<%-- -Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Autodesk, Inc. -This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser -General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. -This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -Lesser General Public License for more details. -You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <%@ page import="org.osgeo.mapguide.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.text.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %> <%@ include file="common.jsp" %> <%@ page isThreadSafe="false" %> <%! String mapName; String sessionId; String bufferName; String layersParam; int popup; String lcolor; String ffcolor; String fbcolor; int transparent; double distance; String units; String linestyle; String fillstyle; double thickness; int merge; double foretrans; String selText; String srs; String featureName = "Buffer"; String dataSource; String locale; %> <% mapName = ""; sessionId = ""; bufferName = ""; layersParam = ""; int popup = 0; lcolor = ""; ffcolor = ""; fbcolor = ""; transparent = 0; distance = 0; units = ""; linestyle = ""; fillstyle = ""; thickness = 0; merge = 0; foretrans = 50; selText = ""; srs = ""; dataSource = ""; locale = ""; response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); PrintWriter outStream = response.getWriter(); GetRequestParameters(request); MgLocalizer.SetLocalizedFilesPath(getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "localized/"); dataSource = "Session:" + sessionId + "//" + bufferName + "_Buffer.FeatureSource"; String layerDef = "Session:" + sessionId + "//" + bufferName + "_Buffer.LayerDefinition"; try { boolean newBuffer = false; InitializeWebTier(); MgUserInformation cred = new MgUserInformation(sessionId); cred.SetClientIp(GetClientIp(request)); cred.SetClientAgent(GetClientAgent()); //connect to the site and get a feature service and a resource service instances MgSiteConnection site = new MgSiteConnection(); site.Open(cred); MgFeatureService featureSrvc = (MgFeatureService)site.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService); MgResourceService resourceSrvc = (MgResourceService)site.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService); MgResourceIdentifier dataSourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier(dataSource); MgResourceIdentifier layerDefId = new MgResourceIdentifier(layerDef); //load the map runtime state // MgMap map = new MgMap(site); map.Open(mapName); //locate the buffer layer in the map. It might or might not already exist // MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers(); MgLayer layer = FindLayer(layers, bufferName); String[] layerNames = layersParam.split(","); // convert distance to meters if(units.equals("mi")) //miles distance *= 1609.35; else if(units.equals("ki")) //kilometers distance *= 1000; else if(units.equals("fe")) //feet distance *= 0.30480; // Get the map SRS // MgCoordinateSystemFactory srsFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); String srsDefMap = GetMapSrs(map); String mapSrsUnits = ""; MgCoordinateSystem srsMap = srsFactory.Create(srsDefMap); boolean arbitraryMapSrs = (srsMap.GetType() == MgCoordinateSystemType.Arbitrary); if(arbitraryMapSrs) mapSrsUnits = srsMap.GetUnits(); //Create/Modify layer definition MgByteReader layerDefContent = BuildLayerDefinitionContent(); resourceSrvc.SetResource(layerDefId, layerDefContent, null); if(layer == null) { newBuffer = true; //Targetting a new layer. create a data source for it // MgClassDefinition classDef = new MgClassDefinition(); classDef.SetName(featureName); classDef.SetDescription(MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERCLASSDESCR", locale)); classDef.SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName("GEOM"); //Set KEY property MgDataPropertyDefinition propKey = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("KEY"); propKey.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Int32); propKey.SetAutoGeneration(true); propKey.SetReadOnly(true); classDef.GetIdentityProperties().Add(propKey); classDef.GetProperties().Add(propKey); //Set ID property. Hold this segment ID MgDataPropertyDefinition propID = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("ID"); propID.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Int32); classDef.GetProperties().Add(propID); //Set geometry property MgGeometricPropertyDefinition geomProp = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition("GEOM"); //geomProp.SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType.mfgtSurface); //TODO use the constant when exposed geomProp.SetGeometryTypes(4); classDef.GetProperties().Add(geomProp); //Create the schema MgFeatureSchema schema = new MgFeatureSchema("BufferSchema", MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERSCHEMADESCR", locale)); schema.GetClasses().Add(classDef); //finally, creation of the feature source MgFileFeatureSourceParams sdfParams = new MgFileFeatureSourceParams("OSGeo.SDF", "LatLong", srsDefMap, schema); featureSrvc.CreateFeatureSource(dataSourceId, sdfParams); //Add layer to map layer = new MgLayer(layerDefId, resourceSrvc); layer.SetName(bufferName); layer.SetLegendLabel(bufferName); layer.SetDisplayInLegend(true); layer.SetSelectable(true); layers.Insert(0, layer); } else { //data source already exist. clear its content // ClearDataSource(featureSrvc, dataSourceId, featureName); } MgSelection sel = new MgSelection(map, selText); MgReadOnlyLayerCollection selLayers = sel.GetLayers(); MgAgfReaderWriter agfRW = new MgAgfReaderWriter(); MgGeometryCollection bufferGeometries = new MgGeometryCollection(); MgGeometry geomBuffer; MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection(); int featId = 0; MgBatchPropertyCollection propCollection = new MgBatchPropertyCollection(); int excludedLayers = 0; MgCoordinateSystem srsDs = null; MgGeometryCollection inputGeometries = new MgGeometryCollection(); int bufferFeatures = 0; for(int li =0; li < selLayers.GetCount(); li++) { MgLayer selLayer = (MgLayer) selLayers.GetItem(li); boolean inputLayer = false; String selLayerName = selLayer.GetName(); for(int il = 0; il < layerNames.length; il++) { if(layerNames[il].equals(selLayerName)) { inputLayer = true; break; } } if(inputLayer == false) continue; // get the data source SRS // MgResourceIdentifier featSourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier(selLayer.GetFeatureSourceId()); MgSpatialContextReader ctxs = featureSrvc.GetSpatialContexts(featSourceId, false); String srsDefDs = ""; if(ctxs != null && ctxs.ReadNext()) srsDefDs = ctxs.GetCoordinateSystemWkt(); if(srsDefDs == null || srsDefDs.length() == 0) { excludedLayers++; continue; } srsDs = srsFactory.Create(srsDefDs); boolean arbitraryDsSrs = (srsDs.GetType() == MgCoordinateSystemType.Arbitrary); String dsSrsUnits = ""; if(arbitraryDsSrs) dsSrsUnits = srsDs.GetUnits(); // exclude layer if: // the map is non-arbitrary and the layer is arbitrary or vice-versa // or // layer and map are both arbitrary but have different units // if((arbitraryDsSrs != arbitraryMapSrs) || (arbitraryDsSrs && !dsSrsUnits.equals(mapSrsUnits))) { excludedLayers++; continue; } // calculate distance in the data source SRS units // double dist = srsDs.ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits(distance); // calculate great circle unless data source srs is arbitrary MgCoordinateSystemMeasure measure; if(!arbitraryDsSrs) measure = srsDs.GetMeasure(); else measure = null; // create a SRS transformer if necessary MgCoordinateSystemTransform srsXform; if(!srsDefDs.equals(srsDefMap)) srsXform = srsFactory.GetTransform(srsDs, srsMap); else srsXform = null; String featureClassName = selLayer.GetFeatureClassName(); String filter = sel.GenerateFilter(selLayer, featureClassName); if(filter == null || filter.length() == 0) continue; MgClassDefinition clsDef = selLayer.GetClassDefinition(); MgFeatureQueryOptions query = BuildFeatureQueryOptions(clsDef); query.SetFilter(filter); MgResourceIdentifier featureSource = new MgResourceIdentifier(selLayer.GetFeatureSourceId()); MgFeatureReader features = featureSrvc.SelectFeatures(featureSource, featureClassName, query); if(features.ReadNext()) { MgClassDefinition classDef = features.GetClassDefinition(); String geomPropName = classDef.GetDefaultGeometryPropertyName(); do { if (geomPropName == null || geomPropName.equals("")) { geomPropName = selLayer.GetFeatureGeometryName(); } MgByteReader geomReader = features.GetGeometry(geomPropName); MgGeometry geom = agfRW.Read(geomReader); if(merge == 0) { geomBuffer = geom.Buffer(dist, measure); if (geomBuffer != null) { if(srsXform != null) geomBuffer = (MgGeometry)geomBuffer.Transform(srsXform); AddFeatureToCollection(propCollection, agfRW, featId++, geomBuffer); bufferFeatures++; } } else { if(srsXform != null) geom = (MgGeometry)geom.Transform(srsXform); inputGeometries.Add(geom); } } while(features.ReadNext()); features.Close(); } } if(merge == 1) { if(inputGeometries.GetCount() > 0) { double dist = srsMap.ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits(distance); MgCoordinateSystemMeasure measure; if(!arbitraryMapSrs) measure = srsMap.GetMeasure(); else measure = null; MgGeometryFactory geomFactory = new MgGeometryFactory(); geomBuffer = geomFactory.CreateMultiGeometry(inputGeometries).Buffer(dist, measure); if (geomBuffer != null) { AddFeatureToCollection(propCollection, agfRW, featId, geomBuffer); bufferFeatures = 1; } } } if(propCollection.GetCount() > 0) { commands.Add(new MgInsertFeatures(featureName, propCollection)); //Insert the features in the temporary data source // ReleaseReader(featureSrvc.UpdateFeatures(dataSourceId, commands, false), commands); } // Save the new map state // layer.ForceRefresh(); map.Save(); //build report message String title = MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTTITLE", locale); String createdUpdatedFmt = newBuffer ? MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTCREATED", locale) : MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTUPDATED", locale); String createdUpdatedStr = Substitute(createdUpdatedFmt, new String[] { bufferName } ); String featuresFmt = bufferFeatures > 1 ? MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTFEATURESPLURAL", locale) : MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTFEATURESSINGULAR", locale); String featuresStr = Substitute(featuresFmt, new String[] { String.valueOf(bufferFeatures) } ); String msg = createdUpdatedStr + "

" + featuresStr; if(excludedLayers > 0) { String warningFmt = excludedLayers > 1 ? MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTWARNINGPLURAL", locale) : MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTWARNINGSINGULAR", locale); String warningStr = Substitute(warningFmt, new String[] { String.valueOf(excludedLayers) } ); msg = msg + "

" + warningStr; } // return the report page String templ = MgLocalizer.Localize(LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/bufferreport.templ"), locale, GetClientOS(request)); String[] vals = { String.valueOf(popup), title, msg}; outStream.write(Substitute(templ, vals)); } catch(MgException exc) { OnError(MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTERRORTITLE", locale), exc.GetDetails(), outStream, request); return; } catch(Exception ne) { OnError(MgLocalizer.GetString("BUFFERREPORTERRORTITLE", locale), ne.getMessage(), outStream, request); return; } %> <%! void GetRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest request) { sessionId = ValidateSessionId(GetParameter(request, "SESSION")); locale = ValidateLocaleString(GetParameter(request, "LOCALE")); mapName = ValidateMapName(GetParameter(request, "MAPNAME")); popup = GetIntParameter(request, "POPUP"); lcolor = ValidateColorString(GetParameter(request, "LCOLOR")); ffcolor = ValidateColorString(GetParameter(request, "FFCOLOR")); fbcolor = ValidateColorString(GetParameter(request, "FBCOLOR")); foretrans = GetDoubleParameter(request, "FORETRANS"); if(foretrans < 0 || foretrans > 100) { foretrans = 50; } transparent = GetIntParameter(request, "TRANSPARENT"); distance = GetLocalizedDoubleParameter(request, "DISTANCE", locale); if(IsParameter(request, "MERGE")) merge = 1; bufferName = GetParameter(request, "BUFFER"); layersParam = GetParameter(request, "LAYERS"); units = GetParameter(request, "UNITS"); linestyle = GetParameter(request, "LINESTYLE"); fillstyle = GetParameter(request, "FILLSTYLE"); thickness = GetDoubleParameter(request, "THICKNESS"); selText = GetParameter(request, "SELECTION"); } MgLayer FindLayer(MgLayerCollection layers, String layerName) throws MgException { MgLayer layer = null; int i; for(i = 0; i < layers.GetCount(); i++) { MgLayer layer1 = (MgLayer) layers.GetItem(i); if(layer1.GetName().equals(layerName)) { layer = layer1; break; } } return layer; } MgByteReader BuildLayerDefinitionContent() throws MgException, Exception { String layerTempl = LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/arealayerdef.templ"); String xtrans = String.format("%02x", new Object[]{new Integer((int)(255 * foretrans / 100))}); String[] vals = { dataSource, featureName, "GEOM", fillstyle, xtrans + ffcolor, (0 != transparent? ("00" + fbcolor): ("ff" + fbcolor)), linestyle, String.valueOf(thickness), lcolor }; layerTempl = Substitute(layerTempl, vals); byte[] bytes = layerTempl.getBytes("UTF-8"); MgByteSource src = new MgByteSource(bytes, bytes.length); return src.GetReader(); } void ClearDataSource(MgFeatureService featureSrvc, MgResourceIdentifier dataSourceId, String featureName) throws MgException { MgDeleteFeatures deleteCmd = new MgDeleteFeatures(featureName, "ID >= 0"); MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection(); commands.Add(deleteCmd); featureSrvc.UpdateFeatures(dataSourceId, commands, false); } void OnError(String title, String msg, PrintWriter outStream, HttpServletRequest request) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String templ = MgLocalizer.Localize(LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/errorpage.templ"), locale, GetClientOS(request)); String[] vals = { String.valueOf(popup), title, msg }; outStream.write(Substitute(templ, vals)); } void ReleaseReader(MgPropertyCollection res, MgFeatureCommandCollection commands) throws MgException { if(res == null) return; for(int i = 0; i < res.GetCount(); i++) { MgFeatureCommand cmd = commands.GetItem(i); if(cmd instanceof MgInsertFeatures) { MgFeatureProperty resProp = (MgFeatureProperty)res.GetItem(i); if(resProp != null) { MgFeatureReader reader = (MgFeatureReader)resProp.GetValue(); if(reader == null) return; reader.Close(); } } } } void AddFeatureToCollection(MgBatchPropertyCollection propCollection, MgAgfReaderWriter agfRW, int featureId, MgGeometry featureGeom) throws MgException { MgPropertyCollection bufferProps = new MgPropertyCollection(); MgInt32Property idProp = new MgInt32Property("ID", featureId); bufferProps.Add(idProp); MgByteReader geomReader = agfRW.Write(featureGeom); MgGeometryProperty geomProp = new MgGeometryProperty("GEOM", geomReader); bufferProps.Add(geomProp); propCollection.Add(bufferProps); } String GetMapSrs(MgMap map) { try { String srs = map.GetMapSRS(); if(!srs.equals("")) return srs; } catch(MgException e) { } //No SRS, set to ArbitrayXY meters // return "LOCALCS[\"Non-Earth (Meter)\",LOCAL_DATUM[\"Local Datum\",0],UNIT[\"Meter\", 1],AXIS[\"X\",EAST],AXIS[\"Y\",NORTH]]"; } %>