#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2014, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License #define LDF_240 using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; #pragma warning disable 1591, 0114, 0108 #if LDF_110 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_1_0 #elif LDF_120 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_2_0 #elif LDF_130 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_3_0 #elif LDF_230 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v2_3_0 #elif LDF_240 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v2_4_0 #else namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_0_0 #endif { /// /// A publically accessible entry point primarily used for registration with the and /// classes /// public static class LdfEntryPoint { public static ILayerDefinition CreateDefault(LayerType type) { return LayerDefinition.CreateDefault(type); } public static IResource Deserialize(string xml) { return LayerDefinition.Deserialize(xml); } public static Stream Serialize(IResource res) { var ldf = (ILayerDefinition)res; var vl = ldf.SubLayer as IVectorLayerDefinition; if (vl != null) { foreach (var vsr in vl.VectorScaleRange) { var vsr2 = vsr as IVectorScaleRange2; if (vsr2 != null) { var ctss = vsr2.CompositeStyle; if (ctss != null) { foreach (var cts in ctss) { foreach (var crs in cts.CompositeRule) { var csym = crs.CompositeSymbolization; if (csym != null) { foreach (var si in csym.SymbolInstance) { if (si.Reference.Type == OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.SymbolInstanceType.Inline) { var symBase = ((ISymbolInstanceReferenceInline)si.Reference).SymbolDefinition; symBase.RemoveSchemaAttributes(); } } } } } } } } } return res.SerializeToStream(); } } partial class LayerDefinition : ILayerElementFactory { public static ILayerDefinition CreateDefault(LayerType type) { var lyr = new LayerDefinition(); switch (type) { case LayerType.Drawing: lyr.CreateDrawingLayer(); break; case LayerType.Raster: lyr.CreateRasterLayer(); break; case LayerType.Vector: lyr.CreateVectorLayer(); break; } return lyr; } protected virtual VectorLayerDefinitionType CreateVectorLayerInstance() { return new VectorLayerDefinitionType(); } protected virtual VectorScaleRangeType CreateVectorScaleRangeInstance() { return new VectorScaleRangeType() { Items = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), AreaStyle = CreateDefaultAreaStyle(), LineStyle = CreateDefaultLineStyle(), PointStyle = CreateDefaultPointStyle() }; } public void CreateVectorLayer() { var vl = this.CreateVectorLayerInstance(); /* var vl = new VectorLayerDefinitionType() { #if LDF_240 Watermarks = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() #elif LDF_230 Watermarks = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() #endif }; */ //TODO: Create composite type style if 1.2 or 1.3 schema vl.VectorScaleRange = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(); var defaultRange = this.CreateVectorScaleRangeInstance(); /* var defaultRange = new VectorScaleRangeType() { Items = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), AreaStyle = CreateDefaultAreaStyle(), LineStyle = CreateDefaultLineStyle(), PointStyle = CreateDefaultPointStyle(), #if LDF_100 || LDF_110 #else CompositeStyle = new ICompositeTypeStyle[] { CreateDefaultCompositeStyle() } #endif }; */ vl.VectorScaleRange.Add(defaultRange); this.Item = vl; } public void CreateRasterLayer() { var gl = new GridLayerDefinitionType() { GridScaleRange = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), }; gl.AddGridScaleRange(new GridScaleRangeType() { ColorStyle = new GridColorStyleType() { ColorRule = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() { new GridColorRuleType() { LegendLabel = string.Empty, Color = new GridColorType() }, new GridColorRuleType() { LegendLabel = string.Empty, Color = new GridColorType() } } }, RebuildFactor = 1.0 }); gl.GetScaleRangeAt(0).ColorStyle.GetColorRuleAt(0).Color.SetValue("000000"); //NOXLATE gl.GetScaleRangeAt(0).ColorStyle.GetColorRuleAt(1).Color.SetValue("FFFFFF"); //NOXLATE this.Item = gl; } public void CreateDrawingLayer() { this.Item = new DrawingLayerDefinitionType(); } /// /// Creates a fill /// /// /// /// /// public IFill CreateFill(string pattern, System.Drawing.Color background, System.Drawing.Color foreground) { return new FillType() { BackgroundColor = Utils.SerializeHTMLColor(background, true), FillPattern = pattern, ForegroundColor = Utils.SerializeHTMLColor(foreground, true) }; } /// /// Creates a line stroke with default settings /// /// /// public IStroke CreateStroke(System.Drawing.Color color) { return new StrokeType() { Color = Utils.SerializeHTMLColor(color, true), LineStyle = "Solid", //NOXLATE Thickness = "1", //NOXLATE Unit = LengthUnitType.Points }; } public IStroke CreateDefaultStroke() { return CreateStroke(Color.Black); } public IPointVectorStyle CreateDefaultPointStyle() { IPointVectorStyle pts = new PointTypeStyleType() { PointRule = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }; pts.AddRule(CreateDefaultPointRule()); return pts; } public ILineVectorStyle CreateDefaultLineStyle() { ILineVectorStyle lts = new LineTypeStyleType() { LineRule = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }; lts.AddRule(CreateDefaultLineRule()); return lts; } public IAreaVectorStyle CreateDefaultAreaStyle() { IAreaVectorStyle ats = new AreaTypeStyleType() { AreaRule = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }; ats.AddRule(CreateDefaultAreaRule()); return ats; } public IVectorScaleRange CreateVectorScaleRange() { return new VectorScaleRangeType() { Items = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), AreaStyle = CreateDefaultAreaStyle(), LineStyle = CreateDefaultLineStyle(), PointStyle = CreateDefaultPointStyle() }; } public IFill CreateDefaultFill() { return CreateFill("Solid", Color.White, Color.White); //NOXLATE } public IMarkSymbol CreateDefaultMarkSymbol() { IMarkSymbol sym = new MarkSymbolType() { SizeContext = SizeContextType.DeviceUnits, MaintainAspect = true, Shape = ShapeType.Square, Rotation = "0", //NOXLATE SizeX = "10", //NOXLATE SizeY = "10", //NOXLATE Unit = LengthUnitType.Points }; sym.Edge = CreateDefaultStroke(); sym.Fill = CreateDefaultFill(); return sym; } public IFontSymbol CreateDefaultFontSymbol() { IFontSymbol sym = new FontSymbolType() { SizeContext = SizeContextType.DeviceUnits, MaintainAspect = true, FontName = "Arial", //NOXLATE Rotation = "0", //NOXLATE SizeX = "10", //NOXLATE SizeY = "10", //NOXLATE Unit = LengthUnitType.Points }; sym.SetForegroundColor(Color.Black); return sym; } public IPointSymbolization2D CreateDefaultPointSymbolization2D() { IPointSymbolization2D sym = new PointSymbolization2DType(); sym.Symbol = CreateDefaultMarkSymbol(); return sym; } public IPointRule CreateDefaultPointRule() { IPointRule pr = new PointRuleType() { LegendLabel = string.Empty }; pr.PointSymbolization2D = CreateDefaultPointSymbolization2D(); return pr; } public IAreaRule CreateDefaultAreaRule() { IAreaRule ar = new AreaRuleType() { LegendLabel = string.Empty }; ar.AreaSymbolization2D = CreateDefaultAreaSymbolizationFill(); return ar; } public IAreaSymbolizationFill CreateDefaultAreaSymbolizationFill() { IAreaSymbolizationFill fill = new AreaSymbolizationFillType(); fill.Fill = CreateDefaultFill(); fill.Stroke = CreateDefaultStroke(); return fill; } public ILineRule CreateDefaultLineRule() { ILineRule lr = new LineRuleType() { LegendLabel = "", Items = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }; lr.AddStroke(CreateDefaultStroke()); return lr; } public IAdvancedPlacement CreateDefaultAdvancedPlacement(double scaleLimit) { return new TextSymbolTypeAdvancedPlacement() { ScaleLimit = scaleLimit }; } public ITextSymbol CreateDefaultTextSymbol() { return new TextSymbolType() { AdvancedPlacement = null, BackgroundColor = Utils.SerializeHTMLColor(Color.White, true), BackgroundStyle = BackgroundStyleType.Transparent, Bold = "false", //NOXLATE FontName = "Arial", //NOXLATE ForegroundColor = Utils.SerializeHTMLColor(Color.Black, true), HorizontalAlignment = "'Center'", //NOXLATE Italic = "false", //NOXLATE Rotation = "0", //NOXLATE SizeContext = SizeContextType.DeviceUnits, SizeX = "10", //NOXLATE SizeY = "10", //NOXLATE Text = string.Empty, Underlined = "false", //NOXLATE Unit = LengthUnitType.Points, VerticalAlignment = "'Baseline'" //NOXLATE }; } public IW2DSymbol CreateDefaultW2DSymbol(string symbolLibrary, string symbolName) { return new W2DSymbolType() { W2DSymbol = new W2DSymbolTypeW2DSymbol() { ResourceId = symbolLibrary, LibraryItemName = symbolName }, }; } public virtual ICompositeRule CreateDefaultCompositeRule() { #if LDF_100 throw new NotImplementedException(); #else return new CompositeRule() { LegendLabel = string.Empty, CompositeSymbolization = new CompositeSymbolization() { SymbolInstance = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() } }; #endif } public virtual ICompositeTypeStyle CreateDefaultCompositeStyle() { #if LDF_100 throw new NotImplementedException(); #else var cts = new CompositeTypeStyle() { CompositeRule = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), #if LDF_110 || LDF_120 #else ShowInLegend = true, #endif }; cts.AddCompositeRule(CreateDefaultCompositeRule()); return cts; #endif } public virtual IUrlData CreateUrlData() { #if LDF_240 return new URLDataType(); #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif } public virtual ICompositeSymbolization CloneCompositeSymbolization(ICompositeSymbolization sym) { #if LDF_100 throw new NotImplementedException(); #else var csym = (CompositeSymbolization)sym; //Use quick and dirty XML in'n'out cloning to ensure no existing child references are //carried over var clone = CompositeSymbolization.Deserialize(csym.Serialize()); /* foreach (var oldInst in csym.SymbolInstance) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("old symbol instance: {0}", oldInst.GetHashCode()); } foreach (var newInst in clone.SymbolInstance) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("new symbol instance: {0}", newInst.GetHashCode()); }*/ return clone; #endif } } }