Open( $userInfo ); set_time_limit(0); $serverAdmin->LoadPackage( $packageName ); $serverAdmin->Close(); } // Define Local values $pageName = "LoadPackage"; $formName = "LoadPackage"; $pageTitle = "Load Package"; $packageLoadErrorMsg = ""; $packageLoadConfirmationMsg = ""; if ( !FirstTimeHere( $pageName ) ) { LoadResourcePackage( $selectedPackage ); $packageLoadConfirmationMsg = sprintf( $confPackageLoadCompleted, $selectedPackage ); $packageLoadErrorMsg = ""; SaveSessionVars(); header( 'Location: packagemanagement.php?'.strip_tags(SID) ); exit(); } else { if ( empty( $selectedPackage ) ) throw new Exception( $errNoPackageSelected ); } } catch ( MgException $e ) { CheckForFatalMgException( $e ); $packageLoadErrorMsg = $e->GetExceptionMessage(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $packageLoadErrorMsg = $e->getMessage(); } // If an error was encountered, return to the packages table and report the error. if ( !empty( $packageLoadErrorMsg ) ) { SaveSessionVars(); header( 'Location: packagemanagement.php?'.strip_tags(SID) ); exit(); } ?> The package is currently loading which may take some time. If you wish to continue with Site Administration work, you may open another browser and login to another instance of the Site Administrator.