using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.Viewer { public abstract class MgTransientMapState : IDisposable { private Stack _states; protected MgMapDisplayParameters _origState; protected MgTransientMapState() { _states = new Stack(); } protected abstract MgMapDisplayParameters GetCurrentState(); protected abstract void ApplyViewCenter(double x, double y); protected abstract void ApplyViewScale(double scale); protected abstract void ApplyDisplaySize(int width, int height); protected abstract void ApplyDPI(int dpi); private void ApplyState(MgMapDisplayParameters state) { ApplyViewCenter(state.X, state.Y); ApplyViewScale(state.Scale); ApplyDisplaySize(state.Width, state.Height); if (state.DPI.HasValue) ApplyDPI(state.DPI.Value); } public int Depth { get { return _states.Count; } } /// /// Pushes the given state onto the map state stack. The map takes on the display parameters specified /// in this given state. /// /// public void PushState(MgMapDisplayParameters state) { if (state == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("state"); //NOXLATE var oldState = GetCurrentState(); ApplyState(state); _states.Push(new MgdMapStateTransition() { OldState = oldState, NewState = state }); } /// /// Pops the latest state from the map state stack. The map state is restored to /// the previously applied state. /// /// The state that was previously applied public MgMapDisplayParameters PopState() { if (_states.Count == 0) return null; var trans = _states.Pop(); ApplyState(trans.OldState); return trans.NewState; } public void Dispose() { while (_states.Count > 0) { this.PopState(); } ApplyState(_origState); } } public abstract class MgTransientMapState : MgTransientMapState where T : MgMapBase { protected T _map; protected MgTransientMapState(T map) { _map = map; _origState = GetCurrentState(); } protected override MgMapDisplayParameters GetCurrentState() { var pt = _map.ViewCenter; var coord = pt.Coordinate; return new MgMapDisplayParameters(coord.X, coord.Y, _map.ViewScale, _map.DisplayWidth, _map.DisplayHeight, _map.DisplayDpi); } } internal class MgdMapStateTransition { public MgMapDisplayParameters NewState { get; set; } public MgMapDisplayParameters OldState { get; set; } } /// /// Represents display parameters for a map /// public class MgMapDisplayParameters { public double X { get; private set; } public double Y { get; private set; } public double Scale { get; private set; } public int Width { get; private set; } public int Height { get; private set; } public int? DPI { get; private set; } public MgMapDisplayParameters(double x, double y, double scale, int width, int height) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Scale = scale; this.Width = width; this.Height = height; } public MgMapDisplayParameters(double x, double y, double scale, int width, int height, int dpi) : this(x, y, scale, width, height) { this.DPI = dpi; } } }