loadXML($layerDefinition); if (! $domDocument->schemaValidate($schemaDirectory . "LayerDefinition-1.1.0.xsd") ) // $schemaDirectory is defined in common.php { echo "ERROR: The new XML document is invalid.
\n."; return NULL; } // Save the new layer definition to the session repository $byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition, strlen($layerDefinition)); $byteSource->SetMimeType(MgMimeType::Xml); $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:$sessionId//$layerName.LayerDefinition"); $resourceService->SetResource($resourceID, $byteSource->GetReader(), null); $newLayer = add_layer_resource_to_map($resourceID, $resourceService, $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $map); return $newLayer; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function add_layer_to_group($layer, $layerGroupName, $layerGroupLegendLabel, &$map) // Adds a layer to a layer group. If necessary, it creates the layer group. { // Get the layer group $layerGroupCollection = $map->GetLayerGroups(); if ($layerGroupCollection->Contains($layerGroupName)) { $layerGroup = $layerGroupCollection->GetItem($layerGroupName); } else { // It does not exist, so create it $layerGroup = new MgLayerGroup($layerGroupName); $layerGroup->SetVisible(true); $layerGroup->SetDisplayInLegend(true); $layerGroup->SetLegendLabel($layerGroupLegendLabel); $layerGroupCollection->Add($layerGroup); } // Add the layer to the group $layer->SetGroup($layerGroup); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function add_layer_resource_to_map($layerResourceID, $resourceService, $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, &$map) // Adds a layer defition (which can be stored either in the Library or a session // repository) to the map. // Returns the layer. { $newLayer = new MgLayer($layerResourceID, $resourceService); // Add the new layer to the map's layer collection $newLayer->SetName($layerName); $newLayer->SetVisible(true); $newLayer->SetLegendLabel($layerLegendLabel); $newLayer->SetDisplayInLegend(true); $layerCollection = $map->GetLayers(); if (! $layerCollection->Contains($layerName) ) { // Insert the new layer at position 0 so it is at the top // of the drawing order $layerCollection->Insert(0, $newLayer); } return $newLayer; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?>