6.0m4 ===== - Updated to target .net Framework 4.5 - New mapguide-rest add-in - Support for input() and raw_input() in IronPython console - Expression Editor now supports parsing/validation of FDO Filters and Expressions - Structure of an FDO filter or expression can be viewed under the tools menu - Composite Symbolization editor improvements: - Support for re-ordering display order of component symbols - Support for exporting an inline component symbol out as an external Symbol Definition - MapGuide Open Source 3.0 support - Support for editing v3.0.0 Map Definition resources - Support for local resource previews in 3.0 - Stamed tile layer options in Fusion editor - Support Tile Set Definitions in MgCooker - Base map sections of a Map Definition can be exported out to a Tile Set Definition - Fix: Auto-calculation of Map Definition extent not triggering when adding first base layer or linking from an external tile set - Fix: Cannot edit certain XML fragments through the Generic XML editor - Fix: Don't show debug watermarks when previewing watermarks - Fix: Divide by zero errors in Text Editor component - Fix: Incorrect MgCooker tile calculations - Fix: Add missing "Left" and "Right" horizontal text alignment options - Fix: Avoid XML content error in Layer Definition by preventing the ability to deleting style rule if there's only one 6.0a3 ===== - Drag/Drop now properly handles cases where multiple handlers could handle a given file drop - Future-proofing - Maestro can now work with unknown resource types - Map Definitions, Web Layouts and Application Definitions of unknown schema versions can be previewed - Files of unknown extensions will be loaded as XML content when drag/dropped in the Site Explorer - Fusion editor changes - Map Group editor re-designed to better reflect its logical structure in the Map Definition - New Generic XML editor option allowing for custom layer types to be added 6.0a2 ----- - MgCooker changes - Removed non-official tile generation method - Removed username/password/native connection options in UI. Replaced with provider/connection string - Added support for adding default point/line/area composite styles in Layer Definition Editor - Added support for including downward dependencies in the "Compile Full Dependency List" command - Added specialized builder support for LOOKUP() and RANGE() expression functions in Expression Editor - Added support for customizing border colors when theming - Improve the usability of the Composite Symbolization dialog - Moved the inline Symbol Definition editor off to a separate dialog - Symbol name now shown along side type for each component symbol in Symbolization Components list - New button to show more information about a selected symbol parameter - "Edit Instance Properties" button moved into Symbolization Components list toolbar - Editing symbol parameter values can now be done via - Editing the cell - Using a specialized editor (that falls back to the Expression Editor if no specialized editor is found) - Using the Expression Editor - Fix: Negative index exception in grid-based editor when selecting row header - Fix: XML diff false positives - Fix: Wrong previews in Composite Symbolization dialog when multiple composite styles defined 6.0a1 ----- - New grid-based style editor. All layers will use this editor unless you un-tick "Use grid-based style editor" in the options - Basic support for theming composite styles (only from the grid-based style editor) - All style editors now auto-refresh their style previews - Previews of certain resources will now have optional debug watermarks attached which include information about the generated Map Definition (useful for Layer previews to determine if it has correct CS and bounds) - Enhanced Resource Picker - Added shortcuts to refresh current folder and easy parent/root folder access - Added ability to preview Symbol Definitions inline - Previews now auto-refreshed in Layer Style Editor dialogs - Removed SQL query support from the HTTP connection provider - Flag bad Feature Source, Feature Class and Geometry fields in the editor when opening a bad Layer Definition - Improved schema, class loading responsiveness for Feature Source Preview - Improved XML diff dialog with synchronized source/target views - When creating a new WMS Feature Source, the "Advanced" button will be called out after a successful connection test suggesting to the user that they should create a default configuration document. - Added support for viewing differences between 2 different resourecs - Added support for Web Layout v2.6.0 - Added support for generating LOOKUP() theme FDO expressions - Added support for generating individual themes by values from an external class definition (eg. A lookup table) - Added support for retreving information about a Layer Definition's referenced Spatial Context - Added extra validation checks for Map Definitions - Added support creating image-based Symbol Definitions from a Symbol Library - Added support for automatically calculating meters-per-unit value in MgCooker - Fix: Inefficient Layer Definition validation - Fix: Inability to switch Feature Sources in Layer Definition editor - Fix: Text Frame settings not applying for a Text element in a Symbol Definition - Fix: Wrong spatial context used when creating a preview for a layer that points to a multi spatial context Feature Source 5.1 --- - mg-desktop updated to - Map Definition Editor now uses a PropertyGrid for editing layer/group properties - Map Definition Editor can now batch edit properties of multiple selected groups/layers - Added missing support for editing symbol instance properties - Initial support for XML element auto-completion - Initial API support for CREATERUNTIMEMAP and DESCRIBERUNTIMEMAP operations in MapGuide 2.6 - Resource ID "address bar" now has two buttons: One to open the resource using the designated editor and one to open using the Generic XML editor - Create Package dialog now has a button to read all resource ids from a file when packaging by an explicit list of resource ids - References tab in Resource Properties dialog now has quick access buttons to open upstream/downstream dependent resources in an editor - Added open (Layer Definition) in editor shortcut for a selected layer in the Map Definition editor - The resource of an active editor will now auto-focus on the Site Explorer - Added support for proxy servers - Runtime Map creation for resource previews now fail hard, allowing for immediate error diagnosis instead of waiting of all layers to be processed - Fix: Port legend control fixes from mg-desktop - Fix: Watermark editor not being properly initialized from the underlying Watermark model - Fix: Some options (which do not require a restart) always prompting a restart when applied - Fix: "Show In Legend" checkbox in Layer Definition editor does nothing for CompositeTypeStyle elements - Fix: Error XML validating v2.4.0 Layer Definition documents - Fix: Bad restore center command icon when new WebLayout document is created - Fix: Resource IDs in Load Procedures not being re-mapped when packaged with a custom restore path - Fix: Map Definition Resource ID not being set during preview resource generation in Local Map preview mode - Fix: Double identity properties not supported in MaestroAPI selection - Fix: Missing context menu for granting/denying user/group access to a given resource in the Site Explorer - Fix: Strange cursor behaviour in Generic XML editor - Fix: New Map Definitions always being created as v2.4.0 - Fix: Missing Selection from ResourceType enum - Fix: NullReferenceException on Layer Definition Editor when pointing to a multi-schema Feature Source - Fix: Inline SymbolDefinition element in a Layer Definition saved with version and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes - Fix: Infinte loop when compiling a dependency list that includes one or more self-referencing resources - Fix: BaseMapDefinition XML element not cleanly detached when deleting last finite display scale or base layer group in Map Definition editor - Fix: Modified composite rule filters not saved when Layer Definition is saved 5.0 --- - New WebLayout now auto-prompts for Map Definition like its Fusion counterpart - User documentation content updates - XML documentation files included with installation (previously only included with dlls in SDK) - Coordinate System picker now supports entry of arbitrary WKT strings - Fix: Base layer Group field not set when one is selected in Map Definition editor - Fix: ODBC configuraton reset is not saved - Fix: Avoid divide by zero cases in text editor component 5.0 RC2 ------- - Updated known site version list - Added %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD% placeholder token support for the ODBC Feature Source editor under RawConnectionString mode - Remove redundant MRT files in Coordinate System Dictionaries - Feature Class / Geometry is auto-assigned when creating a new Layer Definition if there is only one Feature Class / Geometry in the Feature Source - Layers in the "Layers and Groups" tab of the Map Definition editor can be re-ordered within the group. This has the effect of modifying the draw order of these layers with respect to other layers from the same group - Fix: "Resampling Method" in GDAL Feature Source editor should not be mandatory - Fix: Infinite looping still happening in Maestro MapViewer legend component - Fix: "OK" button not enabled in Create Package dialog under certain conditions - Fix: XML content error in Layer Definition editor due to unwanted attributes inserted into inline SymbolDefinition elements - Fix: Guard against duplicate names when creating a new Extended Feature Class in the Feature Source editor - Fix: Guard against layers being auto-associated to another group with the same name when editing a group's name in the Layer Definition editor - Fix: MgCooker not running in batch mode (patch by dcreado) - Fix: MgCooker requesting wrong tiles from server when using override bounds (patch by dcreado) - Fix: Bad spacing and executable name in MgCooker batch file generation - Fix: Bad console progress format string in MgCooker command-line mode 5.0 RC1 ------- - mg-desktop binary update ( - Re-pointer command now supports all resource types with downstream dependencies. - Added support for viewing layer draw order in RtMapInspector - New context menu command to create default layers from a Feature Source - New context menu command to test a Feature Source connection - All specialized Fusion widget editors removed. All widget editing is through XML - Live Map Definition Editor enhancements: - Layers can be added to a map by drag/drop Layer Definitions from the repository view. - Layers can be re-ordered in "Draw Order" view - Layers/Groups can be re-organized in Legend view - Map Settings dialog can now support: - Extent computation based on current layers - Extent computation based on current viewer extents - Assorted bug fixes. - Fusion editor enhancements: - Using ICSharpCode.TextEditor for all XML editing functionality - Fix errant whitespace in widget XML - Basic XML editor support for the Map Widget - Indicate which widgets are dockable - Filter out un-dockable widgets when prompting the user for the widget to attach to a toolbar/container - Support for new Resampling Method paramter in GDAL Feature Source editor - Fix: MgCooker command-line ignoring basegroup parameter - Fix: NullReferenceException when using cut command on an item in the Site Explorer - Fix: Custom scale indexes passed in from command-line ignored by MgCooker - Fix: Dependency list compilation failure on Flexible Layout documents - Fix: OutOfMemoryException on HTTP SETRESOURCEDATA calls involving really large files - Fix: Exceptions during resource preview generation not being shown - Fix: Support WebLayout previews for versions not recognized/supported by Maestro - Fix: Infinite loop in MapViewer legend due to nested group structure - Fix: Layer/Group presentation order in MapViewer legend - Fix: XML editor crash on Ctrl+C due to un-assigned font - Fix: 64-bit ODBC driver flag not set if ODBC connection string references a known 64-bit driver - Fix: Group parentage not being assigned when creating a RuntimeMap - Fix: No legend label for layers not visible in the legend in RtMapInspector - Fix: Display of nested groups in RtMapInspector - Fix: Cannot parse geometry WKT with Z or M coordinates - Fix: "EPSG:" not prepended to epsg codes in WFS metadata tab 5.0 Beta 5 ---------- - First 5.0 release with a matching SDK. Consult the SDK changelog for overview of changes - mg-desktop binary update ( backend with viewer) - Added support for previewing resources using the MapViewer component - New and improved IronPython REPL console. Due to threading issues in Mono, the zip distribution does not include this add-in. - IronPython AddIn now includes the python standard library - Added XML element code folding support in the Generic XML editor - New Expression Editor with support for FDO Expression syntax highlighting. Mono uses the old Expression Editor implementation. - LocalNative connection provider fixes - Deleting resources with dependencies will now display a specialized confirmation dialog showing such dependencies - Added support for creating packages with a list of resource ids, instead of just choosing a folder - New command to compile a full dependency list for a given set of resources - Added support for creating new http connections off of existing session ids. This means we can now spawn MgCooker from the Map Definition editor without the need to spring up a login dialog. - Generic layer validation failures now include full exception information - Added support for generating locale-specific resource previews - Added support for flipping the order of ColorBrewer color ramps when generating themes - Added support for opening affected resources from the Validation Results dialog - Fix: Active Document not properly reflected in Mono - Fix: Un-intuitive cross-connection copying logic - Fix: Make SetResourceData in Local/LocalNative providers more memory-efficient (apparent when loading packages with large data files) - Fix: Login Dialog safeguards for Local and LocalNative providers as it is not possible to create subsequent connections with different ini files. - Fix: Mono crashes in Web Layout editor - Fix: Prevent group node drops into its child group nodes in Map Definition editor. - Fix: WMS Feature Source editor fixes and improvements - Fix: Persist layer selection in Map Definition editor when moving between logical grouping and draw order tabs - Fix: Incorrect FDO class name encoding/decoding for certain cases - Fix: Toggling visibility state in Live Map Editor does nothing - Fix: Available commands selection wackiness in Web Layout editor 5.0 Beta 4 ---------- - New "address bar" for Resource IDs, allowing for quick navigation and identiifcation of Resource IDs. - Layer Definition editor improvements: - Add support for "exploding" themes into individual filtered sub-layers. - Theme generation now considers active layer filter when generating rules - Use GETLEGENDIMAGE for layer style previews - Symbol Definitions can now be previewed (via the GETLEGENDIMAGE API) - Resource IDs references in the Resource Properties Dialog can now be copied to the clipboard - New specialized error dialog for XML content errors, that shows the offending XML contnent. - Streamlined localizable strings - Add context menu and shortcuts for common operations in Generic XML editor - RuntimeMap viewer improvements (ported from mg-desktop): - Delayed tooltip queries - Mouse interaction suppression when viewer is busy - Live Map Definition Editor improvements - Add a repository browser view. Layers selected can be added to the current map - Move to a 3 pane interface (ala. AJAX viewer) - Use UNIQUE() for fetching distinct values in Expression Editor - New Validation rules for Fusion and Feature Join performance - Include full stack trace for any general unclassified validation errors triggered by a NullReferenceException - Fusion editor fixes - OSM support - Incorrect serialization of widget XML - Flyout Menu support - Improperly enabled/disabled - Missing label in new fusion templates - Fusion editor improvements - Can view widget info in the Generic Widget XML editor - Fix: Mono workaround for Web Layout editor - Fix: Mono workaround for .net 4.0 generated code involving SplitContainers - Fix: Dirty state not properly raised for certain Web Layout properties - Fix: Node color incorrectly set in Site Explorer for re-activated editors - Fix: Updating a dynamic group name in a Map Definition did not update child groups - Fix: Have RDBMS Feature Source editor fill a fake password when opening a RDBMS feature source with secured credentials to give appearance of a password filled in. - Fix: Theming using first rule as template now preserves transparency - Fix: Restore missing checkbox for toggling Tiled Layer Group visibility in a Map Definition - Fix: Duplicating vector scale ranges not creating true clones - Fix: Prevent Map Definition groups from being dragged and dropped into its child groups/layers - Fix: Allow tiled layers to be moved between different tiled layer groups - Fix: Thread culture not transferred to background workers, resulting in english resources being returned if the background worker is doing localized resource lookups. - Fix: Cannot add top-level aliased raster files to a Composite Raster Feature Source 5.0 Beta 3 ---------- - mg-desktop binary update (20 July 2012 release) - Added support for new validations rules regarding Feature Source credentials - Added support for creating Feature Sources with secured credentials - Added support for creating themes using the first style rule as the rule template - mg-desktop viewer enhancements ported over to Live Map Definition editor - Alias UI improvements for SHP/SDF feature source editor - mg-desktop Runtime Map support for Live Map Definition editor - UI space optimization for Point Style Editor - Live Map Definition editor added to Tools menu - Status bar now shows the active site connection - Fix: Double-clicking an already opened resource in the Site Explorer re-activates the associated open editor tab - Fix: Gracefully handle capabilities not supported by the mg-desktop LocalConection - Fix: Show all layers and groups regardless of visibility in the Live Map Definition Editor - Fix: NullReferenceException in the Image Picker for the Watermark Editor - Fix: Incorrect minimum content model for a Simple Symbol Definition - Fix: GetCommonParent for Site Explorer - Fix: "Display as Text" and "Allow Overpost" options not triggering dirty state - Fix: Unable to use Watermarks using the 2.4.0 schema - Fix: Feature Class dropdown for Layer Definition editor only shows first item - Fix: GetClassDefinition for HTTP connection 5.0 Beta 2 ---------- - New standalone Live Map Definition editor - New RuntimeMap viewer SDK component - New Preference to toggle visibility of IronPython console. - New AddIn Manager to manage and install thirdparty add-ins for Maestro - Upgrade SharpDevelop Core to 4.2 - Revamped XML editor with ICSharpCode.TextEditor control - MgCooker tiling classes now part of the MaestroAPI - Better handling of large Feature Sources - ODBC Editor enhancements - Supports creating ODBC configuration documents with a filtered logical schema. When creating/resetting a configuration document, the user is prompted for the feature classes to include in the configuration document - Supports specifying the coordinate system for the default spatial context - Fix: Maestro/MaestroAPI creates invalid ODBC configuration documents - Fix: Potentially long running tasks are now done on background threads with busy dialogs - Fix: Non-working expression buttons for some color pickers - Fix: Watermarks not showing up as a resource type in Create Package dialog - Fix: HttpServerConnection no longer re-creates MapGuide session on any exception thrown, only ones relating to session expiry. - Fix: Avoid using full schema walks wherever possible. Will improve performance on large data stores. - Fix: Broken Server Status Monitor - Fix: Some MgCooker command line arguments were being ignored - Fix: Raise signficantly the maximum allowed "Meters per unit" value in MgCooker. - Fix: Dragging and dropping onto a layer in the Map Definition editor will add the layer to that layer's parent group instead of the root 5.0 Beta 1 ---------- - Now requires .net Framework 4.0 / Mono 2.8 - Uses a patched version of the DockPanelSuite library for display and management of top-level UI content. - Uses new mg-desktop release (8 May 2012, .net 4.0, VC10) - New IronPython Scripting Engine for application scripting and automation - New command and UI to view the XML diff of an edited resource - New experimental GeoREST AddIn for creating and editing GeoREST configurations - UI usability improvements for Layer Definition editor. - Support for v2.4.0 resources (Web Layout, Map Definition, Layer Definition, Watermark Definition, Symbol Definition) - Added extra symbol definition validation rules - New utility for inspecting the state of a Runtime Map (RtMapInspector.exe) - Imporved Symbol Definition editor UIs with support for missing schema elements - New Feature Manipulation APIs - Http Connection Provider supports a GeoREST url parameter, which allows for feature manipulation support - New command to open sources by entering its resource id - New shortcut buttons to jump from Layer Definition to Feature/Drawing Source - Fix: Missing [Convert Base Layer Group to Regular Group] and [Start MgCooker] buttons in Map Definition Editor - Fix: Raster layer advanced settings not saving. - Fix: Groups/Layer info in Map Definition editor not updating via up/down keypress - Fix: Row/Column mismatch in GetTile API (http implemenation) - Fix: MgCooker crashes with Map Definitions whose schema version is > 1.0.0 - Fix: Incorrect RuntimeMapLayer property initialization for tiled maps - Fix: AllowOverpost and DisplayAsText properties for basic point style not exposed in editor UI - Fix: Clear connection status before testing it in Feature Source Editor - Fix: ResourcePicker fixes to optimize usability - Fix: Incorrect map extent serialization - Fix: Incorrect validation flag when saving a Map Definition that references an empty Feature Source - Fix: Incorrect deserialization of Class Definitions - Fix: Browse button in Drawing Source Layer editor does nothing - Fix: Unnecessary dirty state flagging in Generic Feature Source Editor and Layer Definition editors - Fix: Map Definition Editor dirty state flagging - Fix: Web Layout Editor usability and UI fixes - Fix: Inability to handle 3D geometry WKT - Fix: Invalid Property Mappings not being removed when Layer Definition Editor loads - Fix: Workaround Oracle issue with SpatialExtents() - Fix: Select font link in Text Symbol Definition dialog does nothing - Fix: Incorrect resource being flagged for Map Definition validation issues - Fix: Size Context not being saved for composite lines in Line Style Editor - Fix: Web Layout editor not persisting "Keep Connection Alive" option. - Fix: Missing Symbol Definition 1.1.0 resource template - Fix: Stylization functions not shown in Expression Editor 4.0 --- - Map Definition Editor support for specifying a Google/Yahoo/Bing/OSM compatible finite scale list - OpenStreetMap layer support in the Fusion editor - Forward-looking fusion enhancements: - Fusion editor support for new Maptip widget in next version of MapGuide/AIMS - Updated default Flexible Layout template for next version of MapGuide/AIMS - Support for localizing Web Layouts and Application Definitions - Tiled maps will be converted to non-tiled maps when previewed in local mode. - A whole assortment of API tweaks to improve general usability. - Uses new mg-desktop release (22 Dec 2011) w/ support for connection pooling and faster feature joins. A new command is available under "Tools" to inspect the status of the connection pool. - Fix: Inability to toggle Task Bar in the Web Layout editor - Fix: Gracefully handle feature sources with no feature classes in the Layer Definition Editor - Fix: Minor usability issue when creating Coordinate System Overrides. - Fix: Resource Properties command bringing up XML header editor instead of properties dialog - Fix: Bad data type serialization when saving configuration documents. Should resolve most/all ODBC table mapping issues. - Fix: Bad data type deserialization when deserializing feature schema xml - Fix: ResourceTypeRegistry not handling unsupported schema versions. - Fix: Deleting a map group in a Map Definition does not do a deep recursive delete of all its children - Fix: Assorted Web Layout Editor defects relating to custom commands - Fix: Incorrect validation rules for Layer Definitions - Fix: Exception editing a line style with no symbolization defined. 4.0 RC1 ------- - A warning will now be displayed when attempting to preview a map definition with tiled layers in Local Connection Mode (because the mg-desktop viewer has not implemented support for this yet) - Failed non-transactional package loading operations now include a corresponding exception as part of the results display. - Support for deleting multiple resource data items - New context menu command for editing raw document/header XML - Document tabs now have a context menu for mass tab closure. - Updated mg-desktop binaries for Local Connection mode. - Re-instated the Package editor, which has been missing since Maestro 2.1 - Feature Source Preview now shows elapsed query time for executed queries. - MgCooker windows application no longer closes after a successful tiling run. - Improved Color editor field support. Can now use either FDO expressions or pick a color. - Theme Generation will now use the UNIQUE() aggregate function first instead of raw spinning a feature reader for distinct values. - Fix: Non-Transactional package loading will now skip any SETRESOURCE operations with no content - Fix: Layer Property display cannot be re-ordered in Layer Definition editor - Fix: Fields for built-in WebLayout commands are now editable - Fix: Search layer display in WebLayout editor - Fix: SHP Feature Source editor does not properly handle multiple embedded SHP files. - Fix: Duplicate repository items being displayed in Site Explorer - Fix: Min/Max Scale display in Layer Definition editor - Fix: Error re-ordering style rules in Layer Definition editor 4.0 beta 2 ---------- - Support for non-transactional package loading w/ ability to retry failed operations - Style editor support for FDO expressions in color properties - If an broken Layer Definition is opened, the user is now given a chance to repair it by selecting a valid feature source - Fix: assorted issues introduced by the new multi-site support. - Updated mg-desktop binaries for Local Connection mode. 4.0 beta 1 ---------- - Support for working against multiple connections - New Local Connection mode, backed by the new mg-desktop library (http://mg-desktop.googlecode.com). This feature is Windows only - MgCooker updated to support Local Connections - Support drag/drop creation of Drawing Sources from DWF files - Resource Previewing is now a connection provider defined function - API: ResourceMigrator now applies any downgrades if required - API: Each connection provider is now responsible for creating coordinate transformers. Local and LocalNative connections return a MgCoordinateSystem-wrapped transformer. - Fix: SizeContext values not saved 3.5 --- - New Copy Resource IDs to clipboard command - Map Extent calculation now is done through an informative progress dialog - New symbol definition validation rules - Added Proj.Net shortcut to support the WGS84.PseudoMercator coordinate system (note that results are not exactly the same as MgCoordinateSystem/CS-Map, but produces approximate results for purposes of setting Map Definition extents) - Update layer editor to handle multiple composite styles per vector scale range 3.5 beta 2 ---------- - Improved AIMS 2012 support - Fix broken support for Layer Definitions using the 2.3.0 schema - Enabled previews for Watermark Definition editor - Layer Definition editor now supports inline symbol definitions for composite symbolization - Enhanced usability for Map Definition editor - Show resources in sorted order in the Resource Picker - Map Definition Editor now supports re-arranging the logical order of Map Groups - Resource Picker now remembers last selected folder for most resource selection operations - Editors now support in-place upgrade of resources to the latest schema version supported - Productivity enhancements - New name for Rename dialog defaults to current name and field is focused - New Setup Standard Folder Structure command - API: Support for converting resources to a specified version - API: TF.net dependency replaced with NetToplogySuite. References and namespaces need to be updated in consuming applications - Fix: Changed Migrate Resources to Copy/Move resources command for multiple resource selection context menu - Fix: When renaming a group in the Map Definition Editor, layers belonging to it didn't have their references updated - Fix: Exception when adding a new Image to the graphics collection of a Simple Symbol Definition in editor - Fix: Exception when deleting all finite scale ranges in Map Defintion Editor - Fix: ObjectFactory creating unusable IPrintLayout instances - Fix: Resources are shown in sorted order in Resource Picker - Fix: Broken editor support for Layer Definition 2.3.0 resource - Fix: Exception when enabling composite styles in Layer Editor - Fix: minx > maxx and miny > maxy errors during validation 3.5 beta 1 ---------- - Watermark Definition editor - Symbol Definition editor (simple and compound). Currently supports the 1.0.0 schema feature set. - Updated Fusion editor to use Google Maps V3 - Maestro.Editors library is now fully self-contained, not requiring the WebStudio directory for pattern images. - Preview Web Layouts now include a new command to report current map extents. - Exceptions are now displayed in a more flexible error dialog. - Class and Property nodes in Local Feature Source preview now show tooltips (ala FDO Toolbox). - Layer Definition editor has been re-structured to consume less vertical screen space. - Assorted icon updates for Symbol Definition and Watermark Definition resources. - API: Lots of API changes to Symbol Definitions and Watermarks - API: ObjectFactory API changes to allow creating Map Definitions and Symbol Definitions of different versions - API: New ExtendedObjectModel library which provides easy plumbing to register > 1.0.0 resource types with the ObjectFactory - Fix: Request failure when outbound requests window turned off. - Fix: Client-side workaround for ENUMERATEDRAWINGLAYERS potentially returning duplicate layer names. - Fix: Generic XML editor does not preview currently edited XML content. - Fix: Resource templates based on > 1.0.0 schema versions not being picked up by the new resource dialog - Fix: Exception thrown when opening Layer Definition with no point symbolization - Fix: Cleaner error message instead of the current ugly exception message when MapGuide connection is lost - Fix: Incorrect validation error when saving XML configuration document in the Feature Source - Fix: Assorted defects in reading and writing XML configuration documents 3.1 --- - Now comes with a user guide! - Added a tip of the day dialog that is shown on startup (this can be turned off) - This is the first release with a public SDK and samples demonstrating using the Maestro API. - Generated Web Layout previews now have a KML export command - Add a command to view all spatial contexts of a feature source - Implement layer editor support for KML extrusion (RFC16). Thanks to James Murphy for test data needed in implementing this. - API: Add missing Visible property to ITaskPane - API: Small adjustment to selection APIs - API: Re-worked the RuntimeMap API so that draw order of layers can be manipulated like a collection. - API: Add APIs to GdalConfigurationDocument to allow calculation of combined extents. - API: Extend the IMappingService API to support rendering map legend images. - Fix: Show In Legend checkbox does nothing in the Layer Editor - Fix: Map Definition resource id field in a WebLayout 1.1.0 editor does not update when changed. - Fix: DWF Load Procedure not settings sheet extents. - Fix: Site Explorer items incorrectly highlighted when an existing resource is saved under a different resource ID. - Fix: Exception when opening drawing sources. - Fix: Set/Update sheet extents when marking a embedded DWF resource. - Fix: MgDbXmlException when creating a new Drawing Layer Definition from New Resource dialog. - Fix: Exception when deserializing configuration documents with non-english characters. - Fix: Overall extent of GDAL configuraton document not being the computed aggregate of all raster images when rebuilding. - Fix: Adding files to a Load Procedure does nothing. - Fix: Setting size context in Line Style editor does nothing. - Fix: Incorrect raster extent calculation on a GDAL configuration document for non-english systems (thanks Gunter Becker for suggested fix). - Save Resource button is now always enabled. Clicking it on a new resource will do the same thing as clicking Save Resource As 3.0 Final --------- - Add editor support for point styles with dwf symbols. Note that symbol previews are not perfect, but this is better than seeing nothing. - Fix: Ugly layer legend labels when previewing a layer - Fix: Badly generated W2D symbol reference class in the generated Layer Definition schema. - Fix: Save command is enabled regardless of dirty state - Fix: Validate command on toolbar did not validate the resource of active editor - Add an unsupported placeholder UI when opening a Load Procedure or Layer Definition in a specialized editor that contains unsupported elements. - Fix: New resources did not default to dirty state, allowing a save. - Fix: Folder of new Load Procedure should default to where it was made - Fix: Map Definition validation error on extents due to incorrect extent construction. - XML Editor validation icon change (to distinguish from main validation command) - Aliased file/directory support for building GDAL configuration documents via the editor - Fix: GdalRasterLocationItem could have multiple children of the same file name 3.0 RC1 ------- - Fix: Automatically test the connection first before editing or resetting an ODBC configuration document. Abort the process if connection test fails. - Add an option to determine whether to validate resources on save - Fix: Web Layout and Fusion editors didn't show the generated publish URL - Fix: Layer Definition editor did not update the underlying XML content when deleting a vector scale range. - Fix: Adding a new vector scale range in the Layer Definition editor did not create a default area/line/point rule - Fix: When the "Show Area/Line/Point style checkbox is ticked, the Layer Definition editor would always create a new default rule - Fix: Add missing coordinate system override functionality from 2.x - Fix: Editors not re-initializing themselves properly after saving, when using Edit As XML command. - Added more labels for main toolbar commands - XML Editor: Add support for validating XML content against local XSD files - Inactive document tabs are now colored differently to distinguish between active/inactive tabs - Fix: Add missing find/replace in XML content functionality - Add F2 keybinding to rename selected item in Site Explorer - Fix: Added missing duplicate resource command from 2.x - Fix: Added missing profiling feature from 2.x - Fix: UI layout changes for Generic Feature Source Editor 3.0 Beta 3 ---------- - Added a command to purge cached information for a feature source - Added resource validation error codes - UI layout tweaks for the ODBC Feature Source editor - Fix: Added missing button to close tabs in Feature Source Preview tool - Fix: Prevent ODBC feature source editor configuration/reset functionality if connection is not valid - Fix: Added missing Site Administrator command - Fix: Usability tweaks for the New Resource Dialog - Fix: Refined Load Procedure logic for handling default Coordinate Systems 3.0 Beta 2 ---------- - Added WMS specialized feature source editor - Added missing connection testing functionality for various specialized feature source editors - New dialog for creating folders - Fix: Open resources are protected from cut/copy/paste/rename operations - Fix: Add missing raster layer definition item template - Fix: Assorted Map Definition editor defects - Fix: Missing dirty state notifications on various editor components. - Fix: Deleting a directory does not close editors of child resources - Fix: Prompt to save unsaved resources when exiting. - Fix: Cut/Copy/Paste commands occasionally don't work in XML editor - Fix: Cannot create symbol definitions for given item templates. - Fix: Assorted Fusion editor defects - Fix: Text field MaxLength of 32767 lifted to int32.MaxValue in XML Editor 3.0 Beta 1 ---------- - Added GDAL specialized feature source editor - Added ODBC specialized feature source editor - Fusion editor now has basic widget management (ie. Most widget will use a generic XML editor) - Added Raster Layer Defintion editor (ported from 2.x) - Fix validation failing on raster feature sources Test Build 4 ------------ - Added drag/drop package loading - Added resource re-pointer function as suggested by Jason Birch - Added warnings about tiled map invalidation when saving any possible affected resource - Add API to create runtime map and infer the meters-per-unit value. Uses TF.net for HTTP implementation and MgCoordinateSystem for Local implementation - Resource Data UI prompts confirmation on delete and when downloading, will show the downloaded location. - Fix layer up/down drag/drop reordering in Map Definition editor - Fix Coodinate System not being set in SHP load procedure editor - Fix feature source extension nodes not being deleted on remove - Improve validation performance by skipping already validated resources and caching commonly accessed objects. - More fusion editor progress: - Drag/drop map support - Remaining missing functionality: - Add/Remove/Edit containers - Widget set configuration - Add new widget from WidgetInfo - Edit widget parameters - Remove widget from widget set Test Build 3 ------------ - Migrated: Runtime Map API, with batched layer loading support improving create performance - Specialized SQLite editor - Partially migrated Fusion editor w/ Commerical Map Layer support - API: Resource change events for IResourceService - API: IGetResourceContents custom command Test Build 2 ------------ - Drag and drop support - Create feature sources from dropped SDF/SHP/SQLite files - Create matching resource from dropped XML document - Migrated: MgCooker.exe - Migrated: Offical MapGuide API support. - Migrated: Server Status Monitor - Added drag/drop support for Resource Data UI - New validation rules for DWF-based layers - Make creating a new resource remember where you right-click so speed up the saving process. - Resource Dialog fixes and UX enhancements - Mono fixes related to XML and UI sizing. - Added inter-server migration tools - Move/Copy resources to a folder on another server with option to overwrite existing resources - Copy selected resource (and its dependencies) to the same path on another server, with choices of which dependent resources to copy and whether to overwrite existing resources. Test Build 1 ------------ First public preview release of Maestro 3.0. - Redesigned User Interface - Now driven by the SharpDevelop Core framework - Allows for easy customization of user interfaces. - AddIn infrastructure allows for easy addition of new functionality. - Site Explorer now uses the TreeViewAdv control, allowing for multiple selections and commands that operate on multiple selected resources. This control is compatible with Mono. - Some example commands which were previously not possible. - Delete selected resources - Validate selected resources - Package selected resources - Rewritten resource editor infrastructure - One editor per resource type / version - Uses the INotifyPropertyChanged databinding infrastructure - Allow for upgrades to newer versions of a resource type (eg. LayerDefinition 1.0.0 to LayerDefinition 1.3.0). Upgrades are manual and explicit, with a firefox-style notification bar to indicate whether a resource can be upgraded. - Resources types and/or versions without a specialized editor default to the XML editor. - Support for browsing Symbol Libraries - Flexible new resource templates - New specialized editors for - Drawing Source - Print Layout - Enhancements to existing specialized editors - Web Layout - Support for importing/exporting custom commands. - Editor library can be used outside of Maestro.exe as long as you implement the core service interfaces (IResourceService, IFeatureService) - Redesigned core API - ServerConnectionI -> IServerConnection - Connection interface is now separated into service specific sub-interfaces - IResourceService - IFeatureService - etc. - Cleaner resource object model - All top-level resource classes implement a common IResource interface - Base library includes resource classes generated from v1.0.0 xsd schemas. - Classes generated from newer xsd schemas reside in their own separate assembly. - New connections capabilities API - Allows interrogation of supported features/commands depending on implementation and mapguide server version. - Custom command API - Allows for custom functionality which may only work for newer versions of MapGuide. - Other New Features and Changes - Load Procedure validation support - API and UI support for listening to outbound requests. You can now view outbound requests of your MapGuide Server connections - Validation no longer logs redundant messages. All errors, warnings and other messages are unique for each resource being validated. You won't get repeats