= 1 ? -1 : 1, null, null, $log_id); } header("Content-Type: " . $reqParams['format']); echo $content; } return true; } else if (strtoupper($reqParams["request"]) == "GETFEATUREINFO") { // getmap // header("Content-Type: ".$reqParams['info_format']); // $content = matchUrls($content); // echo $content; $pattern_exc = '~EXCEPTION~i'; preg_match($pattern_exc, $content, $exception); if (!$content) { if ($log_id != null) { $n->updateWmsFiLog("Mb2OWSPROXY - unable to load: " . $url, "text/plain", $log_id); } header("Content-Type: text/plain"); echo "Mb2OWSPROXY - unable to load external request - for further information please see logfile"; } else if (count($exception) > 0) { if ($log_id != null) { $n->updateWmsFiLog($content, "application/xml", $log_id); } header("Content-Type: application/xml"); echo $content; } else { header("Content-Type: " . $reqParams['info_format']); if ($log_id != null) { $n->updateWmsFiLog(null, null, $log_id); } $content = matchUrls($content); echo $content; } return true; } elseif (strtoupper($reqParams["request"]) == "GETFEATURE") { $e = new mb_notice("http_auth/http/index.php: GetFeature invoked"); $startTime = microtime(); //parse featureCollection and get number of objects libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $featureCollectionXml = simplexml_load_string($content); if ($featureCollectionXml === false) { foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $err = new mb_exception("owsproxy/http/index.php:".$error->message); } throw new Exception("owsproxy/http/index.php:".'Cannot parse featureCollection XML!'); //TODO give error message } } catch (Exception $e) { $err = new mb_exception("owsproxy/index.php:".$e->getMessage()); //TODO give error message } if ($featureCollectionXml !== false) { //$featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("gmd", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("ogc", ""); if ($reqParams["version"] == '2.0.0' || $reqParams["version"] == '2.0.2') { $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("wfs", ""); } else { $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("wfs", ""); } $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("gco", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("gml", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("xlink", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("xsi", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("default", ""); preg_match('@version=(?P\d\.\d\.\d)&@i', strtolower($url), $version); if (!$reqParams['version']) { $e = new mb_notice("owsproxy/http/index.php: No version for wfs request given in reqParams!"); } switch ($reqParams['version']) { case "1.0.0": //get # of features from counting features $numberOfFeatures = $featureCollectionXml->xpath('//wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:featureMember'); $numberOfFeatures = count($numberOfFeatures); break; case "1.1.0": //get # of features from counting features $numberOfFeatures = $featureCollectionXml->xpath('//wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:featureMember'); $numberOfFeatures = count($numberOfFeatures); break; //for wfs 2.0 - don't count features default: //get # of features from attribut $numberOfFeatures = $featureCollectionXml->xpath('//wfs:FeatureCollection/@numberReturned'); $numberOfFeatures = $numberOfFeatures[0]; break; } $endTime = microtime(); $e = new mb_notice("owsproxy/http/index.php: ".$numberOfFeatures." delivered features from wfs."); //TODO: enhance error management if ($log_id !== false) { $n->updateWfsLog(1, '', '', $numberOfFeatures, $log_id); } $e = new mb_notice("owsproxy/http/index.php: Time for counting: ". (string)($endTime - $startTime)); $e = new mb_notice("owsproxy/http/index.php: Memory used for XML String: ".getVariableUsage($content)/1000000 ."MB"); if (header !== false) { header($header); } echo $content; } } else { if (header !== false) { header($header); } echo $content; } } //********************************************************************************************** //extra functions TODO: push them in class_administration.php /** * selects the wms id for a given layer id. * * @param the layer id * @return either the id of the wms as integer or false when none exists */ function getWmsIdByLayerId($id) { $sql = "SELECT fkey_wms_id FROM layer WHERE layer_id = $1"; $v = array($id); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); if ($row) return $row["fkey_wms_id"]; else return false; } function getVariableUsage($var) { $total_memory = memory_get_usage(); $tmp = unserialize(serialize($var)); return memory_get_usage() - $total_memory; } //function to remove one complete get param out of the query function delTotalFromQuery($paramName,$queryString) { //echo $paramName ."
"; $queryString = "&".$queryString; if ($paramName == "searchText") { $str2exchange = "searchText=*&"; } else { $str2exchange = ""; } $queryStringNew = preg_replace('/\b'.$paramName.'\=[^&]*&?/',$str2exchange,$queryString); //TODO find empty get params $queryStringNew = ltrim($queryStringNew,'&'); $queryStringNew = rtrim($queryStringNew,'&'); return $queryStringNew; } ?>