#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2014, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License #define LDF_240 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Xml; #pragma warning disable 1591, 0114, 0108 #if LDF_110 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_1_0 #elif LDF_120 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_2_0 #elif LDF_130 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_3_0 #elif LDF_230 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v2_3_0 #elif LDF_240 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v2_4_0 #else namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition.v1_0_0 #endif { using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.WatermarkDefinition; using System.Xml.Serialization; abstract partial class BaseLayerDefinitionType : ISubLayerDefinition #if LDF_230 || LDF_240 , ISubLayerDefinition2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] public abstract LayerType LayerType { get; } #if LDF_230 || LDF_240 [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IWatermarkCollection.Watermarks { get { foreach (var wm in this.Watermarks) yield return wm; } } IWatermark IWatermarkCollection.AddWatermark(IWatermarkDefinition watermark) { return WatermarkCollectionUtil.AddWatermark(this.Watermarks, watermark); } void IWatermarkCollection.RemoveWatermark(IWatermark watermark) { WatermarkCollectionUtil.RemoveWatermark(this.Watermarks, watermark); } [XmlIgnore] int IWatermarkCollection.WatermarkCount { get { return this.Watermarks.Count; } } #endif } partial class NameStringPairType : INameStringPair { [XmlIgnore] string INameStringPair.Name { get { return this.Name; } set { this.Name = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string INameStringPair.Value { get { return this.Value; } set { this.Value = value; } } } partial class VectorScaleRangeType : IVectorScaleRange #if !LDF_100 , IVectorScaleRange2 #endif { #region Missing generated stuff [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] private bool minScaleFieldSpecified; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()] public bool MinScaleSpecified { get { return this.minScaleFieldSpecified; } set { if ((minScaleFieldSpecified.Equals(value) != true)) { this.minScaleFieldSpecified = value; this.OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MinScaleSpecified)); } } } #endregion Missing generated stuff [XmlIgnore] public IAreaVectorStyle AreaStyle { get { foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(IAreaVectorStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) return (IAreaVectorStyle)item; } return null; } set { //Remove old one if it exists var item = this.AreaStyle; if (item != null) { this.itemsField.Remove(item); } //Put the new one in if it is not null if (value != null) { this.itemsField.Add(value); } } } [XmlIgnore] public ILineVectorStyle LineStyle { get { foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(ILineVectorStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) return (ILineVectorStyle)item; } return null; } set { //Remove old one if it exists var item = this.LineStyle; if (item != null) { this.itemsField.Remove(item); } //Put the new one in if it is not null if (value != null) { this.itemsField.Add(value); } } } [XmlIgnore] public IPointVectorStyle PointStyle { get { foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(IPointVectorStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) return (IPointVectorStyle)item; } return null; } set { //Remove old one if it exists var item = this.PointStyle; if (item != null) { this.itemsField.Remove(item); } //Put the new one in if it is not null if (value != null) { this.itemsField.Add(value); } } } [XmlIgnore] double? IVectorScaleRange.MinScale { get { return this.MinScaleSpecified ? new Nullable(this.MinScale) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.MinScaleSpecified = true; this.MinScale = value.Value; } else { this.MinScaleSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] double? IVectorScaleRange.MaxScale { get { return this.MaxScaleSpecified ? new Nullable(this.MaxScale) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.MaxScaleSpecified = true; this.MaxScale = value.Value; } else { this.MaxScaleSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] public IList AllStyles { get { return (IList)this.Items; } } IVectorScaleRange IVectorScaleRange.Clone() { return VectorScaleRangeType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } #if LDF_110 || LDF_120 [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable CompositeStyle { get { foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) yield return (ICompositeTypeStyle)item; } } set { //Clear old ones var remove = new List(); foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) remove.Add(item); } foreach (var obj in remove) { this.itemsField.Remove(obj); } //Put the new ones in if it is not null if (value != null) { foreach (var item in value) { if (!typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorObjectNotICompositeTypeStyle); this.itemsField.Add(item); } } } } #elif LDF_130 || LDF_230 || LDF_240 [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable CompositeStyle { get { foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle2).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) yield return (ICompositeTypeStyle2)item; } } set { //Clear old ones var remove = new List(); foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle2).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) remove.Add(item); } foreach (var obj in remove) { this.itemsField.Remove(obj); } //Put the new ones in if it is not null if (value != null) { foreach (var item in value) { if (!typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle2).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorObjectNotICompositeTypeStyle); this.itemsField.Add(item); } } } } #endif #if LDF_100 #else IElevationSettings IVectorScaleRange2.ElevationSettings { get { return this.ElevationSettings; } set { this.ElevationSettings = (ElevationSettingsType)value; } } IElevationSettings IVectorScaleRange2.Create(string zOffset, string zExtrusion, ElevationTypeType zOffsetType, LengthUnitType unit) { return new ElevationSettingsType() { ZOffset = zOffset, ZOffsetType = zOffsetType, ZExtrusion = zExtrusion, Unit = unit }; } [XmlIgnore] int IVectorScaleRange2.CompositeStyleCount { get { int count = 0; foreach (var item in this.itemsField) { if (typeof(ICompositeTypeStyle).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) count++; } return count; } } #endif } #if LDF_100 #else partial class ElevationSettingsType : IElevationSettings { } #endif #if LDF_100 partial class StrokeType : IStroke #else partial class StrokeType : IStroke, IStroke2 #endif { internal StrokeType() { } IStroke ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return StrokeType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } #if LDF_100 #else IStroke2 ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return StrokeType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } #endif } partial class FillType : IFill { internal FillType() { } IFill ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return FillType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class AreaTypeStyleType : IAreaVectorStyle #if LDF_130 || LDF_230 || LDF_240 , IAreaVectorStyle2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IAreaVectorStyle.Rules { get { foreach (var ar in this.AreaRule) { yield return ar; } } } [XmlIgnore] int IVectorStyle.RuleCount { get { if (this.AreaRule != null) return this.AreaRule.Count; return 0; } } void IAreaVectorStyle.RemoveAllRules() { this.AreaRule.Clear(); } void IAreaVectorStyle.AddRule(IAreaRule rule) { var ar = rule as AreaRuleType; if (ar != null) this.AreaRule.Add(ar); } void IAreaVectorStyle.RemoveRule(IAreaRule rule) { var ar = rule as AreaRuleType; if (ar != null) this.AreaRule.Remove(ar); } [XmlIgnore] StyleType IVectorStyle.StyleType { get { return StyleType.Area; } } #region IRuleCollection Members public int IndexOfRule(IAreaRule rule) { var r = rule as AreaRuleType; if (r != null) return this.AreaRule.IndexOf(r); return -1; } public IAreaRule GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.AreaRule[index]; } public bool MoveUp(IAreaRule rule) { var r = rule as AreaRuleType; if (r != null) { return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.AreaRule, r); } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IAreaRule rule) { var r = rule as AreaRuleType; if (r != null) { return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.AreaRule, r); } return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members #region IRuleCollection Members IVectorRule IRuleCollection.GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.AreaRule[index]; } public int IndexOfRule(IVectorRule rule) { var r = rule as AreaRuleType; if (r != null) return this.AreaRule.IndexOf(r); return -1; } public bool MoveUp(IVectorRule rule) { var r = rule as AreaRuleType; if (r != null) { return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.AreaRule, r); } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IVectorRule rule) { var r = rule as AreaRuleType; if (r != null) { return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.AreaRule, r); } return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members } internal static class CollectionUtil { public static bool MoveUp(IList list, T obj) { var idx = list.IndexOf(obj); if (idx == 0) //Already at top return false; var newIdx = idx - 1; //Get object at index var obj2 = list[newIdx]; //Swap them list[idx] = obj2; list[newIdx] = obj; return true; } public static bool MoveDown(IList list, T obj) { var idx = list.IndexOf(obj); if (idx == list.Count - 1) //Already at bottom return false; var newIdx = idx + 1; //Get object at index var obj2 = list[newIdx]; //Swap them list[idx] = obj2; list[newIdx] = obj; return true; } } partial class AreaRuleType : IAreaRule { [XmlIgnore] IAreaSymbolizationFill IAreaRule.AreaSymbolization2D { get { return this.Item; } set { this.Item = (AreaSymbolizationFillType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] ITextSymbol IBasicVectorRule.Label { get { return this.Label; } set { this.Label = (TextSymbolType)value; } } } partial class PointTypeStyleType : IPointVectorStyle #if LDF_130 || LDF_230 || LDF_240 , IPointVectorStyle2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Rules { get { foreach (var pr in this.PointRule) { yield return pr; } } } [XmlIgnore] int IVectorStyle.RuleCount { get { if (this.PointRule != null) return this.PointRule.Count; return 0; } } public void RemoveAllRules() { this.PointRule.Clear(); } public void AddRule(IPointRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) this.PointRule.Add(pr); } public void RemoveRule(IPointRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) this.PointRule.Remove(pr); } [XmlIgnore] public StyleType StyleType { get { return StyleType.Point; } } #region IRuleCollection Members public int IndexOfRule(IPointRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) return this.PointRule.IndexOf(pr); return -1; } public IPointRule GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.PointRule[index]; } public bool MoveUp(IPointRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.PointRule, pr); return false; } public bool MoveDown(IPointRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.PointRule, pr); return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members #region IRuleCollection Members IVectorRule IRuleCollection.GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.PointRule[index]; } public int IndexOfRule(IVectorRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) return this.PointRule.IndexOf(pr); return -1; } public bool MoveUp(IVectorRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.PointRule, pr); return false; } public bool MoveDown(IVectorRule rule) { var pr = rule as PointRuleType; if (pr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.PointRule, pr); return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members } partial class PointRuleType : IPointRule { [XmlIgnore] ITextSymbol IBasicVectorRule.Label { get { return this.Label; } set { this.Label = (TextSymbolType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IPointSymbolization2D IPointRule.PointSymbolization2D { get { return this.Item; } set { this.Item = (PointSymbolization2DType)value; } } } partial class PointSymbolization2DType : IPointSymbolization2D { [XmlIgnore] ISymbol IPointSymbolization2D.Symbol { get { return (ISymbol)this.Item; } set { this.Item = (SymbolType)value; } } IPointSymbolization2D ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return PointSymbolization2DType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class LineTypeStyleType : ILineVectorStyle #if LDF_130 || LDF_230 || LDF_240 , ILineVectorStyle2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Rules { get { foreach (var lr in this.LineRule) { yield return lr; } } } [XmlIgnore] int IVectorStyle.RuleCount { get { if (this.LineRule != null) return this.LineRule.Count; return 0; } } public ILineRule GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.LineRule[index]; } public void RemoveAllRules() { this.LineRule.Clear(); } public void AddRule(ILineRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) this.LineRule.Add(lr); } public void RemoveRule(ILineRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) this.LineRule.Remove(lr); } [XmlIgnore] public StyleType StyleType { get { return StyleType.Line; } } #region IRuleCollection Members public int IndexOfRule(ILineRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) return this.LineRule.IndexOf(lr); return -1; } public bool MoveUp(ILineRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.LineRule, lr); return false; } public bool MoveDown(ILineRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.LineRule, lr); return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members #region IRuleCollection Members IVectorRule IRuleCollection.GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.LineRule[index]; } public int IndexOfRule(IVectorRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) return this.LineRule.IndexOf(lr); return -1; } public bool MoveUp(IVectorRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.LineRule, lr); return false; } public bool MoveDown(IVectorRule rule) { var lr = rule as LineRuleType; if (lr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.LineRule, lr); return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members } partial class LineRuleType : ILineRule { [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable ILineRule.Strokes { get { foreach (var str in this.Items) { yield return str; } } } [XmlIgnore] int ILineRule.StrokeCount { get { return this.Items.Count; } } void ILineRule.SetStrokes(IEnumerable strokes) { Check.ArgumentNotNull(strokes, nameof(strokes)); this.Items.Clear(); foreach (var stroke in strokes) { var st = stroke as StrokeType; if (st != null) this.Items.Add(st); } } void ILineRule.AddStroke(IStroke stroke) { var st = stroke as StrokeType; if (st != null) this.Items.Add(st); } void ILineRule.RemoveStroke(IStroke stroke) { var st = stroke as StrokeType; if (st != null) this.Items.Remove(st); } [XmlIgnore] ITextSymbol IBasicVectorRule.Label { get { return this.Label; } set { this.Label = (TextSymbolType)value; } } } partial class TextSymbolType : ITextSymbol { [XmlIgnore] IAdvancedPlacement ITextSymbol.AdvancedPlacement { get { return this.AdvancedPlacement; } set { this.AdvancedPlacement = (TextSymbolTypeAdvancedPlacement)value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.Text { get { return this.Text; } set { this.Text = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.FontName { get { return this.FontName; } set { this.FontName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.ForegroundColor { get { return this.ForegroundColor; } set { this.ForegroundColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.BackgroundColor { get { return this.BackgroundColor; } set { this.BackgroundColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] BackgroundStyleType ITextSymbol.BackgroundStyle { get { return this.BackgroundStyle; } set { this.BackgroundStyle = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.HorizontalAlignment { get { return this.HorizontalAlignment; } set { this.HorizontalAlignment = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.VerticalAlignment { get { return this.VerticalAlignment; } set { this.VerticalAlignment = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.Bold { get { return this.Bold; } set { this.Bold = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.Italic { get { return this.Italic; } set { this.Italic = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ITextSymbol.Underlined { get { return this.Underlined; } set { this.Underlined = value; } } [XmlIgnore] public override PointSymbolType Type { get { return PointSymbolType.Font; } } ITextSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return TextSymbolType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class MarkSymbolType : IMarkSymbol { [XmlIgnore] ShapeType IMarkSymbol.Shape { get { return this.Shape; } set { this.Shape = value; } } [XmlIgnore] IFill IMarkSymbol.Fill { get { return (IFill)this.Fill; } set { this.Fill = (FillType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IStroke IMarkSymbol.Edge { get { return (IStroke)this.Edge; } set { this.Edge = (StrokeType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] public override PointSymbolType Type { get { return PointSymbolType.Mark; } } IMarkSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return MarkSymbolType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } internal class ImageBinaryContainer : IInlineImageSymbol { [XmlIgnore] public byte[] Content { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public ImageSymbolReferenceType Type { get { return ImageSymbolReferenceType.Inline; } } IInlineImageSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { byte[] array = null; if (this.Content != null) { array = new byte[this.Content.Length]; Array.Copy(this.Content, array, this.Content.Length); } return new ImageBinaryContainer() { Content = array }; } } partial class ImageSymbolType : IImageSymbol { [XmlIgnore] IBaseImageSymbol IImageSymbol.Image { get { IBaseImageSymbol img = null; if (this.Item == null) return null; if (typeof(byte[]).IsAssignableFrom(this.Item.GetType())) img = new ImageBinaryContainer() { Content = (byte[])this.Item }; else img = (ISymbolReference)this.Item; return img; } set { if (typeof(IInlineImageSymbol).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType())) this.Item = ((IInlineImageSymbol)value).Content; else this.Item = (ImageSymbolTypeImage)value; } } [XmlIgnore] public override PointSymbolType Type { get { return PointSymbolType.Image; } } IImageSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return ImageSymbolType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } abstract partial class SymbolType : ISymbol { [XmlIgnore] LengthUnitType ISymbol.Unit { get { return this.Unit; } set { this.Unit = value; } } [XmlIgnore] SizeContextType ISymbol.SizeContext { get { return this.SizeContext; } set { this.SizeContext = value; } } [XmlIgnore] bool ISymbol.MaintainAspect { get { return this.MaintainAspect; } set { this.MaintainAspect = true; } } [XmlIgnore] public abstract PointSymbolType Type { get; } [XmlIgnore] string ISymbol.InsertionPointY { get { return this.InsertionPointY.ToString(); } set { this.InsertionPointY = Convert.ToDouble(value); } } } partial class FontSymbolType : IFontSymbol { [XmlIgnore] string IFontSymbol.FontName { get { return this.FontName; } set { this.FontName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IFontSymbol.Character { get { return this.Character; } set { this.Character = value; } } [XmlIgnore] bool? IFontSymbol.Bold { get { return this.BoldSpecified ? new Nullable(this.Bold) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.Bold = value.Value; this.BoldSpecified = true; } else { this.BoldSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] bool? IFontSymbol.Italic { get { return this.ItalicSpecified ? new Nullable(this.Italic) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.Italic = value.Value; this.ItalicSpecified = true; } else { this.ItalicSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] bool? IFontSymbol.Underlined { get { return this.UnderlinedSpecified ? new Nullable(this.Underlined) : null; } set { if (value.HasValue) { this.Underlined = value.Value; this.UnderlinedSpecified = true; } else { this.UnderlinedSpecified = false; } } } [XmlIgnore] string IFontSymbol.ForegroundColor { get { return this.ForegroundColor; } set { this.ForegroundColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] public override PointSymbolType Type { get { return PointSymbolType.Font; } } IFontSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return FontSymbolType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class BlockSymbolType : IBlockSymbol { [XmlIgnore] string IBlockSymbol.DrawingName { get { return this.DrawingName; } set { this.DrawingName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IBlockSymbol.BlockName { get { return this.BlockName; } set { this.BlockName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IBlockSymbol.BlockColor { get { return this.BlockColor; } set { this.BlockColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IBlockSymbol.LayerColor { get { return this.LayerColor; } set { this.LayerColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] public override PointSymbolType Type { get { return PointSymbolType.Block; } } IBlockSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return BlockSymbolType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class W2DSymbolType : IW2DSymbol { [XmlIgnore] ISymbolReference IW2DSymbol.W2DSymbol { get { return (ISymbolReference)this.W2DSymbol; } set { this.W2DSymbol = (W2DSymbolTypeW2DSymbol)value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IW2DSymbol.FillColor { get { return this.FillColor; } set { this.FillColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IW2DSymbol.LineColor { get { return this.LineColor; } set { this.LineColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IW2DSymbol.TextColor { get { return this.TextColor; } set { this.TextColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] public override PointSymbolType Type { get { return PointSymbolType.W2D; } } IW2DSymbol ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return W2DSymbolType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class W2DSymbolTypeW2DSymbol : ISymbolReference { [XmlIgnore] ImageSymbolReferenceType IBaseImageSymbol.Type { get { return ImageSymbolReferenceType.SymbolReference; } } ISymbolReference ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return W2DSymbolTypeW2DSymbol.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class ImageSymbolTypeImage : ISymbolReference { [XmlIgnore] string ISymbolReference.ResourceId { get { return this.ResourceId == null ? string.Empty : this.ResourceId.ToString(); } set { this.ResourceId = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string ISymbolReference.LibraryItemName { get { return this.LibraryItemName == null ? string.Empty : this.LibraryItemName.ToString(); } set { this.LibraryItemName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] ImageSymbolReferenceType IBaseImageSymbol.Type { get { return ImageSymbolReferenceType.SymbolReference; } } ISymbolReference ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return ImageSymbolTypeImage.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class TextSymbolTypeAdvancedPlacement : IAdvancedPlacement { } partial class AreaSymbolizationFillType : IAreaSymbolizationFill { [XmlIgnore] IFill IAreaSymbolizationFill.Fill { get { return this.Fill; } set { this.Fill = (FillType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IStroke IAreaSymbolizationFill.Stroke { get { return this.Stroke; } set { this.Stroke = (StrokeType)value; } } IAreaSymbolizationFill ICloneableLayerElement.Clone() { return AreaSymbolizationFillType.Deserialize(this.Serialize()); } } partial class LayerDefinition : ILayerDefinition { //internal LayerDefinition() { } #if LDF_110 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 1, 0); #elif LDF_120 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 2, 0); #elif LDF_130 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 3, 0); #elif LDF_230 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(2, 3, 0); #elif LDF_240 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(2, 4, 0); #else private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 0, 0); #endif private string _resId; [XmlIgnore] public string ResourceID { get { return _resId; } set { if (!ResourceIdentifier.Validate(value)) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorInvalidResourceIdentifier); var res = new ResourceIdentifier(value); if (res.Extension != ResourceTypes.LayerDefinition.ToString()) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Strings.ErrorUnexpectedResourceType, res.ToString(), ResourceTypes.LayerDefinition)); _resId = value; this.OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ResourceID)); } } [XmlIgnore] public string ResourceType { get { return ResourceTypes.LayerDefinition.ToString(); } } [XmlIgnore] public virtual Version ResourceVersion { get { return RES_VERSION; } } object ICloneable.Clone() { return this.Clone(); } [XmlAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")] //NOXLATE public string ValidatingSchema { #if LDF_110 get { return "LayerDefinition-1.1.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #elif LDF_120 get { return "LayerDefinition-1.2.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #elif LDF_130 get { return "LayerDefinition-1.3.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #elif LDF_230 get { return "LayerDefinition-2.3.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #elif LDF_240 get { return "LayerDefinition-2.4.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #else get { return ResourceTypes.LayerDefinition.ToString() + "-" + this.ResourceVersion.ToString() + ".xsd"; } //NOXLATE #endif set { } } [XmlIgnore] public bool IsStronglyTyped { get { return true; } } [XmlIgnore] public ISubLayerDefinition SubLayer { get { return this.Item; } } public INameStringPair CreatePair(string name, string value) { return new NameStringPairType() { Name = name, Value = value }; } } partial class DrawingLayerDefinitionType : IDrawingLayerDefinition { [XmlIgnore] public override LayerType LayerType { get { return LayerType.Drawing; } } [XmlIgnore] string ISubLayerDefinition.ResourceId { get { return this.ResourceId; } set { this.ResourceId = value; } } } partial class VectorLayerDefinitionType : IVectorLayerDefinition #if LDF_240 , IVectorLayerDefinition2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] public override LayerType LayerType { get { return LayerType.Vector; } } [XmlIgnore] string ISubLayerDefinition.ResourceId { get { return this.ResourceId; } set { this.ResourceId = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IVectorLayerDefinition.FeatureName { get { return this.FeatureName; } set { this.FeatureName = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IVectorLayerDefinition.Geometry { get { return this.Geometry; } set { this.Geometry = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IVectorLayerDefinition.Url { #if LDF_240 get { if (this.urlDataField == null) return string.Empty; else return this.urlDataField.Content; } set { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { if (this.urlDataField == null) this.urlDataField = new URLDataType(); this.urlDataField.Content = value; OnPropertyChanged("Url"); //NOXLATE } else { //NOTE: None of the other URLData properties seem to be used atm //hence why we are nulling this this.urlDataField = null; OnPropertyChanged("Url"); //NOXLATE } } #else get { return this.Url; } set { this.Url = value; } #endif } [XmlIgnore] string IVectorLayerDefinition.ToolTip { get { return this.ToolTip; } set { this.ToolTip = value; } } [XmlIgnore] string IVectorLayerDefinition.Filter { get { return this.Filter; } set { this.Filter = value; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IVectorLayerDefinition.VectorScaleRange { get { foreach (var vsr in this.VectorScaleRange) { yield return vsr; } } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IVectorLayerDefinition.PropertyMapping { get { foreach (var pair in this.PropertyMapping) { yield return pair; } } } INameStringPair IVectorLayerDefinition.GetPropertyMapping(string name) { foreach (var p in this.PropertyMapping) { if (p.Name == name) return p; } return null; } INameStringPair IVectorLayerDefinition.GetPropertyMappingAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.PropertyMapping.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); var item = this.PropertyMapping[index]; return item; } void IVectorLayerDefinition.AddVectorScaleRange(IVectorScaleRange range) { var r = range as VectorScaleRangeType; if (r != null) this.VectorScaleRange.Add(r); } void IVectorLayerDefinition.RemoveVectorScaleRange(IVectorScaleRange range) { var r = range as VectorScaleRangeType; if (r != null) this.VectorScaleRange.Remove(r); } void IVectorLayerDefinition.AddPropertyMapping(INameStringPair pair) { var p = pair as NameStringPairType; if (p != null) this.PropertyMapping.Add(p); } void IVectorLayerDefinition.RemovePropertyMapping(INameStringPair pair) { var p = pair as NameStringPairType; if (p != null) this.PropertyMapping.Remove(p); } int IVectorLayerDefinition.GetPosition(INameStringPair pair) { var p = pair as NameStringPairType; if (p != null) return this.PropertyMapping.IndexOf(p); return -1; } int IVectorLayerDefinition.MoveUp(INameStringPair pair) { int pos = ((IVectorLayerDefinition)this).GetPosition(pair); if (pos > 0) { int dest = pos - 1; var p = this.PropertyMapping[dest]; var p2 = (NameStringPairType)pair; //Swap this.PropertyMapping[dest] = p2; this.PropertyMapping[pos] = p; return dest; } return -1; } int IVectorLayerDefinition.MoveDown(INameStringPair pair) { int pos = ((IVectorLayerDefinition)this).GetPosition(pair); if (pos < this.PropertyMapping.Count - 1) { int dest = pos + 1; var p = this.PropertyMapping[dest]; var p2 = (NameStringPairType)pair; //Swap this.PropertyMapping[dest] = p2; this.PropertyMapping[pos] = p; return dest; } return -1; } void IVectorLayerDefinition.RemoveAllScaleRanges() { this.VectorScaleRange.Clear(); } int IVectorLayerDefinition.IndexOfScaleRange(IVectorScaleRange range) { var r = range as VectorScaleRangeType; if (r != null) return this.VectorScaleRange.IndexOf(r); return -1; } IVectorScaleRange IVectorLayerDefinition.GetScaleRangeAt(int index) { if (index >= this.VectorScaleRange.Count) return null; return this.VectorScaleRange[index]; } [XmlIgnore] Version IVectorLayerDefinition.SymbolDefinitionVersion { get { #if LDF_110 return new Version(1, 0, 0); #elif LDF_120 || LDF_130 || LDF_230 return new Version(1, 1, 0); #elif LDF_240 return new Version(2, 4, 0); #else return null; #endif } } #if LDF_240 [XmlIgnore] IUrlData IVectorLayerDefinition2.UrlData { get { return this.UrlData; } set { this.UrlData = (URLDataType)value; } } #endif void IVectorLayerDefinition.ClearPropertyMappings() { propertyMappingField.Clear(); } } #region Composite Symbolization #if !LDF_100 partial class CompositeRule : ICompositeRule { [XmlIgnore] ICompositeSymbolization ICompositeRule.CompositeSymbolization { get { return this.CompositeSymbolization; } set { this.CompositeSymbolization = (CompositeSymbolization)value; } } } partial class CompositeSymbolization : ICompositeSymbolization { [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable ICompositeSymbolization.SymbolInstance { get { foreach (var sym in this.SymbolInstance) { yield return sym; } } } public string ToXml() { return this.Serialize(); } public void UpdateFromXml(string xml) { var compsym = CompositeSymbolization.Deserialize(xml); this.SymbolInstance.Clear(); foreach (var sym in compsym.SymbolInstance) { this.AddSymbolInstance(sym); } } public int MoveSymbolInstanceUp(ISymbolInstance inst) { var sym = inst as SymbolInstance; if (sym != null) { int oldIdx = this.SymbolInstance.IndexOf(sym); int newIdx = oldIdx - 1; if (newIdx >= 0) { //Swap old and new items var newItem = this.SymbolInstance[newIdx]; this.SymbolInstance[newIdx] = sym; this.SymbolInstance[oldIdx] = newItem; return newIdx; } } return -1; } public int MoveSymbolInstanceDown(ISymbolInstance inst) { var sym = inst as SymbolInstance; if (sym != null) { int oldIdx = this.SymbolInstance.IndexOf(sym); int newIdx = oldIdx + 1; if (newIdx <= this.SymbolInstance.Count - 1) { //Swap old and new items var newItem = this.SymbolInstance[newIdx]; this.SymbolInstance[newIdx] = sym; this.SymbolInstance[oldIdx] = newItem; return newIdx; } } return -1; } public void AddSymbolInstance(ISymbolInstance inst) { var sym = inst as SymbolInstance; if (sym != null) this.SymbolInstance.Add(sym); } public void RemoveSymbolInstance(ISymbolInstance inst) { var sym = inst as SymbolInstance; if (sym != null) this.SymbolInstance.Remove(sym); } public void RemoveAllSymbolInstances() { this.SymbolInstance.Clear(); } public ISymbolInstance CreateSymbolReference(string resourceId) { return new SymbolInstance() { Item = resourceId, ParameterOverrides = new ParameterOverrides() { Override = new BindingList() }, }; } public ISymbolInstance CreateInlineSimpleSymbol(ISimpleSymbolDefinition symDef) { return new SymbolInstance() { #if LDF_110 Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_0_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition)symDef, #elif LDF_120 || LDF_130 || LDF_230 Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_1_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition)symDef, #else Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v2_4_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition)symDef, #endif ParameterOverrides = new ParameterOverrides() { Override = new BindingList() } }; } public ISymbolInstance CreateInlineCompoundSymbol(ICompoundSymbolDefinition compDef) { return new SymbolInstance() { #if LDF_110 Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_0_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition)compDef, #elif LDF_120 || LDF_130 || LDF_230 Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_1_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition)compDef, #else Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v2_4_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition)compDef, #endif ParameterOverrides = new ParameterOverrides() { Override = new BindingList() } }; } } partial class SymbolInstance : ISymbolInstance #if LDF_100 || LDF_110 #else , ISymbolInstance2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] IParameterOverrideCollection ISymbolInstance.ParameterOverrides { get { return this.ParameterOverrides; } } [XmlIgnore] public ISymbolInstanceReference Reference { get { var libId = this.Item as string; #if LDF_110 var simpSym = this.Item as OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_0_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition; var compSym = this.Item as OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_0_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition; #elif LDF_120 || LDF_130 || LDF_230 var simpSym = this.Item as OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_1_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition; var compSym = this.Item as OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_1_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition; #else var simpSym = this.Item as OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v2_4_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition; var compSym = this.Item as OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v2_4_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition; #endif if (libId != null) return new SymbolInstanceLibrary() { ResourceId = libId }; else if (simpSym != null) return new SymbolInstanceInline() { SymbolDefinition = simpSym }; else if (compSym != null) return new SymbolInstanceInline() { SymbolDefinition = compSym }; return null; } set { var sr = value as ISymbolInstanceReferenceLibrary; var ir = value as ISymbolInstanceReferenceInline; if (sr != null) { this.Item = sr.ResourceId; } else if (ir != null) { #if LDF_110 if (ir.SymbolDefinition.Type == SymbolDefinitionType.Simple) this.Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_0_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition)ir.SymbolDefinition; else if (ir.SymbolDefinition.Type == SymbolDefinitionType.Compound) this.Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_0_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition)ir.SymbolDefinition; #elif LDF_120 || LDF_130 || LDF_230 if (ir.SymbolDefinition.Type == SymbolDefinitionType.Simple) this.Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_1_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition)ir.SymbolDefinition; else if (ir.SymbolDefinition.Type == SymbolDefinitionType.Compound) this.Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v1_1_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition)ir.SymbolDefinition; #else if (ir.SymbolDefinition.Type == SymbolDefinitionType.Simple) this.Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v2_4_0.SimpleSymbolDefinition)ir.SymbolDefinition; else if (ir.SymbolDefinition.Type == SymbolDefinitionType.Compound) this.Item = (OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.SymbolDefinition.v2_4_0.CompoundSymbolDefinition)ir.SymbolDefinition; #endif } this.Item = null; } } } partial class SymbolInstanceLibrary : ISymbolInstanceReferenceLibrary { [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] private string _resId; [XmlIgnore] public string ResourceId { get { return _resId; } set { if (_resId == value) return; _resId = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ResourceId)); } } [XmlIgnore] public SymbolInstanceType Type { get { return SymbolInstanceType.Reference; } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private void OnPropertyChanged(string name) { this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } } partial class SymbolInstanceInline : ISymbolInstanceReferenceInline { [XmlIgnore] public ISymbolDefinitionBase SymbolDefinition { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public SymbolInstanceType Type { get { return SymbolInstanceType.Inline; } } } partial class ParameterOverrides : IParameterOverrideCollection { [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IParameterOverrideCollection.Override { get { foreach (var ov in this.Override) { yield return ov; } } } [XmlIgnore] public int Count { get { return this.Override.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IParameterOverride this[int index] { get { if (index >= this.Override.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); return this.Override[index]; } } public void AddOverride(IParameterOverride ov) { var o = ov as Override; if (o != null) this.Override.Add(o); } public void RemoveOverride(IParameterOverride ov) { var o = ov as Override; if (o != null) this.Override.Remove(o); } public IParameterOverride CreateParameterOverride(string symbol, string name) { return new Override() { ParameterIdentifier = name, SymbolName = symbol }; } } partial class Override : IParameterOverride { } partial class CompositeTypeStyle : ICompositeTypeStyle #if LDF_130 || LDF_230 || LDF_240 , ICompositeTypeStyle2 #endif { [XmlIgnore] string ICompositeTypeStyle.DisplayString { get { return Strings.CompositeStyleDisplayString; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable ICompositeTypeStyle.CompositeRule { get { foreach (var cr in this.CompositeRule) { yield return cr; } } } public void AddCompositeRule(ICompositeRule compRule) { var cr = compRule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) this.CompositeRule.Add(cr); } public void RemoveCompositeRule(ICompositeRule compRule) { var cr = compRule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) this.CompositeRule.Remove(cr); } [XmlIgnore] public StyleType StyleType { get { return StyleType.Composite; } } [XmlIgnore] public int RuleCount { get { return this.CompositeRule.Count; } } #region IRuleCollection Members public int IndexOfRule(ICompositeRule rule) { var cr = rule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) return this.CompositeRule.IndexOf(cr); return -1; } public ICompositeRule GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.CompositeRule[index]; } public bool MoveUp(ICompositeRule rule) { var cr = rule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.CompositeRule, cr); return false; } public bool MoveDown(ICompositeRule rule) { var cr = rule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.CompositeRule, cr); return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members #region IRuleCollection Members public int IndexOfRule(IVectorRule rule) { var cr = rule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) return this.CompositeRule.IndexOf(cr); return -1; } IVectorRule IRuleCollection.GetRuleAt(int index) { return this.CompositeRule[index]; } public bool MoveUp(IVectorRule rule) { var cr = rule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveUp(this.CompositeRule, cr); return false; } public bool MoveDown(IVectorRule rule) { var cr = rule as CompositeRule; if (cr != null) return CollectionUtil.MoveDown(this.CompositeRule, cr); return false; } #endregion IRuleCollection Members } #endif #endregion Composite Symbolization #if LDF_240 partial class URLDataType : IUrlData { } #endif }