#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2009, Kenneth Skovhede // http://www.hexad.dk, opensource@hexad.dk // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Exceptions; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI { /// /// Class that makes XSD validation /// public class XmlValidator { private List warnings = new List(); private List errors = new List(); /// /// Gets the validation warnings. /// public ReadOnlyCollection ValidationWarnings => this.warnings.AsReadOnly(); /// /// Gets the validation errors. /// public ReadOnlyCollection ValidationErrors => this.errors.AsReadOnly(); /// /// Validates the specified XML. /// /// The XML. /// The array of objects to validate against. public void Validate(Stream xml, XmlSchema[] xsds) { this.warnings.Clear(); this.errors.Clear(); var config = new XmlReaderSettings(); if (xsds != null && xsds.Length > 0) { foreach (var xsd in xsds) config.Schemas.Add(xsd); } config.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; config.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings; config.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema; config.ValidationFlags |= XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessSchemaLocation; //This will trap all the errors and warnings that are raised config.ValidationEventHandler += (s, e) => { var ex = e.Exception; if (e.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Warning) { this.warnings.Add(string.Format(Strings.XmlValidationIssueTemplate, ex.LineNumber, ex.LinePosition, ex.Message)); } else { this.errors.Add(string.Format(Strings.XmlValidationIssueTemplate, ex.LineNumber, ex.LinePosition, ex.Message)); } }; using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(xml, config)) { while (reader.Read()) { } //Trigger the validation } } private static XmlSchema GetXsd(string xsdPath, string xsdFile) { string path = xsdFile; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xsdPath)) path = Path.Combine(xsdPath, xsdFile); if (File.Exists(path)) { ValidationEventHandler handler = (s, e) => { }; return XmlSchema.Read(File.OpenRead(path), handler); } return null; } /// /// Validates the content of the resource XML. /// /// Content of the XML. /// The XSD path. /// The errors. /// The warnings. public static void ValidateResourceXmlContent(string xmlContent, string xsdPath, out string[] errors, out string[] warnings) { errors = new string[0]; warnings = new string[0]; List err = new List(); List warn = new List(); //Test for well-formedness try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlContent); } catch (XmlException ex) { err.Add(ex.Message); } IResource res = null; //Test for serializablility try { //Use original resource type to determine how to deserialize res = ObjectFactory.DeserializeXml(xmlContent); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex is SerializationException)) err.Add(ex.Message); else res = null; } if (res != null) { //Finally verify the content itself var xml = xmlContent; var xsds = new Dictionary(); var xsd = GetXsd(xsdPath, res.ValidatingSchema); if (xsd != null) xsds.Add(res.ValidatingSchema, xsd); else return; //One or more schemas is not found. Cannot proceed. Let MG figure it out //HACK: Yes this is hard-coded because XmlSchema's dependency resolution sucks! //Nearly all relevant xsds include this anyway so add it to the set var pc = GetXsd(xsdPath, "PlatformCommon-1.0.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (pc != null) xsds.Add("PlatformCommon-1.0.0.xsd", pc); //NOXLATE if (res.ResourceType == ResourceTypes.LayerDefinition.ToString()) { string version = res.ResourceVersion.ToString(); if (version.StartsWith("1.1.0")) //NOXLATE { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-1.0.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-1.0.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE } else if (version.StartsWith("1.2.0") || version.StartsWith("1.3.0")) //NOXLATE { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE } else if (version.StartsWith("2.3.0")) //NOXLATE { var wmd = GetXsd(xsdPath, "WatermarkDefinition-2.3.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (wmd != null) xsds.Add("WatermarkDefinition-2.3.0.xsd", wmd); //NOXLATE } else if (version.StartsWith("2.4.0")) //NOXLATE { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-2.4.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-2.4.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE var wmd = GetXsd(xsdPath, "WatermarkDefinition-2.4.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (wmd != null) xsds.Add("WatermarkDefinition-2.4.0.xsd", wmd); //NOXLATE } } if (res.ResourceType == ResourceTypes.WatermarkDefinition.ToString()) { string version = res.ResourceVersion.ToString(); if (version.StartsWith("2.3.0")) //NOXLATE { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE } else if (version.StartsWith("2.4.0")) { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-2.4.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-2.4.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE } } if (res.ResourceType == ResourceTypes.MapDefinition.ToString()) { string version = res.ResourceVersion.ToString(); if (version.StartsWith("2.3.0")) { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE var wmd = GetXsd(xsdPath, "WatermarkDefinition-2.3.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (wmd != null) xsds.Add("WatermarkDefinition-2.3.0.xsd", wmd); //NOXLATE } else if (version.StartsWith("2.4.0") || version.StartsWith("3.0.0")) { var sym = GetXsd(xsdPath, "SymbolDefinition-2.4.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (sym != null) xsds.Add("SymbolDefinition-2.4.0.xsd", sym); //NOXLATE var wmd = GetXsd(xsdPath, "WatermarkDefinition-2.4.0.xsd"); //NOXLATE if (wmd != null) xsds.Add("WatermarkDefinition-2.4.0.xsd", wmd); //NOXLATE } } string xsdName = res.ResourceType.ToString() + "-" + res.ResourceVersion.ToString() + ".xsd"; //NOXLATE if (!xsds.ContainsKey(xsdName)) { var schemaObj = GetXsd(xsdPath, xsdName); if (schemaObj != null) xsds.Add(xsdName, schemaObj); } var validator = new XmlValidator(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml))) { validator.Validate(ms, new List(xsds.Values).ToArray()); } err.AddRange(validator.ValidationErrors); warn.AddRange(validator.ValidationWarnings); } errors = err.ToArray(); warnings = warn.ToArray(); } } }