tmpDir = $tmpDir; $this->serviceType = $serviceType; $this->reportFile = $tmpDir.$reportFile; //$this->reportFile = $reportFile; switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": $this->serviceId = $this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'wms_id',$this->serviceType); break; case "WFS": $this->serviceId = $this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'wfs_id',$this->serviceType); break; } $this->uploadId = $this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'upload_id',$this->serviceType); $this->autoUpdate = $autoUpdate; $e=new mb_notice("Monitor Report File: ".$this->reportFile); $e=new mb_notice("Service ID: ".$this->serviceId); $this->capabilitiesURL = urldecode($this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'getcapurl',$this->serviceType));//read out from xml $e=new mb_notice("GetCapURL: ".$this->capabilitiesURL); set_time_limit(TIME_LIMIT); $this->timestamp = microtime(TRUE); //get authentication info for service $admin = new administration(); switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": $auth = $admin->getAuthInfoOfWMS($this->serviceId); break; case "WFS": $auth = $admin->getAuthInfoOfWFS($this->serviceId); break; } if ($auth['auth_type']==''){ unset($auth); } if ($this->capabilitiesURL) { $this->timestamp_cap_begin=microtime(TRUE);//ok $capObject = new connector(); if (defined("CAP_MONITORING_TIMEOUT") && CAP_MONITORING_TIMEOUT !== "") { $capObject->set("timeOut", CAP_MONITORING_TIMEOUT); } if (isset($auth)) { $capObject->load($this->capabilitiesURL,$auth); } else { $capObject->load($this->capabilitiesURL); } $this->remoteXML = $capObject->file; //encode all into utf-8 to compare them - this is done in too when storing the caps into the database after parsing the caps $this->remoteXML = $admin->char_encode($this->remoteXML); $this->timestamp_cap_end=microtime(TRUE); //read local copy out of xml $this->localXML = urldecode($this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'getcapdoclocal',$this->serviceType)); // service unreachable if (!$this->remoteXML) { $this->result = -1; $this->comment = "Connection failed."; } /* * result available; * no local copy of capabilities file, * so it has to be updated anyway */ elseif (!$this->localXML) { $this->result = 0; } /* * service available; * check if local copy is different * to remote capabilties document */ else { //First do a simple check if remoteXML, $searchStringWms); $posWfs = strpos($this->remoteXML, $searchStringWfs); if ($posWms === false && $posWfs === false) { $this->result = -1; $this->comment = "Invalid getCapabilities request/document or service exception."; } else { $this->result = 0; $this->comment = "Service is not up to date."; $localXMLArray = explode("\n", $this->localXML); $remoteXMLArray = explode("\n", $this->remoteXML); $this->capabilitiesDiff = $this->outputDiffHtml($localXMLArray,$remoteXMLArray); } } } /* * if the SERVICE is available, * 1) get a map image * 2) update the local backup of the capabilities doc if necessary */ if ($this->result != -1) { switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": $this->mapURL = urldecode($this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'getmapurl',$this->serviceType)); break; case "WFS": $wfsFactory = new UniversalWfsFactory(); $wfs = $wfsFactory->createFromDb($this->getTagOutOfXML($this->reportFile,'wfs_id',$this->serviceType)); $featureInfoArray = array(); foreach($wfs->featureTypeArray as $featureType) { //$e = new mb_exception("ft name: ".$featureType->name); //$e = new mb_exception("wfs version: ".$wfs->getVersion()); $featureInfo->featureTypeName = $featureType->name; $feature = $wfs->getFeature($featureType->name, null, null, null, null, 1); //************************************************************************* //count features - part from http_auth/index.php - TODO - maybe included in wfs class libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $featureCollectionXml = simplexml_load_string($feature); if ($featureCollectionXml === false) { foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { //$err = new mb_exception("/lib/class_Monitor.php:".$error->message); } throw new Exception("/lib/class_Monitor.php:".'Cannot parse featureCollection XML!'); //TODO give error message } } catch (Exception $e) { //$err = new mb_exception("/lib/class_Monitor.php:".$e->getMessage()); //TODO give error message } if ($featureCollectionXml !== false) { //$featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("gmd", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("ogc", ""); if ($wfs->getVersion() == '2.0.0' || $wfs->getVersion() == '2.0.2') { $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("wfs", ""); } else { $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("wfs", ""); } $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("gco", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("gml", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("xlink", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("xsi", ""); $featureCollectionXml->registerXPathNamespace("default", ""); //preg_match('@version=(?P\d\.\d\.\d)&@i', strtolower($url), $wfs->getVersion()); if (!$wfs->getVersion()) { $e = new mb_notice("/lib/class_Monitor.php: No version for wfs request given in reqParams!"); } switch ($wfs->getVersion()) { case "1.0.0": //get # of features from counting features $numberOfFeatures = $featureCollectionXml->xpath('//wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:featureMember'); $numberOfFeatures = count($numberOfFeatures); break; case "1.1.0": //get # of features from counting features $numberOfFeatures = $featureCollectionXml->xpath('//wfs:FeatureCollection/gml:featureMember'); $numberOfFeatures = count($numberOfFeatures); break; //for wfs 2.0 - don't count features default: //get # of features from attribut $numberOfFeatures = $featureCollectionXml->xpath('//wfs:FeatureCollection/@numberReturned'); $numberOfFeatures = $numberOfFeatures[0]; break; } //$e = new mb_exception("/lib/class_Monitor.php: ".$numberOfFeatures." delivered features from wfs."); if ($numberOfFeatures == "1") { $featureInfo->getFeature = 1; } else { $featureInfo->getFeature = 0; } } else { $featureInfo->getFeature = -1; } $featureInfoArray[] = $featureInfo; //************************************************************************* } $this->feature_content = json_encode($featureInfoArray); //$e = new mb_exception("/lib/class_Monitor.php: feature_content: ".$this->feature_content); break; } if (isset($auth)) { switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": if ($this->isImage($this->mapURL,$auth)) { $this->returnsImage = 1; } else { $this->returnsImage = -1; } break; case "WFS": break; } } else { switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": if ($this->isImage($this->mapURL)) { $this->returnsImage = 1; } else { $this->returnsImage = -1; } break; case "WFS": break; } } //Check for valid XML - validate it again wms 1.1.1 -some problems occur? #$dtd = "../schemas/capabilities_1_1_1.dtd"; #$dom = new domDocument; #$dom->loadXML($this->remoteXML); #if (!$dom->validate($dtd)) { #$this->result = -1; #$this->comment = "Invalid getCapabilities request/document or service exception."; #} #else { #$this->comment = "WMS is not up to date but valid!"; #} /* * if the local backup of the capabilities document * is deprecated, update the local backup */ #if ($this->result == 0) { //$mywms = new wms(); /* * if the capabilities document is valid, * update it OR mark it as "not up to date" */ #if ($this->localXML==) {//check validation of capabilities document #if ($this->autoUpdate) { #$mywms->updateObjInDB($this->wmsId); #$this->updated = "1"; #$this->comment = "WMS has been updated."; #} #else { # $this->comment = "WMS is not up to date."; #} #} // capabilities document is invalid #else { # $this->result = -1; # $this->comment = "Invalid getCapabilities request/document or service exception."; #} #} } } else { $this->result = -1; $this->comment = "Invalid upload URL."; } #$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: constructor: result = " . $this->result); #$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: constructor: comment = " . $this->comment); #$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: constructor: returnsImage = " . $this->returnsImage); } /** * */ #function toString() { #$str = ""; #$str .= "wmsid: " . $this->wmsId . "\nupload_id: " . $this->uploadId . "\n"; #$str .= "autoupdate: " . $this->autoUpdate . "\n"; #$str .= "result: " . $this->result . "\ncomment: " . $this->comment . "\n"; #$str .= "timestamp: " . $this->timestamp . " (".date("F j, Y, G:i:s", $this->timestamp).")\n"; #$str .= "getCapabilities URL: " . $this->capabilitiesURL . "\nupdated: " . $this->updated . "\n\n"; #$str .= "getMap URL: " . $this->mapURL . "\nis image: " . $this->returnsImage . "\n\n"; #$str .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; #$str .= "remote XML:\n\n" . $this->remoteXML . "\n\n"; #$str .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; #$str .= "local XML:\n\n" . $this->localXML . "\n\n"; #$str .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; #return (string) $str; #} /** * Update database */ function updateInDB() { switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": $sql = "UPDATE mb_monitor SET updated = $1, status = $2, image = $3, status_comment = $4, upload_url = $5, timestamp_end = $6, map_url = $7 , timestamp_begin = $10 WHERE upload_id = $8 AND fkey_wms_id=$9"; $v = array($this->updated, $this->result, $this->returnsImage, $this->comment, $this->capabilitiesURL, $this->timestamp_cap_end, $this->mapURL, $this->uploadId, $this->serviceId, $this->timestamp_cap_begin); $t = array('s', 'i', 'i', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 'i','s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); break; case "WFS": $sql = "UPDATE mb_monitor SET updated = $1, status = $2, feature_content = $3, status_comment = $4, upload_url = $5, timestamp_end = $6, feature_urls = $7 , timestamp_begin = $10 WHERE upload_id = $8 AND fkey_wfs_id=$9"; $v = array($this->updated, $this->result, "feature_content - json", $this->comment, $this->capabilitiesURL, $this->timestamp_cap_end, "feature_urls - json", $this->uploadId, $this->serviceId, $this->timestamp_cap_begin); $t = array('s', 'i', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 'i','s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); break; } } /** * Update xml */ function updateInXMLReport() { //create text for diff $difftext = "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "Mapbender - monitor diff results\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= ""; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= "\n"; $difftext .= $this->capabilitiesDiff; $difftext .= "\n\t
\n\t"; $difftext .= ""; //write to report $xml=simplexml_load_file($this->reportFile); switch ($this->serviceType) { case "WMS": $xml->wms->image=$this->returnsImage; $xml->wms->status=$this->result; $xml->wms->getcapduration = intval(($this->timestamp_cap_end-$this->timestamp_cap_begin)*1000); $xml->wms->getcapdocremote = rawurlencode($this->remoteXML); $xml->wms->getcapdiff = rawurlencode($difftext); $xml->wms->comment=$this->comment; $xml->wms->getcapbegin=$this->timestamp_cap_begin; $xml->wms->getcapend=$this->timestamp_cap_end; break; case "WFS": //$xml->wfs->image=$this->returnsImage; $xml->wfs->status=$this->result; $xml->wfs->getcapduration = intval(($this->timestamp_cap_end-$this->timestamp_cap_begin)*1000); $xml->wfs->getcapdocremote = rawurlencode($this->remoteXML); $xml->wfs->getcapdiff = rawurlencode($difftext); $xml->wfs->comment=$this->comment; $xml->wfs->getcapbegin=$this->timestamp_cap_begin; $xml->wfs->getcapend=$this->timestamp_cap_end; $xml->wfs->feature_content=$this->feature_content; break; } $xml->asXML($this->reportFile); } /* * Checks if the mapUrl returns an image or an exception */ function isImage($url) { #$headers = get_headers($url, 1);#controll this function TODO //$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: isImage: map URL is " . $url); #$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: isImage: Content-Type is " . $headers["Content-Type"]); #if (preg_match("/xml/", $headers["Content-Type"])) { # return false; #} if (func_num_args() == 2) { //new for HTTP Authentication $auth = func_get_arg(1); $imgObject = new connector($url, $auth); } else { $imgObject = new connector($url); } $image = $imgObject->file; //write images to tmp folder $imageName=$this->tmpDir."/"."monitor_getmap_image_".md5(uniqid()).".png"; $fileMapImg = fopen($imageName, 'w+'); $bytesWritten = fwrite($fileMapImg, $image); fclose($fileMapImg); //$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: isImage: path: ".$imageName); //$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: isImage: Content-Type is " . mime_content_type($image)); //$e = new mb_notice("class_monitor: isImage: Content-Type (file) is " . mime_content_type($imageName)); if (mime_content_type($imageName)=="image/png") { return true; } return false; } /* * Checks if the getfeature url returns at minimum one feature */ function hasFeatures($url) { if (func_num_args() == 2) { //new for HTTP Authentication $auth = func_get_arg(1); $featureCollectionObject = new connector($url, $auth); } else { $featureCollectionObject = new connector($url); } $featureCollection = $featureCollectionObject->file; //parse gml content } /** * Returns the objects out of the xml file */ private function getTagOutOfXML($reportFile,$tagName,$serviceType) { $xml=simplexml_load_file($reportFile); $result=(string)$xml->{strtolower($serviceType)}->$tagName; return $result; } /* * creates a html diff of the xml documents */ private function outputDiffHtml($localXMLArray,$remoteXMLArray) { $diffObj = new Diff($localXMLArray,$remoteXMLArray); $dft = new TableDiffFormatter(); return $dft->format($diffObj); } }