; This is just an example of Math plugin ; ; (c) brainsucker, 2002 ; (r) BSForce Name "Math Plugin Example" OutFile "math.exe" SetPluginUnload alwaysoff ShowInstDetails show XPStyle on Section "ThisNameIsIgnoredSoWhyBother?" Math::Script 'SaR(s,fa,ra, i,f,r,e,p) (i=0;#{i=0, (NS=s[p+4,]; NS=#[p>0,s[,p-1],'']), (NS='';NS=s)])" Math::Script "a = 'Hello \r\n World \r\n!!!'; a = SaR(a,{'\r','\n'},{'$\r','$\n'}); R0 = a" Math::Script "NS = '$\"In quotes$\"'; TQ(); R1=NS; R3=P(s(R1),'qu')" Math::Script "NS = 'No quotes'; TQ(); R2=NS" Math::Script "NS='123\r\n456\r\n789'; DL(); R4=NS; DL(); R5=NS; DL(); R6=NS; R7=NS" DetailPrint "'$R0'" DetailPrint "'$R1'" DetailPrint "'$R2'" DetailPrint "'$R3'" DetailPrint "'$R4'" DetailPrint "'$R5'" DetailPrint "'$R6'" DetailPrint "'$R7'" ; last plugin call must not have /NOUNLOAD so NSIS will be able to delete the temporary DLL SetPluginUnload manual ; do nothing Math::Script "" SectionEnd ; eof