The specification of the data source and stylization for a layer. Encapsulates the definition of a map layer. A layer with a drawing (i.e., DWF) data source. A layer with a vector data source; and stylization specification for the datum's geometry types. A layer with a raster or grid data source. ******************** Common types for all layer types ******************** Specifies common properties for all layer types. Link to the drawing data source. Opacity at which to display the rendered data. ******************** Drawing layer ******************** A layer with a drawing (i.e., DWF) data source. The sheet of the DWF to use. The layers to show from the specified sheet. Show all layers if this is not specified. The zoomed in part of the scale range. Defaults to 0 if not specified. Inclusive. The zoomed out part of the scale range. Defaults to the application's maximum value if not specified. Exclusive. ******************** Vector layer ******************** A layer with a vector data source; and stylization specification for the datum's geometry types. Either a feature class or named extension. A boolean FDO expression that specifies which features to return. No filter means pass all features through. Specifies which properties to expose to the user and its corresponding friendly name. Specifies the geometry property that should be used to get the geometries. An optional URL associated with each feature. This is a string FDO expression. The text to put into the tooltip for displayed features. This is a string FDO expression. The stylization to be applied to the features for a given scale range. Enumeration describing whether the features are coming from a feature class or named extension The stylization to be applied to the vector features for a given scale range. The zoomed in part of the scale range. Defaults to 0 if not specified. Inclusive. The zoomed out part of the scale range. Defaults to the application's maximum value if not specified. Exclusive. Note that where there is no style specified for a particular geometry type a default styling should be used. Style specification of a polygon geometry type. Style specification of a line geometry type. Style specification of a point geometry type. A composite style definition. The possible interpretations of a z offset value. Style specification of a point geometry type. Create a text layer. Allows labels from any map layer (including the current layer) to obscure features on the current layer. One or more PointRules defining the PointTypeStyle. Style rule for a point geometry type. The label for the Rule to be displayed in the legend. A filter for the Rule. This is a boolean FDO expression. Any features that pass this filter are styled using this rule's stylization. A label for the Rule. Base point symbolization type. The different types of point geometries. A predefined shape such as a square or circle. A raster or image symbol. Note that these do not scale well, but sometimes this is all that you have. Supported formats are application specific. A symbol specified using a font character. A vector symbol defined using a W2D stream. A vector symbol specifed from a block. Style specification of a line geometry type. Rules to define a theme. Style rule for a line geometry type. The label for the Rule to be displayed in the legend. A filter for the Rule. This is a boolean FDO expression. Any features that pass this filter are styled using this rule's stylization. A label for the Rule. Symbolization characteristics for areas. Describes the style of a polygon. The style of the polygon fill. The style of the polygon edge. Style specification of a polygon geometry type. Rules to define a theme. Style rule for an area geometry type. The label for the Rule to be displayed in the legend. A filter for the Rule. This is a boolean FDO expression. Any features that pass this filter are styled using this rule's stylization. A label for the Rule. The stylization of the polygon geometry. Encapsulates the stylization of a line. Unit of measurement that the thickness is specified in Whether the sizes are with respect to the earth or the user's display device. Encapsulates the stylization of a polygon's fill. The background color. Not applicable to solid fills. The possible background styles of a TextSymbol. Whether the sizes are specified as sizes on the earth or on the user's display device. The measurement units that linear sizes are specified in. Encapsulates the text label stylization used to label features, and for FontSymbols. The text of the TextSymbol. This is a string FDO expression. The font to use. The color of the text. The text background color. The background style A string FDO expression for the horizontal alignment. Must evaluate to one of the HorizontalAlignmentType enums. Only applicable to text styles. A string FDO expression for the vertical alignment. Must evaluate to one of the VerticalAlignmentType enums. Only applicable to text and line styles. Specifies if the label should be in a bold font. Specifies if the font should be italicized. Specifies if the text should be underlined. Optional element which specifies that a more advanced labeling algorithm should be used with the AJAX viewer. The maximum amount any label is allowed to shrink in order to fit into the feature. For example, 0.8 means that the label can shrink until it is 80% of the original size. 1.0 means that the label cannot shrink. If not specified, the application should assume 1.0. If set to 0.0 or less then the advanced placement option is disabled. Defines common properties for all symbols. The units that the sizes are specified in. Whether the sizes are with respect to the earth or the user's display device. Width of the symbol. This is a double FDO expression. Does not apply to font symbols. Height of the symbol. This is a double FDO expression. Amount to rotate the symbol in degrees. This is a double FDO expression. Does not apply to line labels. Hint for the UI only. When the user enters a constant size for the width or height, the other dimension should be adjusted accordingly. Does not apply to font symbols or labels. X offset for the symbol specified in symbol space. Does not apply to labels. Y offset for the symbol specified in symbol space. Does not apply to labels. Stylization of a predefined shape (ShapeType). No fill is drawn if not specified. No edge is drawn if not specified. Used by vector layer definition to hold properties that can be displayed to the end user, and the friendly name to display it as. The name of the property to expose. The name to show the end user. SLD supports square, circle, triangle, star, cross, and X. Symbols that are comprised of a raster. Reference to the image. The reference to the resource. If ResourceId specifies a library, this identifies the name of a library item. BinHex data for image. Symbols that are specified by a font and character. If the font is not installed, the actual font used is application dependent. A symbol using a W2D stream. The reference to the symbol library. The W2D stream in the symbol library. If specified all polygon fills in the symbol are drawn in this color. If specified all lines in the symbol are drawn in this color. If specified all text in the symbol is drawn in this color. A block symbol. Static color. Static color. A style specification consisting of composite rules. One or more CompositeRules defining the CompositeTypeStyle. A style rule containing a composite symbolization. The label for the Rule to be displayed in the legend. A filter for the Rule. This is a boolean FDO expression. Any features that pass this filter are styled using this rule's stylization. The symbolization for the Rule. Stylization attributes of a point, line, or area feature. The symbol instances used for stylization. Provides legend labeling information for a theme. The legend description for the theme. The default legend format to use for each category in the theme. A parameter override. The name of the symbol definition containing the parameter being overridden. The identifier of the parameter being overridden. The override value for the parameter. An optional theme label for this override. A collection of parameter overrides. Enumerates the allowed UsageContext values. Enumerates the allowed GeometryContext values. An instance of a symbol. A library reference to an existing SymbolDefinition, either simple or compound. An inlined SimpleSymbolDefinition. An inlined CompoundSymbolDefinition. Specifies all parameter overrides for this symbol instance. The additional amount to scale the symbol horizontally in symbol space. Defaults to 1 if not specified. The additional amount to scale the symbol vertically in symbol space. Defaults to 1 if not specified. Specifies the additional amount to offset the symbol horizontally, in mm in device units, after scaling and rotation have been applied. Applies only to point symbols. Defaults to 0 if not specified. Specifies the additional amount to offset the symbol vertically, in mm in device units, after scaling and rotation have been applied. Applies only to point symbols. Defaults to 0 if not specified. Specifies whether the symbol sizes are with respect to the map or the user's display device. Defaults to device units. Boolean value which specifies whether the symbol is drawn as part of a final rendering pass (e.g. for labeling). This must evaluate to True or False (default). Boolean value which specifies whether to render this symbol only if its graphical extent does not overlap the exclusion region. If the positioning algorithm generates multiple candidate symbol positions and this setting is True, then only the first non-overlapping candidate is rendered. This must evaluate to True or False (default). Boolean value which specifies whether the graphical extent for this symbol instance is added to the exclusion region (if it is rendered). Symbols which check the exclusion region will not draw on top of this symbol. This must evaluate to True or False (default). Specifies the algorithm used to generate candidate positions for the symbol. If specified this must evaluate to one of: Default, EightSurrounding, or PathLabels. Default means generate one position using the feature geometry (used for normal rendering). EightSurrounding means generate eight candidate labels surrounding the feature geometry (used when labeling point features). PathLabels means generate periodic labels which follow the feature geometry (used when labeling linestring features). The optional rendering pass in which this symbol instance draws. If specified this must be greater than or equal to zero. Defaults to 0. Specifies which usage in the symbol should be the active one. Defaults to Unspecified. Specifies which geometry type this symbol instance applies to. Defaults to Unspecified. ******************** Grid layer ******************** A layer for raster or grid data. Specifies the geometry property that should be used to get the geometries. A boolean FDO expression that specifies which features to return. No filter means pass all features through. Defines how to scale numbers into a color channel. Name of the band. Default is low value found in band. Band values less than this are snapped to this number. Default is high value found in band. Band values greater than this are snapped to this number. Default is 0. Range is 0:255. LowBand is mapped to this number. LowChannel can be greater than HighChannel. Default is 255. Range is 0:255. Specifies a color using distinct RGB values. The color to use for a grid rule. Explicit ARGB color. Encapsulate a style for a grid source. The label for the Rule to be displayed in the legend. A filter for the Rule. This is a boolean FDO expression. Any features that pass this filter are styled using this rule's stylization. A label for the Rule. Does not apply to GridColorRule. Specifies how to shade given a band and a light source. Name of the band used for the computation. Azimuth of the sun in degrees. Altitude of the sun in degrees. The scale factor applied to the band prior to computing hillshade. Defaults to 1 if not specified. Specifies how to style each pixel. If a pixel color prior to factoring in HillShade is this value then the pixel is transparent. Default is 0. Default is 0. Specifies how to calculate pixel elevations. Band to use for 3D data. Determines which input value is mapped to zero elevation. Defaults to 0 if not specified. Determines how to scale the inputs into a consistent elevation. Defaults to 1 if not specified. The default color to use if no ColorStyle is defined at a pixel. The stylization for a specified scale range. The zoomed in part of the scale range. Defaults to 0 if not specified. Inclusive. The zoomed out part of the scale range. Defaults to the application's maximum value if not specified. Exclusive. Defines the height field of the grid. When the user has zoomed in by this amount, a request for more detailed raster data is made.