Uninstalling the DWF Viewer

Microsoft® Windows® XP® offers two menu styles: the default Start menu style and the Classic Start menu style. (To determine which style is enabled on your computer, right-click the Start button and choose Properties.)

NoteIt is recommended that you reboot your computer to complete the uninstall.

To uninstall the DWF Viewer using the default Start menu style

  1. Choose Start > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. From the list of Currently installed programs, select Autodesk DWF Viewer.
  4. Click Change/Remove.
  5. Click Uninstall.
  6. Click Finish.

To uninstall the DWF Viewer using the Classic Start menu style

  1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. From the list of Currently installed programs, select Autodesk DWF Viewer.
  4. Click Change/Remove.
  5. Click Uninstall.
  6. Click Finish.