Summary of Autodesk changes made to PROJ4 ============================================================ TUX147-WCW09: Fix Proj4 runtime error With CPL and OGR, I had to make a few minor changes to the makefiles since they were both generating the same PDB - gdal.pdb - in the same folder. Now they create cpl.pbd and ogr.pdb in the correct folders. //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/ - run MT tool to add manifest to DLL ============================================================ TUX147-WCW11: Fix memory leaks in PROJ4 Running the PROJ4-based coordinate system unit test uncovered numerous leaks in PROJ4 itself. I tracked down all the leaked allocations we ran into and fixed the code. There were two basic problems: 1/ A couple of the projection objects would needlessly allocate an array of doubles two times (duplicate calls to pj_enfn). 2/ One of the projections was making a call to pj_authset (which returns an array of doubles) and not freeing it. It was also not initializing the pointer member for this array in its setup call. Bad, bad, bad. //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/PJ_eqdc.c //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/PJ_gn_sinu.c - remove duplicate calls to pj_enfn() //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/PJ_laea.c - ensure P->apa member variable gets initialized to 0 - free data allocated in pj_authset() ============================================================ TUX147-WCW12: Fix PROJ4 project issues The PROJ4 library we were generating had a couple of issues: 1/ Even though it generated a PDB, you couldn't debug into the PROJ4 library. I discovered this while tracking down the leaks. The problem was that the makefile was missing the /Zi compiler option. Without this option the PDB that gets generated is unusable. 2/ To make things easier the next time we rebuild PROJ4, I updated the project file to only build the proj_i.lib target. There's no need to generate static library or the EXEs. //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/ - fix compiler settings to produce correct PDB //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/PROJ4.sln (added) //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/src/PROJ4.vcproj - only build the proj_i.lib target ============================================================ Tux149-TIS03: Change exec bit on configure scripts for gdal and proj Changed the executable flag (in Perforce) for the configure scripts of gdal and proj. This avoids the step of having to change file attributes before building those two libraries. //MgDev/Oem/proj-4.4.9/configure#1 edit ============================================================