using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.Viewer.AppLayoutEngine { public class AppLayout { [XmlElement] public string Title { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string Icon { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string Language { get; set; } [XmlArray] public List Settings { get; set; } [XmlElement] public InfoPaneSettings InfoPane { get; set; } [XmlElement] public MapReference Map { get; set; } [XmlElement] public MenuDefinition Menu { get; set; } [XmlElement] public ToolbarDefinition Toolbar { get; set; } [XmlElement] public MenuDefinition ContextMenu { get; set; } [XmlElement] public TaskPaneDefinition TaskPane { get; set; } [XmlArray] public List Components { get; set; } public static AppLayout CreateDefault(string title, string mapDefinition) { var layout = new AppLayout(); layout.Title = title; layout.Settings = new List() { new NameValue() { Name = "ConvertTiledGroupsToNonTiled", Value = "true" }, //NOXLATE new NameValue() { Name = "UseRenderMap", Value = "true" }, //NOXLATE new NameValue() { Name = "SelectionColor", Value = "color:" + Util.ToHtmlColorWithAlpha(System.Drawing.Color.Blue) }, //NOXLATE new NameValue() { Name = "ShowVertexCoordinatesWhenDigitizing", Value = "true" }, //NOXLATE new NameValue() { Name = "ZoomInFactor", Value = "0.5" }, //NOXLATE new NameValue() { Name = "ZoomOutFactor", Value = "2.0" }, //NOXLATE new NameValue() { Name = "PointPixelBuffer", Value = "3" } //NOXLATE }; layout.InfoPane = new InfoPaneSettings() { Legend = new LegendSettings() { Visible = true, ThemeCompressionLimit = 25 }, PropertyPane = new PropertyPaneSettings() { Visible = true }, Width = 200 }; layout.Map = new MapReference() { MapDefinition = mapDefinition }; layout.Menu = new MenuDefinition() { Items = new List() { new SubMenu(Strings.MenuFile) { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("LoadMap"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("LoadPackage"), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("Quit") //NOXLATE } }, new SubMenu(Strings.MenuTools) { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("Buffer"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Measure"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Query"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Theme"), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ViewerOptions") //NOXLATE } } } }; layout.Toolbar = new ToolbarDefinition() { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("PrintMap", false), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("CopyMap", false), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ZoomIn", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("ZoomOut", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("InitialView", false), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ZoomPrev", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("ZoomNext", false), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("Select", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("SelectRadius", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("SelectPolygon", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Pan", false), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ClearSelection", false), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("RefreshMap", false), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("TooltipToggle", true), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new SubMenu(Strings.MenuTools) { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("Buffer"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Measure"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Query"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Theme"), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ViewerOptions") //NOXLATE } } } }; layout.ContextMenu = new MenuDefinition() { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("RefreshMap"), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ZoomIn"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("ZoomOut"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("ZoomToSelection"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("InitialView"), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("Pan"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Select"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("ClearSelection"), //NOXLATE new SeparatorItem(), new SubMenu(Strings.MenuTools) { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("Buffer"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Measure"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Query"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Theme") //NOXLATE } }, new SeparatorItem(), new CommandItem("ViewerOptions"), //NOXLATE } }; layout.TaskPane = new TaskPaneDefinition() { Width = 250, TaskMenu = new MenuDefinition() { Items = new List() { new CommandItem("Buffer"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Measure"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Query"), //NOXLATE new CommandItem("Theme") //NOXLATE } } }; layout.Components = new List() { new ComponentDefinition() { ClassName = typeof(Viewer.MgBufferComponent).FullName, Assembly = null, ComponentID = "Buffer", //NOXLATE Properties = new List() { new NameValue("DefaultLayerName", "BufferLayer"), //NOXLATE new NameValue("DefaultBufferUnits", "enum:" + typeof(MeasurementUnit).FullName + ":" + MeasurementUnit.Meters.ToString()), //NOXLATE new NameValue("Target", "enum:" + typeof(MgViewerTarget).FullName + ":" + MgViewerTarget.TaskPane), //NOXLATE new NameValue("TaskPane", "taskpane:") //NOXLATE } }, new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgCircleSelectComponent).FullName, "SelectRadius"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgClearSelectionComponent).FullName, "ClearSelection"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgCopyMapComponent).FullName, "CopyMap"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgInitialViewComponent).FullName, "InitialView"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgLoadMapComponent).FullName, "LoadMap") //NOXLATE { Properties = new List() { new NameValue("MapDefinition", mapDefinition) //NOXLATE } }, new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgLoadPackageComponent).FullName, "LoadPackage") //NOXLATE { Properties = new List() { new NameValue("InvokeOnPackageLoad", "component:LoadMap") //NOXLATE } }, new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgMeasureComponent).FullName, "Measure") //NOXLATE { Properties = new List() { new NameValue("MeasureMode", "enum:" + typeof(MeasureMode).FullName + ":" + MeasureMode.Line.ToString()), //NOXLATE new NameValue("PreferredUnits", "enum:" + typeof(MeasurementUnit).FullName + ":" + MeasurementUnit.Meters.ToString()), //NOXLATE new NameValue("Target", "enum:" + typeof(MgViewerTarget).FullName + ":" + MgViewerTarget.TaskPane), //NOXLATE new NameValue("TaskPane", "taskpane:") //NOXLATE } }, new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgPanComponent).FullName, "Pan"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgPolygonSelectComponent).FullName, "SelectPolygon"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgPrintComponent).FullName, "PrintMap"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgQueryComponent).FullName, "Query") //NOXLATE { Properties = new List() { new NameValue("Target", "enum:" + typeof(MgViewerTarget).FullName + ":" + MgViewerTarget.TaskPane), //NOXLATE new NameValue("TaskPane", "taskpane:") //NOXLATE } }, new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.AppLayoutEngine.MgQuitComponent).FullName, "Quit"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgRefreshMapComponent).FullName, "RefreshMap"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgSelectComponent).FullName, "Select"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgThemeComponent).FullName, "Theme") //NOXLATE { Properties = new List() { new NameValue("Target", "enum:" + typeof(MgViewerTarget).FullName + ":" + MgViewerTarget.TaskPane), //NOXLATE new NameValue("TaskPane", "taskpane:") //NOXLATE } }, new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgTooltipToggleComponent).FullName, "TooltipToggle"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgViewerOptionsComponent).FullName, "ViewerOptions"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgZoomInComponent).FullName, "ZoomIn"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgZoomNextComponent).FullName, "ZoomNext"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgZoomOutComponent).FullName, "ZoomOut"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgZoomPreviousComponent).FullName, "ZoomPrev"), //NOXLATE new ComponentDefinition(typeof(Viewer.MgZoomToSelectionComponent).FullName, "ZoomToSelection") //NOXLATE }; return layout; } } public class InfoPaneSettings { [XmlElement] public uint Width { get; set; } [XmlElement] public LegendSettings Legend { get; set; } [XmlElement] public PropertyPaneSettings PropertyPane { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public bool IsVisible { get { return this.Legend.Visible || this.PropertyPane.Visible; } } } public class LegendSettings { [XmlElement] public bool Visible { get; set; } [XmlElement] public int? ThemeCompressionLimit { get; set; } [XmlElement] public bool ShowTooltips { get; set; } } public class PropertyPaneSettings { [XmlElement] public bool Visible { get; set; } } public class MapReference { [XmlElement] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string MapDefinition { get; set; } } public class MenuDefinition { [XmlArray] public List Items { get; set; } } public class ToolbarDefinition { [XmlArray] public List Items { get; set; } } public class TaskPaneDefinition { [XmlElement] public uint Width { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string InitialComponentID { get; set; } [XmlElement] public MenuDefinition TaskMenu { get; set; } } [XmlInclude(typeof(CommandItem))] [XmlInclude(typeof(SeparatorItem))] [XmlInclude(typeof(SubMenu))] public class ItemBase { } public class SeparatorItem : ItemBase { } public class SubMenu : ItemBase { public SubMenu() { } public SubMenu(string label) { this.Label = label; } [XmlElement] public string Label { get; set; } [XmlArray] public List Items { get; set; } } public class CommandItem : ItemBase { public CommandItem() { } public CommandItem(string componentId) { this.ComponentID = componentId; } public CommandItem(string componentId, bool showLabel) { this.ComponentID = componentId; this.ShowLabel = showLabel; } [XmlElement] public string ComponentID { get; set; } [XmlElement] public bool ShowLabel { get; set; } } public class ComponentDefinition { public ComponentDefinition() { this.Properties = new List(); } public ComponentDefinition(string typeName, string componentID) : base() { this.Assembly = null; this.ClassName = typeName; this.ComponentID = componentID; } [XmlElement] public string ComponentID { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string ClassName { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string Assembly { get; set; } [XmlArray] public List Properties { get; set; } } public class NameValue { public NameValue() { } public NameValue(string name, string value) { this.Name = name; this.Value = value; } [XmlElement] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlElement] public string Value { get; set; } } /// /// Defines the set of prefixes for serialized component property string values /// to hint at what type to deserialize this value as. CLR property values are /// serialized/deserialized as is without any need for prefixing. /// public class StringPrefixes { public const string MAPDEFINITION = "map:"; //NOXLATE public const string COMPONENTID = "component:"; //NOXLATE public const string COLOR = "color:"; //NOXLATE public const string ENUM = "enum:"; //NOXLATE public const string VIEWERID = "viewer:"; //NOXLATE public const string TASKPANEID = "taskpane:"; //NOXLATE } }