using SqliteDotNet; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.Test.Common { /// /// The base class of all MapGuide API test executors /// public abstract class PlatformApiTestExecutor : TestExecutorBase { protected string _unitTestVmPath; private SqliteDb _unitTestDb; protected SqliteVm _unitTestVm; protected PlatformApiTestExecutor(string opName, string apiType, string unitTestVm) { _opName = opName; _apiType = apiType; _unitTestVmPath = unitTestVm; _unitTestDb = new SqliteDb(); _unitTestDb.Open(_unitTestVmPath); _unitTestVm = new SqliteVm(_unitTestDb, true); } public override void Dispose() { _unitTestVm.SqlFinalize(); _unitTestVm = null; try { _unitTestDb.Close(); } catch { } _unitTestDb = null; } private string _apiType; public override string Api { get { return _apiType; } } private string _opName; public override string OperationName { get { return _opName; } } } }