# $Id: rectype.awk,v 11.4 2004/04/19 09:36:58 bostic Exp $ # # Print out a range of the log. # Command line should set RECTYPE to a comma separated list # of the rectypes (or partial strings of rectypes) sought. NR == 1 { ntypes = 0 while ((ndx = index(RECTYPE, ",")) != 0) { types[ntypes] = substr(RECTYPE, 1, ndx - 1); RECTYPE = substr(RECTYPE, ndx + 1, length(RECTYPE) - ndx); ntypes++ } types[ntypes] = RECTYPE; } /^\[/{ printme = 0 for (i = 0; i <= ntypes; i++) if (index($1, types[i]) != 0) { printme = 1 break; } } { if (printme == 1) print $0 }