#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2014, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License #define WL240 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Serialization; #pragma warning disable 1591, 0114, 0108 #if WL260 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.WebLayout.v2_6_0 #elif WL240 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.WebLayout.v2_4_0 #elif WL110 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.WebLayout.v1_1_0 #else namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.WebLayout.v1_0_0 #endif { public static class WebLayoutEntryPoint { public static IWebLayout CreateDefault(string mapDefinitionId) { IWebLayout wl = WebLayoutType.CreateDefault(mapDefinitionId); #if WL240 || WL260 //NOTE: This separator is needed because the AJAX viewer currently assumes the maptip //command to be at a certain position (!!!). The seperator ensures the command is at //the right position wl.ToolBar.AddItem(wl.CreateSeparator()); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand(wl.CreateBasicCommand("Maptip", Strings.WL_Desc_MapTip, Strings.WL_Desc_MapTip, "icon_maptip", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.MapTip)); //NOXLATE wl.ToolBar.AddItem(wl.CreateCommandItem(BasicCommandActionType.MapTip.ToString())); IWebLayout2 wl2 = (IWebLayout2)wl; wl2.EnablePingServer = true; #endif #if WL260 IWebLayout3 wl3 = (IWebLayout3)wl; wl3.SelectionColor = "0000FFFF"; wl3.PointSelectionBuffer = 2; wl3.MapImageFormat = "PNG"; wl3.SelectionImageFormat = "PNG"; #endif return wl; } public static IResource Deserialize(string xml) { return WebLayoutType.Deserialize(xml); } public static Stream Serialize(IResource res) { return res.SerializeToStream(); } } [Serializable] public class WebLayoutCustomCommandList { [XmlArrayItem("CustomCommands")] //NOXLATE public CommandType[] Commands { get; set; } } partial class WebLayoutType : IWebLayout2, ICommandSet { internal WebLayoutType() { } #if WL260 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(2, 6, 0); #elif WL240 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(2, 4, 0); #elif WL110 private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 1, 0); #else private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 0, 0); #endif private string _resId; [XmlIgnore] public string ResourceID { get { return _resId; } set { if (!ResourceIdentifier.Validate(value)) throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorInvalidResourceIdentifier); var res = new ResourceIdentifier(value); if (res.Extension != ResourceTypes.WebLayout.ToString()) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Strings.ErrorUnexpectedResourceType, res.ToString(), ResourceTypes.WebLayout)); _resId = value; this.OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ResourceID)); } } [XmlIgnore] public string ResourceType { get { return ResourceTypes.WebLayout.ToString(); } } [XmlIgnore] public Version ResourceVersion { get { return RES_VERSION; } } object ICloneable.Clone() { return this.Clone(); } [XmlAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")] //NOXLATE public string ValidatingSchema { #if WL260 get { return "WebLayout-2.6.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #elif WL240 get { return "WebLayout-2.4.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #elif WL110 get { return "WebLayout-1.1.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #else get { return "WebLayout-1.0.0.xsd"; } //NOXLATE #endif set { } } [XmlIgnore] public bool IsStronglyTyped { get { return true; } } public static IWebLayout CreateDefault(string mapDefinitionId) { //TODO: Localize these strings. Once localized we can have *translatable* //web layouts! IWebLayout wl = new WebLayoutType() { CommandSet = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), ContextMenu = new ContextMenuType() { Visible = true, MenuItem = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }, InformationPane = new InformationPaneType() { LegendVisible = true, PropertiesVisible = true, Visible = true, Width = 200 }, Map = new MapType() { HyperlinkTarget = TargetType.TaskPane, ResourceId = mapDefinitionId, //null InitialView = Use map's initial view }, StatusBar = new StatusBarType() { Visible = true }, TaskPane = new TaskPaneType() { TaskBar = new TaskBarType() { Back = new TaskButtonType() { Name = "Back", Tooltip = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskBack, Description = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskBack, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_back.gif", DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_back_disabled.gif" }, Forward = new TaskButtonType() { Name = "Forward", Tooltip = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskForward, Description = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskForward, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_forward.gif", DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_forward_disabled.gif" }, Home = new TaskButtonType() { Name = "Home", Tooltip = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskHome, Description = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskHome, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_home.gif", DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_home_disabled.gif" }, //Task Pane menu buttons MenuButton = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), Tasks = new TaskButtonType() { Name = "Tasks", Tooltip = Strings.WL_Label_TaskList, Description = Strings.WL_Desc_TaskList, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_tasks.gif", DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_tasks_disabled.gif" }, Visible = true, }, Visible = true, Width = 250, }, Title = string.Empty, ToolBar = new ToolBarType() { Visible = true, Button = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }, ZoomControl = new ZoomControlType() { Visible = true }, }; CreateDefaultCommandSet(wl); CreateDefaultContextMenu(wl); CreateDefaultToolbar(wl); return wl; } private static void CreateDefaultToolbar(IWebLayout wl) { wl.ToolBar.AddItems( wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Print.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.GetPrintablePage.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Measure.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Buffer.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateFlyout(Strings.WL_Label_Zoom, null, null, null, null, wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.PreviousView.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.NextView.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.RestoreView.ToString()) ), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomRectangle.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomIn.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomOut.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Zoom.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Select.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Pan.ToString()) ); } private static void CreateDefaultContextMenu(IWebLayout wl) { wl.ContextMenu.AddItems( wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Select.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ClearSelection.ToString()), wl.CreateFlyout(Strings.WL_Label_SelectMore, null, null, null, null, wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.SelectRadius.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.SelectPolygon.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.SelectWithin.ToString()) ), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Pan.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomRectangle.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomIn.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomOut.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Zoom.ToString()), wl.CreateFlyout(Strings.WL_Label_Zoom, null, null, null, null, wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.PreviousView.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.NextView.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.FitToWindow.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.RestoreView.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ZoomToSelection.ToString()) ), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Measure.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Buffer.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Refresh.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.CopyMap.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Print.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.GetPrintablePage.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.ViewOptions.ToString()), wl.CreateSeparator(), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.Help.ToString()), wl.CreateCommandItem(BuiltInCommandType.About.ToString()) ); } private static void CreateDefaultCommandSet(IWebLayout wl) { wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_Pan, Strings.WL_Label_Pan, Strings.WL_Desc_Pan, "icon_pan", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.Pan)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_PanUp, Strings.WL_Label_PanUp, Strings.WL_Desc_PanUp, "icon_panup", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.PanUp)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_PanDown, Strings.WL_Label_PanDown, Strings.WL_Desc_PanDown, "icon_pandown", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.PanDown)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_PanRight, Strings.WL_Label_PanRight, Strings.WL_Desc_PanRight, "icon_panright", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.PanRight)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_PanLeft, Strings.WL_Label_PanLeft, Strings.WL_Desc_PanLeft, "icon_panleft", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.PanLeft)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_Zoom, Strings.WL_Label_ZoomDynamic, Strings.WL_Desc_ZoomDynamic, "icon_zoom", TargetViewerType.Dwf, BasicCommandActionType.Zoom)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_ZoomIn, Strings.WL_Label_ZoomIn, Strings.WL_Desc_ZoomIn, "icon_zoomin", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.ZoomIn)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_ZoomOut, Strings.WL_Label_ZoomOut, Strings.WL_Desc_ZoomOut, "icon_zoomout", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.ZoomOut)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_ZoomRect, Strings.WL_Label_ZoomRect, Strings.WL_Desc_ZoomRect, "icon_zoomrect", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.ZoomRectangle)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_ZoomSelection, Strings.WL_Label_ZoomSelection, Strings.WL_Desc_ZoomSelection, "icon_zoomselect", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.ZoomToSelection)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_InitialMapView, Strings.WL_Label_InitialMapView, Strings.WL_Desc_InitialMapView, "icon_fitwindow", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.FitToWindow)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_PrevView, Strings.WL_Label_PrevView, Strings.WL_Desc_PrevView, "icon_zoomprev", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.PreviousView)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_NextView, Strings.WL_Label_NextView, Strings.WL_Desc_NextView, "icon_zoomnext", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.NextView)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_InitialCenterScale, Strings.WL_Label_InitialCenterScale, Strings.WL_Desc_InitialCenterScale, "icon_restorecenter", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.RestoreView)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_Select, Strings.WL_Label_Select, Strings.WL_Desc_Select, "icon_select", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.Select)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_SelectRadius, Strings.WL_Label_SelectRadius, Strings.WL_Desc_SelectRadius, "icon_selectradius", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.SelectRadius)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_SelectPolygon, Strings.WL_Label_SelectPolygon, Strings.WL_Desc_SelectPolygon, "icon_selectpolygon", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.SelectPolygon)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Desc_ClearSelection, Strings.WL_Label_ClearSelection, Strings.WL_Desc_ClearSelection, "icon_clearselect", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.ClearSelection)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_RefreshMap, Strings.WL_Label_RefreshMap, Strings.WL_Desc_RefreshMap, "icon_refreshmap", TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.Refresh)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_Copy, Strings.WL_Label_Copy, Strings.WL_Desc_Copy, "icon_copy", TargetViewerType.Dwf, BasicCommandActionType.CopyMap)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateBasicCommand(Strings.WL_Label_About, Strings.WL_Label_About, Strings.WL_Desc_About, null, TargetViewerType.All, BasicCommandActionType.About)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateTargetedCommand(BuiltInCommandType.Buffer.ToString(), Strings.WL_Label_Buffer, Strings.WL_Label_Buffer, Strings.WL_Desc_Buffer, "icon_buffer", TargetViewerType.All, TargetType.TaskPane, null)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateTargetedCommand(BuiltInCommandType.SelectWithin.ToString(), Strings.WL_Label_SelectWithin, Strings.WL_Label_SelectWithin, Strings.WL_Desc_SelectWithin, "icon_selectwithin", TargetViewerType.All, TargetType.TaskPane, null)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateTargetedCommand(BuiltInCommandType.Measure.ToString(), Strings.WL_Label_Measure, Strings.WL_Label_Measure, Strings.WL_Desc_Measure, "icon_measure", TargetViewerType.All, TargetType.TaskPane, null)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( new PrintCommandType() { Name = "Print", Label = Strings.WL_Label_Print, Tooltip = Strings.WL_Label_Print, Description = Strings.WL_Desc_Print, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_print.gif", DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_print_disabled.gif", TargetViewer = TargetViewerType.Dwf }); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateTargetedCommand(BuiltInCommandType.ViewOptions.ToString(), Strings.WL_Label_ViewOptions, Strings.WL_Label_ViewOptions, Strings.WL_Desc_ViewOptions, "icon_viewoptions", TargetViewerType.All, TargetType.TaskPane, null)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( wl.CreateTargetedCommand(BuiltInCommandType.GetPrintablePage.ToString(), Strings.WL_Label_GetPrintablePage, Strings.WL_Label_GetPrintablePage, Strings.WL_Desc_GetPrintablePage, "icon_printablepage", TargetViewerType.Ajax, TargetType.NewWindow, null)); wl.CommandSet.AddCommand( new HelpCommandType() { Name = BuiltInCommandType.Help.ToString(), Label = Strings.WL_Label_Help, Tooltip = Strings.WL_Label_Help, Description = Strings.WL_Desc_Help, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_help.gif", DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_help_disabled.gif", TargetViewer = TargetViewerType.All, Target = TargetType.TaskPane }); } public IMapView CreateDefaultView() { return new MapViewType(); } /// /// Indicates whether a given command is referenced in the user interface /// /// /// /// public bool IsCommandReferenced(string name, out WebLayoutRegion[] region) { region = new WebLayoutRegion[0]; List regions = new List(); if (FindCommand(name, this.ContextMenu)) { regions.Add(WebLayoutRegion.ContextMenu); } if (FindCommand(name, this.ToolBar)) { regions.Add(WebLayoutRegion.Toolbar); } if (FindCommand(name, this.TaskPane.TaskBar)) { regions.Add(WebLayoutRegion.TaskBar); } region = regions.ToArray(); return region.Length > 0; } /// /// Removes all references of a given command /// /// /// The number of references removed public int RemoveAllReferences(string cmdName) { int removed = 0; removed += RemoveInternal(cmdName, contextMenuField.MenuItem); removed += RemoveInternal(cmdName, toolBarField.Button); removed += RemoveInternal(cmdName, taskPaneField.TaskBar.MenuButton); return removed; } private int RemoveInternal(string cmdName, IList items) { int foundCount = 0; List> subItemCheck = new List>(); List found = new List(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item.Function == UIItemFunctionType.Command) { if (((CommandItemType)item).Command == cmdName) found.Add(item); } else if (item.Function == UIItemFunctionType.Flyout) { subItemCheck.Add(((FlyoutItemType)item).SubItem); } } foundCount += found.Count; //Purge any found foreach (var item in found) { items.Remove(item); } //Check these sub lists foreach (var list in subItemCheck) { foundCount += RemoveInternal(cmdName, list); } return foundCount; } public ICommand GetCommandByName(string cmdName) { foreach (var cmd in this.CommandSet) { if (cmd.Name == cmdName) return cmd; } return null; } public IEnumerable GetCustomCommands() { foreach (var cmd in this.CommandSet) { var type = cmd.GetType(); if (typeof(InvokeURLCommandType).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(InvokeScriptCommandType).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(SearchCommandType).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { yield return cmd; } } } public bool FindCommand(string name, IMenu menu) { foreach (var item in menu.Items) { if (item.Function == UIItemFunctionType.Command) { if (((CommandItemType)item).Command == name) return true; } else if (item.Function == UIItemFunctionType.Flyout) { return FindCommand(name, ((IFlyoutItem)item)); } } return false; } public IBasicCommand CreateBasicCommand(string label, string tooltip, string description, string iconName, TargetViewerType targets, BasicCommandActionType action) { var cmd = new BasicCommandType() { Name = action.ToString(), Label = label, Tooltip = tooltip, Description = description, TargetViewer = targets, Action = action }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconName)) { cmd.ImageURL = "../stdicons/" + iconName + ".gif"; //NOXLATE cmd.DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/" + iconName + "_disabled.gif"; //NOXLATE } return cmd; } private string GenerateUniqueName(string prefix) { int counter = 0; string name = prefix + counter; Dictionary ids = new Dictionary(); foreach (var cmd in this.CommandSet) { ids.Add(cmd.Name, cmd.Name); } while (ids.ContainsKey(name)) { counter++; name = prefix + counter; } return name; } public IInvokeUrlCommand CreateInvokeUrlCommand() { return new InvokeURLCommandType() { Name = GenerateUniqueName("InvokeUrlCommand"), //NOXLATE Target = TargetType.TaskPane, DisableIfSelectionEmpty = false, ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_invokeurl.gif", //NOXLATE DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_invokeurl_disabled.gif", //NOXLATE TargetViewer = TargetViewerType.All, AdditionalParameter = new BindingList(), URL = "", LayerSet = new BindingList() }; } public ISearchCommand CreateSearchCommand() { return new SearchCommandType() { Name = GenerateUniqueName("SearchCommand"), //NOXLATE ResultColumns = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), Target = TargetType.TaskPane, TargetViewer = TargetViewerType.All, //NOXLATE DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_search_disabled.gif", //NOXLATE ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_search.gif", //NOXLATE Layer = string.Empty, Filter = string.Empty, MatchLimit = "100", Prompt = string.Empty }; } public IInvokeScriptCommand CreateInvokeScriptCommand() { return new InvokeScriptCommandType() { Name = GenerateUniqueName("InvokeScriptCommand"), //NOXLATE DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_invokescript_disabled.gif", //NOXLATE ImageURL = "../stdicons/icon_invokescript.gif", //NOXLATE TargetViewer = TargetViewerType.All, Script = "//Enter your script code here. You can use AJAX viewer API calls here. This code is called from the viewer's main frame" //NOXLATE }; } public T CreateTargetedCommand(string name, string label, string tooltip, string description, string iconName, TargetViewerType targets, TargetType target, string targetFrame) where T : ITargetedCommand, new() { var cmd = new T() { Name = name, Label = label, Tooltip = tooltip, Description = description, TargetViewer = targets, Target = target, }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFrame) && target == TargetType.SpecifiedFrame) { cmd.TargetFrame = targetFrame; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconName)) { cmd.ImageURL = "../stdicons/" + iconName + ".gif"; cmd.DisabledImageURL = "../stdicons/" + iconName + "_disabled.gif"; } return cmd; } public IFlyoutItem CreateFlyout( string label, string tooltip, string description, string imageUrl, string disabledImageUrl, params IUIItem[] subItems) { IFlyoutItem flyout = new FlyoutItemType() { Function = UIItemFunctionType.Flyout, Description = description, DisabledImageURL = disabledImageUrl, ImageURL = imageUrl, Label = label, SubItem = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), Tooltip = tooltip }; flyout.AddItems(subItems); return flyout; } public ICommandItem CreateCommandItem(string cmdName) { return new CommandItemType() { Function = UIItemFunctionType.Command, Command = cmdName }; } public ISeparatorItem CreateSeparator() { return new SeparatorItemType() { Function = UIItemFunctionType.Separator }; } public void ExportCustomCommands(string file, string[] cmdNames) { WebLayoutCustomCommandList list = new WebLayoutCustomCommandList(); List commands = new List(); foreach (var name in cmdNames) { var cmd = (CommandType)GetCommandByName(name); if (cmd != null) commands.Add(cmd); } list.Commands = commands.ToArray(); using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(file)) { new XmlSerializer(typeof(WebLayoutCustomCommandList)).Serialize(fs, list); } } public ImportedCommandResult[] ImportCustomCommands(string file) { List clashes = new List(); using (var fs = File.OpenRead(file)) { var list = (WebLayoutCustomCommandList)(new XmlSerializer(typeof(WebLayoutCustomCommandList)).Deserialize(fs)); foreach (var importCmd in list.Commands) { int counter = 0; string oldName = importCmd.Name; string newName = oldName; ICommand cmd = this.GetCommandByName(newName); while (cmd != null) { counter++; newName = oldName + counter; cmd = this.GetCommandByName(newName); } this.commandSetField.Add(importCmd); clashes.Add(new ImportedCommandResult() { OriginalName = oldName, ImportedName = newName }); } } return clashes.ToArray(); } [XmlIgnore] ICommandSet IWebLayout.CommandSet { get { return this; } } void ICommandSet.Clear() { this.CommandSet.Clear(); } [XmlIgnore] int ICommandSet.CommandCount { get { return this.CommandSet.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable ICommandSet.Commands { get { foreach (var cmd in this.CommandSet) { yield return cmd; } } } public event CommandEventHandler CustomCommandAdded; public event CommandEventHandler CustomCommandRemoved; void ICommandSet.AddCommand(ICommand cmd) { var c = cmd as CommandType; if (c != null) { this.CommandSet.Add(c); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CommandSet)); if (cmd is IInvokeUrlCommand || cmd is IInvokeScriptCommand || cmd is ISearchCommand) { this.CustomCommandAdded?.Invoke(this, new CommandEventArgs(cmd)); } } } void ICommandSet.RemoveCommand(ICommand cmd) { var c = cmd as CommandType; if (c != null) { this.CommandSet.Remove(c); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CommandSet)); if (cmd is IInvokeUrlCommand || cmd is IInvokeScriptCommand || cmd is ISearchCommand) { this.CustomCommandRemoved?.Invoke(this, new CommandEventArgs(cmd)); } } } [XmlIgnore] string IWebLayout.Title { get { return this.Title; } set { this.Title = value; } } [XmlIgnore] IMap IWebLayout.Map { get { return this.Map; } } [XmlIgnore] ITaskPane IWebLayout.TaskPane { get { return this.TaskPane; } } [XmlIgnore] IToolbar IWebLayout.ToolBar { get { return this.ToolBar; } } [XmlIgnore] IInformationPane IWebLayout.InformationPane { get { return this.InformationPane; } } [XmlIgnore] IContextMenu IWebLayout.ContextMenu { get { return this.ContextMenu; } } [XmlIgnore] IStatusBar IWebLayout.StatusBar { get { return this.StatusBar; } } [XmlIgnore] IZoomControl IWebLayout.ZoomControl { get { return this.ZoomControl; } } } partial class TaskPaneType : ITaskPane { [XmlIgnore] ITaskBar ITaskPane.TaskBar { get { return this.TaskBar; } } } partial class MapType : IMap { [XmlIgnore] IMapView IMap.InitialView { get { return this.InitialView; } set { this.InitialView = (MapViewType)value; } } } partial class MapViewType : IMapView { } partial class ToolBarType : IToolbar { [XmlIgnore] public int ItemCount { get { return this.Button.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (var item in this.Button) { yield return item; } } } public void AddItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { this.Button.Add(it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Button)); } } public void RemoveItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { this.Button.Remove(it); it.Parent = null; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Button)); } } public bool MoveUp(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.Button.IndexOf(it); if (isrc > 0) { var idst = isrc - 1; var src = this.Button[isrc]; var dst = this.Button[idst]; this.Button[isrc] = dst; this.Button[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Button)); return true; } } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.Button.IndexOf(it); if (isrc < this.Button.Count - 1) { var idst = isrc + 1; var src = this.Button[isrc]; var dst = this.Button[idst]; this.Button[isrc] = dst; this.Button[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Button)); return true; } } return false; } public int GetIndex(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { return this.Button.IndexOf(it); } return -1; } public void Insert(IUIItem item, int index) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { it.Parent = this; this.Button.Insert(index, it); } } } partial class InformationPaneType : IInformationPane { } partial class ContextMenuType : IContextMenu { [XmlIgnore] public int ItemCount { get { return this.MenuItem.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (var item in this.MenuItem) { yield return item; } } } public void AddItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { this.MenuItem.Add(it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuItem)); } } public void RemoveItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { this.MenuItem.Remove(it); it.Parent = null; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuItem)); } } public bool MoveUp(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.MenuItem.IndexOf(it); if (isrc > 0) { var idst = isrc - 1; var src = this.MenuItem[isrc]; var dst = this.MenuItem[idst]; this.MenuItem[isrc] = dst; this.MenuItem[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuItem)); return true; } } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.MenuItem.IndexOf(it); if (isrc < this.MenuItem.Count - 1) { var idst = isrc + 1; var src = this.MenuItem[isrc]; var dst = this.MenuItem[idst]; this.MenuItem[isrc] = dst; this.MenuItem[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuItem)); return true; } } return false; } public int GetIndex(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { return this.MenuItem.IndexOf(it); } return -1; } public void Insert(IUIItem item, int index) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { it.Parent = this; this.MenuItem.Insert(index, it); } } } partial class TaskBarType : ITaskBar { [XmlIgnore] public int ItemCount { get { return this.MenuButton.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (var item in this.MenuButton) { yield return item; } } } public void AddItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { this.MenuButton.Add(it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuButton)); } } public void RemoveItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { this.MenuButton.Remove(it); it.Parent = null; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuButton)); } } public bool MoveUp(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.MenuButton.IndexOf(it); if (isrc > 0) { var idst = isrc - 1; var src = this.MenuButton[isrc]; var dst = this.MenuButton[idst]; this.MenuButton[isrc] = dst; this.MenuButton[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuButton)); return true; } } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.MenuButton.IndexOf(it); if (isrc < this.MenuButton.Count - 1) { var idst = isrc + 1; var src = this.MenuButton[isrc]; var dst = this.MenuButton[idst]; this.MenuButton[isrc] = dst; this.MenuButton[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(MenuButton)); return true; } } return false; } public int GetIndex(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { return this.MenuButton.IndexOf(it); } return -1; } public void Insert(IUIItem item, int index) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { it.Parent = this; this.MenuButton.Insert(index, it); } } [XmlIgnore] ITaskButton ITaskBar.Home { get { return this.Home; } } [XmlIgnore] ITaskButton ITaskBar.Forward { get { return this.Forward; } } [XmlIgnore] ITaskButton ITaskBar.Back { get { return this.Back; } } [XmlIgnore] ITaskButton ITaskBar.Tasks { get { return this.Tasks; } } } partial class TaskButtonType : ITaskButton { } partial class StatusBarType : IStatusBar { } partial class ZoomControlType : IZoomControl { } partial class CommandType : ICommand { } partial class ResourceReferenceType : IResourceReference { } partial class PrintCommandType : IPrintCommand { public void Clear() { this.PrintLayout.Clear(); } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IPrintCommand.PrintLayout { get { foreach (var refer in this.PrintLayout) { yield return refer; } } } public IResourceReference CreatePrintLayout(string resourceId) { return new ResourceReferenceType() { ResourceId = resourceId }; } public void AddPrintLayout(IResourceReference reference) { var r = reference as ResourceReferenceType; if (r != null) { this.PrintLayout.Add(r); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(PrintLayout)); } } public void RemovePrintLayout(IResourceReference reference) { var r = reference as ResourceReferenceType; if (r != null) { this.PrintLayout.Remove(r); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(PrintLayout)); } } } partial class SeparatorItemType : ISeparatorItem { } partial class BasicCommandType : IBasicCommand { } partial class TargetedCommandType : ITargetedCommand { } partial class FlyoutItemType : IFlyoutItem { [XmlIgnore] public int ItemCount { get { return this.SubItem.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (var item in this.SubItem) { yield return item; } } } public void AddItem(IUIItem item) { var i = item as UIItemType; if (i != null) { this.SubItem.Add(i); i.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SubItem)); } } public void RemoveItem(IUIItem item) { var i = item as UIItemType; if (i != null) { this.SubItem.Remove(i); i.Parent = null; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SubItem)); } } public bool MoveUp(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.SubItem.IndexOf(it); if (isrc > 0) { var idst = isrc - 1; var src = this.SubItem[isrc]; var dst = this.SubItem[idst]; this.SubItem[isrc] = dst; this.SubItem[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SubItem)); return true; } } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { var isrc = this.SubItem.IndexOf(it); if (isrc < this.SubItem.Count - 1) { var idst = isrc + 1; var src = this.SubItem[isrc]; var dst = this.SubItem[idst]; this.SubItem[isrc] = dst; this.SubItem[idst] = src; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SubItem)); return true; } } return false; } public int GetIndex(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { return this.SubItem.IndexOf(it); } return -1; } public void Insert(IUIItem item, int index) { var it = item as UIItemType; if (it != null) { it.Parent = this; this.SubItem.Insert(index, it); } } } partial class UIItemType : IUIItem { [XmlIgnore] public IMenu Parent { get; set; } } partial class CommandItemType : ICommandItem { } partial class InvokeURLCommandType : IInvokeUrlCommand, ILayerSet { [XmlIgnore] ILayerSet IInvokeUrlCommand.LayerSet { get { return this; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IInvokeUrlCommand.AdditionalParameter { get { foreach (var pair in this.AdditionalParameter) { yield return pair; } } } public IParameterPair CreateParameter(string name, string value) { return new ParameterPairType() { Key = name, Value = value }; } public void AddParameter(IParameterPair param) { var p = param as ParameterPairType; if (p != null) { this.AdditionalParameter.Add(p); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(AdditionalParameter)); } } public void RemoveParameter(IParameterPair param) { var p = param as ParameterPairType; if (p != null) { this.AdditionalParameter.Remove(p); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(AdditionalParameter)); } } [XmlIgnore] public BindingList Layer { get { return this.LayerSet; } } } partial class ParameterPairType : IParameterPair { } partial class SearchCommandType : ISearchCommand, IResultColumnSet { IResultColumn IResultColumnSet.CreateColumn(string name, string property) { return new ResultColumnType() { Name = name, Property = property }; } [XmlIgnore] IResultColumnSet ISearchCommand.ResultColumns { get { return this; } } [XmlIgnore] int ISearchCommand.MatchLimit { get { int i; if (!int.TryParse(this.MatchLimit, out i)) { i = 100; this.MatchLimit = i.ToString(); } return i; } set { this.MatchLimit = value.ToString(); } } public void Clear() { this.ResultColumns.Clear(); } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Column { get { foreach (var col in this.ResultColumns) { yield return col; } } } public void AddResultColumn(IResultColumn col) { var c = col as ResultColumnType; if (c != null) { this.ResultColumns.Add(c); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ResultColumns)); } } public void RemoveResultColumn(IResultColumn col) { var c = col as ResultColumnType; if (c != null) { this.ResultColumns.Remove(c); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ResultColumns)); } } } partial class ResultColumnType : IResultColumn { } partial class InvokeScriptCommandType : IInvokeScriptCommand { } }