# $Id: README,v 12.0 2004/11/17 03:43:23 bostic Exp $ Berkeley DB log dump utility. This utility dumps out a DB log in human readable form, a record at a time, to assist in recovery and transaction abort debugging. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= commit.awk Output transaction ID of committed transactions. count.awk Print out the number of log records for transactions that we encountered. dbname.awk Take a comma-separated list of database names and spit out all the log records that affect those databases. fileid.awk Take a comma-separated list of file numbers and spit out all the log records that affect those file numbers. logstat.awk Display log record count/size statistics. pgno.awk Take a comma-separated list of page numbers and spit out all the log records that affect those page numbers. range.awk Print out a range of the log. rectype.awk Print out a range of the log -- command line should set RECTYPE to the a comma separated list of the rectypes (or partial strings of rectypes) sought. status.awk Read through db_printlog output and list the transactions encountered, and whether they committed or aborted. txn.awk Print out all the records for a comma-separated list of transaction IDs.