text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Add Widget Reference Aggregate Query All types You must enter a alternate name, or remove the checkmark Base Layer Group Base Layer Group ({0}) converted to Regular Group ({1}) Between {0} and {1} Theming composite styles with this editor is not supported Creating themes from a Composite Rule with a Compound Symbol is not supported You cannot link to a tile set that does not use the default provider. Your selected tile set uses the provider: {0} Ensure the Geometry box is checked Bing Maps Hybrid Bing Maps Satellite Bing Maps Street Generic Layer Google Hybrid Google Physical Google Satellite Google Streets Open Street Map Open Street Map (CycleMap) Open Street Map (TransportMap) Stamen (Terrain) Stamen (Toner) Stamen (WaterColor) Yahoo! Maps Hybrid Yahoo! Maps Satellite Yahoo! Maps Street Name Value Failed to read {0} color(s) in line {1} Color Picker ... The selected column had no non-null values and cannot be used. An error occured while reading column values: {0} <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!-- Note to translators: You can only translate <Label>, <ToolTip> and <Description> If you translate any of the others, the editor won't work! --> <CommandTypesDataset> <Command> <Command>About</Command> <Label>About</Label> <ToolTip>About</ToolTip> <Action>About</Action> <Description>Display information about this application</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon></EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon></DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Buffer</Command> <Label>Buffer</Label> <ToolTip>Buffer</ToolTip> <Action>Buffer</Action> <Description>Create buffers around the selected features</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_buffer.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_buffer_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Clear Selection</Command> <Label>Clear Selection</Label> <ToolTip>Clear selection</ToolTip> <Action>Clear Selection</Action> <Description>Clear the current selections</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_clearselect.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_clearselect_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Copy Map</Command> <Label>Copy</Label> <ToolTip>Copy</ToolTip> <Action>Copy Map</Action> <Description>Copy current view of map to clipboard</Description> <Viewers>DWF</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_copy.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_copy_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Help</Command> <Label>Help</Label> <ToolTip>Help</ToolTip> <Action>Help</Action> <Description>Launch help for this application</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_help.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_help_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Initial Center and Scale</Command> <Label>Initial Center and Scale</Label> <ToolTip>Initial center and scale</ToolTip> <Action>Restore View</Action> <Description>Zoom to the initial center and scale of the map</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_restorecenter.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_restorecenter_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Initial Map View</Command> <Label>Initial Map View</Label> <ToolTip>Initial map view</ToolTip> <Action>Fit To Window</Action> <Description>Fit the initial view of the map to the window</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_fitwindow.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_fitwindow_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Invoke Script</Command> <Label>Invoke Script</Label> <ToolTip>Invoke script</ToolTip> <Action>Invoke Script</Action> <Description>Invoke a script command</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Custom</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_invokescript.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_invokescript_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Invoke URL</Command> <Label>Invoke URL</Label> <ToolTip>Invoke a command by accessing a URL</ToolTip> <Action>Invoke URL</Action> <Description>Invoke a URL command</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Custom</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_invokeurl.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_invokeurl_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Measure</Command> <Label>Measure</Label> <ToolTip>Measure</ToolTip> <Action>Measure</Action> <Description>Measure distances on the map</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_measure.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_measure_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Next View</Command> <Label>Next View</Label> <ToolTip>Next View</ToolTip> <Action>Next View</Action> <Description>Buffer</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomnext.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomnext_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Pan</Command> <Label>Pan</Label> <ToolTip>Pan mode</ToolTip> <Action>Pan</Action> <Description>Drag the map to view areas out of range</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_pan.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_pan_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Pan Down</Command> <Label>Pan Down</Label> <ToolTip>Pan down</ToolTip> <Action>Pan Down</Action> <Description>Pan down by a preset increment</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_pandown.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_pandown_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Pan Left</Command> <Label>Pan Left</Label> <ToolTip>Pan left</ToolTip> <Action>Pan Left</Action> <Description>Pan left by a preset increment</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_panleft.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_panleft_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Pan Right</Command> <Label>Pan Right</Label> <ToolTip>Pan right</ToolTip> <Action>Pan Right</Action> <Description>Pan right by a preset increment</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_panright.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_panright_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Pan Up</Command> <Label>Pan Up</Label> <ToolTip>Pan up</ToolTip> <Action>Pan Up</Action> <Description>Pan up by a preset increment</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_panup.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_panup_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Previous View</Command> <Label>Previous View</Label> <ToolTip>Previous view</ToolTip> <Action>Previous View</Action> <Description>Go to previous view</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomprev.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomprev_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Print</Command> <Label>Print</Label> <ToolTip>Print</ToolTip> <Action>Print</Action> <Description>Print with optional layout</Description> <Viewers>DWF</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_print.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_print_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Refresh Map</Command> <Label>Refresh Map</Label> <ToolTip>Refresh map</ToolTip> <Action>Refresh</Action> <Description>Refresh map and reload all layers keeping current center and scale</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_refreshmap.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_refreshmap_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Search</Command> <Label>Search</Label> <ToolTip>Search</ToolTip> <Action>Search</Action> <Description>Perform a search</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Custom</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_search.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_search_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Select</Command> <Label>Select</Label> <ToolTip>Select mode</ToolTip> <Action>Select</Action> <Description>Select features by clicking and dragging</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_select.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_select_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Select Polygon</Command> <Label>Select Polygon</Label> <ToolTip>Select polygon</ToolTip> <Action>Select Polygon</Action> <Description>Create a polygon to select all features that fall within</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_selectpolygon.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_selectpolygon_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Select Radius</Command> <Label>Select Radius</Label> <ToolTip>Select radius</ToolTip> <Action>Select Radius</Action> <Description>Click and drag to select all features inside the circle</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_selectradius.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_selectradius_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Select Within</Command> <Label>Select Within</Label> <ToolTip>Select within</ToolTip> <Action>Select Within</Action> <Description>Select features that fall within currently selected areas</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_selectwithin.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_selectwithin_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>View Options</Command> <Label>View Options</Label> <ToolTip>View options</ToolTip> <Action>View Options</Action> <Description>View Options</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_viewoptions.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_viewoptions_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Zoom</Command> <Label>Zoom Dynamic</Label> <ToolTip>Zoom dynamic</ToolTip> <Action>Zoom</Action> <Description>Zoom dynamically by clicking and dragging</Description> <Viewers>DWF</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoom.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoom_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Zoom In</Command> <Label>Zoom In</Label> <ToolTip>Zoom in</ToolTip> <Action>Zoom In</Action> <Description>Zoom in by a preset increment</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomin.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomin_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Zoom Out</Command> <Label>Zoom Out</Label> <ToolTip>Zoom out</ToolTip> <Action>Zoom Out</Action> <Description>Zoom out by a preset increment</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomout.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomout_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Zoom Rectangle</Command> <Label>Zoom Rectangle</Label> <ToolTip>Zoom to rectangle</ToolTip> <Action>Zoom Rectangle</Action> <Description>Zoom in on an area</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomrect.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomrect_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Zoom Selection</Command> <Label>Zoom Selection</Label> <ToolTip>Zoom to selection</ToolTip> <Action>Zoom To Selection</Action> <Description>Zoom to extents of selected features</Description> <Viewers>All</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomselect.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_zoomselect_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> <Command> <Command>Get Printable Page</Command> <Label>Printable Page</Label> <ToolTip>Get printable page</ToolTip> <Action>Get Printable Page</Action> <Description>Get printer-friendly page</Description> <Viewers>AJAX</Viewers> <Type>Built-In</Type> <EnabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_printablepage.gif</EnabledIcon> <DisabledIcon>../stdicons/icon_printablepage_disabled.gif</DisabledIcon> </Command> </CommandTypesDataset> Generating a theme for a composite style, requires a composite rule Computing Theme Parameters ... Configuration Document has been reset Confirm Are you sure you want to delete this resource data? Are you sure you want to use a Google-compatible Scale List? This will overwrite your existing scale ranges and will only line up with commercial layers in Fusion if your Map's Coordinate System is WGS84.PseudoMercator The WKT you entered is not recognised by MapGuide's Coordinate System Library. Use it anyway? In some cases, the actual WMS layer name would be generated in the FDO class description. Swap FDO logical class names with their descriptions? The content file does not exist Failed to transform coordinates: {0} Custom commands exported to {0} {0} custom commands imported from {1}. The following commands had to be renamed to prevent clashes: {2} Unable to read data from the selected column: {0} MapGuide Debugging Information\n==============================\n\nMap Extents Min: ({0}, {1})\nMap Extents Max: ({2}, {3})\nMap Coordinate System: \n{4} MapGuide Debugging Information\n==============================\n\nMap Extents Min: ({0}, {1})\nMap Extents Max: ({2}, {3})\nMap Coordinate System: \n{4}\nLayer Spatial Context: {5} Delete Command Do you want to remove the selected item? Diverging Edit Symbol Definition Edit Watermark Instance (none) Not a folder Exploding Composite Styles is not currently supported Not a valid symbol library resource identifier: {0} This Layer Definition version does not support composite symbolization Error loading WMS configuration document: {0}. A default document will be created Could not transform extents of any layer in this Map Definition. You will have to specify the extents manually. No commands selected. Nothing to export No custom commands selected. Nothing to export Boolean: {0} DateTime: {0} Double: {0} Function: {0} Geometry: {0} Identifier: {0} Int32: {0} Parameter: {0} String: '{0}' Unary Expression (Negated) {0}{4}Description:{1}{4}Arguments:{2}{4}Returns: {3} Expression... Expression is valid Extended class based on: {0} An extended feature class named ({0}) already exist. Please choose a different name Map extents calculation completed. Click Accept to use the calculated extents. Could not transform extent of layer {0} to the map definition's coordinate system. Extents ignored Could not calculate the extents of the Feature Source. Preview is not possible Failed to enumerate data stores. Reason: {0} FDO Connection Status: {0} The component "{0}" could not be found in the specified FDO connection string Distance ({0}) Distance Expression Identifier In Condition ({0}) Null Condition ({0}) Spatial Condition ({0}) Unary Operator (NOT) Feature Class not found: {0} This feature is not implemented yet Fetching Class Definition Fetching Class Names Fetching Schema Names This field is required: {0} An error occured while copying file: {0} File Downloaded to {0} Failed to validate the filenames: {0} All files ({0}) MapGuide Packages ({0}) Zip files ({0}) Filter is valid Cannot Find an Empty String Could not find specified string or end of document reached Nothing to replace Finite Display Scales Binary Logical Operator ({0}) Comparison ({0}) Left Right The folder must start with \"Library://\", do you want the starting folder to become:\n {0} ? Cannot Preview Font "{0}" MySQL Feature Source PostgreSQL/PostGIS Feature Source Name: {0}{3}Description: {1}{3}Geometry Property: {2} Name: {0}{8}Description: {1}{8}Data Type: {2}{8}Nullable: {3}{8}Read Only: {4}{8}Length: {5}{8}Precision: {6}{8}Scale: {7} Property: {0}{2}Type: {1} Name: {0}{7}Description: {1}{7}Geometry Types: {2}{7}Read Only: {3}{7}Has Elevation: {4}{7}Has Measure: {5}{7}Spatial Context: {6} Name: {0}{6}Description: {1}{6}Nullable: {2}{6}Image X Size: {3}{6}Image Y Size: {4}{6}Spatial Context: {5} SQL Server Spatial Feature Source Alpha value Blue value Color generation function Green value Red value String formatting function String to format Returns the active feature class name Returns the active feature Id Boolean expression (filter) encapsulated in a string If evaluator for style theming Returned if condition is false Returned if condition is true Returns the active layer Id Default value returned if expression does not evaluate to any of the keys Lookup table for style theming Key expression Lookup index that can be matched by the key expression Value that is returned when the key expression matches the associated index Returns the active map name Default value returned if expression does not fall into any of the ranges Range table for style theming Key expression Exclusive maximum of range that can be matched by the key expression Inclusive minimum of range that can be matched by the key expression Value that is returned when the key expression matches the associated range Returns the active session String encoding function String to URL encode Function: {1}({2}) Description: {3} Returns: {0} An error occured: {0} <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <ComboBoxDataSet> <SymbolMark> <Display>Square</Display> <Value>Square</Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>Circle</Display> <Value>Circle</Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>Triangle</Display> <Value>Triangle</Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>Star</Display> <Value>Star</Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>Cross</Display> <Value>Cross</Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>X - Mark</Display> <Value>X</Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>Font...</Display> <Value></Value> </SymbolMark> <SymbolMark> <Display>Symbol...</Display> <Value></Value> </SymbolMark> <SizeContext> <Display>Device space</Display> <Value>DeviceUnits</Value> </SizeContext> <SizeContext> <Display>Map space</Display> <Value>MappingUnits</Value> </SizeContext> <Units> <Display>Points</Display> <Value>Points</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Inches</Display> <Value>Inches</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Feet</Display> <Value>Feet</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Yards</Display> <Value>Yards</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Millimeters</Display> <Value>Millimeters</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Centimeters</Display> <Value>Centimeters</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Meters</Display> <Value>Meters</Value> </Units> <Units> <Display>Kilometers</Display> <Value>Kilometers</Value> </Units> <Rotation> <Display>0 degrees</Display> <Value>0</Value> </Rotation> <Rotation> <Display>30 degrees</Display> <Value>30</Value> </Rotation> <Rotation> <Display>45 degrees</Display> <Value>45</Value> </Rotation> <Rotation> <Display>90 degrees</Display> <Value>90</Value> </Rotation> <Rotation> <Display>Expression...</Display> <Value>Expression...</Value> </Rotation> <BackgroundType> <Display>Ghosted</Display> <Value>Ghosted</Value> </BackgroundType> <BackgroundType> <Display>Opaque</Display> <Value>Opaque</Value> </BackgroundType> <BackgroundType> <Display>Transparent</Display> <Value>Transparent</Value> </BackgroundType> <Vertical> <Display>Baseline</Display> <Value>'Baseline'</Value> </Vertical> <Vertical> <Display>Bottom</Display> <Value>'Bottom'</Value> </Vertical> <Vertical> <Display>Capline</Display> <Value>'Capline'</Value> </Vertical> <Vertical> <Display>Halfline</Display> <Value>'Halfline'</Value> </Vertical> <Vertical> <Display>Top</Display> <Value>'Top'</Value> </Vertical> <Vertical> <Display>Expression...</Display> <Value>Expression...</Value> </Vertical> <Horizontal> <Display>Center</Display> <Value>'Center'</Value> </Horizontal> <Horizontal> <Display>Left</Display> <Value>'Left'</Value> </Horizontal> <Horizontal> <Display>Right</Display> <Value>'Right'</Value> </Horizontal> <Horizontal> <Display>Expression...</Display> <Value>Expression...</Value> </Horizontal> </ComboBoxDataSet> <geometry property> {0} GeomFromText('<FGF geometry text>') A group named "{0}" already exists. Choose a different name The header file does not exist This connection is not compatible infinite Infinity Inline Symbol Definition You have entered a non-numeric value in the Reference Y field. Due to a bug in MapGuide, this will likely give an error when saving. Invalid {0} color component {1} in line {2} Invalid column name This is not a valid connection: {0} Invalid Expression. Property not found: {0} Invalid Expression. Function not supported: {0} Feature Source ({0}) has no usable feature classes. Choose a different feature source Invalid field count in line {0} Invalid Filter. Unsupported condition type: {0} Invalid Filter. Unsupported distance operator: {0} Invalid Filter. Unsupported spatial operator: {0} Invalid Layer Name Format. Name must have both {0} and {1} format markers Invalid record count in line {0} Not a valid resource identifier Must be valid resource id. Cannot be a folder Invalid Resource Identifier. Not the specified type An error occured while validating the restore path: {0}\nIt should have the format: \"Libray://folder/folder/\". Invalid value Invoke Script Command Invoke URL command Cannot get layers. No map definition specified Last Updated: The selected layer is already at the bottom of its group The selected layer is already at the top of its group You have changed the Feature Class for this layer. Styles made for the previous Feature Class may no longer be applicable to this Feature Class. You should review such style settings (eg. Settings involving FDO expressions) to see if anything needs to be changed. Feature Class Not Found Feature Source Not Found Geometry Property Not Found Found errors in the Layer Definition. Please check any errors flagged in the editor. Layer Group ({0}) successfully converted to Base Layer Group ({1}) Less than {0} Loading Feature Classes This connection does not support executing this type of Load Procedure Map widget has been updated to use the map group: {0} Expand In Legend Selectable Show In Legend Visible Missing column "{0}" Mode not allowed: {0} More colors... More than {0} {0} ({1} signatures) New Flyout New folder New Layer New Layer Group No active resource data file selected No values found in selected column No Feature Class assigned You have not selected a starting folder, do you want to back up the entire site? None Non-supported WKT This feature source has no class definitions with raster properties No registered previewer for connection: {0} You have selected to restore the package at another location, but not entered one. This will cause the package to be restored a the root of the resource tree. Are you sure this is what you want? Number of Scales to generate cannot be less than or equal to 0 Feature Source has no schemas No site service available Not a folder: {0} This resource has no tiled layers No transformation required Resource ID must not be session based You must select at least one type The specified editor does not implement the required IWidgetEditor interface Could not infer ODBC driver from file name: {0} The component "{0}" could not be found in the specified ODBC connection string The ODBC connection string requires a %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD% placeholder tokens present Could not infer ODBC driver. No file specified Operation Cancelled Operation Completed Options synced back to document You must enter a full path to the output file Overwrite the current display scales? This resource already exists, continue with save? An error occured while building package: {0} Failed to create package, error message: {0} Failed to read package. Error message was: {0} Parameter Override already specified Preview Map Preview Completed in {0}ms {0} results found The Preview URL is not currently available Preparing resource preview Processed: {0} This command is referenced in the following menus: {0}. Do you want to delete this command and all menu items referencing it? Delete this widget and all references to it? Specify Direction to traverse extent history Enter the name The resource id {0} could not be found. You will now be prompted to select the correct feature source Changing the DSN will reset the current configuration document. Proceed? Select Buffer Units Select Map Update Map Widget to point to Use Office 2010 Drivers? (these are 64-bit compatible) Select zoom extents option Could not find possible values for enumerable property Name: {1}{0}Identifier: {2}{0}Description: {3}{0}Type: {4}{0}Default Value: {5} Property: {0} Type: {1} Qualitative Add this item to the flyout? Clicking "No" will add it before the flyout Reset Feature Source override list? RDBMS Feature Source You have selected to restore the package at the root. You have also selected to delete the target before restoring. This will result in the entire repository being deleted and replaced with this package. Are you absolutely sure that is what you want? Required This connection does not support required service: Resource doesn't exist You must save this map first before you can run MgCooker Save Resource Please save this resource first Scale Range Search Command <Select column> {0} selected items Select Feature Class Select Folder Select Layer Please select the layer first Select the package file to edit Select Property Choose a resource for "Selected Resource" first Select Spatial Context Please specify the symbol library first Select widget Separator Sequential The site version of this current connection is not known to support watermarks {0} spatial contexts found Specify a map for this web layout Please specify the secondary feature source SQL Query Standard Query <image> <path> <text> Only symbols of type "Mark" and "Font" are currently supported Provider reported no errors Downloading Find Find & Replace Inline Compound Symbol Inline Simple Symbol Loading No Items Selected No Occurences Found No string specified to look for! Text Not Found Replaced {0} occurrances Preparing Configuration Document Preview\nnot available Search Text Not Found Select Data Store (Selection Only) Uploading Only individual values is supported when generating a theme expression Property not selected. Please select the Property which connects to the selected Key Property in the external class The layer being themed is not a vector layer Buffer Units Direction Error New Feature Class Question View Type Warning The selected column contains more than {0} different values, and thus cannot be used for theming with individual values You are creating a large number of rules, this will likely result in Maestro becoming unresponsive. Do you want to continue? The selected column contains more than {0} different values, and thus cannot be used for theming The selected column contains more than {0} different values. The calculated averages only accounts for the first {0} distinct values. Transparent KB ms s Unknown query mode Unknown types Multiple selection is not allowed when SelectFoldersOnly is set to true Invoking MgCooker is not supported for this connection type: {0} Updating Configuration Document Updating Style Previews An error occured while validating the output file path: {0} Could not transform extents of one or more layers in this Map Definition. These extents have not been factored into the computed result. Your WMS Feature Source is not configured. An un-configured WMS Feature Source may not properly read layer information from your WMS Server. Click "Advanced" after testing your connection to build a default document. A widget named {0} already exists Widget updated WMS layers updated Document is valid Line {0}, Column {1} The Map Definition's coordinate system and extents have been replaced with the ones from the linked tile set Symbol exported to: {0} Saved tile set to: {0} MgCooker only works with Tile Sets using the 'Default' tile provider