This directory contains a sql source file called sample.sql. To use db_sql to translate this schema into C code implementing a Berkeley DB storage layer, issue the following command: db_sql -i sample.sql -t sample_test.c This will produce three files: sample.h, sample.c, and sample_test.c. The generated program includes, in sample_test.c, a main function to exercise the new storage layer. To build the program, compile the two .c source files and link them together with the Berkeley DB runtime library. On Unix, this command would typically be somethin like: cc -g -I$BDB_INSTALL/include -L$BDB_INSTALL/lib -o sample sample.c sample_test.c -ldb-4.8 -lpthread On Windows, you could use Visual Studio to create a project containing these files. Once the program is built, you can run it with no arguments. The program generated from sample.sql will create a database environment in a directory named "numismatics." This directory must be created before the program is run.