#!/usr/bin/env python #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup script for the bsddb3 package # BDB XML # Customized for building with BDB XML # For differences, compare to setup.py # end BDB XML import os import re import sys import glob try : from setuptools import setup, Extension except : from distutils.core import setup, Extension from distutils.dep_util import newer import distutils.ccompiler # read the module version number out of the .c file VERSION = None _ver_re = re.compile('^#\s*define\s+PY_BSDDB_VERSION\s+"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*)"') try: _srcFile = open('Modules/bsddb.h', 'r') except IOError: print "Could not open module source to read the version number." raise for line in _srcFile.readlines(): m = _ver_re.match(line) if m: VERSION = m.group(1) continue del _srcFile del _ver_re del m if not VERSION: raise RuntimeError, "could not find PY_BSDDB_VERSION in Modules/bsddb.h" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- debug = '--debug' in sys.argv or '-g' in sys.argv lflags_arg = [] if os.name == 'posix': # Allow setting the DB dir and additional link flags either in # the environment or on the command line. # First check the environment... BERKELEYDB_INCDIR = os.environ.get('BERKELEYDB_INCDIR', '') BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR = os.environ.get('BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR', '') BERKELEYDB_DIR = os.environ.get('BERKELEYDB_DIR', '') LFLAGS = os.environ.get('LFLAGS', []) LIBS = os.environ.get('LIBS', []) # ...then the command line. # Handle --berkeley-db=[PATH] and --lflags=[FLAGS] args = sys.argv[:] for arg in args: if arg.startswith('--berkeley-db-incdir='): BERKELEYDB_INCDIR = arg.split('=')[1] sys.argv.remove(arg) if arg.startswith('--berkeley-db-libdir='): BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR = arg.split('=')[1] sys.argv.remove(arg) if arg.startswith('--berkeley-db='): BERKELEYDB_DIR = arg.split('=')[1] sys.argv.remove(arg) elif arg.startswith('--lflags='): LFLAGS = arg.split('=')[1].split() sys.argv.remove(arg) elif arg.startswith('--libs='): LIBS = arg.split('=')[1].split() sys.argv.remove(arg) if LFLAGS or LIBS: lflags_arg = LFLAGS + LIBS # BDB XML -- default to the default install area. # this bypasses the searching code, just below if not BERKELEYDB_DIR: BERKELEYDB_DIR = "../../../../install" # end BDB XML # If we were not told where it is, go looking for it. dblib = 'db' incdir = libdir = None if not BERKELEYDB_DIR and not BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR and not BERKELEYDB_INCDIR: # NOTE: when updating these, also change the tuples in the for loops below max_db_ver = (4, 7) min_db_ver = (4, 3) # BDB XML - min version is 4.3 # construct a list of paths to look for the header file in on # top of the normal inc_dirs. db_inc_paths = [ '/usr/include/db4', '/usr/local/include/db4', '/opt/sfw/include/db4', '/sw/include/db4', '/usr/include/db3', '/usr/local/include/db3', '/opt/sfw/include/db3', '/sw/include/db3', ] # 4.x minor number specific paths for x in range(max_db_ver[1]+1): db_inc_paths.append('/usr/include/db4%d' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.%d/include' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/include/db4%d' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/pkg/db-4.%d/include' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/opt/db-4.%d/include' % x) # 3.x minor number specific paths for x in (2,3): db_inc_paths.append('/usr/include/db3%d' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.%d/include' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/usr/local/include/db3%d' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/pkg/db-3.%d/include' % x) db_inc_paths.append('/opt/db-3.%d/include' % x) db_ver_inc_map = {} class db_found(Exception): pass try: # this CCompiler object is only used to locate include files compiler = distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler() lib_dirs = compiler.library_dirs + [ '/lib64', '/usr/lib64', '/lib', '/usr/lib', ] inc_dirs = compiler.include_dirs + ['/usr/include'] # See whether there is a Oracle or Sleepycat header in the standard # search path. for d in inc_dirs + db_inc_paths: f = os.path.join(d, "db.h") if debug: print "db: looking for db.h in", f if os.path.exists(f): f = open(f).read() m = re.search(r"#define\WDB_VERSION_MAJOR\W(\d+)", f) if m: db_major = int(m.group(1)) m = re.search(r"#define\WDB_VERSION_MINOR\W(\d+)", f) db_minor = int(m.group(1)) db_ver = (db_major, db_minor) if ( (not db_ver_inc_map.has_key(db_ver)) and (db_ver <= max_db_ver and db_ver >= min_db_ver) ): # save the include directory with the db.h version # (first occurrance only) db_ver_inc_map[db_ver] = d if debug: print "db.h: found", db_ver, "in", d else: # we already found a header for this library version if debug: print "db.h: ignoring", d else: # ignore this header, it didn't contain a version number if debug: print "db.h: unsupported version", db_ver, "in", d db_found_vers = db_ver_inc_map.keys() db_found_vers.sort() while db_found_vers: db_ver = db_found_vers.pop() db_incdir = db_ver_inc_map[db_ver] # check lib directories parallel to the location of the header db_dirs_to_check = [ os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', 'lib64'), os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', 'lib'), os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', '..', 'lib64'), os.path.join(db_incdir, '..', '..', 'lib'), ] db_dirs_to_check = filter(os.path.isdir, db_dirs_to_check) # Look for a version specific db-X.Y before an ambiguoius dbX # XXX should we -ever- look for a dbX name? Do any # systems really not name their library by version and # symlink to more general names? for dblib in (('db-%d.%d' % db_ver), ('db%d' % db_ver[0])): dblib_file = compiler.find_library_file( db_dirs_to_check + lib_dirs, dblib ) if dblib_file: db_libdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(dblib_file)) raise db_found else: if debug: print "db lib: ", dblib, "not found" except db_found: print "Found BerkeleyDB %d.%d installation." % db_ver print " include files in", db_incdir print " library files in", db_libdir print " library name is lib"+dblib if debug: print "db: lib dir", db_libdir, "inc dir", db_incdir incdir = db_incdir libdir = db_libdir else: # this means BerkeleyDB could not be found pass if BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR or BERKELEYDB_INCDIR: libdir = BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR or None incdir = BERKELEYDB_INCDIR or None if not BERKELEYDB_DIR and not incdir and not libdir: print "Can't find a local BerkeleyDB installation." print "(suggestion: try the --berkeley-db=/path/to/bsddb option)" sys.exit(1) # figure out from the base setting where the lib and .h are if not incdir: incdir = os.path.join(BERKELEYDB_DIR, 'include') if not libdir: libdir = os.path.join(BERKELEYDB_DIR, 'lib') if not '-ldb' in LIBS: libname = [dblib] else: if debug: print "LIBS already contains '-ldb' not adding our own", "'-l"+dblib+"'" libname = [] utils = [] data = [] # BDB XML # Test if the old bsddb is built-in static = 0 try: import bsddb if str(bsddb).find('built-in') >= 0: static = 1 except ImportError: pass # On Un*x, double check that no other built-in module pulls libdb in as a # side-effect. TBD: how/what to do on other platforms? fp = os.popen('ldd %s 2>&1' % sys.executable) results = fp.read() status = fp.close() if not status and results.find('libdb.') >= 0: static = 1 if static: print """\ \aWARNING: \tIt appears that the old bsddb module is staticly linked in the \tPython executable. This will cause various random problems for \tbsddb3, up to and including segfaults. Please rebuild your \tPython either with bsddb disabled, or with it built as a shared \tdynamic extension. Watch out for other modules (e.g. dbm) that create \tdependencies in the python executable to libdb as a side effect.""" st = raw_input("Build anyway? (yes/[no]) ") if st != "yes": sys.exit(1) # BDB XML -- setup() call is platform-specific (*nix vs Windows) # do the actual build, install, whatever... setup(name = 'bsddb3', version = VERSION, description = 'Python interface for BerkeleyDB', long_description = """\ This module provides a nearly complete wrapping of the Oracle/Sleepycat C API for the Database Environment, Database, Cursor, and Transaction objects, and each of these is exposed as a Python type in the bsddb3.db module. The databse objects can use various access methods: btree, hash, recno, and queue. Please see the documents in the docs directory of the source distribution or at the website for more details on the types and methods provided. The goal is the mirror most of the real BerkeleyDB API so fall back to the Oracle BerkeleyDB documentation as appropriate. Not everything API supported has been documented in the included docs.""", author = 'Jesus Cea, Robin Dunn, Gregory P. Smith, Andrew Kuchling, Barry Warsaw', author_email = 'pybsddb@argo.es', url = 'http://www.argo.es/~jcea/programacion/pybsddb.htm', packages = ['bsddb3', 'bsddb3/tests'], package_dir = {'bsddb3': 'Lib/bsddb', 'bsddb3/tests': 'Lib/bsddb/test'}, ext_modules = [Extension('bsddb3._pybsddb', sources = ['Modules/_bsddb.c'], depends = ['Modules/bsddb.h'], include_dirs = [ incdir ], define_macros = [('PYBSDDB_STANDALONE', 1)], library_dirs = [ libdir ], runtime_library_dirs = [ libdir ], libraries = libname, extra_link_args = lflags_arg, )], data_files = data, # data_files = utils, (BDB XML) classifiers = [ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Natural Language :: Spanish', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Database', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: System :: Clustering', ], ) # end BDB XML elif os.name == 'nt': # The default build of Berkeley DB for windows just leaves # everything in the build dirs in the db source tree. That means # that we either have to hunt around to find it, (which would be # even more difficult than the mess above for Unix...) or we make # the builder specify everything here. Compounding the problem is # version numbers in default path names, and different library # names for debug/release or dll/static. # # So to make things easier, I'm just going to exepect that the DB stuff # has been moved to the ./db directory. There's an updatedb.bat file to # help. # # You'll need to edit the project file that comes with Berkeley DB so it # uses "Multithreaded DLL" and "Debug Multithreaded DLL" (/MD and /MDd) # settings as appropriate to build .lib file (the db_static project). # BDB XML -- hard-code paths incdir = '../../../../include' libdir = '../../../../lib' #incdir = 'db/include' #libdir = 'db/lib' # end BDB XML # read db.h to figure out what version of Berkeley DB this is ver = None db_h_lines = open(os.path.join(incdir, 'db.h'), 'r').readlines() db_ver_re = re.compile( r'^#define\s+DB_VERSION_STRING\s.*Berkeley DB (\d+\.\d+).*') for line in db_h_lines: match = db_ver_re.match(line) if not match: continue fullverstr = match.group(1) ver = fullverstr[0] + fullverstr[2] # 31 == 3.1, 32 == 3.2, etc. assert ver in ('33', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48'), ( "pybsddb untested with this Berkeley DB version", ver) print 'Detected BerkeleyDB version', ver, 'from db.h' if debug: # BDB XML -- extra info, and build dynamic bindir = '../../../../bin/debug' libname = ['libdb%sd' % ver] # Debug, dynamic data = [("",["../../../../bin/debug/libdb%sd.dll" %ver])] #libname = ['libdb%ssd' % ver] # Debug, static else: bindir = '../../../../bin' libname = ['libdb%s' % ver] # Release, dynamic data = [("",["../../../../bin/libdb%s.dll" %ver])] #libname = ['libdb%ss' % ver] # Release, static # end BDB XML utils = [("bsddb3/utils", ["db/bin/db_archive.exe", "db/bin/db_checkpoint.exe", "db/bin/db_deadlock.exe", "db/bin/db_dump.exe", "db/bin/db_load.exe", "db/bin/db_printlog.exe", "db/bin/db_recover.exe", "db/bin/db_stat.exe", "db/bin/db_upgrade.exe", "db/bin/db_verify.exe", "db/bin/libdb%s.dll" % ver, ]), ("bsddb3/test", glob.glob("test/*.py")) ] # BDB XML -- windows-specific setup() # do the actual build, install, whatever... setup(name = 'bsddb3', version = VERSION, description = 'Python interface for BerkeleyDB', long_description = """\ This module provides a nearly complete wrapping of the Oracle/Sleepycat C API for the Database Environment, Database, Cursor, and Transaction objects, and each of these is exposed as a Python type in the bsddb3.db module. The databse objects can use various access methods: btree, hash, recno, and queue. Please see the documents in the docs directory of the source distribution or at the website for more details on the types and methods provided. The goal is the mirror most of the real BerkeleyDB API so fall back to the Oracle BerkeleyDB documentation as appropriate. Not everything API supported has been documented in the included docs.""", author = 'Jesus Cea, Robin Dunn, Gregory P. Smith, Andrew Kuchling, Barry Warsaw', author_email = 'pybsddb@argo.es', url = 'http://www.argo.es/~jcea/programacion/pybsddb.htm', #packages = ['bsddb3', 'bsddb3/tests'], packages = ['bsddb3'], #package_dir = {'bsddb3': 'Lib/bsddb', # 'bsddb3/tests': 'Lib/bsddb/test'}, package_dir = {'bsddb3': 'Lib/bsddb'}, ext_modules = [Extension('bsddb3._pybsddb', sources = ['Modules/_bsddb.c'], depends = ['Modules/bsddb.h'], include_dirs = [ incdir ], define_macros = [('PYBSDDB_STANDALONE', 1)], library_dirs = [ libdir ], libraries = libname, extra_link_args = lflags_arg, )], #data_files = utils, data_files = data, classifiers = [ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Natural Language :: Spanish', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Database', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: System :: Clustering', ], ) # end BDB XML