/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved. * */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using BerkeleyDB; namespace ex_access { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { BTreeDatabase btreeDB; BTreeDatabaseConfig btreeConfig; Cursor dbc; DatabaseEntry key; DatabaseEntry data; string buff, dbFileName, keyString; /* * ex_access is meant to be run from build_windows\AnyCPU, in either * the Debug or Release directory. The required core libraries, * however, are in either build_windows\Win32 or build_windows\x64, * depending upon the platform. That location needs to be added * to the PATH environment variable for the P/Invoke calls to work. */ try { String pwd = Environment.CurrentDirectory; pwd = Path.Combine(pwd, ".."); pwd = Path.Combine(pwd, ".."); if (IntPtr.Size == 4) pwd = Path.Combine(pwd, "Win32"); else pwd = Path.Combine(pwd, "x64"); #if DEBUG pwd = Path.Combine(pwd, "Debug"); #else pwd = Path.Combine(pwd, "Release"); #endif pwd += ";" + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", pwd); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine( "Unable to set the PATH environment variable."); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } try { dbFileName = "access.db"; if (args.Length > 0) dbFileName = args[0]; } catch { usage(); return; } /* Optiionally remove the existing database file. */ if (File.Exists(dbFileName)) { while (true) { Console.Write ("{0} already exists. Delete it? (y/n) ", dbFileName); buff = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (buff == "y" || buff == "n") break; } if (buff == "y") { try { File.Delete(dbFileName); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to delete {0}.", dbFileName); return; } } } /* Configure the database. */ btreeConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig(); btreeConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED; btreeConfig.ErrorPrefix = "ex_csharp_access"; btreeConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED; btreeConfig.CacheSize = new CacheInfo(0, 64 * 1024, 1); btreeConfig.PageSize = 8 * 1024; /* Create and open a new database in the file. */ try { btreeDB = BTreeDatabase.Open(dbFileName, btreeConfig); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error opening {0}.", dbFileName); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } /* Input key/data pairs and insert them into the database.*/ key = new DatabaseEntry(); data = new DatabaseEntry(); while (true) { Console.Write("key [blank line to quit] > "); keyString = Console.ReadLine(); if (keyString == "") break; dbtFromString(key, keyString); dbtFromString(data, reverse(keyString)); try { btreeDB.Put(key, data); } catch { return; } } /* Acquire a cursor for the database. */ using (dbc = btreeDB.Cursor()) { /* Walk through the database and print out key/data pairs. */ Console.WriteLine("All key : data pairs:"); foreach (KeyValuePair p in dbc) Console.WriteLine("{0}::{1}", strFromDBT(p.Key), strFromDBT(p.Value)); } Console.Write("Press any key to exit >"); Console.ReadKey(true); /* Close the cursor and database. */ btreeDB.Close(); } #region Utilities public static void usage() { Console.WriteLine( "Usage: ex_access [database]"); } static void dbtFromString(DatabaseEntry dbt, string s) { dbt.Data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s); } public static string strFromDBT(DatabaseEntry dbt) { System.Text.ASCIIEncoding decode = new ASCIIEncoding(); return decode.GetString(dbt.Data); } public static string reverse(string s) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(s.Length); for (int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) tmp.Append(s[i]); return tmp.ToString(); } #endregion Utilities } }