fileDataPath=$fileDataPath; $this->dbDataPath=$dbDataPath; $this->testCase = $testCase; $dbName = $this->fileDataPath.$dbFileName; $this->db = new SqliteDB; //If database does not exist, create the file and the tables if (!file_exists($dbName)) { $this->db->Open($dbName); $this->vm = new SqliteVM($this->db, true); $this->vm->Execute("CREATE TABLE Params(ParamSet INTEGER, ParamName TEXT, ParamValue TEXT)"); $this->vm->Execute("CREATE TABLE ApiTestResults(Description TEXT, ParamSet INTEGER, ContentType TEXT, Result TEXT)"); $this->vm->Execute("CREATE TABLE HttpTestResults(Description TEXT, ParamSet INTEGER, ContentType TEXT, Result TEXT)"); $this->vm->Execute("CREATE TABLE TestCase(TestName TEXT, ParamSets TEXT, Description TEXT, TestType TEXT, Prerequisite TEXT)"); } else { $this->db->Open($dbName); $this->vm = new SqliteVM($this->db, true); } //Find the biggest paramSet if ($this->vm->Execute("SELECT DISTINCT ParamSet FROM Params ORDER BY ParamSet DESC") == SQLITE_ROW) { $this->paramSet = $this->vm->GetInt("ParamSet")+1; } else { $this->paramSet=0; } //Check if we have already operations for that test case if ($this->vm->Execute("SELECT ParamSets from TestCase WHERE TestName=\"$this->testCase\"") == SQLITE_ROW) { $this->operationsSet = $this->vm->GetString("ParamSets"); } else { $currentDate=date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); $this->vm->Execute("INSERT INTO TestCase(TestName, Description, TestType) VALUES(\"$this->testCase\", \"Test case: $this->testCase created $currentDate\", \"Http\")"); $this->operationsSet=""; } } function __destruct() { unset($this->vm); unset($this->db); } function SaveRequest() { $reqParam=""; $this->operationsSet.=$this->paramSet.","; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") { self::CaptureParameters($_GET); } else //POST { self::CaptureParameters($_POST); self::CaptureFileParameters(); } $this->paramSet++; } // Capture request parameters from GET or POST operation function CaptureParameters($args) { try { $testDescription=$this->testCase."_".$args['OPERATION']; $this->vm->Execute("INSERT INTO ApiTestResults(Description, ParamSet) VALUES(\"$testDescription\", $this->paramSet)"); $this->vm->Execute("INSERT INTO HttpTestResults(Description, ParamSet) VALUES(\"$testDescription\", $this->paramSet)"); $this->vm->Execute("UPDATE TestCase SET ParamSets=\"$this->operationsSet\" WHERE TestName=\"$this->testCase\""); foreach ($args as $k => $v) { //TODO: Update row entry for test case $status = $this->vm->Execute("INSERT INTO Params VALUES($this->paramSet, \"$k\", \"$v\");"); } } catch (SqliteException $s) { print $s->GetExceptionMessage('eng'); } } // Get any file parameters that exist from POST operation function CaptureFileParameters() { if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { foreach ($_FILES as $k => $v) { //Create a directory if it does not exist if (!file_exists($this->fileDataPath)) { //For this to work you have to set appropriate persmissions in the folder. Note, IIS is not using you Windows login name for authentication mkdir($this->fileDataPath); } //Determine the file name if ( $_FILES[$k]['name']=="CONTENT" || $_FILES[$k]['name']=="HEADER" || $_FILES[$k]['name']=="DATA") { $file = self::GetFileName($k); } else { $file=$_FILES[$k]['name']; } //Check for duplicate files if (file_exists($this->fileDataPath.$file)) { //Generates unique temporary file $temp=tempnam($this->fileDataPath, ""); $start = strrpos($temp, "\\")+1; $length = strpos($temp, ".")-$start; $file = substr($temp, $start, $length)."_".$file; unlink($temp); } copy($_FILES[$k]['tmp_name'], $this->fileDataPath.$file); $this->vm->Execute("INSERT INTO Params VALUES($this->paramSet, \"$k\", \"$this->dbDataPath$file\");"); //printf("K is: %s \n\nV is : %s", $k, $v); foreach ($_FILES[$k] as $k1 => $v1) { printf ("

K is: %s

K1 is: %s

V1 is: %s

", $k, $k1, $v1); } } } } function GetFileName($fileName) { if ($this->vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params where ParamSet=$this->paramSet and ParamName=\"DATANAME\"")==SQLITE_ROW) { $file=$this->vm->GetString("ParamValue"); } else { $this->vm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params where ParamSet=$this->paramSet and ParamName=\"RESOURCEID\""); $resourceId = $this->vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $file = $fileName."_".substr($resourceId, strrpos($resourceId, "/")+1); } return $file; } } ?>