Conflict in state 21 between rule 17 and token '|' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 21 between rule 17 and token '&' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 22 between rule 18 and token '|' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 22 between rule 18 and token '&' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 27 between rule 15 and token '|' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 27 between rule 15 and token '&' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 28 between rule 16 and token '|' resolved as reduce. Conflict in state 28 between rule 16 and token '&' resolved as reduce. State 7 contains 2 shift/reduce conflicts. State 8 contains 2 shift/reduce conflicts. Grammar Number, Line, Rule 1 183 statement_list -> statement_list statement 2 185 statement_list -> /* empty */ 3 188 statement -> TC_STRING '=' string_or_value 4 197 statement -> TC_STRING BRACK '=' string_or_value 5 205 statement -> TC_STRING 6 206 statement -> SECTION 7 207 statement -> '\n' 8 211 string_or_value -> expr 9 213 string_or_value -> TC_ENCAPSULATED_STRING 10 214 string_or_value -> CFG_TRUE 11 215 string_or_value -> CFG_FALSE 12 216 string_or_value -> '\n' 13 217 string_or_value -> /* empty */ 14 220 expr -> constant_string 15 222 expr -> expr '|' expr 16 223 expr -> expr '&' expr 17 224 expr -> '~' expr 18 225 expr -> '!' expr 19 226 expr -> '(' expr ')' 20 229 constant_string -> TC_STRING Terminals, with rules where they appear $ (-1) '\n' (10) 7 12 '!' (33) 18 '&' (38) 16 '(' (40) 19 ')' (41) 19 '=' (61) 3 4 '|' (124) 15 '~' (126) 17 error (256) TC_STRING (257) 3 4 5 20 TC_ENCAPSULATED_STRING (258) 9 BRACK (259) 4 SECTION (260) 6 CFG_TRUE (261) 10 CFG_FALSE (262) 11 Nonterminals, with rules where they appear statement_list (17) on left: 1 2, on right: 1 statement (18) on left: 3 4 5 6 7, on right: 1 string_or_value (19) on left: 8 9 10 11 12 13, on right: 3 4 expr (20) on left: 14 15 16 17 18 19, on right: 8 15 16 17 18 19 constant_string (21) on left: 20, on right: 14 state 0 $default reduce using rule 2 (statement_list) statement_list go to state 1 state 1 statement_list -> statement_list . statement (rule 1) $ go to state 29 TC_STRING shift, and go to state 2 SECTION shift, and go to state 3 '\n' shift, and go to state 4 statement go to state 5 state 2 statement -> TC_STRING . '=' string_or_value (rule 3) statement -> TC_STRING . BRACK '=' string_or_value (rule 4) statement -> TC_STRING . (rule 5) BRACK shift, and go to state 6 '=' shift, and go to state 7 $default reduce using rule 5 (statement) state 3 statement -> SECTION . (rule 6) $default reduce using rule 6 (statement) state 4 statement -> '\n' . (rule 7) $default reduce using rule 7 (statement) state 5 statement_list -> statement_list statement . (rule 1) $default reduce using rule 1 (statement_list) state 6 statement -> TC_STRING BRACK . '=' string_or_value (rule 4) '=' shift, and go to state 8 state 7 statement -> TC_STRING '=' . string_or_value (rule 3) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 TC_ENCAPSULATED_STRING shift, and go to state 10 CFG_TRUE shift, and go to state 11 CFG_FALSE shift, and go to state 12 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '\n' shift, and go to state 15 '(' shift, and go to state 16 TC_STRING [reduce using rule 13 (string_or_value)] '\n' [reduce using rule 13 (string_or_value)] $default reduce using rule 13 (string_or_value) string_or_value go to state 17 expr go to state 18 constant_string go to state 19 state 8 statement -> TC_STRING BRACK '=' . string_or_value (rule 4) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 TC_ENCAPSULATED_STRING shift, and go to state 10 CFG_TRUE shift, and go to state 11 CFG_FALSE shift, and go to state 12 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '\n' shift, and go to state 15 '(' shift, and go to state 16 TC_STRING [reduce using rule 13 (string_or_value)] '\n' [reduce using rule 13 (string_or_value)] $default reduce using rule 13 (string_or_value) string_or_value go to state 20 expr go to state 18 constant_string go to state 19 state 9 constant_string -> TC_STRING . (rule 20) $default reduce using rule 20 (constant_string) state 10 string_or_value -> TC_ENCAPSULATED_STRING . (rule 9) $default reduce using rule 9 (string_or_value) state 11 string_or_value -> CFG_TRUE . (rule 10) $default reduce using rule 10 (string_or_value) state 12 string_or_value -> CFG_FALSE . (rule 11) $default reduce using rule 11 (string_or_value) state 13 expr -> '~' . expr (rule 17) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '(' shift, and go to state 16 expr go to state 21 constant_string go to state 19 state 14 expr -> '!' . expr (rule 18) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '(' shift, and go to state 16 expr go to state 22 constant_string go to state 19 state 15 string_or_value -> '\n' . (rule 12) $default reduce using rule 12 (string_or_value) state 16 expr -> '(' . expr ')' (rule 19) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '(' shift, and go to state 16 expr go to state 23 constant_string go to state 19 state 17 statement -> TC_STRING '=' string_or_value . (rule 3) $default reduce using rule 3 (statement) state 18 string_or_value -> expr . (rule 8) expr -> expr . '|' expr (rule 15) expr -> expr . '&' expr (rule 16) '|' shift, and go to state 24 '&' shift, and go to state 25 $default reduce using rule 8 (string_or_value) state 19 expr -> constant_string . (rule 14) $default reduce using rule 14 (expr) state 20 statement -> TC_STRING BRACK '=' string_or_value . (rule 4) $default reduce using rule 4 (statement) state 21 expr -> expr . '|' expr (rule 15) expr -> expr . '&' expr (rule 16) expr -> '~' expr . (rule 17) $default reduce using rule 17 (expr) state 22 expr -> expr . '|' expr (rule 15) expr -> expr . '&' expr (rule 16) expr -> '!' expr . (rule 18) $default reduce using rule 18 (expr) state 23 expr -> expr . '|' expr (rule 15) expr -> expr . '&' expr (rule 16) expr -> '(' expr . ')' (rule 19) '|' shift, and go to state 24 '&' shift, and go to state 25 ')' shift, and go to state 26 state 24 expr -> expr '|' . expr (rule 15) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '(' shift, and go to state 16 expr go to state 27 constant_string go to state 19 state 25 expr -> expr '&' . expr (rule 16) TC_STRING shift, and go to state 9 '~' shift, and go to state 13 '!' shift, and go to state 14 '(' shift, and go to state 16 expr go to state 28 constant_string go to state 19 state 26 expr -> '(' expr ')' . (rule 19) $default reduce using rule 19 (expr) state 27 expr -> expr . '|' expr (rule 15) expr -> expr '|' expr . (rule 15) expr -> expr . '&' expr (rule 16) $default reduce using rule 15 (expr) state 28 expr -> expr . '|' expr (rule 15) expr -> expr . '&' expr (rule 16) expr -> expr '&' expr . (rule 16) $default reduce using rule 16 (expr) state 29 $ go to state 30 state 30 $default accept