Berkeley DB XML Reference Guide:
Upgrading Berkeley DB XML Applications

Introduction to 2.0 Migration

If you are new to Berkeley DB XML or are already using a 2.x release, this documentation on 2.0 migration may be skipped. Berkeley DB XML Release 2.0 represents a significant upgrade from earlier Berkeley DB XML releases. This document discusses the changes, and how applications written for earlier releases can be upgraded to 2.0. There are sections for both C++ and Java. The Java section only discusses a few Java-specific issues. Java users should read the C++ section as well. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the 1.2.X release of Berkeley DB XML. While reading this section, it will be helpful to refer to the C++ API reference or the Javadoc.

Features that are new in Berkeley DB XML 2.0 are not discussed, except as they affect code changes between 1.2.X and 2.0. This document is not intended to be an introduction to Berkeley DB XML Release 2.0. For a complete introduction to BDB XML, see either the C++ or Java version of the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide. For a complete description of the BDB XML API, see either the C++ API reference or the Javadoc.


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