#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2014, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License #define LDF_240 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; #pragma warning disable 1591, 0114, 0108 #if LDF_110 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_1_0 #elif LDF_120 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_2_0 #elif LDF_130 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_3_0 #elif LDF_230 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v2_3_0 #elif LDF_240 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v2_4_0 #else namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_0_0 #endif { using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition; using System.Xml.Serialization; partial class GridLayerDefinitionType : IRasterLayerDefinition { [XmlIgnore] public override LayerType LayerType { get { return LayerType.Raster; } } [XmlIgnore] string ISubLayerDefinition.ResourceId { get { return this.ResourceId; } set { this.ResourceId = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IRasterLayerDefinition.FeatureName { get { return this.FeatureName; } set { this.FeatureName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IRasterLayerDefinition.Geometry { get { return this.Geometry; } set { this.Geometry = value; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IRasterLayerDefinition.GridScaleRange { get { foreach (var gsr in this.GridScaleRange) { yield return gsr; } } } public void AddGridScaleRange(IGridScaleRange range) { var gsr = range as GridScaleRangeType; if (gsr != null) { this.GridScaleRange.Add(gsr); } } public void RemoveGridScaleRange(IGridScaleRange range) { var gsr = range as GridScaleRangeType; if (gsr != null) { this.GridScaleRange.Remove(gsr); } } public int IndexOfScaleRange(IGridScaleRange range) { var gsr = range as GridScaleRangeType; if (gsr != null) { this.GridScaleRange.IndexOf(gsr); } return -1; } public IGridScaleRange GetScaleRangeAt(int index) { return this.GridScaleRange[index]; } [XmlIgnore] public int GridScaleRangeCount { get { return this.GridScaleRange.Count; } } } partial class ChannelBandType : IChannelBand { [XmlIgnore] string IChannelBand.Band { get { return this.Band; } set { this.Band = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double? IChannelBand.LowBand { get { return this.LowBandSpecified ? new Nullable(this.LowBand) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.LowBand = value.Value; this.LowBandSpecified = true; } else { this.LowBandSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] double? IChannelBand.HighBand { get { return this.HighBandSpecified ? new Nullable(this.HighBand) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.HighBand = value.Value; this.HighBandSpecified = true; } else { this.HighBandSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] byte IChannelBand.LowChannel { get { return this.LowChannel; } set { this.LowChannel = value; } } [XmlIgnore] byte IChannelBand.HighChannel { get { return this.HighChannel; } set { this.HighChannel = value; } } } partial class GridColorBandsType : IGridColorBands { [XmlIgnore] IChannelBand IGridColorBands.RedBand { get { return this.RedBand; } set { this.RedBand = (ChannelBandType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IChannelBand IGridColorBands.GreenBand { get { return this.GreenBand; } set { this.GreenBand = (ChannelBandType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IChannelBand IGridColorBands.BlueBand { get { return this.BlueBand; } set { this.BlueBand = (ChannelBandType)value; } } } //Class that addresses the shoddy impedence mismatch between the xsd //and the generated code internal abstract class ExplicitColorBase : IExplicitColor { [XmlIgnore] public abstract ItemChoiceType Type { get; } } //Class that addresses the shoddy impedence mismatch between the xsd //and the generated code internal class ExplicitColorBand : ExplicitColorBase, IExplicitColorBand { [XmlIgnore] public string Band { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public override ItemChoiceType Type { get { return ItemChoiceType.Band; } } } //Class that addresses the shoddy impedence mismatch between the xsd //and the generated code internal class ExplicitColor : ExplicitColorBase, IExplictColorValue { [XmlIgnore] public string Value { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public override ItemChoiceType Type { get { return ItemChoiceType.ExplicitColor; } } } //Class that addresses the shoddy impedence mismatch between the xsd //and the generated code internal class ExplicitColorBands : ExplicitColorBase, IExplicitColorBands { [XmlIgnore] public IGridColorBands Bands { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public override ItemChoiceType Type { get { return ItemChoiceType.Bands; } } } partial class GridColorType : IGridColor { [XmlIgnore] IExplicitColor IGridColor.ExplicitColor { get { return ParseItem(); } set { switch (this.ItemElementName) { case ItemChoiceType.Band: this.Item = ((ExplicitColorBand)value).Band; break; case ItemChoiceType.Bands: this.Item = ((ExplicitColorBands)value).Bands; break; case ItemChoiceType.ExplicitColor: this.Item = ((ExplicitColor)value).Value; break; } } } private IExplicitColor ParseItem() { if (this.Item == null) return null; switch (this.ItemElementName) { case ItemChoiceType.Band: return new ExplicitColorBand() { Band = (string)this.Item }; case ItemChoiceType.Bands: return new ExplicitColorBands() { Bands = (IGridColorBands)this.Item }; case ItemChoiceType.ExplicitColor: return new ExplicitColor() { Value = (string)this.Item }; } throw new Exception(); //Should never get here } public void SetValue(string htmlColor) { this.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.ExplicitColor; this.Item = htmlColor; } public string GetValue() { if (this.Item != null && this.ItemElementName == ItemChoiceType.ExplicitColor) { return this.Item.ToString(); } return null; } } partial class GridColorRuleType : IGridColorRule { [XmlIgnore] string IGridColorRule.LegendLabel { get { return this.LegendLabel; } set { this.LegendLabel = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IGridColorRule.Filter { get { return this.Filter; } set { this.Filter = value; } } [XmlIgnore] ITextSymbol IGridColorRule.Label { get { return this.Label; } set { this.Label = (TextSymbolType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IGridColor IGridColorRule.Color { get { return this.Color; } set { this.Color = (GridColorType)value; } } } partial class HillShadeType : IHillShade { [XmlIgnore] string IHillShade.Band { get { return this.Band; } set { this.Band = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double IHillShade.Azimuth { get { return this.Azimuth; } set { this.Azimuth = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double IHillShade.Altitude { get { return this.Altitude; } set { this.Altitude = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double IHillShade.ScaleFactor { get { return this.ScaleFactor; } set { this.ScaleFactor = value; } } } partial class GridColorStyleType : IGridColorStyle { [XmlIgnore] IHillShade IGridColorStyle.HillShade { get { return this.HillShade; } set { this.HillShade = (HillShadeType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IGridColorStyle.TransparencyColor { get { return this.TransparencyColor == null ? string.Empty : this.TransparencyColor.ToString(); } set { this.TransparencyColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double? IGridColorStyle.BrightnessFactor { get { return this.BrightnessFactor; } set { this.BrightnessFactor = value.HasValue ? value.Value : default(double); } } [XmlIgnore] double? IGridColorStyle.ContrastFactor { get { return this.ContrastFactor; } set { this.ContrastFactor = value.HasValue ? value.Value : default(double); } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IGridColorStyle.ColorRule { get { foreach (var cr in this.ColorRule) { yield return cr; } } } void IGridColorStyle.AddColorRule(IGridColorRule rule) { var cr = rule as GridColorRuleType; if (cr != null) this.ColorRule.Add((GridColorRuleType)cr); } void IGridColorStyle.RemoveColorRule(IGridColorRule rule) { var cr = rule as GridColorRuleType; if (cr != null) this.ColorRule.Remove((GridColorRuleType)cr); } [XmlIgnore] public int ColorRuleCount { get { return this.ColorRule.Count; } } public IGridColorRule GetColorRuleAt(int index) { return this.ColorRule[index]; } public IHillShade CreateHillShade() { return new HillShadeType(); } } partial class GridSurfaceStyleType : IGridSurfaceStyle { [XmlIgnore] string IGridSurfaceStyle.Band { get { return this.Band; } set { this.Band = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double IGridSurfaceStyle.ZeroValue { get { return this.ZeroValue; } set { this.ZeroValue = value; } } [XmlIgnore] double IGridSurfaceStyle.ScaleFactor { get { return this.ScaleFactor; } set { this.ScaleFactor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IGridSurfaceStyle.DefaultColor { get { return this.DefaultColor; } set { this.DefaultColor = value; } } } partial class GridScaleRangeType : IGridScaleRange { [XmlIgnore] double? IGridScaleRange.MinScale { get { return this.MinScale; } set { if (value.HasValue) this.MinScale = value.Value; } } [XmlIgnore] double? IGridScaleRange.MaxScale { get { return this.MaxScaleSpecified ? new Nullable(this.MaxScale) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.MaxScale = value.Value; this.MaxScaleSpecified = true; } else { this.MaxScaleSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] IGridSurfaceStyle IGridScaleRange.SurfaceStyle { get { return this.SurfaceStyle; } set { this.SurfaceStyle = (GridSurfaceStyleType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IGridColorStyle IGridScaleRange.ColorStyle { get { return this.ColorStyle; } set { this.ColorStyle = (GridColorStyleType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] double IGridScaleRange.RebuildFactor { get { return this.RebuildFactor; } set { this.RebuildFactor = value; } } public IGridColorStyle CreateColorStyle() { return new GridColorStyleType() { ColorRule = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), HillShade = new HillShadeType() }; } public IGridSurfaceStyle CreateSurfaceStyle() { return new GridSurfaceStyleType(); } } }