MapGuide End-to-End Test Readme =============================== This is a suite of end-to-end automated browser tests that will allow one to easily verify a given installation of MapGuide satisfies the minimum validation criteria for a functional build (in addition to passing unit tests) Requirements ============ - Node.js - Java SDK (1.7) - Google Chrome (latest) - Mozilla Firefox (latest) - Internet Explorer (latest) - An installation of MapGuide with the loaded Sheboygan dataset First Time Setup ================ Run "npm install" to install the required node dependencies - Nightwatch.js - Nightwatch.js HTML reporter - Selenium - Standalone Driver - IE Driver - Chrome Driver Ensure that MapGuide is running and the Sheboygan dataset has been loaded Running the Tests ================= "./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch" --env [environment] (--tag [tag1], --tag [tag2] ...) - environment: A comma-delimited list of environments, which can be: - default (using Google Chrome) - firefox - ie - tag: A series of tagged test suites (specify a --tag for each tag), which can be: - ajax (all suites) - navigation - ui - tools - fusion (all suites) Parallel test execution ======================= To enable parallel execution, set an environment variable named MG_PARALLEL_TEST=1 before running the test suite. Parallel execution will farm out each individual test suite (.js file) to a separate worker, all results are collated at the end. Parallel execution has no effect if running for multiple environments.