using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.Viewer { /// /// Viewer rendering options /// public class MgViewerRenderingOptions { public MgViewerRenderingOptions(string format, int behavior, MgColor color) { this.Format = format; this.Behavior = behavior; this.Color = color; } /// /// Gets the format. /// public string Format { get; private set; } /// /// Gets the behavior. /// public int Behavior { get; private set; } /// /// Gets the color. /// public MgColor Color { get; private set; } } /// /// A map viewer provider that handles the platform-specific implementation of the runtime map /// public abstract class MgMapViewerProvider { /// /// The runtime map /// protected MgMapBase _map; /// /// The resource service /// protected MgResourceService _resSvc; protected MgMapViewerProvider(MgMapBase map) { SubInit(); LoadMap(map); } protected virtual void SubInit() { } public MgMapBase GetMap() { return _map; } protected virtual void DisposeExistingMap() { if (_map != null) { _map.Dispose(); _map = null; } } public void LoadMap(MgMapBase map) { if (map == null) return; DisposeExistingMap(); _map = map; OnNewMapLoaded(map); var h = this.MapLoaded; if (h != null) h(this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual void OnNewMapLoaded(MgMapBase map) { } internal event EventHandler MapLoaded; /// /// The coordinate system factory /// protected MgCoordinateSystemFactory _csFact; /// /// Gets the coord sys factory. /// protected MgCoordinateSystemFactory CoordSysFactory { get { if (null == _csFact) _csFact = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); return _csFact; } } /// /// Gets the coordinate system for the map /// /// public MgCoordinateSystem GetMapCoordinateSystem() { return CoordSysFactory.Create(_map.GetMapSRS()); } private Dictionary _propertyMappings = new Dictionary(); internal NameValueCollection GetPropertyMappings(MgLayerBase layer) { MgResourceIdentifier resId = layer.GetLayerDefinition(); MgByteReader content = _resSvc.GetResourceContent(resId); string resIdStr = resId.ToString(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string xml = content.ToString(); doc.LoadXml(xml); XmlNodeList propMaps = doc.GetElementsByTagName("PropertyMapping"); //NOXLATE if (propMaps.Count > 0) { NameValueCollection propertyMappings = new NameValueCollection(); foreach (XmlNode pm in propMaps) { propertyMappings[pm["Name"].InnerText] = pm["Value"].InnerText; //NOXLATE } _propertyMappings[resIdStr] = propertyMappings; } return _propertyMappings[resIdStr]; } protected abstract MgSpatialContextReader GetSpatialContexts(MgLayerBase layer, bool activeOnly); public abstract MgMapBase CreateMap(MgResourceIdentifier mapDefinitionId, string name); public abstract MgByteReader RenderMap(MgSelectionBase selection, string format); public abstract MgByteReader RenderDynamicOverlay(MgSelectionBase selection, MgViewerRenderingOptions args); public abstract void SetDisplaySize(int width, int height); public abstract MgSelectionBase CreateSelectionForMap(); public abstract double GetMetersPerUnit(); public abstract void SetViewCenterXY(double x, double y); public abstract void ClearSelection(MgSelectionBase sel); public abstract void SetViewScale(double scale); public abstract void MakeGroupNormal(MgLayerGroup group); public abstract MgLayerBase CreateLayer(MgResourceIdentifier layerDefId); public abstract MgService CreateService(int serviceType); public abstract MgByteReader GenerateLegendImage(MgResourceIdentifier layerDefinition, double viewScale, int width, int height, string format, int geomType, int themeCategory); public abstract void SetGroupExpandInLegend(MgLayerGroup group, bool bExpanded); public abstract void SetLayerExpandInLegend(MgLayerBase layer, bool bExpanded); public abstract bool LayerHasTooltips(MgLayerBase layer); public abstract bool IsLayerPotentiallyVisibleAtScale(MgLayerBase layer, bool bConsiderParentGroupVisibility); public abstract MgTransientMapState CreateTransientState(MgMapBase map); public MgTransientMapState CreateTransientState() { return CreateTransientState(_map); } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public abstract MgQueryMapFeaturesResult QueryMapFeatures(MgQueryRequestType queryType, MgStringCollection layerNames, MgGeometry filterGeom, int selectionVariant, string featureFilter, int maxFeatures, int layerAttributeFilter); protected MgTooltipQueryResult MakeTooltip(string tooltip) { return new MgTooltipQueryResult(tooltip); } protected MgSelectionQueryResult MakeSelectionResult(MgSelectionBase sel) { return new MgSelectionQueryResult(sel); } } public abstract class MgQueryMapFeaturesResult { } public class MgTooltipQueryResult : MgQueryMapFeaturesResult { internal MgTooltipQueryResult(string tooltip) { this.Tooltip = tooltip; } public string Tooltip { get; private set; } } public class MgSelectionQueryResult : MgQueryMapFeaturesResult { internal MgSelectionQueryResult(MgSelectionBase newSelection) { this.Selection = newSelection; } public MgSelectionBase Selection { get; private set; } } public enum MgQueryRequestType { Tooltip, Selection } }