#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2010, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Schema; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Services; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.Common; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.DrawingSource; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LoadProcedure; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Commands { /// /// A command to execute Load Procedures /// internal interface IExecuteLoadProcedure : ICommand { /// /// Executes the specified load proc. /// /// The load proc. /// The callback. /// string[] Execute(ILoadProcedure loadProc, OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.LengthyOperationProgressCallBack callback); /// /// Executes the specified resource ID. /// /// The resource ID. /// The callback. /// string[] Execute(string resourceID, OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.LengthyOperationProgressCallBack callback); /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether [ignore unsupported features]. /// /// /// true if [ignore unsupported features]; otherwise, false. /// bool IgnoreUnsupportedFeatures { get; set; } } internal class ExecuteLoadProcedure : IExecuteLoadProcedure { internal ExecuteLoadProcedure(IServerConnection conn) { this.Parent = conn; } public IServerConnection Parent { get; } /// /// Gets or sets the resource ID of the load procedure /// public string ResourceID { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets whether to ignore unsupported features. If true, an exception is thrown if unsupported /// features are encountered during execution /// public bool IgnoreUnsupportedFeatures { get; set; } /// /// Executes the specified load procedure. /// /// The resource ID of the load procedure. /// The callback. /// public string[] Execute(string resourceID, OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.LengthyOperationProgressCallBack callback) { if (!ResourceIdentifier.Validate(this.ResourceID)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid resource id: " + this.ResourceID); if (ResourceIdentifier.GetResourceTypeAsString(this.ResourceID) != ResourceTypes.LoadProcedure.ToString()) throw new ArgumentException("Not a load procedure resource id: " + this.ResourceID); ILoadProcedure proc = (ILoadProcedure)this.Parent.ResourceService.GetResource(resourceID); return Execute(proc, callback); } /// /// Executes the specified load procedure. Only SDF and SHP load procedures are supported. /// Also note that the following load procedure features are ignored during execution: /// - Generalization of data /// - Conversion from SHP to SDF /// - SDF2 to SDF3 conversion /// - SDF3 duplicate key handling /// /// The proc. /// The callback. /// /// A list of resource IDs that were created from the execution of this load procedure /// public string[] Execute(ILoadProcedure proc, LengthyOperationProgressCallBack callback) { //TODO: Localize callback messages //TODO: Localize exception messages //TODO: This would currently overwrite everything. In reality, the load procedure has //a list of resource ids which are overwritable, anything not on the list is untouchable. //I presume if this list is empty, then everything is overwritten and the resource list //list is then assigned to the load procedure, which is then updated so that on subsequent runs, //only resources in the list are overwritten instead of everything. string[] resourcesCreatedOrUpdated = null; LengthyOperationProgressCallBack cb = callback; //Assign dummy callback if none specified if (cb == null) cb = delegate { }; //bool loadProcedureUpdated = false; //bool updateGeneratedResourceIds = false; //TODO: SDF and SHP load procedures share lots of common logic. Merge the two //once everything's all good. var type = proc.SubType.Type; if (type == LoadType.Dwg || type == LoadType.Raster) throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.UnsupportedLoadProcedureType); var sproc = (IBaseLoadProcedure)proc.SubType; bool firstExecute = true; if (type == LoadType.Shp) { var shpl = (IShpLoadProcedure)sproc; if (!this.IgnoreUnsupportedFeatures) { //Anything less than 100% implies use of generalization if (shpl.Generalization < 100.0) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.LPROC_GeneralizationNotSupported); } //Can't do this because we don't have a portable .net FDO/MG Feature Service if (shpl.ConvertToSdf) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.LPROC_ConvertToSdf3NotSupported); } } resourcesCreatedOrUpdated = ExecuteShpLoadProcedure(cb, shpl, ref firstExecute); } else { if (!this.IgnoreUnsupportedFeatures) { CheckUnsupportedFeatures(sproc); } resourcesCreatedOrUpdated = ExecuteBaseProcedure(cb, sproc, ref firstExecute); } //Update the generated resources list if this is the first execution if (firstExecute) { sproc.ResourceId.Clear(); foreach (var it in resourcesCreatedOrUpdated) { sproc.ResourceId.Add(it); } //Before we'd save here, but instead let's mark the resource as dirty from the user side } return resourcesCreatedOrUpdated; } private void CheckUnsupportedFeatures(IBaseLoadProcedure sproc) { if (sproc.Type == LoadType.Dwf) { if (Array.IndexOf(this.Parent.Capabilities.SupportedServices, (int)ServiceType.Drawing) < 0) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.RequiredServiceNotSupported + ServiceType.Drawing.ToString()); } } } private string[] ExecuteShpLoadProcedure(LengthyOperationProgressCallBack cb, IShpLoadProcedure shpl, ref bool firstExecution) { List resCreatedOrUpdated = new List(); var shpFiles = shpl.SourceFile; int pcPerFile = (int)(100 / shpFiles.Count); int current = 0; string root = shpl.RootPath; if (!root.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE root += "/"; //NOXLATE string sdp = shpl.SpatialDataSourcesPath; string lp = shpl.LayersPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdp)) { if (!sdp.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE sdp += "/"; //NOXLATE } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lp)) { if (!lp.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE lp += "/"; //NOXLATE } string fsRoot = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdp) ? root : sdp) + shpl.SpatialDataSourcesFolder; string layerRoot = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lp) ? root : lp) + shpl.LayersFolder; if (!fsRoot.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE fsRoot += "/"; //NOXLATE if (!layerRoot.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE layerRoot += "/"; //NOXLATE List resToUpdate = new List(); if (shpl.ResourceId != null) { resToUpdate.AddRange(shpl.ResourceId); firstExecution = false; } else { firstExecution = true; } Dictionary> extraFiles = new Dictionary>(); //Unlike SDF, a SHP file actually consists of multiple files foreach (string shp in shpFiles) { if (!extraFiles.ContainsKey(shp)) extraFiles[shp] = new List(); //we want to preserve casing for everything before the extension string prefix = shp.Substring(0, shp.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); //NOXLATE extraFiles[shp].Add(prefix + "shx"); //NOXLATE extraFiles[shp].Add(prefix + "dbf"); //NOXLATE extraFiles[shp].Add(prefix + "idx"); //NOXLATE extraFiles[shp].Add(prefix + "prj"); //NOXLATE extraFiles[shp].Add(prefix + "cpg"); //NOXLATE //TODO: Are we missing anything else? } foreach (string file in shpFiles) { bool success = false; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { string resName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); string dataName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file); string fsId = fsRoot + resName + ".FeatureSource"; //NOXLATE string lyrId = layerRoot + resName + ".LayerDefinition"; //NOXLATE if (shpl.GenerateSpatialDataSources) { //Skip only if we have an update list and this resource id is not in it bool skip = (resToUpdate.Count > 0 && !resToUpdate.Contains(fsId)); if (!skip) { //Process is as follows: // // 1. Create and save feature source document. // 2. Upload sdf file as resource data for this document. // 3. Test the connection, it should check out. // 4. If no spatial contexts are detected, assign a default one from the load procedure and save the modified feature source. //Step 1: Create feature source document var conp = new NameValueCollection(); conp["DefaultFileLocation"] = StringConstants.MgDataFilePath + dataName; //NOXLATE var fs = ObjectFactory.CreateFeatureSource("OSGeo.SHP", conp); //NOXLATE fs.ResourceID = fsId; this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(fs); resCreatedOrUpdated.Add(fsId); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, fsId), current)); //TODO: When the infrastructure is available to us (ie. A portable .net FDO/MG Feature Service API wrapper) //Maybe then we can actually implement the generalization and conversion properties. Until then, we skip //these options //Step 2: Load resource data for document this.Parent.ResourceService.SetResourceData(fsId, dataName, ResourceDataType.File, System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateLoaded, file), current)); //Load supplementary files foreach (string extraFile in extraFiles[file]) { string dn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(extraFile); if (System.IO.File.Exists(extraFile)) { this.Parent.ResourceService.SetResourceData(fsId, dn, ResourceDataType.File, System.IO.File.OpenRead(extraFile)); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateLoaded, extraFile), current)); } } //Step 3: Test to make sure we're all good so far string result = this.Parent.FeatureService.TestConnection(fsId); if (Utility.IsSuccessfulConnectionTestResult(result)) { //Step 4: Test to see if default cs needs to be specified FdoSpatialContextList spatialContexts = this.Parent.FeatureService.GetSpatialContextInfo(fsId, false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shpl.CoordinateSystem)) { bool hasPrj = false; //If there is no prj file, we can just upload one with the specified WKT var resData = this.Parent.ResourceService.EnumerateResourceData(fs.ResourceID); foreach (var resd in resData.ResourceData) { if (resd.Name == resName + ".prj") //NOXLATE { hasPrj = true; break; } } //Case 1: No .prj file. Most probable if (!hasPrj) { string tmp = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tmp, shpl.CoordinateSystem); using (var fsr = System.IO.File.OpenRead(tmp)) { this.Parent.ResourceService.SetResourceData(fs.ResourceID, resName + ".prj", ResourceDataType.File, fsr); //NOXLATE cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateUploadedPrj, resName), current)); } try { System.IO.File.Delete(tmp); } catch { } } else if (spatialContexts.SpatialContext.Count == 0) //Case 2: No Spatial contexts. Declare one using SupplementalContextInfo { //Register the default CS from the load procedure fs.AddSpatialContextOverride(new OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.FeatureSource.v1_0_0.SpatialContextType() { Name = "Default", //NOXLATE CoordinateSystem = shpl.CoordinateSystem }); //Update this feature source this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(fs); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateSetSpatialContext, fsId), current)); } else if (spatialContexts.SpatialContext.Count == 1) //Case 3: One spatial context with blank WKT. Override it using the SupplementalContextInfo { var sc = spatialContexts.SpatialContext[0]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sc.CoordinateSystemWkt)) { //Register the default CS from the load procedure fs.AddSpatialContextOverride(new OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.FeatureSource.v1_0_0.SpatialContextType() { Name = sc.Name, CoordinateSystem = shpl.CoordinateSystem }); //Update this feature source this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(fs); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateSetSpatialContext, fsId), current)); } } } } } } if (shpl.GenerateLayers) { //Skip only if we have an update list and this resource id is not in it bool skip = (resToUpdate.Count > 0 && !resToUpdate.Contains(lyrId)); if (!skip) { //NOTE: Because we are working against 1.0.0 object types this will always create 1.0.0 Layer Definition //resources //Process is as follows // // 1. Describe the schema of the feature source // 2. If it contains at least one feature class, create a layer definition // 3. Set the following layer definition properties: // - Feature Source: the feature source id // - Feature Class: the first feature class in the schema // - Geometry: the first geometry property in the first feature class // 4. Infer the supported geometry types for this feature class. Toggle supported styles accordingly. //Step 1: Describe the schema // //NOTE: I think we can get away with the full schema walk here. It's very unlikely we will be uploading a flat //file with hundreds of classes. Even then, flat-file schema walk performance blows RDBMS walking performance //out of the water anyway. FeatureSourceDescription desc = this.Parent.FeatureService.DescribeFeatureSource(fsId); //Step 2: Find the first feature class with a geometry property ClassDefinition clsDef = null; GeometricPropertyDefinition geom = null; bool done = false; foreach (ClassDefinition cls in desc.AllClasses) { if (done) break; foreach (PropertyDefinition prop in cls.Properties) { if (done) break; if (prop.Type == OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Schema.PropertyDefinitionType.Geometry) { clsDef = cls; geom = (GeometricPropertyDefinition)prop; done = true; } } } if (clsDef != null && geom != null) { var ld = ObjectFactory.CreateDefaultLayer(LayerType.Vector, new Version(1, 0, 0)); //Step 3: Assign default properties ld.ResourceID = lyrId; var vld = ld.SubLayer as IVectorLayerDefinition; vld.ResourceId = fsId; vld.FeatureName = clsDef.QualifiedName; vld.Geometry = geom.Name; //Step 4: Infer geometry storage support and remove unsupported styles var scale = vld.GetScaleRangeAt(0); var geomTypes = geom.GetIndividualGeometricTypes(); var remove = new List(); if (Array.IndexOf(geomTypes, FeatureGeometricType.Point) < 0) { remove.Add(FeatureGeometricType.Point.ToString().ToLower()); } if (Array.IndexOf(geomTypes, FeatureGeometricType.Curve) < 0) { remove.Add(FeatureGeometricType.Curve.ToString().ToLower()); } if (Array.IndexOf(geomTypes, FeatureGeometricType.Surface) < 0) { remove.Add(FeatureGeometricType.Surface.ToString().ToLower()); } scale.RemoveStyles(remove); this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(ld); resCreatedOrUpdated.Add(lyrId); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, lyrId), current)); } } } success = true; } else { cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateFileNotFound, file), current)); } //This file is now fully processed, so increment progress current += pcPerFile; if (success) { cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateSuccess, file), current)); } } return resCreatedOrUpdated.ToArray(); } private string[] ExecuteBaseProcedure(LengthyOperationProgressCallBack cb, IBaseLoadProcedure proc, ref bool firstExecution) { List resCreatedOrUpdated = new List(); var files = proc.SourceFile; int pcPerFile = (int)(100 / files.Count); int current = 0; string root = proc.RootPath; if (!root.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE root += "/"; //NOXLATE string sdp = proc.SpatialDataSourcesPath; string lp = proc.LayersPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdp)) { if (!sdp.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE sdp += "/"; //NOXLATE } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lp)) { if (!lp.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE lp += "/"; //NOXLATE } string fsRoot = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdp) ? root : sdp) + proc.SpatialDataSourcesFolder; string layerRoot = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lp) ? root : lp) + proc.LayersFolder; if (!fsRoot.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE fsRoot += "/"; //NOXLATE if (!layerRoot.EndsWith("/")) //NOXLATE layerRoot += "/"; //NOXLATE List resToUpdate = new List(); if (proc.ResourceId != null && proc.ResourceId.Count > 0) { resToUpdate.AddRange(proc.ResourceId); firstExecution = false; } else { firstExecution = true; } foreach (string file in files) { bool success = false; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) { //GOTCHA: We are assuming these SDF files are not SDF2 files. This is //because there is no multi-platform solution to convert SDF2 files to SDF3 string resName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); string dataName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file); string dsId = fsRoot + resName + ".DrawingSource"; //NOXLATE string fsId = fsRoot + resName + ".FeatureSource"; //NOXLATE string lyrId = layerRoot + resName + ".LayerDefinition"; //NOXLATE if (proc.GenerateSpatialDataSources) { //Skip only if we have an update list and this resource id is not in it bool skip = (resToUpdate.Count > 0 && !resToUpdate.Contains(fsId)); if (!skip) { if (proc.Type == LoadType.Dwf) { //Process is as follows: // // 1. Create and save drawing source document. // 2. Upload dwf file as resource data for this document. //Step 1: Create and save drawing source document. IDrawingSource ds = ObjectFactory.CreateDrawingSource(); ds.SourceName = dataName; ds.CoordinateSpace = proc.CoordinateSystem; ds.ResourceID = dsId; this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(ds); resCreatedOrUpdated.Add(dsId); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, dsId), current)); //Step 2: Load resource data for document this.Parent.ResourceService.SetResourceData(dsId, dataName, ResourceDataType.File, System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateLoaded, file), current)); ds.RegenerateSheetList(this.Parent); this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(ds); ds.UpdateExtents(this.Parent); this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(ds); } else { //Process is as follows: // // 1. Create and save feature source document. // 2. Upload sdf file as resource data for this document. // 3. Test the connection, it should check out. // 4. If no spatial contexts are detected, assign a default one from the load procedure and save the modified feature source. //Step 1: Create feature source document string provider = "OSGeo.SDF"; //NOXLATE switch (proc.Type) { case LoadType.Sqlite: provider = "OSGeo.SQLite"; //NOXLATE break; } var conp = new NameValueCollection(); conp["File"] = StringConstants.MgDataFilePath + dataName; var fs = ObjectFactory.CreateFeatureSource(provider, conp); fs.ResourceID = fsId; this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(fs); resCreatedOrUpdated.Add(fsId); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, fsId), current)); //TODO: When the infrastructure is available to us (ie. A portable .net FDO/MG Feature Service API wrapper) //Maybe then we can actually implement the generalization and duplicate record handling properties. Until then, we skip //these options //Step 2: Load resource data for document this.Parent.ResourceService.SetResourceData(fsId, dataName, ResourceDataType.File, System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, file), current)); //Step 3: Test to make sure we're all good so far string result = this.Parent.FeatureService.TestConnection(fsId); //LocalNativeConnection returns this string, so I'm assuming this is the "success" result if (result == "No errors" || result.ToLower() == "true") //NOXLATE { //Step 4: Test to see if default cs needs to be specified FdoSpatialContextList spatialContexts = this.Parent.FeatureService.GetSpatialContextInfo(fsId, false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proc.CoordinateSystem)) { //Case 1: No spatial contexts. Register one using SupplementalContextInfo if (spatialContexts.SpatialContext.Count == 0) { //Register the default CS from the load procedure fs.AddSpatialContextOverride(new OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.FeatureSource.v1_0_0.SpatialContextType() { Name = "Default", //NOXLATE CoordinateSystem = proc.CoordinateSystem }); //Update this feature source this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(fs); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateSetSpatialContext, fsId), current)); } else if (spatialContexts.SpatialContext.Count == 1) //Case 2: One spatial context, but its WKT is blank. Override using SupplementalContextInfo { var sc = spatialContexts.SpatialContext[0]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sc.CoordinateSystemWkt)) { //Register the default CS from the load procedure fs.AddSpatialContextOverride(new OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.FeatureSource.v1_0_0.SpatialContextType() { Name = sc.Name, CoordinateSystem = proc.CoordinateSystem }); //Update this feature source this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(fs); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateSetSpatialContext, fsId), current)); } } } } } } } if (proc.GenerateLayers) { //Skip only if we have an update list and this resource id is not in it bool skip = (resToUpdate.Count > 0 && !resToUpdate.Contains(lyrId)); if (!skip) { if (proc.Type == LoadType.Dwf) { //Process is as follows // // 1. Enumerate the sheets on the drawing source // 2. Set the referenced sheet to the first known sheet var dwSvc = (IDrawingService)Parent.GetService((int)ServiceType.Drawing); var list = dwSvc.EnumerateDrawingSections(dsId); if (list.Section.Count > 0) { //Create drawing layer var ld = ObjectFactory.CreateDefaultLayer(LayerType.Drawing, new Version(1, 0, 0)); var dl = ld.SubLayer as IDrawingLayerDefinition; dl.ResourceId = dsId; //Use the first one dl.Sheet = list.Section[0].Name; ld.ResourceID = lyrId; this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(ld); resCreatedOrUpdated.Add(lyrId); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, lyrId), current)); } } else { //NOTE: Because we are working against 1.0.0 object types this will always create 1.0.0 Layer Definition //resources //Process is as follows // // 1. Describe the schema of the feature source // 2. If it contains at least one feature class, create a layer definition // 3. Set the following layer definition properties: // - Feature Source: the feature source id // - Feature Class: the first feature class in the schema // - Geometry: the first geometry property in the first feature class // 4. Infer the supported geometry types for this feature class. Toggle supported styles accordingly. //Step 1: Describe the schema // //NOTE: I think we can get away with the full schema walk here. It's very unlikely we will be uploading a flat //file with hundreds of classes. Even then, flat-file schema walk performance blows RDBMS walking performance //out of the water anyway. FeatureSourceDescription desc = this.Parent.FeatureService.DescribeFeatureSource(fsId); if (desc.HasClasses()) { //Step 2: Find the first feature class with a geometry property ClassDefinition clsDef = null; GeometricPropertyDefinition geom = null; bool done = false; foreach (ClassDefinition cls in desc.AllClasses) { if (done) break; foreach (PropertyDefinition prop in cls.Properties) { if (done) break; if (prop.Type == OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Schema.PropertyDefinitionType.Geometry) { clsDef = cls; geom = (GeometricPropertyDefinition)prop; done = true; } } } if (clsDef != null && geom != null) { var ld = ObjectFactory.CreateDefaultLayer(LayerType.Vector, new Version(1, 0, 0)); //Step 3: Assign default properties ld.ResourceID = lyrId; var vld = ld.SubLayer as IVectorLayerDefinition; vld.ResourceId = fsId; vld.FeatureName = clsDef.QualifiedName; vld.Geometry = geom.Name; //Step 4: Infer geometry storage support and remove unsupported styles var geomTypes = geom.GetIndividualGeometricTypes(); var scale = vld.GetScaleRangeAt(0); var remove = new List(); if (Array.IndexOf(geomTypes, FeatureGeometricType.Point) < 0) { remove.Add(FeatureGeometricType.Point.ToString().ToLower()); } if (Array.IndexOf(geomTypes, FeatureGeometricType.Curve) < 0) { remove.Add(FeatureGeometricType.Curve.ToString().ToLower()); } if (Array.IndexOf(geomTypes, FeatureGeometricType.Surface) < 0) { remove.Add(FeatureGeometricType.Surface.ToString().ToLower()); } scale.RemoveStyles(remove); this.Parent.ResourceService.SaveResource(ld); resCreatedOrUpdated.Add(lyrId); cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateCreated, lyrId), current)); } } } } } success = true; } else { cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateFileNotFound, file), current)); } //This file is now fully processed, so increment progress current += pcPerFile; if (success) { cb(this, new LengthyOperationProgressArgs(string.Format(Strings.TemplateFileProcessed, file), current)); } } return resCreatedOrUpdated.ToArray(); } } }