.. $Id: history.rst 393 2008-03-26 00:03:51Z jcea $ History ------- .. _Digital Creations: http://www.digicool.com/ .. _wxPython: http://www.wxpython.org/ This module was started by Andrew Kuchling (amk) to remove the dependency on SWIG in a package by Gregory P. Smith who based his work on a similar package by Robin Dunn which wrapped Berkeley DB 2.7.x. Development then returned full circle back to Robin Dunn working in behalf of `Digital Creations`_ to complete the SWIG-less wrapping of the DB 3.x API and to build a solid unit test suite. Having completed that, Robin is now busy with another project (wxPython_) and Greg has returned as maintainer. Jesus Cea Avion is the maintainer of this code since February 2008. This module is included in the standard python >= 2.3 distribution as the bsddb module. The only reason you should look here is for documentation or to get a more up to date version. The bsddb.db module aims to mirror much of the Berkeley DB C/C++ API.