Create an XmlContainer, add a document that includes a namespace definition, create a query context, define a namespace prefix to URI mapping, query the container for the document within a context, iterate over the result set displaying the values returned. EXPECTED RESULT: book1_ns = Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ACTUAL RESULT: Knowledge Discovery in Databases."; $container_name = 'test.dbxml'; $mgr = new XmlManager(null); if(file_exists("test.dbxml")) { $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml"); } $con = $mgr->createContainer("test.dbxml"); $con->putDocument($book_name, $book_content); $qc = $mgr->createQueryContext(); $qc->setNamespace("books2", ""); $results = $mgr->query("collection('test.dbxml')/*[books2:title='Knowledge Discovery in Databases.']", $qc); $results->reset(); while($results->hasNext()) { $val = $results->next(); $doc = $val->asDocument(); print $doc->getName()." = ".$val->asString()."\n"; }