!include nsDialogs.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh Name "nsDialogs Example" OutFile "nsDialogs Example.exe" XPStyle on Page license Page custom nsDialogsPage Var BUTTON Var EDIT Var CHECKBOX Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018 Pop $0 GetFunctionAddress $0 OnBack nsDialogs::OnBack /NOUNLOAD $0 ${NSD_CreateButton} 0 0 100% 12u Test Pop $BUTTON GetFunctionAddress $0 OnClick nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $BUTTON $0 ${NSD_CreateText} 0 35 100% 12u hello Pop $EDIT GetFunctionAddress $0 OnChange nsDialogs::OnChange /NOUNLOAD $EDIT $0 ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 -50 100% 8u Test Pop $CHECKBOX GetFunctionAddress $0 OnCheckbox nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $CHECKBOX $0 ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 40u 75% 40u "* Type `hello there` above.$\n* Click the button.$\n* Check the checkbox.$\n* Hit the Back button." Pop $0 nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function OnClick Pop $0 # HWND MessageBox MB_OK clicky FunctionEnd Function OnChange Pop $0 # HWND System::Call user32::GetWindowText(i$EDIT,t.r0,i${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}) ${If} $0 == "hello there" MessageBox MB_OK "right back at ya" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function OnBack MessageBox MB_YESNO "are you sure?" IDYES +2 Abort FunctionEnd Function OnCheckbox Pop $0 # HWND MessageBox MB_OK "checkbox clicked" FunctionEnd Section SectionEnd