#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2014, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.Common { /// /// Represents a Spatial Context of a Feature Source /// public interface IFdoSpatialContext : IFdoSerializable { /// /// Gets or sets the name of the coordinate system. /// /// /// The name of the coordinate system. /// string CoordinateSystemName { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the coordinate system WKT. /// /// /// The coordinate system WKT. /// string CoordinateSystemWkt { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the description. /// /// /// The description. /// string Description { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the extent. /// /// /// The extent. /// IEnvelope Extent { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the type of the extent. /// /// /// The type of the extent. /// FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentType ExtentType { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the name. /// /// /// The name. /// string Name { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the XY tolerance. /// /// /// The XY tolerance. /// double XYTolerance { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the Z tolerance. /// /// /// The Z tolerance. /// double ZTolerance { get; set; } } partial class FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContext : IFdoSpatialContext { [XmlIgnore] IEnvelope IFdoSpatialContext.Extent { get { double llx; double lly; double urx; double ury; if (double.TryParse(this.Extent.LowerLeftCoordinate.X, out llx) && double.TryParse(this.Extent.LowerLeftCoordinate.Y, out lly) && double.TryParse(this.Extent.UpperRightCoordinate.X, out urx) && double.TryParse(this.Extent.UpperRightCoordinate.Y, out ury)) return ObjectFactory.CreateEnvelope(llx, lly, urx, ury); return null; } set { if (value == null) { this.Extent = null; return; } this.Extent = new FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtent() { LowerLeftCoordinate = new FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentLowerLeftCoordinate() { X = value.MinX.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Y = value.MinY.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, UpperRightCoordinate = new FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentUpperRightCoordinate() { X = value.MaxX.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Y = value.MaxY.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) } }; } } public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlDocument doc, System.Xml.XmlNode currentNode) { //Can't write dynamic extents if (this.ExtentType == FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentType.Dynamic) return; var crs = doc.CreateElement("gml", "DerivedCRS", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE { crs.SetAttribute("id", XmlNamespaces.GML, this.Name); //NOXLATE var meta = doc.CreateElement("gml", "metaDataProperty", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE crs.AppendChild(meta); { var genMeta = doc.CreateElement("gml", "GenericMetaData", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE meta.AppendChild(genMeta); { var fdoXY = doc.CreateElement("fdo", "XYTolerance", XmlNamespaces.FDO); //NOXLATE var fdoZ = doc.CreateElement("fdo", "ZTolerance", XmlNamespaces.FDO); //NOXLATE fdoXY.InnerText = this.XYTolerance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); fdoZ.InnerText = this.ZTolerance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); genMeta.AppendChild(fdoXY); genMeta.AppendChild(fdoZ); } } var remarks = doc.CreateElement("gml", "remarks", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE remarks.InnerText = this.Description; crs.AppendChild(remarks); var csName = doc.CreateElement("gml", "srsName", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE csName.InnerText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CoordinateSystemName) ? this.Name : this.CoordinateSystemName; crs.AppendChild(csName); var ext = doc.CreateElement("gml", "validArea", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE { var bbox = doc.CreateElement("gml", "boundingBox", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE { var ll = doc.CreateElement("gml", "pos", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE var ur = doc.CreateElement("gml", "pos", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE ll.InnerText = this.Extent.LowerLeftCoordinate.X + " " + this.Extent.LowerLeftCoordinate.Y; //NOXLATE ur.InnerText = this.Extent.UpperRightCoordinate.X + " " + this.Extent.UpperRightCoordinate.Y; //NOXLATE bbox.AppendChild(ll); bbox.AppendChild(ur); } ext.AppendChild(bbox); } crs.AppendChild(ext); var baseCrs = doc.CreateElement("gml", "baseCRS", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE var definedBy = doc.CreateElement("gml", "definedByConversion", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE var derivedCrs = doc.CreateElement("gml", "derivedCRSType", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE var userCs = doc.CreateElement("gml", "usesCS", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CoordinateSystemWkt)) { baseCrs.SetAttribute("href", XmlNamespaces.XLINK, "http://fdo.osgeo.org/schemas/feature/crs/#" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CoordinateSystemName) ? this.Name : this.CoordinateSystemName)); //NOXLATE } else { var wktCRS = doc.CreateElement("fdo", "WKTCRS", XmlNamespaces.FDO); //NOXLATE wktCRS.SetAttribute("id", XmlNamespaces.GML, this.Name); //NOXLATE { var srsName = doc.CreateElement("gml", "srsName", XmlNamespaces.GML); //NOXLATE srsName.InnerText = this.nameField; var fdowkt = doc.CreateElement("fdo", "WKT", XmlNamespaces.FDO); //NOXLATE fdowkt.InnerText = this.CoordinateSystemWkt; wktCRS.AppendChild(srsName); wktCRS.AppendChild(fdowkt); } baseCrs.AppendChild(wktCRS); } definedBy.SetAttribute("href", XmlNamespaces.XLINK, "http://fdo.osgeo.org/coord_conversions#identity"); //NOXLATE derivedCrs.SetAttribute("codeSpace", "http://fdo.osgeo.org/crs_types"); //NOXLATE derivedCrs.InnerText = "geographic"; //NOXLATE userCs.SetAttribute("href", XmlNamespaces.XLINK, "http://fdo.osgeo.org/cs#default_cartesian"); //NOXLATE crs.AppendChild(baseCrs); crs.AppendChild(definedBy); crs.AppendChild(derivedCrs); crs.AppendChild(userCs); } currentNode.AppendChild(crs); } public void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlNode node, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager mgr) { if (!node.Name.Equals("gml:DerivedCRS")) //NOXLATE throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.ErrorBadDocumentExpectedElement, "gml:DerivedCRS")); //Start off as dynamic, until we find a bounding box. Then we set it to static this.ExtentType = FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentType.Dynamic; var meta = node["gml:metaDataProperty"]; //NOXLATE if (meta != null) { var genMeta = meta["gml:GenericMetaData"]; //NOXLATE var scType = Utils.GetFdoElement(genMeta, "SCExtentType"); //NOXLATE var xyTol = Utils.GetFdoElement(genMeta, "XYTolerance"); //NOXLATE var zTol = Utils.GetFdoElement(genMeta, "ZTolerance"); //NOXLATE //this.ExtentType = (scType == null || scType.InnerText == "dynamic") ? FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentType.Dynamic : FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentType.Static; double xy_tol; double z_tol; if (double.TryParse(xyTol.InnerText, out xy_tol)) this.XYTolerance = xy_tol; if (double.TryParse(zTol.InnerText, out z_tol)) this.ZTolerance = z_tol; } else { this.XYTolerance = 0.0001; this.ZTolerance = 0.0001; } var remarks = node["gml:remarks"]; //NOXLATE var srsName = node["gml:srsName"]; //NOXLATE var ext = node["gml:validArea"]; //NOXLATE var baseCrs = node["gml:baseCRS"]; //NOXLATE this.Name = srsName.InnerText; this.Description = (remarks != null) ? remarks.InnerText : string.Empty; var bbox = ext["gml:boundingBox"]; //NOXLATE if (bbox != null) { var ll = bbox.FirstChild; var ur = bbox.LastChild; var llt = ll.InnerText.Split(' '); //NOXLATE var urt = ur.InnerText.Split(' '); //NOXLATE if (llt.Length != 2 || urt.Length != 2) throw new Exception(Strings.ErrorBadDocumentInvalidBbox); this.Extent = new FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtent() { LowerLeftCoordinate = new FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentLowerLeftCoordinate() { X = llt[0], Y = llt[1] }, UpperRightCoordinate = new FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentUpperRightCoordinate() { X = urt[0], Y = urt[1] } }; this.ExtentType = FdoSpatialContextListSpatialContextExtentType.Static; } if (baseCrs.HasAttribute("xlink:href")) //NOXLATE { var href = baseCrs.GetAttribute("xlink:href"); //NOXLATE this.CoordinateSystemName = href.Substring(href.LastIndexOf("#") + 1); //NOXLATE } var wktCrs = Utils.GetFdoElement(baseCrs, "WKTCRS"); //NOXLATE if (wktCrs != null) { var wkt = Utils.GetFdoElement(wktCrs, "WKT"); //NOXLATE if (wkt != null) { this.CoordinateSystemWkt = wkt.InnerText; } } } } }