#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2012, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Mapping; using System.Drawing; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Services; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Local { // A general note about this implementation // // The only thing this shares with RuntimeMap is the ancestry (which is needed if we want to use rendering APIs) because // other than that, these implementations are complete wrappers around their respective MgdMap, MgLayerGroup and MgLayerBase // classes, barely touching anything from their respective superclasses (and almost overriding everything from their parents) internal class LocalRuntimeMap : RuntimeMap { private MgdMap _impl; private LocalConnection _conn; public LocalRuntimeMap(LocalConnection conn, MgdMap map, bool suppressErrors) : base(conn) { _impl = map; _conn = conn; InitializeLayersAndGroups(suppressErrors); _disableChangeTracking = false; } public override bool SupportsMutableBackgroundColor { get { return false; } } public override bool SupportsMutableExtents { get { return false; } } public override bool SupportsMutableCoordinateSystem { get { return false; } } public override bool SupportsMutableMetersPerUnit { get { return false; } } private void InitializeLayersAndGroups(bool suppressErrors) { this.Layers.Clear(); this.Groups.Clear(); var groups = _impl.GetLayerGroups(); var layers = _impl.GetLayers(); //Groups first for (int i = 0; i < groups.GetCount(); i++) { this.Groups.Add(new LocalRuntimeMapGroup(this, groups.GetItem(i))); } //Then layers for (int i = 0; i < layers.GetCount(); i++) { this.Layers.Add(new LocalRuntimeMapLayer(this, layers.GetItem(i), _conn, suppressErrors)); } } public override System.Drawing.Color BackgroundColor { get { var bgColor = _impl.GetBackgroundColor(); if (bgColor.Length == 8 || bgColor.Length == 6) { return ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + bgColor); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsure how to convert color: " + bgColor); } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public override string CoordinateSystem { get { return _impl.GetMapSRS(); } } public override ObjectModels.Common.IEnvelope DataExtent { get { var env = _impl.GetDataExtent(); var envLL = env.GetLowerLeftCoordinate(); var envUR = env.GetUpperRightCoordinate(); return ObjectFactory.CreateEnvelope(envLL.X, envLL.Y, envUR.X, envUR.Y); } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public override int DisplayDpi { get { return _impl.DisplayDpi; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.DisplayDpi = val; }; ObservableSet(_impl.DisplayDpi, value, setter, "DisplayDpi"); } } public override int DisplayHeight { get { return _impl.DisplayHeight; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.SetDisplaySize(_impl.DisplayWidth, val); }; ObservableSet(_impl.DisplayHeight, value, setter, "DisplayHeight"); } } public override int DisplayWidth { get { return _impl.DisplayWidth; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.SetDisplaySize(val, _impl.DisplayHeight); }; ObservableSet(_impl.DisplayWidth, value, setter, "DisplayWidth"); } } public override int LayerRefreshMode { get { return base.LayerRefreshMode; } } public override string MapDefinition { get { return _impl.MapDefinition.ToString(); } } public override ObjectModels.Common.IEnvelope MapExtent { get { var env = _impl.GetMapExtent(); var envLL = env.GetLowerLeftCoordinate(); var envUR = env.GetUpperRightCoordinate(); return ObjectFactory.CreateEnvelope(envLL.X, envLL.Y, envUR.X, envUR.Y); } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public override double MetersPerUnit { get { return _impl.GetMetersPerUnit(); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public override string ObjectId { get { return _impl.GetObjectId(); } } public override ObjectModels.Common.IPoint2D ViewCenter { get { var pt = _impl.ViewCenter; var coord = pt.Coordinate; return ObjectFactory.CreatePoint2D(coord.X, coord.Y); } } public override void SetViewCenter(double x, double y) { var center = this.ViewCenter; if (center.X != x || center.Y != y) { _impl.SetViewCenterXY(x, y); OnPropertyChanged("ViewCenter"); } } public override double ViewScale { get { return _impl.ViewScale; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.SetViewScale(val); }; ObservableSet(_impl.ViewScale, value, setter, "ViewScale"); } } public override int WatermarkUsage { get { return _impl.GetWatermarkUsage(); } } public override bool IsDirty { get { return base.IsDirty; } protected set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; base.IsDirty = value; } } public override void Save() { //Synchronize the ordering of our layers and groups var layers = _impl.GetLayers(); var groups = _impl.GetLayerGroups(); layers.Clear(); groups.Clear(); foreach (LocalRuntimeMapGroup group in this.Groups) { groups.Add(group.GetWrappedInstance()); } foreach (LocalRuntimeMapLayer layer in this.Layers) { layers.Add(layer.GetWrappedInstance()); } this.IsDirty = false; } public MgdMap GetWrappedInstance() { return _impl; } public override void Deserialize(Serialization.MgBinaryDeserializer d) { } public override void Serialize(Serialization.MgBinarySerializer s) { } internal void ResetDirtyState() { this.IsDirty = false; } internal void MakeDirty() { this.IsDirty = true; } } internal class LocalRuntimeMapGroup : RuntimeMapGroup { private LocalRuntimeMap _parent; private MgLayerGroup _impl; public LocalRuntimeMapGroup(LocalRuntimeMap parent, MgLayerGroup group) : base(parent, "") { _parent = parent; _impl = group; _disableChangeTracking = false; } public override bool ExpandInLegend { get { return _impl.ExpandInLegend; } set { Action setter = (val) => { MgdMap.SetGroupExpandInLegend(_impl, val); }; ObservableSet(_impl.ExpandInLegend, value, setter, "ExpandInLegend"); } } public override string Group { get { var grp = _impl.Group; if (grp != null) return grp.Name; return string.Empty; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems var impl = _parent.GetWrappedInstance(); var groups = impl.GetLayerGroups(); if (groups.IndexOf(value) >= 0) { var grp = groups.GetItem(value); if (grp != _impl.Group) { _impl.Group = grp; OnPropertyChanged("Group"); } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Group not found: " + value); //LOCALIZEME } } } public override string LegendLabel { get { return _impl.LegendLabel; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems Action setter = (val) => { _impl.LegendLabel = val; }; ObservableSet(_impl.LegendLabel, value, setter, "LegendLabel"); } } public override string Name { get { return _impl.Name; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public override string ObjectId { get { return _impl.GetObjectId(); } } public override bool ShowInLegend { get { return _impl.GetDisplayInLegend(); } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems Action setter = (val) => { _impl.SetDisplayInLegend(val); }; ObservableSet(_impl.GetDisplayInLegend(), value, setter, "ShowInLegend"); } } public override int Type { get { return _impl.LayerGroupType; } } public override bool Visible { get { return _impl.Visible; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems Action setter = (val) => { _impl.Visible = val; }; ObservableSet(_impl.Visible, value, setter, "Visible"); } } internal MgLayerGroup GetWrappedInstance() { return _impl; } public override void Deserialize(Serialization.MgBinaryDeserializer d) { } public override void Serialize(Serialization.MgBinarySerializer s) { } } internal class LocalRuntimeMapLayer : RuntimeMapLayer { private LocalRuntimeMap _parent; private MgLayerBase _impl; internal LocalRuntimeMapLayer(LocalRuntimeMap parent, MgLayerBase layer, IResourceService resSvc, bool suppressErrors) : base(parent) { _parent = parent; _impl = layer; var ldfId = layer.GetLayerDefinition(); var ldf = (ILayerDefinition)resSvc.GetResource(ldfId.ToString()); Initialize(ldf, suppressErrors); _disableChangeTracking = false; } public override bool ExpandInLegend { get { return _impl.ExpandInLegend; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems Action setter = (val) => { MgdMap.SetLayerExpandInLegend(_impl, val); }; if (ObservableSet(_impl.ExpandInLegend, value, setter, "ExpandInLegend")) _parent.MakeDirty(); } } public override string FeatureSourceID { get { return _impl.FeatureSourceId; } } public override string Filter { get { return _impl.Filter; } } public override string GeometryPropertyName { get { return _impl.GetFeatureGeometryName(); } } public override string Group { get { var grp = _impl.Group; if (grp != null) return grp.Name; return null; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing it seems var impl = _parent.GetWrappedInstance(); var grp = _parent.Groups[value] as LocalRuntimeMapGroup; if (grp != null) { var implGroup = grp.GetWrappedInstance(); if (implGroup != _impl.Group) { _impl.Group = implGroup; OnPropertyChanged("Group"); _parent.MakeDirty(); } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Group not found: " + value); //LOCALIZEME } } } public override string LayerDefinitionID { get { return _impl.LayerDefinition.ToString(); } } public override string LegendLabel { get { return _impl.LegendLabel; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.LegendLabel = val; }; if (ObservableSet(_impl.LegendLabel, value, setter, "LegendLabel")) _parent.MakeDirty(); } } public override string Name { get { return _impl.Name; } set { if (_disableChangeTracking) return; //Still initializing throw new NotSupportedException(); } } public override bool NeedsRefresh { get { return _impl.NeedsRefresh(); } } public override string ObjectId { get { return _impl.GetObjectId(); } } public override string QualifiedClassName { get { return _impl.GetFeatureClassName(); } } public override bool Selectable { get { return _impl.Selectable; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.Selectable = val; }; if (ObservableSet(_impl.Selectable, value, setter, "Selectable")) _parent.MakeDirty(); } } public override bool ShowInLegend { get { return _impl.DisplayInLegend; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.DisplayInLegend = val; }; if (ObservableSet(_impl.DisplayInLegend, value, setter, "ShowInLegend")) _parent.MakeDirty(); } } public override int Type { get { return _impl.GetLayerType(); } } public override bool Visible { get { return _impl.Visible; } set { Action setter = (val) => { _impl.Visible = val; }; if (ObservableSet(_impl.Visible, value, setter, "Visible")) _parent.MakeDirty(); } } internal MgLayerBase GetWrappedInstance() { return _impl; } public override void Serialize(Serialization.MgBinarySerializer s) { } public override void Deserialize(Serialization.MgBinaryDeserializer d) { } } }