5.1 --- - Maestro API test runner and test data added to SDK - ProviderTemplate tool updated to support building the LocalNative provider in debug mode. Updated readme.txt with instructions on how to validate your built provider with the included Maestro API test runner 5.0 --- - Samples updated for VS2010/.net Framework 4.0 to match updated MaestroAPI requirements. - New Desktop Sample - MapViewer 4.1 --- - New utility included: SignMapGuideApi.exe - Use this tool to sign official MapGuide/AIMS .net assemblies with the maestroapi.key - Includes source for the Maestro.LocalNative connection provider, allowing you to compile your own connection provider against your specific version of MapGuide/AIMS - Assembly binding redirection is no longer supported - Pre-built binaries for MGOS 2.2 included 4.0 --- - Updated samples to match current APIs 3.5 --- - New Desktop Samples - StandaloneWebLayoutEditor - General Notes: - The Topology.dll reference has been replaced with NetTopologySuite.Merged.dll. If you reference this assembly, you will need to update some namespace imports (anything under the Topology namespace will have to be changed). Visual Studio can assist with updating namespace references. 3.1 --- - Initial SDK release - Desktop Samples - DrawMap - DwfInspector - QueryFeatureSource - SchemaViewer - Web Sample