/* ========================================================================= * Copyright 2005-2007 Charlie Savage, cfis@interserv.com * * Interface for a SWIG generated geos module. * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * * ========================================================================= */ %module geos %include "attribute.i" %include "exception.i" %include "std_string.i" %include "std_vector.i" %include "std_except.i" %{ #include "geos_c.h" /* Needed for va_start, etc. */ #include %} /* Constants copied from geos_c.h. Would be nice to reuse the originals but we can't without exposing the whole c api. */ #define GEOS_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define GEOS_VERSION_MINOR 3 #define GEOS_VERSION_PATCH 5 #define GEOS_VERSION "3.3.5" #define GEOS_JTS_PORT "1.12.0" #define GEOS_CAPI_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define GEOS_CAPI_VERSION_MINOR 7 #define GEOS_CAPI_VERSION_PATCH 5 #define GEOS_CAPI_FIRST_INTERFACE GEOS_CAPI_VERSION_MAJOR #define GEOS_CAPI_LAST_INTERFACE (GEOS_CAPI_VERSION_MAJOR+GEOS_CAPI_VERSION_MINOR) #define GEOS_CAPI_VERSION "3.3.5-CAPI-1.7.5" /* Supported geometry types */ enum GEOSGeomTypes { GEOS_POINT, GEOS_LINESTRING, GEOS_LINEARRING, GEOS_POLYGON, GEOS_MULTIPOINT, GEOS_MULTILINESTRING, GEOS_MULTIPOLYGON, GEOS_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION }; enum GEOSByteOrders { GEOS_WKB_XDR = 0, /* Big Endian */ GEOS_WKB_NDR = 1 /* Little Endian */ }; /* From OffsetCurveSetBuilder.h for buffer operations. */ %{ static const int DEFAULT_QUADRANT_SEGMENTS=8; %} /* Message and Error Handling */ %{ /* This is not thread safe ! */ static const int MESSAGE_SIZE = 1000; static char message[MESSAGE_SIZE]; void noticeHandler(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(message, sizeof(message) - 1, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void errorHandler(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(message, sizeof(message) - 1, fmt, args); va_end(args); } %} /* First initialize geos */ %init %{ initGEOS(noticeHandler, errorHandler); %} /* Module level methods */ %rename("version") GEOSversion; const char *GEOSversion(); /* Exception handler */ %exception { try { $action } catch (const std::exception& e) { SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, e.what()); } } /* ============== Language Specific Files ============ */ /* Import language specific SWIG files. This allows each language to define its own renames as well as any special functionality such as language specific iterators for collections. Note that %include allows the included files to generate interface wrapper code while %import does not. Thus use %include since this is an important feature (for example, Ruby needs it to #undef the select macro) */ #ifdef SWIGPYTHON %include ../swig/python/python.i #endif #ifdef SWIGRUBY %include ../swig/ruby/ruby.i #endif // === CoordinateSequence === %{ typedef void GeosCoordinateSequence; void checkCoordSeqBounds(const GEOSCoordSeq coordSeq, const size_t index) { unsigned int size = 0; GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(coordSeq, &size); if (index < 0 || index >= size) throw std::runtime_error("Index out of bounds"); } %} %newobject GeosCoordinateSequence::clone; %rename (CoordinateSequence) GeosCoordinateSequence; class GeosCoordinateSequence { public: %extend { GeosCoordinateSequence(size_t size, size_t dims) { return (GeosCoordinateSequence*) GEOSCoordSeq_create(size, dims); } ~GeosCoordinateSequence() { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; return GEOSCoordSeq_destroy(coords); } GeosCoordinateSequence *clone() { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; return (GeosCoordinateSequence*) GEOSCoordSeq_clone(coords); } int setX(size_t idx, double val) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); return GEOSCoordSeq_setX(coords, idx, val); } int setY(size_t idx, double val) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); return GEOSCoordSeq_setY(coords, idx, val); } int setZ(size_t idx, double val) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); return GEOSCoordSeq_setZ(coords, idx, val); } int setOrdinate(size_t idx, size_t dim, double val) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); return GEOSCoordSeq_setOrdinate(coords, idx, dim, val); } double getX(size_t idx) { double result; GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); GEOSCoordSeq_getX(coords, idx, &result); return result; } double getY(size_t idx) { double result; GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); GEOSCoordSeq_getY(coords, idx, &result); return result; } double getZ(size_t idx) { double result; GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); GEOSCoordSeq_getZ(coords, idx, &result); return result; } double getOrdinate(size_t idx, size_t dim) { double result; GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; checkCoordSeqBounds(coords, idx); GEOSCoordSeq_getOrdinate(coords, idx, dim, &result); return result; } unsigned int getSize() { unsigned int result; GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(coords, &result); return result; } unsigned int getDimensions() { unsigned int result; GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) self; GEOSCoordSeq_getDimensions(coords, &result); return result; } } }; /* ======== Fake Classes to Create Geom Hierarchy ====== */ %rename(Geometry) GeosGeometry; %rename(Point) GeosPoint; %rename(LineString) GeosLineString; %rename(LinearRing) GeosLinearRing; %rename(Polygon) GeosPolygon; %rename(GeometryCollection) GeosGeometryCollection; %rename(MultiPoint) GeosMultiPoint; %rename(MultiLineString) GeosMultiLineString; %rename(MultiLinearRing) GeosMultiLinearRing; %rename(MultiPolygon) GeosMultiPolygon; %rename(WktReader) GeosWktReader; %rename(WktWriter) GeosWktWriter; %rename(WkbReader) GeosWkbReader; %rename(WkbWriter) GeosWkbWriter; %rename("union") GeosGeometry::geomUnion; %{ typedef void GeosGeometry; typedef void GeosPoint; typedef void GeosLineString; typedef void GeosLinearRing; typedef void GeosPolygon; typedef void GeosGeometryCollection; typedef void GeosMultiPoint; typedef void GeosMultiLineString; typedef void GeosMultiLinearRing; typedef void GeosMultiPolygon; typedef void GeosWktReader; typedef void GeosWktWriter; typedef void GeosWkbReader; typedef void GeosWkbWriter; %} %newobject GeosGeometry::intersection; %newobject GeosGeometry::buffer; %newobject GeosGeometry::convexHull; %newobject GeosGeometry::difference; %newobject GeosGeometry::symDifference; %newobject GeosGeometry::boundary; %newobject GeosGeometry::geomUnion; %newobject GeosGeometry::pointOnSurface; %newobject GeosGeometry::getCentroid; %newobject GeosGeometry::relate; %newobject GeosGeometry::lineMerge; %newobject GeosGeometry::simplify; %newobject GeosGeometry::topologyPreserveSimplify; %typemap(out) GeosGeometry* { /* %typemap(out) GeosGeometry */ if ($1 == NULL) SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, message); GeosGeometry *geom = $1; GEOSGeomTypes geomId = (GEOSGeomTypes)GEOSGeomTypeId((GEOSGeom) geom); switch (geomId) { case GEOS_POINT: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosPoint*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_LINESTRING: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosLineString*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_LINEARRING: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosLinearRing*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_POLYGON: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosPolygon*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_MULTIPOINT: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosMultiPoint*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_MULTILINESTRING: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosMultiLineString*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_MULTIPOLYGON: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosMultiPolygon*), 0 | $owner); break; case GEOS_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), $descriptor(GeosGeometryCollection*), 0 | $owner); break; } } /* Setup a default typemap for buffer. */ %typemap(default) int quadsegs { $1 = DEFAULT_QUADRANT_SEGMENTS; } %{ bool checkBoolResult(char result) { int intResult = (int) result; if (intResult == 1) return true; else if (intResult == 0) return false; else throw std::runtime_error(message); } %} %newobject GeosGeometry::clone; class GeosGeometry { private: GeosGeometry(); public: %extend { ~GeosGeometry() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } GeosGeometry *clone() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSGeom_clone(geom); } char *geomType() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSGeomType(geom); } int typeId() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSGeomTypeId(geom); } void normalize() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; int result = GEOSNormalize(geom); if (result == -1) throw std::runtime_error(message); } int getSRID() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSGetSRID(geom); } void setSRID(int SRID) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSSetSRID(geom, SRID); } size_t getDimensions() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSGeom_getDimensions(geom); } size_t getNumGeometries() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; size_t result = GEOSGetNumGeometries(geom); if ((int)result == -1) throw std::runtime_error(message); return result; } /* Topology Operations */ GeosGeometry *intersection(GeosGeometry *other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSIntersection(geom, otherGeom); } GeosGeometry *buffer(double width, int quadsegs) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSBuffer(geom, width, quadsegs); } GeosGeometry *convexHull() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSConvexHull(geom); } GeosGeometry *difference(GeosGeometry *other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSDifference(geom, otherGeom); } GeosGeometry *symDifference(GeosGeometry *other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSSymDifference(geom, otherGeom); } GeosGeometry *boundary() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSBoundary(geom); } GeosGeometry *geomUnion(GeosGeometry *other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSUnion(geom, otherGeom); } GeosGeometry *pointOnSurface() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSPointOnSurface(geom); } GeosGeometry *getCentroid() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSGetCentroid(geom); } GeosGeometry *getEnvelope() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSEnvelope(geom); } char *relate(GeosGeometry *other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return GEOSRelate(geom, otherGeom); } /* TODO - expose GEOSPolygonize*/ GeosGeometry *lineMerge() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return GEOSLineMerge(geom); } GeosGeometry *simplify(double tolerance) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSSimplify(geom, tolerance); } GeosGeometry *topologyPreserveSimplify(double tolerance) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return (GeosGeometry*) GEOSTopologyPreserveSimplify(geom, tolerance); } /* Binary predicates - return 2 on exception, 1 on true, 0 on false */ bool relatePattern(const GeosGeometry* other, const char *pat) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSRelatePattern(geom, otherGeom, pat)); } bool disjoint(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSDisjoint(geom, otherGeom)); } bool touches(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSTouches(geom, otherGeom)); } bool intersects(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSIntersects(geom, otherGeom)); } bool crosses(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSCrosses(geom, otherGeom)); } bool within(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSWithin(geom, otherGeom)); } bool contains(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSContains(geom, otherGeom)); } bool overlaps(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSOverlaps(geom, otherGeom)); } bool equals(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSEquals(geom, otherGeom)); } bool equalsExact(const GeosGeometry* other, double tolerance) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSEqualsExact(geom, otherGeom, tolerance)); } /* Unary predicate - return 2 on exception, 1 on true, 0 on false */ bool isEmpty() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return checkBoolResult(GEOSisEmpty(geom)); } bool isValid() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return checkBoolResult(GEOSisValid(geom)); } bool isSimple() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return checkBoolResult(GEOSisSimple(geom)); } bool isRing() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return checkBoolResult(GEOSisRing(geom)); } bool hasZ() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; return checkBoolResult(GEOSHasZ(geom)); } /* Miscellaneous Functions. Return 0 on exception, 1 otherwise */ double area() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; double result; int code = GEOSArea(geom, &result); if (code == 0) throw std::runtime_error(message); return result; } double length() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; double result; int code = GEOSLength(geom, &result); if (code == 0) throw std::runtime_error(message); return result; } double distance(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; double result; int code = GEOSDistance(geom, otherGeom, &result); if (code == 0) throw std::runtime_error(message); return result; } } }; class GeosPoint: public GeosGeometry { private: GeosPoint(); public: %extend { ~GeosPoint() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } const GeosCoordinateSequence* getCoordSeq() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; const GEOSCoordSeq result = (const GEOSCoordSeq) GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(geom); if (result == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (const GeosCoordinateSequence*) result; } } }; class GeosLineString: public GeosGeometry { public: %extend { ~GeosLineString() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } const GeosCoordinateSequence* getCoordSeq() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; const GEOSCoordSeq result = (const GEOSCoordSeq) GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(geom); if (result == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (const GeosCoordinateSequence*) result; } } }; class GeosLinearRing: public GeosGeometry { public: %extend { ~GeosLinearRing() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } const GeosCoordinateSequence* getCoordSeq() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; const GEOSCoordSeq result = (const GEOSCoordSeq) GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(geom); if (result == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (const GeosCoordinateSequence*) result; } } }; class GeosPolygon: public GeosGeometry { public: %extend { ~GeosPolygon() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } const GeosGeometry* getExteriorRing() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; const GEOSGeom result = (const GEOSGeom) GEOSGetExteriorRing(geom); if (result == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (const GeosGeometry*) result; } size_t getNumInteriorRings() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; size_t result = GEOSGetNumInteriorRings(geom); if ((int)result == -1) throw std::runtime_error(message); return result; } const GeosGeometry* getInteriorRingN(size_t n) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; size_t size = GEOSGetNumInteriorRings(geom); if (n < 0 || n >= size) throw std::runtime_error("Index out of bounds"); const GEOSGeom result = (const GEOSGeom) GEOSGetInteriorRingN(geom, n); if (result == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (const GeosGeometry*) result; } } }; class GeosGeometryCollection: public GeosGeometry { public: %extend { ~GeosGeometryCollection() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } const GeosGeometry* getGeometryN(size_t n) { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; const GEOSGeom result = (const GEOSGeom) GEOSGetGeometryN(geom, n); if (result == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (const GeosGeometry*) result; } } }; class GeosMultiPoint: public GeosGeometryCollection { public: %extend { ~GeosMultiPoint() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } } }; class GeosMultiLineString: public GeosGeometryCollection { public: %extend { ~GeosMultiLineString() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } } }; class GeosMultiLinearRing: public GeosGeometryCollection { public: %extend { ~GeosMultiLinearRing() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } } }; class GeosMultiPolygon: public GeosGeometryCollection { public: %extend { ~GeosMultiPolygon() { GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) self; GEOSGeom_destroy(geom); } } }; // ==== Geometry Constructors =========== %newobject createPoint; %newobject createLineString; %newobject createLinearRing; %newobject createPolygon; %apply SWIGTYPE *DISOWN {GeosCoordinateSequence *s}; %apply SWIGTYPE *DISOWN {GeosLinearRing *shell}; %typemap(default) (GeosLinearRing **holes, size_t nholes) { $1 = NULL; $2 = 0; } %inline %{ GeosGeometry *createPoint(GeosCoordinateSequence *s) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) s; GEOSGeom geom = GEOSGeom_createPoint(coords); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } GeosGeometry *createLineString(GeosCoordinateSequence *s) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) s; GEOSGeom geom = GEOSGeom_createLineString(coords); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } GeosGeometry *createLinearRing(GeosCoordinateSequence *s) { GEOSCoordSeq coords = (GEOSCoordSeq) s; GEOSGeom geom = GEOSGeom_createLinearRing(coords); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } GeosGeometry *createPolygon(GeosLinearRing *shell, GeosLinearRing **holes, size_t nholes) { GEOSGeom shellGeom = (GEOSGeom) shell; GEOSGeom* holeGeoms = (GEOSGeom*) holes; GEOSGeom geom = GEOSGeom_createPolygon(shellGeom, holeGeoms, nholes); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } %} /* * Second argument is an array of GEOSGeom objects. * The caller remains owner of the array, but pointed-to * objects become ownership of the returned GEOSGeom. extern GEOSGeom GEOS_DLL GEOSGeom_createCollection(int type, GEOSGeom *geoms, size_t ngeoms); */ %clear GeosCoordinateSequence *s; // === Prepared Geometry === %{ typedef void GeosPreparedGeometry; %} %rename (Prepared) GeosPreparedGeometry; class GeosPreparedGeometry { public: %extend { GeosPreparedGeometry(const GeosGeometry *source) { const GEOSPreparedGeometry *prep = GEOSPrepare((const GEOSGeometry *)source); if(prep == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosPreparedGeometry *) prep; } ~GeosPreparedGeometry() { GEOSPreparedGeometry *prep = (GEOSPreparedGeometry *) self; return GEOSPreparedGeom_destroy(prep); } bool contains (const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSPreparedGeometry *prep = (GEOSPreparedGeometry *) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSPreparedContains(prep, otherGeom)); } bool containsProperly(const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSPreparedGeometry *prep = (GEOSPreparedGeometry *) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSPreparedContainsProperly(prep, otherGeom)); } bool covers (const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSPreparedGeometry *prep = (GEOSPreparedGeometry *) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSPreparedCovers(prep, otherGeom)); } bool intersects (const GeosGeometry* other) { GEOSPreparedGeometry *prep = (GEOSPreparedGeometry *) self; GEOSGeom otherGeom = (GEOSGeom) other; return checkBoolResult(GEOSPreparedIntersects(prep, otherGeom)); } } }; // === STRtree === %{ typedef void GeosSTRtree; /* GeosIndexItem typedef'd here so it can be %typemap(typecheck)'d as a native object by each language specially */ typedef void *GeosIndexItem; typedef GEOSQueryCallback GeosQueryCallback; %} %rename (STRtree) GeosSTRtree; class GeosSTRtree { public: %extend { %typemap(default) int nodeCapacity { $1 = 10; }; GeosSTRtree(int nodeCapacity) { GEOSSTRtree *tree = GEOSSTRtree_create(nodeCapacity); if(tree == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosSTRtree *) tree; } ~GeosSTRtree() { GEOSSTRtree *tree = (GEOSSTRtree *) self; return GEOSSTRtree_destroy(tree); } void insert (const GeosGeometry* g, GeosIndexItem item) { GEOSSTRtree *tree = (GEOSSTRtree *) self; const GEOSGeometry *geom = (const GEOSGeometry *) g; GEOSSTRtree_insert(tree, geom, item); } void remove (const GeosGeometry* g, GeosIndexItem item) { GEOSSTRtree *tree = (GEOSSTRtree *) self; const GEOSGeometry *geom = (const GEOSGeometry *) g; GEOSSTRtree_remove(tree, geom, item); } void query (const GeosGeometry* g, GeosQueryCallback callback, GeosIndexItem accumulator) { GEOSSTRtree *tree = (GEOSSTRtree *) self; const GEOSGeometry *geom = (const GEOSGeometry *) g; GEOSSTRtree_query(tree, geom, callback, accumulator); } void iterate (GeosQueryCallback callback, GeosIndexItem accumulator) { GEOSSTRtree *tree = (GEOSSTRtree *) self; GEOSSTRtree_iterate(tree, callback, accumulator); } } }; // === Input/Output === /* This typemap allows the scripting language to pass in buffers to the geometry write methods. */ %typemap(in) (const unsigned char* wkb, size_t size) (int alloc = 0) { /* %typemap(in) (const unsigned char* wkb, size_t size) (int alloc = 0) */ if (SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize($input, (char**)&$1, &$2, &alloc) != SWIG_OK) SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, "Expecting a string"); /* Don't want to include last null character! */ $2--; } /* These three type maps are for geomToWKB and geomToHEX. We need to ignore the size input argument, then create a new string in the scripting language of the correct size, and then free the provided string. */ /* set the size parameter to a temporary variable. */ %typemap(in, numinputs=0) size_t *size (size_t temp = 0) { /* %typemap(in, numinputs=0) size_t *size (size_t temp = 0) */ $1 = &temp; } /* Disable SWIG's normally generated code so we can replace it with the argout typemap below. */ %typemap(out) unsigned char* { /* %typemap(out) unsigned char* */ } /* Create a new target string of the correct size. */ %typemap(argout) size_t *size { /* %typemap(argout) size_t *size */ $result = SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize((const char*)result, *$1); } /* Free the c-string returned by the function. */ %typemap(freearg) size_t *size { /* %typemap(freearg) size_t *size */ std::free(result); } %newobject GeosWktReader::read; class GeosWktReader { public: %extend { GeosWktReader() { return GEOSWKTReader_create(); } ~GeosWktReader() { GEOSWKTReader *reader = (GEOSWKTReader*) self; GEOSWKTReader_destroy(reader); } GeosGeometry* read(const char *wkt) { if(wkt == NULL) throw std::runtime_error("Trying to create geometry from a NULL string"); GEOSWKTReader *reader = (GEOSWKTReader*) self; GEOSGeometry *geom = GEOSWKTReader_read(reader, wkt); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } } }; class GeosWktWriter { public: %extend { GeosWktWriter() { return GEOSWKTWriter_create(); } ~GeosWktWriter() { GEOSWKTWriter *writer = (GEOSWKTWriter*) self; GEOSWKTWriter_destroy(writer); } char* write(const GeosGeometry* g) { GEOSWKTWriter *writer = (GEOSWKTWriter*) self; GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) g; return GEOSWKTWriter_write(writer, geom); } } }; %newobject GeosWkbReader::read; %newobject GeosWkbReader::readHEX; class GeosWkbReader { public: %extend { GeosWkbReader() { return GEOSWKBReader_create(); } ~GeosWkbReader() { GEOSWKBReader *reader = (GEOSWKBReader*) self; GEOSWKBReader_destroy(reader); } GeosGeometry* read(const unsigned char *wkb, size_t size) { if(wkb == NULL) throw std::runtime_error("Trying to create geometry from a NULL string"); GEOSWKBReader *reader = (GEOSWKBReader*) self; GEOSGeometry *geom = GEOSWKBReader_read(reader, wkb, size); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } GeosGeometry* readHEX(const unsigned char *wkb, size_t size) { if(wkb == NULL) throw std::runtime_error("Trying to create geometry from a NULL string"); GEOSWKBReader *reader = (GEOSWKBReader*) self; GEOSGeometry *geom = GEOSWKBReader_readHEX(reader, wkb, size); if(geom == NULL) throw std::runtime_error(message); return (GeosGeometry*) geom; } } }; class GeosWkbWriter { public: %extend { GeosWkbWriter() { return GEOSWKBWriter_create(); } ~GeosWkbWriter() { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; GEOSWKBWriter_destroy(writer); } int getOutputDimension() { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; return GEOSWKBWriter_getOutputDimension(writer); } void setOutputDimension(int newDimension) { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; GEOSWKBWriter_setOutputDimension(writer, newDimension); } int getByteOrder() { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; return GEOSWKBWriter_getByteOrder(writer); } void setByteOrder(int newByteOrder) { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; return GEOSWKBWriter_setByteOrder(writer, newByteOrder); } bool getIncludeSRID() { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; return GEOSWKBWriter_getIncludeSRID(writer); } void setIncludeSRID(bool newIncludeSRID) { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; return GEOSWKBWriter_setIncludeSRID(writer, newIncludeSRID); } unsigned char* write(const GeosGeometry* g, size_t *size) { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) g; return GEOSWKBWriter_write(writer, geom, size); } unsigned char* writeHEX(const GeosGeometry* g, size_t *size) { GEOSWKBWriter *writer = (GEOSWKBWriter*) self; GEOSGeom geom = (GEOSGeom) g; return GEOSWKBWriter_writeHEX(writer, geom, size); } } };