#!/usr/bin/env python """ This program checks all the matrix formed by several Python and Berkeley DB versions. This code is only intented to be used by the maintainer, just before a pybsddb release, to verify compatibility and regresions. It contains local details only applicable to maintainer. If you try it as is, it would fail. """ def do_matrix_check() : python_versions=("2.3","2.4","2.5","2.6","2.7","3.0","3.1","3.2") berkeleydb_versions=("4.1","4.2","4.3","4.4","4.5","4.6","4.7","4.8") import subprocess for py in python_versions : for bdb in berkeleydb_versions : print print "*** Testing bindings for Python %s and Berkeley DB %s" %(py,bdb) params = [] if float(py)<=2.999 else ["-bb"] params += ["setup.py", "-q", \ "--berkeley-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB."+bdb,"build", "-f"] ret=subprocess.call(["/usr/local/bin/python"+py] + params) if ret : print print ">>> Testsuite skipped" print else : params = [] if float(py)<=2.999 else ["-bb"] params += ["test.py","-p"] subprocess.call(["/usr/local/bin/python"+py] + params) if __name__=="__main__" : print __doc__ do_matrix_check()